path: root/compiler/deSugar/PmPpr.hs
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authorSebastian Graf <>2019-05-16 18:49:02 +0200
committerMarge Bot <>2019-09-16 13:33:05 -0400
commit7915afc6bb9539a4534db99aeb6616a6d145918a (patch)
tree41b7c731d20754b2ce9f73488b7aaeff7ec80565 /compiler/deSugar/PmPpr.hs
parentb5ae3868db62228e7a75a9f1f66a9b05a4cf3277 (diff)
Encode shape information in `PmOracle`
Previously, we had an elaborate mechanism for selecting the warnings to generate in the presence of different `COMPLETE` matching groups that, albeit finely-tuned, produced wrong results from an end user's perspective in some cases (#13363). The underlying issue is that at the point where the `ConVar` case has to commit to a particular `COMPLETE` group, there's not enough information to do so and the status quo was to just enumerate all possible complete sets nondeterministically. The `getResult` function would then pick the outcome according to metrics defined in accordance to the user's guide. But crucially, it lacked knowledge about the order in which affected clauses appear, leading to the surprising behavior in #13363. In !1010 we taught the term oracle to reason about literal values a variable can certainly not take on. This MR extends that idea to `ConLike`s and thereby fixes #13363: Instead of committing to a particular `COMPLETE` group in the `ConVar` case, we now split off the matching constructor incrementally and record the newly covered case as a refutable shape in the oracle. Whenever the set of refutable shapes covers any `COMPLETE` set, the oracle recognises vacuosity of the uncovered set. This patch goes a step further: Since at this point the information in value abstractions is merely a cut down representation of what the oracle knows, value abstractions degenerate to a single `Id`, the semantics of which is determined by the oracle state `Delta`. Value vectors become lists of `[Id]` given meaning to by a single `Delta`, value set abstractions (of which the uncovered set is an instance) correspond to a union of `Delta`s which instantiate the same `[Id]` (akin to models of formula). Fixes #11528 #13021, #13363, #13965, #14059, #14253, #14851, #15753, #17096, #17149 ------------------------- Metric Decrease: ManyAlternatives T11195 -------------------------
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/deSugar/PmPpr.hs')
1 files changed, 132 insertions, 122 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/PmPpr.hs b/compiler/deSugar/PmPpr.hs
index 06b60a6806..bee38ed46b 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/PmPpr.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/PmPpr.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ViewPatterns #-}
-- | Provides factilities for pretty-printing 'PmExpr's in a way approriate for
-- user facing pattern match warnings.
@@ -10,20 +10,20 @@ module PmPpr (
import GhcPrelude
-import Name
-import NameEnv
-import NameSet
+import Id
+import VarEnv
import UniqDFM
-import UniqSet
import ConLike
import DataCon
import TysWiredIn
import Outputable
-import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
-import Maybes
+import Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.CPS
import Util
+import Maybes
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty, nonEmpty, toList)
-import TmOracle
+import PmExpr
+import PmOracle
-- | Pretty-print the guts of an uncovered value vector abstraction, i.e., its
-- components and refutable shapes associated to any mentioned variables.
@@ -35,22 +35,31 @@ import TmOracle
-- where p is not one of {3, 4}
-- q is not one of {0, 5}
-- @
-pprUncovered :: ([PmExpr], PmRefutEnv) -> SDoc
-pprUncovered (expr_vec, refuts)
- | null cs = fsep vec -- there are no literal constraints
- | otherwise = hang (fsep vec) 4 $
- text "where" <+> vcat (map pprRefutableShapes cs)
+-- When the set of refutable shapes contains more than 3 elements, the
+-- additional elements are indicated by "...".
