path: root/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.lhs
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authorTwan van Laarhoven <>2008-01-17 17:38:56 +0000
committerTwan van Laarhoven <>2008-01-17 17:38:56 +0000
commit591c501950c7d6f884bb4531f66b666bab5b4928 (patch)
treeeef40e63064a553a216d182a3ede5ce7a9bd18de /compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.lhs
parentdcc8f0a89f1ff43684b6e0f34b9ded3ec6b96e1c (diff)
Monadify deSugar/DsUtils: use do, return, applicative, standard monad functions
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.lhs')
1 files changed, 140 insertions, 149 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.lhs b/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.lhs
index 27e0be4d38..f63b8842d6 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.lhs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.lhs
@@ -100,17 +100,17 @@ dsSyntaxTable :: SyntaxTable Id
-> DsM ([CoreBind], -- Auxiliary bindings
[(Name,Id)]) -- Maps the standard name to its value
-dsSyntaxTable rebound_ids
- = mapAndUnzipDs mk_bind rebound_ids `thenDs` \ (binds_s, prs) ->
+dsSyntaxTable rebound_ids = do
+ (binds_s, prs) <- mapAndUnzipM mk_bind rebound_ids
return (concat binds_s, prs)
- -- The cheapo special case can happen when we
- -- make an intermediate HsDo when desugaring a RecStmt
+ -- The cheapo special case can happen when we
+ -- make an intermediate HsDo when desugaring a RecStmt
mk_bind (std_name, HsVar id) = return ([], (std_name, id))
- mk_bind (std_name, expr)
- = dsExpr expr `thenDs` \ rhs ->
- newSysLocalDs (exprType rhs) `thenDs` \ id ->
- return ([NonRec id rhs], (std_name, id))
+ mk_bind (std_name, expr) = do
+ rhs <- dsExpr expr
+ id <- newSysLocalDs (exprType rhs)
+ return ([NonRec id rhs], (std_name, id))
lookupEvidence :: [(Name, Id)] -> Name -> Id
lookupEvidence prs std_name
@@ -270,43 +270,41 @@ matchCanFail (MatchResult CanFail _) = True
matchCanFail (MatchResult CantFail _) = False
alwaysFailMatchResult :: MatchResult
-alwaysFailMatchResult = MatchResult CanFail (\fail -> returnDs fail)
+alwaysFailMatchResult = MatchResult CanFail (\fail -> return fail)
cantFailMatchResult :: CoreExpr -> MatchResult
-cantFailMatchResult expr = MatchResult CantFail (\_ -> returnDs expr)
+cantFailMatchResult expr = MatchResult CantFail (\_ -> return expr)
extractMatchResult :: MatchResult -> CoreExpr -> DsM CoreExpr
extractMatchResult (MatchResult CantFail match_fn) _
= match_fn (error "It can't fail!")
-extractMatchResult (MatchResult CanFail match_fn) fail_expr
- = mkFailurePair fail_expr `thenDs` \ (fail_bind, if_it_fails) ->
- match_fn if_it_fails `thenDs` \ body ->
- returnDs (mkDsLet fail_bind body)
+extractMatchResult (MatchResult CanFail match_fn) fail_expr = do
+ (fail_bind, if_it_fails) <- mkFailurePair fail_expr
+ body <- match_fn if_it_fails
+ return (mkDsLet fail_bind body)
combineMatchResults :: MatchResult -> MatchResult -> MatchResult
combineMatchResults (MatchResult CanFail body_fn1)
- (MatchResult can_it_fail2 body_fn2)
+ (MatchResult can_it_fail2 body_fn2)
= MatchResult can_it_fail2 body_fn
- body_fn fail = body_fn2 fail `thenDs` \ body2 ->
- mkFailurePair body2 `thenDs` \ (fail_bind, duplicatable_expr) ->
- body_fn1 duplicatable_expr `thenDs` \ body1 ->
- returnDs (Let fail_bind body1)
+ body_fn fail = do body2 <- body_fn2 fail
+ (fail_bind, duplicatable_expr) <- mkFailurePair body2
+ body1 <- body_fn1 duplicatable_expr
+ return (Let fail_bind body1)
