path: root/compiler/deSugar/DsListComp.lhs
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authorSimon Peyton Jones <>2011-05-02 09:02:18 +0100
committerSimon Peyton Jones <>2011-05-02 09:02:18 +0100
commitd76d9636aeebe933d160157331b8c8c0087e73ac (patch)
tree0ec300ed4ff53f293bee81ebaf0e69c9dfb5a1c0 /compiler/deSugar/DsListComp.lhs
parent4ac2bb39dffb4b825ece73b349ff0d56d79092d7 (diff)
More hacking on monad-comp; now works
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/deSugar/DsListComp.lhs')
1 files changed, 71 insertions, 175 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsListComp.lhs b/compiler/deSugar/DsListComp.lhs
index 1ecab67e10..63cae938d0 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsListComp.lhs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsListComp.lhs
@@ -54,7 +54,9 @@ dsListComp :: [LStmt Id]
dsListComp lquals res_ty = do
dflags <- getDOptsDs
let quals = map unLoc lquals
- [elt_ty] = tcTyConAppArgs res_ty
+ elt_ty = case tcTyConAppArgs res_ty of
+ [elt_ty] -> elt_ty
+ _ -> pprPanic "dsListComp" (ppr res_ty $$ ppr lquals)
if not (dopt Opt_EnableRewriteRules dflags) || dopt Opt_IgnoreInterfacePragmas dflags
-- Either rules are switched off, or we are ignoring what there are;
@@ -82,9 +84,9 @@ dsListComp lquals res_ty = do
-- of that comprehension that we need in the outer comprehension into such an expression
-- and the type of the elements that it outputs (tuples of binders)
dsInnerListComp :: ([LStmt Id], [Id]) -> DsM (CoreExpr, Type)
-dsInnerListComp (stmts, bndrs) = do
+dsInnerListComp (stmts, bndrs)
= do { expr <- dsListComp (stmts ++ [noLoc $ mkLastStmt (mkBigLHsVarTup bndrs)])
- bndrs_tuple_type
+ (mkListTy bndrs_tuple_type)
; return (expr, bndrs_tuple_type) }
bndrs_tuple_type = mkBigCoreVarTupTy bndrs
@@ -117,7 +119,8 @@ dsTransformStmt (TransformStmt stmts binders usingExpr maybeByExpr _ _)
-- Given such a statement it gives you back an expression representing how to compute the transformed
-- list and the tuple that you need to bind from that list in order to proceed with your desugaring
dsGroupStmt :: Stmt Id -> DsM (CoreExpr, LPat Id)
-dsGroupStmt (GroupStmt stmts binderMap by using _ _ _) = do
+dsGroupStmt (GroupStmt { grpS_stmts = stmts, grpS_bndrs = binderMap
+ , grpS_by = by, grpS_using = using }) = do
let (fromBinders, toBinders) = unzip binderMap
fromBindersTypes = map idType fromBinders
@@ -130,7 +133,7 @@ dsGroupStmt (GroupStmt stmts binderMap by using _ _ _) = do
-- Work out what arguments should be supplied to that expression: i.e. is an extraction
-- function required? If so, create that desugared function and add to arguments
- usingExpr' <- dsLExpr (either id noLoc using)
+ usingExpr' <- dsLExpr using
usingArgs <- case by of
Nothing -> return [expr]
Just by_e -> do { by_e' <- dsLExpr by_e
@@ -688,45 +691,15 @@ parrElemType e =
Translation for monad comprehensions
--- | Keep the "context" of a monad comprehension in a small data type to avoid
--- some boilerplate...