+pprUncovered :: Delta -> [Id] -> SDoc
+pprUncovered delta vas
+ | isNullUDFM refuts = fsep vec -- there are no refutations
+ | otherwise = hang (fsep vec) 4 $
+ text "where" <+> vcat (map (pprRefutableShapes . snd) (udfmToList refuts))
- sdoc_vec = mapM pprPmExprWithParens expr_vec
- (vec,cs) = runPmPpr sdoc_vec (prettifyRefuts refuts)
+ ppr_action = mapM (pprPmExprVar 2) vas
+ (vec, renamings) = runPmPpr delta ppr_action
+ refuts = prettifyRefuts delta renamings
-- | Output refutable shapes of a variable in the form of @var is not one of {2,
--- Nothing, 3}@.
+-- Nothing, 3}@. Will never print more than 3 refutable shapes, the tail is
+-- indicated by an ellipsis.
pprRefutableShapes :: (SDoc,[PmAltCon]) -> SDoc
pprRefutableShapes (var, alts)
- = var <+> text "is not one of" <+> braces (pprWithCommas ppr_alt alts)
+ = var <+> text "is not one of" <+> format_alts alts
- ppr_alt (PmAltLit lit) = ppr lit
+ format_alts = braces . fsep . punctuate comma . shorten . map ppr_alt
+ shorten (a:b:c:_:_) = a:b:c:[text "..."]
+ shorten xs = xs
+ ppr_alt (PmAltConLike cl) = ppr cl
+ ppr_alt (PmAltLit lit) = ppr lit
{- 1. Literals
@@ -78,114 +87,115 @@ substitution to the vectors before printing them out (see function `pprOne' in
Check.hs) to be more precise.
--- | A 'PmRefutEnv' with pretty names for the occuring variables.
-type PrettyPmRefutEnv = DNameEnv (SDoc, [PmAltCon])
--- | Assigns pretty names to constraint variables in the domain of the given
--- 'PmRefutEnv'.
-prettifyRefuts :: PmRefutEnv -> PrettyPmRefutEnv
-prettifyRefuts = listToUDFM . zipWith rename nameList . udfmToList
+-- | Extract and assigns pretty names to constraint variables with refutable
+-- shapes.
+prettifyRefuts :: Delta -> DIdEnv SDoc -> DIdEnv (SDoc, [PmAltCon])
+prettifyRefuts delta = listToUDFM . map attach_refuts . udfmToList
- rename new (old, lits) = (old, (new, lits))
- -- Try nice names p,q,r,s,t before using the (ugly) t_i
- nameList :: [SDoc]
- nameList = map text ["p","q","r","s","t"] ++
- [ text ('t':show u) | u <- [(0 :: Int)..] ]
-type PmPprM a = State (PrettyPmRefutEnv, NameSet) a
--- (the first part of the state is read only. make it a reader?)
-runPmPpr :: PmPprM a -> PrettyPmRefutEnv -> (a, [(SDoc,[PmAltCon])])
-runPmPpr m lit_env = (result, mapMaybe is_used (udfmToList lit_env))
- where
- (result, (_lit_env, used)) = runState m (lit_env, emptyNameSet)
- is_used (k,v)
- | elemUniqSet_Directly k used = Just v
- | otherwise = Nothing
-addUsed :: Name -> PmPprM ()
-addUsed x = modify (\(negated, used) -> (negated, extendNameSet used x))
-checkNegation :: Name -> PmPprM (Maybe SDoc) -- the clean name if it is negated
-checkNegation x = do
- negated <- gets fst
- return $ case lookupDNameEnv negated x of
- Just (new, _) -> Just new
- Nothing -> Nothing
--- | Pretty print a pmexpr, but remember to prettify the names of the variables
+ attach_refuts (u, sdoc) = (u, (sdoc, lookupRefuts delta u))
+type PmPprM a = RWS Delta () (DIdEnv SDoc, [SDoc]) a
+-- Try nice names p,q,r,s,t before using the (ugly) t_i
+nameList :: [SDoc]
+nameList = map text ["p","q","r","s","t"] ++
+ [ text ('t':show u) | u <- [(0 :: Int)..] ]
+runPmPpr :: Delta -> PmPprM a -> (a, DIdEnv SDoc)
+runPmPpr delta m = case runRWS m delta (emptyDVarEnv, nameList) of
+ (a, (renamings, _), _) -> (a, renamings)
+-- | Allocates a new, clean name for the given 'Id' if it doesn't already have
+-- one.