combineMatchResults match_result1@(MatchResult CantFail _) _
= match_result1
adjustMatchResult :: DsWrapper -> MatchResult -> MatchResult
adjustMatchResult encl_fn (MatchResult can_it_fail body_fn)
- = MatchResult can_it_fail (\fail -> body_fn fail `thenDs` \ body ->
- returnDs (encl_fn body))
+ = MatchResult can_it_fail (\fail -> encl_fn <$> body_fn fail)
adjustMatchResultDs :: (CoreExpr -> DsM CoreExpr) -> MatchResult -> MatchResult
adjustMatchResultDs encl_fn (MatchResult can_it_fail body_fn)
- = MatchResult can_it_fail (\fail -> body_fn fail `thenDs` \ body ->
- encl_fn body)
+ = MatchResult can_it_fail (\fail -> encl_fn =<< body_fn fail)
wrapBinds :: [(Var,Var)] -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
wrapBinds [] e = e
@@ -337,8 +335,8 @@ mkEvalMatchResult var ty
mkGuardedMatchResult :: CoreExpr -> MatchResult -> MatchResult
mkGuardedMatchResult pred_expr (MatchResult _ body_fn)
- = MatchResult CanFail (\fail -> body_fn fail `thenDs` \ body ->
- returnDs (mkIfThenElse pred_expr body fail))
+ = MatchResult CanFail (\fail -> do body <- body_fn fail
+ return (mkIfThenElse pred_expr body fail))
mkCoPrimCaseMatchResult :: Id -- Scrutinee
-> Type -- Type of the case
@@ -347,13 +345,13 @@ mkCoPrimCaseMatchResult :: Id -- Scrutinee
mkCoPrimCaseMatchResult var ty match_alts
= MatchResult CanFail mk_case
- mk_case fail
- = mappM (mk_alt fail) sorted_alts `thenDs` \ alts ->
- returnDs (Case (Var var) var ty ((DEFAULT, [], fail) : alts))
+ mk_case fail = do
+ alts <- mapM (mk_alt fail) sorted_alts
+ return (Case (Var var) var ty ((DEFAULT, [], fail) : alts))
sorted_alts = sortWith fst match_alts -- Right order for a Case
- mk_alt fail (lit, MatchResult _ body_fn) = body_fn fail `thenDs` \ body ->
- returnDs (LitAlt lit, [], body)
+ mk_alt fail (lit, MatchResult _ body_fn) = do body <- body_fn fail
+ return (LitAlt lit, [], body)
mkCoAlgCaseMatchResult :: Id -- Scrutinee
@@ -394,13 +392,13 @@ mkCoAlgCaseMatchResult var ty match_alts
wild_var = mkWildId (idType var)
sorted_alts = sortWith get_tag match_alts
get_tag (con, _, _) = dataConTag con
- mk_case fail = mappM (mk_alt fail) sorted_alts `thenDs` \ alts ->
- returnDs (Case (Var var) wild_var ty (mk_default fail ++ alts))
+ mk_case fail = do alts <- mapM (mk_alt fail) sorted_alts
+ return (Case (Var var) wild_var ty (mk_default fail ++ alts))
- mk_alt fail (con, args, MatchResult _ body_fn)
- = body_fn fail `thenDs` \ body ->
- newUniqueSupply `thenDs` \ us ->
- returnDs (mkReboxingAlt (uniqsFromSupply us) con args body)
+ mk_alt fail (con, args, MatchResult _ body_fn) = do
+ body <- body_fn fail
+ us <- newUniqueSupply
+ return (mkReboxingAlt (uniqsFromSupply us) con args body)
mk_default fail | exhaustive_case = []
| otherwise = [(DEFAULT, [], fail)]
@@ -439,10 +437,10 @@ mkCoAlgCaseMatchResult var ty match_alts
_ -> panic "DsUtils: you may not mix `[:...:]' with `PArr' patterns"
isPArrFakeAlts [] = panic "DsUtils: unexpectedly found an empty list of PArr fake alternatives"
- mk_parrCase fail =
- dsLookupGlobalId lengthPName `thenDs` \lengthP ->
- unboxAlt `thenDs` \alt ->
- returnDs (Case (len lengthP) (mkWildId intTy) ty [alt])
+ mk_parrCase fail = do
+ lengthP <- dsLookupGlobalId lengthPName
+ alt <- unboxAlt
+ return (Case (len lengthP) (mkWildId intTy) ty [alt])
elemTy = case splitTyConApp (idType var) of
(_, [elemTy]) -> elemTy
@@ -450,11 +448,11 @@ mkCoAlgCaseMatchResult var ty match_alts
panicMsg = "DsUtils.mkCoAlgCaseMatchResult: not a parallel array?"