-data DsMonadComp = DsMonadComp
- { mc_return :: Either (SyntaxExpr Id) (Expr CoreBndr)
- , mc_body :: LHsExpr Id
- , mc_m_ty :: Type
- }
-- Entry point for monad comprehension desugaring
-dsMonadComp :: [LStmt Id] -- the statements
- -> Type -- the final type
- -> DsM CoreExpr
-dsMonadComp stmts res_ty
- = dsMcStmts stmts (DsMonadComp (Left return_op) body m_ty)
- where
- (m_ty, _) = tcSplitAppTy res_ty
-dsMcStmts :: [LStmt Id]
- -> DsMonadComp
- -> DsM CoreExpr
--- No statements left for desugaring. Desugar the body after calling "return"
--- on it.
-dsMcStmts [] DsMonadComp { mc_return, mc_body }
- = case mc_return of
- Left ret -> dsLExpr $ noLoc ret `nlHsApp` mc_body
- Right ret' -> do
- { body' <- dsLExpr mc_body
- ; return $ mkApps ret' [body'] }
--- Otherwise desugar each statement step by step
-dsMcStmts ((L loc stmt) : lstmts) mc
- = putSrcSpanDs loc (dsMcStmt stmt lstmts mc)
+dsMonadComp :: [LStmt Id] -> DsM CoreExpr
+dsMonadComp stmts = dsMcStmts stmts
+dsMcStmts :: [LStmt Id] -> DsM CoreExpr
+dsMcStmts [] = panic "dsMcStmts"
+dsMcStmts (L loc stmt : lstmts) = putSrcSpanDs loc (dsMcStmt stmt lstmts)
dsMcStmt :: Stmt Id -> [LStmt Id] -> DsM CoreExpr
dsMcStmt (LastStmt body ret_op) stmts
@@ -785,7 +758,7 @@ dsMcStmt (TransformStmt stmts binders usingExpr maybeByExpr return_op bind_op) s
-- [| (q, then group by e using f); rest |]
-- ---> f {qt} (\qv -> e) [| q; return qv |] >>= \ n_tup ->
--- case unzip n_tup of qv -> [| rest |]
+-- case unzip n_tup of qv' -> [| rest |]
-- where variables (v1:t1, ..., vk:tk) are bound by q
-- qv = (v1, ..., vk)
@@ -794,61 +767,42 @@ dsMcStmt (TransformStmt stmts binders usingExpr maybeByExpr return_op bind_op) s
-- f :: forall a. (a -> t) -> m1 a -> m2 (n a)
-- n_tup :: n qt
-- unzip :: n qt -> (n t1, ..., n tk) (needs Functor n)
--- [| q, then group by e using f |] -> (f (\q_v -> e) [| q |]) >>= (return . (unzip q_v))
--- which is equal to
--- [| q, then group by e using f |] -> liftM (unzip q_v) (f (\q_v -> e) [| q |])
--- where unzip is of the form
--- unzip :: n (a,b,c,..) -> (n a,n b,n c,..)
--- unzip m_tuple = ( fmap selN1 m_tuple
--- , fmap selN2 m_tuple
--- , .. )
--- where selN1 (a,b,c,..) = a
--- selN2 (a,b,c,..) = b
--- ..