+getCleanName :: Id -> PmPprM SDoc
+getCleanName x = do
+ (renamings, name_supply) <- get
+ let (clean_name:name_supply') = name_supply
+ case lookupDVarEnv renamings x of
+ Just nm -> pure nm
+ Nothing -> do
+ put (extendDVarEnv renamings x clean_name, name_supply')
+ pure clean_name
+checkRefuts :: Id -> PmPprM (Maybe SDoc) -- the clean name if it has negative info attached
+checkRefuts x = do
+ delta <- ask
+ case lookupRefuts delta x of
+ [] -> pure Nothing -- Will just be a wildcard later on
+ _ -> Just <$> getCleanName x
+-- | Pretty print a variable, but remember to prettify the names of the variables
-- that refer to neg-literals. The ones that cannot be shown are printed as
-- underscores.
-pprPmExpr :: PmExpr -> PmPprM SDoc
-pprPmExpr (PmExprVar x) = do
- mb_name <- checkNegation x
- case mb_name of
- Just name -> addUsed x >> return name
- Nothing -> return underscore
-pprPmExpr (PmExprCon con args) = pprPmExprCon con args
-pprPmExpr (PmExprLit l) = return (ppr l)
-pprPmExpr (PmExprOther _) = return underscore -- don't show
-needsParens :: PmExpr -> Bool
-needsParens (PmExprVar {}) = False
-needsParens (PmExprLit l) = isNegatedPmLit l
-needsParens (PmExprOther {}) = False -- will become a wildcard
-needsParens (PmExprCon (RealDataCon c) es)
- | isTupleDataCon c
- || isConsDataCon c || null es = False
- | otherwise = True
-needsParens (PmExprCon (PatSynCon _) es) = not (null es)
-pprPmExprWithParens :: PmExpr -> PmPprM SDoc
-pprPmExprWithParens expr
- | needsParens expr = parens <$> pprPmExpr expr
- | otherwise = pprPmExpr expr
-pprPmExprCon :: ConLike -> [PmExpr] -> PmPprM SDoc
-pprPmExprCon (RealDataCon con) args
- | isTupleDataCon con = mkTuple <$> mapM pprPmExpr args
- | isConsDataCon con = pretty_list
- where
- mkTuple :: [SDoc] -> SDoc
- mkTuple = parens . fsep . punctuate comma
- -- lazily, to be used in the list case only
- pretty_list :: PmPprM SDoc
- pretty_list = case isNilPmExpr (last list) of
- True -> brackets . fsep . punctuate comma <$> mapM pprPmExpr (init list)
- False -> parens . hcat . punctuate colon <$> mapM pprPmExpr list
- list = list_elements args
- list_elements [x,y]
- | PmExprCon c es <- y, RealDataCon nilDataCon == c
- = ASSERT(null es) [x,y]
- | PmExprCon c es <- y, RealDataCon consDataCon == c
- = x : list_elements es
- | otherwise = [x,y]
- list_elements list = pprPanic "list_elements:" (ppr list)
-pprPmExprCon cl args
+pprPmExprVar :: Int -> Id -> PmPprM SDoc
+pprPmExprVar prec x = do
+ delta <- ask
+ case lookupSolution delta x of
+ Just (alt, args) -> pprPmExprCon prec alt args
+ Nothing -> fromMaybe underscore <$> checkRefuts x
+pprPmExprCon :: Int -> PmAltCon -> [Id] -> PmPprM SDoc
+pprPmExprCon _prec (PmAltLit l) _ = pure (ppr l)
+pprPmExprCon prec (PmAltConLike cl) args = do
+ delta <- ask
+ pprConLike delta prec cl args
+pprConLike :: Delta -> Int -> ConLike -> [Id] -> PmPprM SDoc