len lengthP = mkApps (Var lengthP) [Type elemTy, Var var]
- unboxAlt =
- newSysLocalDs intPrimTy `thenDs` \l ->
- dsLookupGlobalId indexPName `thenDs` \indexP ->
- mappM (mkAlt indexP) sorted_alts `thenDs` \alts ->
- returnDs (DataAlt intDataCon, [l], (Case (Var l) wild ty (dft : alts)))
+ unboxAlt = do
+ l <- newSysLocalDs intPrimTy
+ indexP <- dsLookupGlobalId indexPName
+ alts <- mapM (mkAlt indexP) sorted_alts
+ return (DataAlt intDataCon, [l], (Case (Var l) wild ty (dft : alts)))
wild = mkWildId intPrimTy
dft = (DEFAULT, [], fail)
@@ -465,9 +463,9 @@ mkCoAlgCaseMatchResult var ty match_alts
-- constructor argument, which are bound to array elements starting
-- with the first
- mkAlt indexP (con, args, MatchResult _ bodyFun) =
- bodyFun fail `thenDs` \body ->
- returnDs (LitAlt lit, [], mkDsLets binds body)
+ mkAlt indexP (con, args, MatchResult _ bodyFun) = do
+ body <- bodyFun fail
+ return (LitAlt lit, [], mkDsLets binds body)
lit = MachInt $ toInteger (dataConSourceArity con)
binds = [NonRec arg (indexExpr i) | (i, arg) <- zip [1..] args]
@@ -488,14 +486,13 @@ mkErrorAppDs :: Id -- The error function
-> String -- The error message string to pass
-> DsM CoreExpr
-mkErrorAppDs err_id ty msg
- = getSrcSpanDs `thenDs` \ src_loc ->
+mkErrorAppDs err_id ty msg = do
+ src_loc <- getSrcSpanDs
- full_msg = showSDoc (hcat [ppr src_loc, text "|", text msg])
- core_msg = Lit (mkStringLit full_msg)
- -- mkStringLit returns a result of type String#
- in
- returnDs (mkApps (Var err_id) [Type ty, core_msg])
+ full_msg = showSDoc (hcat [ppr src_loc, text "|", text msg])
+ core_msg = Lit (mkStringLit full_msg)
+ -- mkStringLit returns a result of type String#
+ return (mkApps (Var err_id) [Type ty, core_msg])
@@ -516,35 +513,34 @@ mkIntExpr i = mkConApp intDataCon [mkIntLit i]
mkCharExpr c = mkConApp charDataCon [mkLit (MachChar c)]
mkIntegerExpr i
- | inIntRange i -- Small enough, so start from an Int
- = dsLookupDataCon smallIntegerDataConName `thenDs` \ integer_dc ->
- returnDs (mkSmallIntegerLit integer_dc i)
+ | inIntRange i -- Small enough, so start from an Int
+ = do integer_dc <- dsLookupDataCon smallIntegerDataConName
+ return (mkSmallIntegerLit integer_dc i)
-- Special case for integral literals with a large magnitude:
-- They are transformed into an expression involving only smaller
-- integral literals. This improves constant folding.
- | otherwise -- Big, so start from a string
- = dsLookupGlobalId plusIntegerName `thenDs` \ plus_id ->
- dsLookupGlobalId timesIntegerName `thenDs` \ times_id ->
- dsLookupDataCon smallIntegerDataConName `thenDs` \ integer_dc ->
- let
- lit i = mkSmallIntegerLit integer_dc i
- plus a b = Var plus_id `App` a `App` b
- times a b = Var times_id `App` a `App` b
- -- Transform i into (x1 + (x2 + (x3 + (...) * b) * b) * b) with abs xi <= b
- horner :: Integer -> Integer -> CoreExpr
- horner b i | abs q <= 1 = if r == 0 || r == i
- then lit i
- else lit r `plus` lit (i-r)
- | r == 0 = horner b q `times` lit b
- | otherwise = lit r `plus` (horner b q `times` lit b)
- where
- (q,r) = i `quotRem` b
- in
- returnDs (horner tARGET_MAX_INT i)
+ | otherwise = do -- Big, so start from a string
+ plus_id <- dsLookupGlobalId plusIntegerName
+ times_id <- dsLookupGlobalId timesIntegerName
+ integer_dc <- dsLookupDataCon smallIntegerDataConName
+ let
+ lit i = mkSmallIntegerLit integer_dc i
+ plus a b = Var plus_id `App` a `App` b
+ times a b = Var times_id `App` a `App` b
