path: root/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs
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authorRichard Eisenberg <>2015-12-11 18:19:53 -0500
committerRichard Eisenberg <>2015-12-11 18:23:12 -0500
commit6746549772c5cc0ac66c0fce562f297f4d4b80a2 (patch)
tree96869fcfb5757651462511d64d99a3712f09e7fb /compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs
parent6e56ac58a6905197412d58e32792a04a63b94d7e (diff)
Add kind equalities to GHC.
This implements the ideas originally put forward in "System FC with Explicit Kind Equality" (ICFP'13). There are several noteworthy changes with this patch: * We now have casts in types. These change the kind of a type. See new constructor `CastTy`. * All types and all constructors can be promoted. This includes GADT constructors. GADT pattern matches take place in type family equations. In Core, types can now be applied to coercions via the `CoercionTy` constructor. * Coercions can now be heterogeneous, relating types of different kinds. A coercion proving `t1 :: k1 ~ t2 :: k2` proves both that `t1` and `t2` are the same and also that `k1` and `k2` are the same. * The `Coercion` type has been significantly enhanced. The documentation in `docs/core-spec/core-spec.pdf` reflects the new reality. * The type of `*` is now `*`. No more `BOX`. * Users can write explicit kind variables in their code, anywhere they can write type variables. For backward compatibility, automatic inference of kind-variable binding is still permitted. * The new extension `TypeInType` turns on the new user-facing features. * Type families and synonyms are now promoted to kinds. This causes trouble with parsing `*`, leading to the somewhat awkward new `HsAppsTy` constructor for `HsType`. This is dispatched with in the renamer, where the kind `*` can be told apart from a type-level multiplication operator. Without `-XTypeInType` the old behavior persists. With `-XTypeInType`, you need to import `Data.Kind` to get `*`, also known as `Type`. * The kind-checking algorithms in TcHsType have been significantly rewritten to allow for enhanced kinds. * The new features are still quite experimental and may be in flux. * TODO: Several open tickets: #11195, #11196, #11197, #11198, #11203. * TODO: Update user manual. Tickets addressed: #9017, #9173, #7961, #10524, #8566, #11142. Updates Haddock submodule.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 171 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs b/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs
index 724da24875..ca2d49d9e3 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ import CoreUtils
import CoreArity ( etaExpand )
import CoreUnfold
import CoreFVs
-import UniqSupply
import Digraph
import PrelNames
@@ -44,10 +43,8 @@ import TyCon
import TcEvidence
import TcType
import Type
-import Kind( isKind )
-import Coercion hiding (substCo)
-import TysWiredIn ( eqBoxDataCon, coercibleDataCon, mkListTy
- , mkBoxedTupleTy, charTy
+import Coercion
+import TysWiredIn ( mkListTy, mkBoxedTupleTy, charTy
, typeNatKind, typeSymbolKind )
import Id
import MkId(proxyHashId)
@@ -55,7 +52,6 @@ import Class
import DataCon ( dataConTyCon )
import Name
import IdInfo ( IdDetails(..) )
-import Var
import VarSet
import Rules
import VarEnv
@@ -70,7 +66,7 @@ import DynFlags
import FastString
import Util
import MonadUtils
-import Control.Monad(liftM,when,foldM)
+import Control.Monad
* *
@@ -182,7 +178,7 @@ dsHsBind dflags
; (spec_binds, rules) <- dsSpecs rhs prags
- ; let global' = addIdSpecialisations global rules
+ ; let global' = addIdSpecialisations global rules
main_bind = makeCorePair dflags global' (isDefaultMethod prags)
(dictArity dicts) rhs
@@ -243,12 +239,14 @@ dsHsBind dflags