-dsMcStmt (GroupStmt stmts binderMap by using return_op bind_op fmap_op) stmts_rest
- = do { let (fromBinders, toBinders) = unzip binderMap
- fromBindersTypes = map idType fromBinders -- Types ty
- fromBindersTupleTy = mkBigCoreTupTy fromBindersTypes
- toBindersTypes = map idType toBinders -- Types (n ty)
- toBindersTupleTy = mkBigCoreTupTy toBindersTypes
+dsMcStmt (GroupStmt { grpS_stmts = stmts, grpS_bndrs = bndrs
+ , grpS_by = by, grpS_using = using
+ , grpS_ret = return_op, grpS_bind = bind_op
+ , grpS_fmap = fmap_op }) stmts_rest
+ = do { let (from_bndrs, to_bndrs) = unzip bndrs
+ from_bndr_tys = map idType from_bndrs -- Types ty
-- Desugar an inner comprehension which outputs a list of tuples of the "from" binders
- ; expr <- dsInnerMonadComp stmts fromBinders return_op
+ ; expr <- dsInnerMonadComp stmts from_bndrs return_op
-- Work out what arguments should be supplied to that expression: i.e. is an extraction
-- function required? If so, create that desugared function and add to arguments
- ; usingExpr' <- dsLExpr (either id noLoc using)
+ ; usingExpr' <- dsLExpr using
; usingArgs <- case by of
Nothing -> return [expr]
Just by_e -> do { by_e' <- dsLExpr by_e
- ; lam <- matchTuple fromBinders by_e'
+ ; lam <- matchTuple from_bndrs by_e'
; return [lam, expr] }
- -- Create an unzip function for the appropriate arity and element types
- ; fmap_op' <- dsExpr fmap_op
- ; (unzip_fn, unzip_rhs) <- mkMcUnzipM fmap_op' m_ty fromBindersTypes
-- Generate the expressions to build the grouped list
-- Build a pattern that ensures the consumer binds into the NEW binders,
-- which hold monads rather than single values
+ ; fmap_op' <- dsExpr fmap_op
; bind_op' <- dsExpr bind_op
; let bind_ty = exprType bind_op' -- m2 (n (a,b,c)) -> (n (a,b,c) -> r1) -> r2
- n_tup_ty = funArgTy $ funArgTy $ funResultTy bind_ty
- ; body <- dsMcStmts stmts_rest
- ; n_tup_var <- newSysLocalDs n_tup_ty
- ; tup_n_var <- newSysLocalDs (mkBigCoreVarTupTy toBinders)
- ; us <- newUniqueSupply
- ; let unzip_n_tup = Let (Rec [(unzip_fn, unzip_rhs)]) $
- App (Var unzip_fn) (Var n_tup_var)
- -- unzip_n_tup :: (n a, n b, n c)
- body' = mkTupleCase us toBinders body unzip_n_tup (Var tup_n_var)
+ n_tup_ty = funArgTy $ funArgTy $ funResultTy bind_ty -- n (a,b,c)
+ tup_n_ty = mkBigCoreVarTupTy to_bndrs
+ ; body <- dsMcStmts stmts_rest
+ ; n_tup_var <- newSysLocalDs n_tup_ty
+ ; tup_n_var <- newSysLocalDs tup_n_ty
+ ; tup_n_expr <- mkMcUnzipM fmap_op' n_tup_var from_bndr_tys
+ ; us <- newUniqueSupply
+ ; let rhs' = mkApps usingExpr' usingArgs
+ body' = mkTupleCase us to_bndrs body tup_n_var tup_n_expr
; return (mkApps bind_op' [rhs', Lam n_tup_var body']) }
@@ -864,23 +818,26 @@ dsMcStmt (GroupStmt stmts binderMap by using return_op bind_op fmap_op) stmts_re
-- NB: we need a polymorphic mzip because we call it several times
dsMcStmt (ParStmt pairs mzip_op bind_op return_op) stmts_rest
- = do { exps <- mapM ds_inner pairs
- ; let qual_tys = map (mkBigCoreVarTupTy . snd) pairs
- ; mzip_op' <- dsExpr mzip_op
- ; (zip_fn, zip_rhs) <- mkMcZipM mzip_op' (mc_m_ty mc) qual_tys
+ = do { exps_w_tys <- mapM ds_inner pairs -- Pairs (exp :: m ty, ty)