+ -- Transform i into (x1 + (x2 + (x3 + (...) * b) * b) * b) with abs xi <= b
+ horner :: Integer -> Integer -> CoreExpr
+ horner b i | abs q <= 1 = if r == 0 || r == i
+ then lit i
+ else lit r `plus` lit (i-r)
+ | r == 0 = horner b q `times` lit b
+ | otherwise = lit r `plus` (horner b q `times` lit b)
+ where
+ (q,r) = i `quotRem` b
+ return (horner tARGET_MAX_INT i)
mkSmallIntegerLit :: DataCon -> Integer -> CoreExpr
mkSmallIntegerLit small_integer_data_con i = mkConApp small_integer_data_con [mkIntLit i]
@@ -553,21 +549,19 @@ mkStringExpr str = mkStringExprFS (mkFastString str)
mkStringExprFS str
| nullFS str
- = returnDs (mkNilExpr charTy)
+ = return (mkNilExpr charTy)
| lengthFS str == 1
- = let
- the_char = mkCharExpr (headFS str)
- in
- returnDs (mkConsExpr charTy the_char (mkNilExpr charTy))
+ = do let the_char = mkCharExpr (headFS str)
+ return (mkConsExpr charTy the_char (mkNilExpr charTy))
| all safeChar chars
- = dsLookupGlobalId unpackCStringName `thenDs` \ unpack_id ->
- returnDs (App (Var unpack_id) (Lit (MachStr str)))
+ = do unpack_id <- dsLookupGlobalId unpackCStringName
+ return (App (Var unpack_id) (Lit (MachStr str)))
| otherwise
- = dsLookupGlobalId unpackCStringUtf8Name `thenDs` \ unpack_id ->
- returnDs (App (Var unpack_id) (Lit (MachStr str)))
+ = do unpack_id <- dsLookupGlobalId unpackCStringUtf8Name
+ return (App (Var unpack_id) (Lit (MachStr str)))
chars = unpackFS str
@@ -603,63 +597,60 @@ mkSelectorBinds :: LPat Id -- The pattern
-> DsM [(Id,CoreExpr)]
mkSelectorBinds (L _ (VarPat v)) val_expr
- = returnDs [(v, val_expr)]
+ = return [(v, val_expr)]
mkSelectorBinds pat val_expr
- | isSingleton binders || is_simple_lpat pat
- = -- Given p = e, where p binds x,y
- -- we are going to make
- -- v = p (where v is fresh)
- -- x = case v of p -> x
- -- y = case v of p -> x
- -- Make up 'v'
- -- NB: give it the type of *pattern* p, not the type of the *rhs* e.
- -- This does not matter after desugaring, but there's a subtle
- -- issue with implicit parameters. Consider
- -- (x,y) = ?i
- -- Then, ?i is given type {?i :: Int}, a PredType, which is opaque
- -- to the desugarer. (Why opaque? Because newtypes have to be. Why
- -- does it get that type? So that when we abstract over it we get the
- -- right top-level type (?i::Int) => ...)
- --
- -- So to get the type of 'v', use the pattern not the rhs. Often more
- -- efficient too.
- newSysLocalDs (hsLPatType pat) `thenDs` \ val_var ->
- -- For the error message we make one error-app, to avoid duplication.
- -- But we need it at different types... so we use coerce for that
- unitTy (showSDoc (ppr pat)) `thenDs` \ err_expr ->
- newSysLocalDs unitTy `thenDs` \ err_var ->
- mappM (mk_bind val_var err_var) binders `thenDs` \ binds ->
- returnDs ( (val_var, val_expr) :
- (err_var, err_expr) :
- binds )
- | otherwise
- tuple_ty (showSDoc (ppr pat)) `thenDs` \ error_expr ->
- matchSimply val_expr PatBindRhs pat local_tuple error_expr `thenDs` \ tuple_expr ->
- newSysLocalDs tuple_ty `thenDs` \ tuple_var ->
- let
- mk_tup_bind binder
- = (binder, mkTupleSelector binders binder tuple_var (Var tuple_var))
- in
- returnDs ( (tuple_var, tuple_expr) : map mk_tup_bind binders )
+ | isSingleton binders || is_simple_lpat pat = do
+ -- Given p = e, where p binds x,y
+ -- we are going to make
+ -- v = p (where v is fresh)
+ -- x = case v of p -> x
+ -- y = case v of p -> x
+ -- Make up 'v'
+ -- NB: give it the type of *pattern* p, not the type of the *rhs* e.