-- the inline pragma from the source
-- The type checker put the inline pragma
-- on the *global* Id, so we need to transfer it
- inline_env = mkVarEnv [ (lcl_id, setInlinePragma lcl_id prag)
- | ABE { abe_mono = lcl_id, abe_poly = gbl_id } <- exports
- , let prag = idInlinePragma gbl_id ]
+ inline_env
+ = mkVarEnv [ (lcl_id, setInlinePragma lcl_id prag)
+ | ABE { abe_mono = lcl_id, abe_poly = gbl_id } <- exports
+ , let prag = idInlinePragma gbl_id ]
add_inline :: Id -> Id -- tran
- add_inline lcl_id = lookupVarEnv inline_env lcl_id `orElse` lcl_id
+ add_inline lcl_id = lookupVarEnv inline_env lcl_id
+ `orElse` lcl_id
global_env :: IdEnv Id -- Maps local Id to its global exported Id
global_env =
@@ -797,18 +795,23 @@ decomposeRuleLhs orig_bndrs orig_lhs
-- which in turn makes wrap_lets work right
split_lets :: CoreExpr -> ([(DictId,CoreExpr)], CoreExpr)
- split_lets e
- | Let (NonRec d r) body <- e
- , isDictId d
- , (bs, body') <- split_lets body
+ split_lets (Let (NonRec d r) body)
+ | isDictId d
= ((d,r):bs, body')
- | otherwise
- = ([], e)
+ where (bs, body') = split_lets body
+ -- handle "unlifted lets" too, needed for "map/coerce"
+ split_lets (Case r d _ [(DEFAULT, _, body)])
+ | isCoVar d
+ = ((d,r):bs, body')
+ where (bs, body') = split_lets body
+ split_lets e = ([], e)
wrap_lets :: VarSet -> [(DictId,CoreExpr)] -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
wrap_lets _ [] body = body
wrap_lets needed ((d, r) : bs) body
- | rhs_fvs `intersectsVarSet` needed = Let (NonRec d r) (wrap_lets needed' bs body)
+ | rhs_fvs `intersectsVarSet` needed = mkCoreLet (NonRec d r) (wrap_lets needed' bs body)
| otherwise = wrap_lets needed bs body
rhs_fvs = exprFreeVars r
@@ -946,7 +949,6 @@ confused. Likewise it might have an InlineRule or something, which would be
utterly bogus. So we really make a fresh Id, with the same unique and type
as the old one, but with an Internal name and no IdInfo.
* *
Desugaring evidence
@@ -966,8 +968,8 @@ dsHsWrapper (WpFun c1 c2 t1 _) e = do { x <- newSysLocalDs t1
; e1 <- dsHsWrapper c1 (Var x)
; e2 <- dsHsWrapper c2 (mkCoreAppDs (text "dsHsWrapper") e e1)
; return (Lam x e2) }
-dsHsWrapper (WpCast co) e = ASSERT(tcCoercionRole co == Representational)
- dsTcCoercion co (mkCastDs e)
+dsHsWrapper (WpCast co) e = ASSERT(coercionRole co == Representational)
+ return $ mkCastDs e co
dsHsWrapper (WpEvLam ev) e = return $ Lam ev e
dsHsWrapper (WpTyLam tv) e = return $ Lam tv e
dsHsWrapper (WpEvApp tm) e = liftM (App e) (dsEvTerm tm)
@@ -985,22 +987,12 @@ dsTcEvBinds (EvBinds bs) = dsEvBinds bs
dsEvBinds :: Bag EvBind -> DsM [CoreBind]
dsEvBinds bs = mapM ds_scc (sccEvBinds bs)
- ds_scc (AcyclicSCC (EvBind { eb_lhs = v, eb_rhs = r }))
+ ds_scc (AcyclicSCC (EvBind { eb_lhs = v, eb_rhs = r}))
= liftM (NonRec v) (dsEvTerm r)
- ds_scc (CyclicSCC bs) = liftM Rec (mapM ds_pair bs)
- ds_pair (EvBind { eb_lhs = v, eb_rhs = r }) = liftM ((,) v) (dsEvTerm r)
-sccEvBinds :: Bag EvBind -> [SCC EvBind]
-sccEvBinds bs = stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVertices edges
- where
- edges :: [(EvBind, EvVar, [EvVar])]
- edges = foldrBag ((:) . mk_node) [] bs
- mk_node :: EvBind -> (EvBind, EvVar, [EvVar])
- mk_node b@(EvBind { eb_lhs = var, eb_rhs = term })
- = (b, var, varSetElems (evVarsOfTerm term))
+ ds_scc (CyclicSCC bs) = liftM Rec (mapM dsEvBind bs)
+dsEvBind :: EvBind -> DsM (Id, CoreExpr)
+dsEvBind (EvBind { eb_lhs = v, eb_rhs = r}) = liftM ((,) v) (dsEvTerm r)
* *
@@ -1017,24 +1009,24 @@ dsEvTerm (EvLit (EvStr s)) = mkStringExprFS s
dsEvTerm (EvCast tm co)
= do { tm' <- dsEvTerm tm
- ; dsTcCoercion co $ mkCastDs tm' }
- -- 'v' is always a lifted evidence variable so it is
- -- unnecessary to call varToCoreExpr v here.
