path: root/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs
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authorJoachim Breitner <>2018-01-26 11:50:48 -0500
committerJoachim Breitner <>2018-01-26 11:50:48 -0500
commit0e022e56b130ab9d277965b794e70d8d3fb29533 (patch)
tree9ed3ae9e1e88095c37d3b9035ddc82756533a81e /compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs
parent40c753f14b314e74723465e6f79316657307f373 (diff)
Turn EvTerm (almost) into CoreExpr (#14691)
Ideally, I'd like to do type EvTerm = CoreExpr and the type checker builds the evidence terms as it goes. This failed, becuase the evidence for `Typeable` refers to local identifiers that are added *after* the typechecker solves constraints. Therefore, `EvTerm` stays a data type with two constructors: `EvExpr` for `CoreExpr` evidence, and `EvTypeable` for the others. Delted `Note [Memoising typeOf]`, its reference (and presumably relevance) was removed in 8fa4bf9. Differential Revision:
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs b/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs
index 3048871d7f..e912a369b3 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ import DsUtils
import HsSyn -- lots of things
import CoreSyn -- lots of things
-import Literal ( Literal(MachStr) )
import CoreOpt ( simpleOptExpr )
import OccurAnal ( occurAnalyseExpr )
import MkCore
@@ -49,7 +48,6 @@ import Coercion
import TysWiredIn ( typeNatKind, typeSymbolKind )
import Id
import MkId(proxyHashId)
-import Class
import Name
import VarSet
import Rules
@@ -1156,41 +1154,8 @@ dsEvBind (EvBind { eb_lhs = v, eb_rhs = r}) = liftM ((,) v) (dsEvTerm r)
dsEvTerm :: EvTerm -> DsM CoreExpr
-dsEvTerm (EvId v) = return (Var v)
-dsEvTerm (EvCallStack cs) = dsEvCallStack cs
-dsEvTerm (EvTypeable ty ev) = dsEvTypeable ty ev
-dsEvTerm (EvLit (EvNum n)) = mkNaturalExpr n
-dsEvTerm (EvLit (EvStr s)) = mkStringExprFS s
-dsEvTerm (EvCast tm co)
- = do { tm' <- dsEvTerm tm
- ; return $ mkCastDs tm' co }
-dsEvTerm (EvDFunApp df tys tms)
- = do { tms' <- mapM dsEvTerm tms
- ; return $ Var df `mkTyApps` tys `mkApps` tms' }
- -- The use of mkApps here is OK vis-a-vis levity polymorphism because
- -- the terms are always evidence variables with types of kind Constraint
-dsEvTerm (EvCoercion co) = return (Coercion co)
-dsEvTerm (EvSuperClass d n)
- = do { d' <- dsEvTerm d
- ; let (cls, tys) = getClassPredTys (exprType d')
- sc_sel_id = classSCSelId cls n -- Zero-indexed
- ; return $ Var sc_sel_id `mkTyApps` tys `App` d' }
-dsEvTerm (EvSelector sel_id tys tms)
- = do { tms' <- mapM dsEvTerm tms
- ; return $ Var sel_id `mkTyApps` tys `mkApps` tms' }
-dsEvTerm (EvDelayedError ty msg) = return $ dsEvDelayedError ty msg
-dsEvDelayedError :: Type -> FastString -> CoreExpr
-dsEvDelayedError ty msg
- = Var errorId `mkTyApps` [getRuntimeRep ty, ty] `mkApps` [litMsg]
- where
- errorId = tYPE_ERROR_ID
- litMsg = Lit (MachStr (fastStringToByteString msg))
+dsEvTerm (EvExpr e) = return e
+dsEvTerm (EvTypeable ty ev) = dsEvTypeable ty ev
* *
@@ -1312,58 +1277,3 @@ tyConRep tc
; return (Var tc_rep_id) }
| otherwise
= pprPanic "tyConRep" (ppr tc)
-{- Note [Memoising typeOf]
-See #3245, #9203
-IMPORTANT: we don't want to recalculate the TypeRep once per call with
-the proxy argument. This is what went wrong in #3245 and #9203. So we
-help GHC by manually keeping the 'rep' *outside* the lambda.
-* *
- Desugaring EvCallStack evidence
-* *
-dsEvCallStack :: EvCallStack -> DsM CoreExpr
--- See Note [Overview of implicit CallStacks] in TcEvidence.hs
-dsEvCallStack cs = do
- df <- getDynFlags
- m <- getModule
- srcLocDataCon <- dsLookupDataCon srcLocDataConName
- let mkSrcLoc l =
- liftM (mkCoreConApps srcLocDataCon)
- (sequence [ mkStringExprFS (unitIdFS $ moduleUnitId m)
- , mkStringExprFS (moduleNameFS $ moduleName m)
- , mkStringExprFS (srcSpanFile l)
- , return $ mkIntExprInt df (srcSpanStartLine l)
- , return $ mkIntExprInt df (srcSpanStartCol l)
- , return $ mkIntExprInt df (srcSpanEndLine l)
- , return $ mkIntExprInt df (srcSpanEndCol l)
- ])
- emptyCS <- Var <$> dsLookupGlobalId emptyCallStackName
- pushCSVar <- dsLookupGlobalId pushCallStackName
- let pushCS name loc rest =
- mkCoreApps (Var pushCSVar) [mkCoreTup [name, loc], rest]
- let mkPush name loc tm = do
- nameExpr <- mkStringExprFS name
- locExpr <- mkSrcLoc loc
- case tm of
- EvCallStack EvCsEmpty -> return (pushCS nameExpr locExpr emptyCS)
- _ -> do tmExpr <- dsEvTerm tm
- -- at this point tmExpr :: IP sym CallStack
- -- but we need the actual CallStack to pass to pushCS,
- -- so we use unwrapIP to strip the dictionary wrapper
- -- See Note [Overview of implicit CallStacks]
- let ip_co = unwrapIP (exprType tmExpr)
- return (pushCS nameExpr locExpr (mkCastDs tmExpr ip_co))
- case cs of
- EvCsPushCall name loc tm -> mkPush (occNameFS $ getOccName name) loc tm
- EvCsEmpty -> return emptyCS