+ -- This does not matter after desugaring, but there's a subtle
+ -- issue with implicit parameters. Consider
+ -- (x,y) = ?i
+ -- Then, ?i is given type {?i :: Int}, a PredType, which is opaque
+ -- to the desugarer. (Why opaque? Because newtypes have to be. Why
+ -- does it get that type? So that when we abstract over it we get the
+ -- right top-level type (?i::Int) => ...)
+ --
+ -- So to get the type of 'v', use the pattern not the rhs. Often more
+ -- efficient too.
+ val_var <- newSysLocalDs (hsLPatType pat)
+ -- For the error message we make one error-app, to avoid duplication.
+ -- But we need it at different types... so we use coerce for that
+ err_expr <- mkErrorAppDs iRREFUT_PAT_ERROR_ID unitTy (showSDoc (ppr pat))
+ err_var <- newSysLocalDs unitTy
+ binds <- mapM (mk_bind val_var err_var) binders
+ return ( (val_var, val_expr) :
+ (err_var, err_expr) :
+ binds )
+ | otherwise = do
+ error_expr <- mkErrorAppDs iRREFUT_PAT_ERROR_ID tuple_ty (showSDoc (ppr pat))
+ tuple_expr <- matchSimply val_expr PatBindRhs pat local_tuple error_expr
+ tuple_var <- newSysLocalDs tuple_ty
+ let
+ mk_tup_bind binder
+ = (binder, mkTupleSelector binders binder tuple_var (Var tuple_var))
+ return ( (tuple_var, tuple_expr) : map mk_tup_bind binders )
- binders = collectPatBinders pat
+ binders = collectPatBinders pat
local_tuple = mkBigCoreVarTup binders
tuple_ty = exprType local_tuple
- mk_bind scrut_var err_var bndr_var
+ mk_bind scrut_var err_var bndr_var = do
-- (mk_bind sv err_var) generates
- -- bv = case sv of { pat -> bv; other -> coerce (type-of-bv) err_var }
+ -- bv = case sv of { pat -> bv; other -> coerce (type-of-bv) err_var }
-- Remember, pat binds bv
- = matchSimply (Var scrut_var) PatBindRhs pat
- (Var bndr_var) error_expr `thenDs` \ rhs_expr ->
- returnDs (bndr_var, rhs_expr)
+ rhs_expr <- matchSimply (Var scrut_var) PatBindRhs pat
+ (Var bndr_var) error_expr
+ return (bndr_var, rhs_expr)
error_expr = mkCoerce co (Var err_var)
co = mkUnsafeCoercion (exprType (Var err_var)) (idType bndr_var)
@@ -668,9 +659,9 @@ mkSelectorBinds pat val_expr
is_simple_pat (TuplePat ps Boxed _) = all is_triv_lpat ps
is_simple_pat (ConPatOut{ pat_args = ps }) = all is_triv_lpat (hsConPatArgs ps)
- is_simple_pat (VarPat _) = True
- is_simple_pat (ParPat p) = is_simple_lpat p
- is_simple_pat _ = False
+ is_simple_pat (VarPat _) = True
+ is_simple_pat (ParPat p) = is_simple_lpat p
+ is_simple_pat _ = False
is_triv_lpat p = is_triv_pat (unLoc p)
@@ -1003,15 +994,15 @@ mkFailurePair :: CoreExpr -- Result type of the whole case expression
CoreExpr) -- Either the fail variable, or fail variable
-- applied to unit tuple
mkFailurePair expr
- | isUnLiftedType ty
- = newFailLocalDs (unitTy `mkFunTy` ty) `thenDs` \ fail_fun_var ->
- newSysLocalDs unitTy `thenDs` \ fail_fun_arg ->
- returnDs (NonRec fail_fun_var (Lam fail_fun_arg expr),
- App (Var fail_fun_var) (Var unitDataConId))
- | otherwise
- = newFailLocalDs ty `thenDs` \ fail_var ->
- returnDs (NonRec fail_var expr, Var fail_var)
+ | isUnLiftedType ty = do
+ fail_fun_var <- newFailLocalDs (unitTy `mkFunTy` ty)
+ fail_fun_arg <- newSysLocalDs unitTy
+ return (NonRec fail_fun_var (Lam fail_fun_arg expr),
+ App (Var fail_fun_var) (Var unitDataConId))
+ | otherwise = do
+ fail_var <- newFailLocalDs ty
+ return (NonRec fail_var expr, Var fail_var)
ty = exprType expr