+ ; return $ mkCastDs tm' co }
dsEvTerm (EvDFunApp df tys tms)
- = return (Var df `mkTyApps` tys `mkApps` (map Var tms))
-dsEvTerm (EvCoercion (TcCoVarCo v)) = return (Var v) -- See Note [Simple coercions]
-dsEvTerm (EvCoercion co) = dsTcCoercion co mkEqBox
+ = do { tms' <- mapM dsEvTerm tms
+ ; return $ Var df `mkTyApps` tys `mkApps` tms' }
+dsEvTerm (EvCoercion co) = return (Coercion co)
dsEvTerm (EvSuperClass d n)
= do { d' <- dsEvTerm d
; let (cls, tys) = getClassPredTys (exprType d')
sc_sel_id = classSCSelId cls n -- Zero-indexed
; return $ Var sc_sel_id `mkTyApps` tys `App` d' }
-dsEvTerm (EvDelayedError ty msg)
- = return $ Var errorId `mkTyApps` [ty] `mkApps` [litMsg]
+dsEvTerm (EvDelayedError ty msg) = return $ dsEvDelayedError ty msg
+dsEvDelayedError :: Type -> FastString -> CoreExpr
+dsEvDelayedError ty msg
+ = Var errorId `mkTyApps` [getLevity "dsEvTerm" ty, ty] `mkApps` [litMsg]
errorId = tYPE_ERROR_ID
litMsg = Lit (MachStr (fastStringToByteString msg))
@@ -1071,10 +1063,9 @@ dsEvTypeable ty ev
ds_ev_typeable :: Type -> EvTypeable -> DsM CoreExpr
-- Returns a CoreExpr :: TypeRep ty
-ds_ev_typeable ty EvTypeableTyCon
+ds_ev_typeable ty (EvTypeableTyCon evs)
| Just (tc, ks) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty
- = ASSERT( all isKind ks )
- do { ctr <- dsLookupGlobalId mkPolyTyConAppName
+ = do { ctr <- dsLookupGlobalId mkPolyTyConAppName
-- mkPolyTyConApp :: TyCon -> [KindRep] -> [TypeRep] -> TypeRep
; tyRepTc <- dsLookupTyCon typeRepTyConName -- TypeRep (the TyCon)
; let tyRepType = mkTyConApp tyRepTc [] -- TypeRep (the Type)
@@ -1083,15 +1074,9 @@ ds_ev_typeable ty EvTypeableTyCon
, mkListExpr tyRepType kReps
, mkListExpr tyRepType tReps ]
- kindRep k -- Returns CoreExpr :: TypeRep for that kind k
- = case splitTyConApp_maybe k of
- Nothing -> panic "dsEvTypeable: not a kind constructor"
- Just (kc,ks) -> do { kcRep <- tyConRep kc
- ; reps <- mapM kindRep ks
- ; return (mkRep kcRep [] reps) }
; tcRep <- tyConRep tc
- ; kReps <- mapM kindRep ks
+ ; kReps <- zipWithM getRep evs ks
; return (mkRep tcRep kReps []) }
ds_ev_typeable ty (EvTypeableTyApp ev1 ev2)
@@ -1213,119 +1198,3 @@ dsEvCallStack cs = do
EvCsTop name loc tm -> mkPush name loc tm
EvCsPushCall name loc tm -> mkPush (occNameFS $ getOccName name) loc tm
EvCsEmpty -> panic "Cannot have an empty CallStack"
-* *
- Desugaring Coercions
-* *
-dsTcCoercion :: TcCoercion -> (Coercion -> CoreExpr) -> DsM CoreExpr
--- This is the crucial function that moves
--- from TcCoercions to Coercions; see Note [TcCoercions] in Coercion
--- e.g. dsTcCoercion (trans g1 g2) k
--- = case g1 of EqBox g1# ->
--- case g2 of EqBox g2# ->
--- k (trans g1# g2#)
--- thing_inside will get a coercion at the role requested
-dsTcCoercion co thing_inside
- = do { us <- newUniqueSupply
- ; let eqvs_covs :: [(EqVar,CoVar)]
- eqvs_covs = zipWith mk_co_var (varSetElems (coVarsOfTcCo co))
- (uniqsFromSupply us)
- subst = mkCvSubst emptyInScopeSet [(eqv, mkCoVarCo cov) | (eqv, cov) <- eqvs_covs]
- result_expr = thing_inside (ds_tc_coercion subst co)
- result_ty = exprType result_expr
- ; return (foldr (wrap_in_case result_ty) result_expr eqvs_covs) }
- where
- mk_co_var :: Id -> Unique -> (Id, Id)
- mk_co_var eqv uniq = (eqv, mkUserLocal occ uniq ty loc)
- where
- eq_nm = idName eqv
- occ = nameOccName eq_nm
- loc = nameSrcSpan eq_nm
- ty = mkCoercionType (getEqPredRole (evVarPred eqv)) ty1 ty2
- (ty1, ty2) = getEqPredTys (evVarPred eqv)