+ ; mzip_op' <- dsExpr mzip_op
; let -- The pattern variables
- vars = map (mkBigLHsVarPatTup . snd) pairs
+ pats = map (mkBigLHsVarPatTup . snd) pairs
-- Pattern with tuples of variables
-- [v1,v2,v3] => (v1, (v2, v3))
- pat = foldr (\tn tm -> mkBigLHsPatTup [tn, tm]) (last vars) (init vars)
- rhs = Let (Rec [(zip_fn, zip_rhs)]) (mkApps (Var zip_fn) exps)
+ pat = foldr1 (\p1 p2 -> mkLHsPatTup [p1, p2]) pats
+ (rhs, _) = foldr1 (\(e1,t1) (e2,t2) ->
+ (mkApps mzip_op' [Type t1, Type t2, e1, e2],
+ mkBoxedTupleTy [t1,t2]))
+ exps_w_tys
; dsMcBindStmt pat rhs bind_op noSyntaxExpr stmts_rest }
- ds_inner (stmts, bndrs) = dsInnerMonadComp stmts bndrs mono_ret_op
+ ds_inner (stmts, bndrs) = do { exp <- dsInnerMonadComp stmts bndrs mono_ret_op
+ ; return (exp, tup_ty) }
- mono_ret_op = HsWrap (WpTyApp (mkBigCoreVarTupTy bndrs)) return_op
+ mono_ret_op = HsWrap (WpTyApp tup_ty) return_op
+ tup_ty = mkBigCoreVarTupTy bndrs
dsMcStmt stmt _ = pprPanic "dsMcStmt: unexpected stmt" (ppr stmt)
@@ -891,10 +848,9 @@ matchTuple :: [Id] -> CoreExpr -> DsM CoreExpr
-- \x. case x of (a,b,c) -> body
matchTuple ids body
= do { us <- newUniqueSupply
- ; tup_id <- newSysLocalDs (mkBigLHsVarPatTup ids)
+ ; tup_id <- newSysLocalDs (mkBigCoreVarTupTy ids)
; return (Lam tup_id $ mkTupleCase us ids body tup_id (Var tup_id)) }
-- general `rhs' >>= \pat -> stmts` desugaring where `rhs'` is already a
-- desugared `CoreExpr`
dsMcBindStmt :: LPat Id
@@ -936,10 +892,10 @@ dsMcBindStmt pat rhs' bind_op fail_op stmts
dsInnerMonadComp :: [LStmt Id]
-> [Id] -- Return a tuple of these variables
- -> LHsExpr Id -- The monomorphic "return" operator
+ -> HsExpr Id -- The monomorphic "return" operator
-> DsM CoreExpr
dsInnerMonadComp stmts bndrs ret_op
- = dsMcStmts (stmts ++ [noLoc (ReturnStmt (mkBigLHsVarTup bndrs) ret_op)])
+ = dsMcStmts (stmts ++ [noLoc (LastStmt (mkBigLHsVarTup bndrs) ret_op)])
-- The `unzip` function for `GroupStmt` in a monad comprehensions
@@ -948,85 +904,25 @@ dsInnerMonadComp stmts bndrs ret_op
-- , liftM selN2 m_tuple
-- , .. )
--- mkMcUnzipM m [t1, t2]
--- = (unzip_fn, \ys :: m (t1, t2) ->
--- ( liftM (selN1 :: (t1, t2) -> t1) ys
--- , liftM (selN2 :: (t1, t2) -> t2) ys
--- ))
-mkMcUnzipM :: CoreExpr
- -> Type -- m
- -> [Type] -- [a,b,c,..]
- -> DsM (Id, CoreExpr)
-mkMcUnzipM liftM_op m_ty elt_tys
- = do { ys <- newSysLocalDs monad_tuple_ty
- ; xs <- mapM newSysLocalDs elt_tys
- ; scrut <- newSysLocalDs tuple_tys
- ; unzip_fn <- newSysLocalDs unzip_fn_ty
- ; let -- Select one Id from our tuple
- selectExpr n = mkLams [scrut] $ mkTupleSelector xs (xs !! n) scrut (Var scrut)
- -- Apply 'selectVar' and 'ys' to 'liftM'
- tupleElem n = mkApps liftM_op
- -- Types (m is figured out by the type checker):
- -- liftM :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
- [ Type tuple_tys, Type (elt_tys !! n)
- -- Arguments:
- , selectExpr n, Var ys ]
- -- The final expression with the big tuple
- unzip_body = mkBigCoreTup [ tupleElem n | n <- [0..length elt_tys - 1] ]
- ; return (unzip_fn, mkLams [ys] unzip_body) }
- where monad_tys = map (m_ty `mkAppTy`) elt_tys -- [m a,m b,m c,..]