+pprConLike delta _prec cl args
+ | Just pm_expr_list <- pmExprAsList delta (PmAltConLike cl) args
+ = case pm_expr_list of
+ NilTerminated list ->
+ brackets . fsep . punctuate comma <$> mapM (pprPmExprVar 0) list
+ WcVarTerminated pref x ->
+ parens . fcat . punctuate colon <$> mapM (pprPmExprVar 0) (toList pref ++ [x])
+pprConLike _delta _prec (RealDataCon con) args
+ | isUnboxedTupleCon con
+ , let hash_parens doc = text "(#" <+> doc <+> text "#)"
+ = hash_parens . fsep . punctuate comma <$> mapM (pprPmExprVar 0) args
+ | isTupleDataCon con
+ = parens . fsep . punctuate comma <$> mapM (pprPmExprVar 0) args
+pprConLike _delta prec cl args
| conLikeIsInfix cl = case args of
- [x, y] -> do x' <- pprPmExprWithParens x
- y' <- pprPmExprWithParens y
- return (x' <+> ppr cl <+> y')
+ [x, y] -> do x' <- pprPmExprVar 1 x
+ y' <- pprPmExprVar 1 y
+ return (cparen (prec > 0) (x' <+> ppr cl <+> y'))
-- can it be infix but have more than two arguments?
list -> pprPanic "pprPmExprCon:" (ppr list)
| null args = return (ppr cl)
- | otherwise = do args' <- mapM pprPmExprWithParens args
- return (fsep (ppr cl : args'))
--- | Check whether a literal is negated
-isNegatedPmLit :: PmLit -> Bool
-isNegatedPmLit (PmOLit b _) = b
-isNegatedPmLit _other_lit = False
--- | Check whether a PmExpr is syntactically e
-isNilPmExpr :: PmExpr -> Bool
-isNilPmExpr (PmExprCon c _) = c == RealDataCon nilDataCon
-isNilPmExpr _other_expr = False
--- | Check if a DataCon is (:).
-isConsDataCon :: DataCon -> Bool
-isConsDataCon con = consDataCon == con
+ | otherwise = do args' <- mapM (pprPmExprVar 2) args
+ return (cparen (prec > 1) (fsep (ppr cl : args')))
+-- | The result of 'pmExprAsList'.
+data PmExprList
+ = NilTerminated [Id]
+ | WcVarTerminated (NonEmpty Id) Id
+-- | Extract a list of 'PmExpr's out of a sequence of cons cells, optionally
+-- terminated by a wildcard variable instead of @[]@. Some examples:
+-- * @pmExprAsList (1:2:[]) == Just ('NilTerminated' [1,2])@, a regular,
+-- @[]@-terminated list. Should be pretty-printed as @[1,2]@.
+-- * @pmExprAsList (1:2:x) == Just ('WcVarTerminated' [1,2] x)@, a list prefix
+-- ending in a wildcard variable x (of list type). Should be pretty-printed as
+-- (1:2:_).
+-- * @pmExprAsList [] == Just ('NilTerminated' [])@
+pmExprAsList :: Delta -> PmAltCon -> [Id] -> Maybe PmExprList
+pmExprAsList delta = go_con []
+ where
+ go_var rev_pref x
+ | Just (alt, args) <- lookupSolution delta x
+ = go_con rev_pref alt args
+ go_var rev_pref x
+ | Just pref <- nonEmpty (reverse rev_pref)
+ = Just (WcVarTerminated pref x)
+ go_var _ _
+ = Nothing
+ go_con rev_pref (PmAltConLike (RealDataCon c)) es
+ | c == nilDataCon
+ = ASSERT( null es ) Just (NilTerminated (reverse rev_pref))
+ | c == consDataCon
+ = ASSERT( length es == 2 ) go_var (es !! 0 : rev_pref) (es !! 1)
+ go_con _ _ _
+ = Nothing