- wrap_in_case result_ty (eqv, cov) body
- = case getEqPredRole (evVarPred eqv) of
- Nominal -> Case (Var eqv) eqv result_ty [(DataAlt eqBoxDataCon, [cov], body)]
- Representational -> Case (Var eqv) eqv result_ty [(DataAlt coercibleDataCon, [cov], body)]
- Phantom -> panic "wrap_in_case/phantom"
-ds_tc_coercion :: CvSubst -> TcCoercion -> Coercion
--- If the incoming TcCoercion if of type (a ~ b) (resp. Coercible a b)
--- the result is of type (a ~# b) (reps. a ~# b)
--- The VarEnv maps EqVars of type (a ~ b) to Coercions of type (a ~# b) (resp. and so on)
--- No need for InScope set etc because the
-ds_tc_coercion subst tc_co
- = go tc_co
- where
- go (TcRefl r ty) = Refl r (Coercion.substTy subst ty)
- go (TcTyConAppCo r tc cos) = mkTyConAppCo r tc (map go cos)
- go (TcAppCo co1 co2) = mkAppCo (go co1) (go co2)
- go (TcForAllCo tv co) = mkForAllCo tv' (ds_tc_coercion subst' co)
- where
- (subst', tv') = Coercion.substTyVarBndr subst tv
- go (TcAxiomInstCo ax ind cos)
- = AxiomInstCo ax ind (map go cos)
- go (TcPhantomCo ty1 ty2) = UnivCo (fsLit "ds_tc_coercion") Phantom ty1 ty2
- go (TcSymCo co) = mkSymCo (go co)
- go (TcTransCo co1 co2) = mkTransCo (go co1) (go co2)
- go (TcNthCo n co) = mkNthCo n (go co)
- go (TcLRCo lr co) = mkLRCo lr (go co)
- go (TcSubCo co) = mkSubCo (go co)
- go (TcLetCo bs co) = ds_tc_coercion (ds_co_binds bs) co
- go (TcCastCo co1 co2) = mkCoCast (go co1) (go co2)
- go (TcCoVarCo v) = ds_ev_id subst v
- go (TcAxiomRuleCo co ts cs) = AxiomRuleCo co (map (Coercion.substTy subst) ts) (map go cs)
- go (TcCoercion co) = co
- ds_co_binds :: TcEvBinds -> CvSubst
- ds_co_binds (EvBinds bs) = foldl ds_scc subst (sccEvBinds bs)
- ds_co_binds eb@(TcEvBinds {}) = pprPanic "ds_co_binds" (ppr eb)
- ds_scc :: CvSubst -> SCC EvBind -> CvSubst
- ds_scc subst (AcyclicSCC (EvBind { eb_lhs = v, eb_rhs = ev_term }))
- = extendCvSubstAndInScope subst v (ds_co_term subst ev_term)
- ds_scc _ (CyclicSCC other) = pprPanic "ds_scc:cyclic" (ppr other $$ ppr tc_co)
- ds_co_term :: CvSubst -> EvTerm -> Coercion
- ds_co_term subst (EvCoercion tc_co) = ds_tc_coercion subst tc_co
- ds_co_term subst (EvId v) = ds_ev_id subst v
- ds_co_term subst (EvCast tm co) = mkCoCast (ds_co_term subst tm) (ds_tc_coercion subst co)
- ds_co_term _ other = pprPanic "ds_co_term" (ppr other $$ ppr tc_co)
- ds_ev_id :: CvSubst -> EqVar -> Coercion
- ds_ev_id subst v
- | Just co <- Coercion.lookupCoVar subst v = co
- | otherwise = pprPanic "ds_tc_coercion" (ppr v $$ ppr tc_co)
-Note [Simple coercions]
-We have a special case for coercions that are simple variables.
-Suppose cv :: a ~ b is in scope
-Lacking the special case, if we see
- f a b cv
-we'd desguar to
- f a b (case cv of EqBox (cv# :: a ~# b) -> EqBox cv#)
-which is a bit stupid. The special case does the obvious thing.
-This turns out to be important when desugaring the LHS of a RULE
-(see Trac #7837). Suppose we have
- normalise :: (a ~ Scalar a) => a -> a
- normalise_Double :: Double -> Double
- {-# RULES "normalise" normalise = normalise_Double #-}
-Then the RULE we want looks like
- forall a, (cv:a~Scalar a).
- normalise a cv = normalise_Double
-But without the special case we generate the redundant box/unbox,
-which simpleOpt (currently) doesn't remove. So the rule never matches.
-Maybe simpleOpt should be smarter. But it seems like a good plan
-to simply never generate the redundant box/unbox in the first place.