- tuple_monad_tys = mkBigCoreTupTy monad_tys -- (m a,m b,m c,..)
- tuple_tys = mkBigCoreTupTy elt_tys -- (a,b,c,..)
- monad_tuple_ty = m_ty `mkAppTy` tuple_tys -- m (a,b,c,..)
- unzip_fn_ty = monad_tuple_ty `mkFunTy` tuple_monad_tys -- m (a,b,c,..) -> (m a,m b,m c,..)
--- Generate the `mzip` function for `ParStmt` in monad comprehensions, for
--- example:
--- mzip :: m t1
--- -> (m t2 -> m t3 -> m (t2, t3))
--- -> m (t1, (t2, t3))
--- mkMcZipM m [t1, t2, t3]
--- = (zip_fn, \(q1::t1) (q2::t2) (q3::t3) ->
--- mzip q1 (mzip q2 q3))
-mkMcZipM :: CoreExpr
- -> Type
- -> [Type]
- -> DsM (Id, CoreExpr)
-mkMcZipM mzip_op m_ty tys@(_:_:_) -- min. 2 types
- = do { (ids, t1, tuple_ty, zip_body) <- loop tys
- ; zip_fn <- newSysLocalDs $
- (m_ty `mkAppTy` t1)
- `mkFunTy`
- (m_ty `mkAppTy` tuple_ty)
- `mkFunTy`
- (m_ty `mkAppTy` mkBigCoreTupTy [t1, tuple_ty])
- ; return (zip_fn, mkLams ids zip_body) }
- where
- -- loop :: [Type] -> DsM ([Id], Type, [Type], CoreExpr)
- loop [t1, t2] = do -- last run of the `loop`
- { ids@[a,b] <- newSysLocalsDs (map (m_ty `mkAppTy`) [t1,t2])
- ; let zip_body = mkApps mzip_op [ Type t1, Type t2 , Var a, Var b ]
- ; return (ids, t1, t2, zip_body) }
- loop (t1:tr) = do
- { -- Get ty, ids etc from the "inner" zip
- (ids', t1', t2', zip_body') <- loop tr
- ; a <- newSysLocalDs $ m_ty `mkAppTy` t1
- ; let tuple_ty' = mkBigCoreTupTy [t1', t2']
- zip_body = mkApps mzip_op [ Type t1, Type tuple_ty', Var a, zip_body' ]
- ; return ((a:ids'), t1, tuple_ty', zip_body) }
--- This case should never happen:
-mkMcZipM _ _ tys = pprPanic "mkMcZipM: unexpected argument" (ppr tys)
+-- mkMcUnzipM fmap ys [t1, t2]
+-- = ( fmap (selN1 :: (t1, t2) -> t1) ys
+-- , fmap (selN2 :: (t1, t2) -> t2) ys )
+mkMcUnzipM :: CoreExpr -- fmap
+ -> Id -- Of type n (a,b,c)
+ -> [Type] -- [a,b,c]
+ -> DsM CoreExpr -- Of type (n a, n b, n c)
+mkMcUnzipM fmap_op ys elt_tys
+ = do { xs <- mapM newSysLocalDs elt_tys
+ ; tup_xs <- newSysLocalDs (mkBigCoreTupTy elt_tys)
+ ; let arg_ty = idType ys
+ mk_elt i = mkApps fmap_op -- fmap :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> n a -> n b
+ [ Type arg_ty, Type (elt_tys !! i)
+ , mk_sel i, Var ys]
+ mk_sel n = Lam tup_xs $
+ mkTupleSelector xs (xs !! n) tup_xs (Var tup_xs)
+ ; return (mkBigCoreTup (map mk_elt [0..length elt_tys - 1])) }