path: root/compiler/deSugar
diff options
authorMax Bolingbroke <>2009-07-02 15:09:43 +0000
committerMax Bolingbroke <>2009-07-02 15:09:43 +0000
commit7a6f05cdee4ac0bd2a9c0da370bcbd2d6d2e921b (patch)
treece26fa9f9d80054604f9e8e482ca590820ac5156 /compiler/deSugar
parent9d0c8f842e35dde3d570580cf62a32779f66a6de (diff)
Make changes to -fwarn-unused-do-bind and -fwarn-wrong-do-bind suggested by SPJ
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/deSugar')
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs b/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs
index 65fe457f8f..ef28c55d35 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs
@@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ dsDo stmts body _result_ty
go (ExprStmt rhs then_expr _) stmts
= do { rhs2 <- dsLExpr rhs
; case tcSplitAppTy_maybe (exprType rhs2) of
- Just (container_ty, returning_ty) -> warnDiscardedDoBindings container_ty returning_ty
+ Just (container_ty, returning_ty) -> warnDiscardedDoBindings rhs container_ty returning_ty
_ -> return ()
; then_expr2 <- dsExpr then_expr
; rest <- goL stmts
@@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ dsMDo tbl stmts body result_ty
go _ (ExprStmt rhs _ rhs_ty) stmts
= do { rhs2 <- dsLExpr rhs
- ; warnDiscardedDoBindings m_ty rhs_ty
+ ; warnDiscardedDoBindings rhs m_ty rhs_ty
; rest <- goL stmts
; return (mkApps (Var then_id) [Type rhs_ty, Type b_ty, rhs2, rest]) }
@@ -821,27 +821,30 @@ dsMDo tbl stmts body result_ty
-- Warn about certain types of values discarded in monadic bindings (#3263)
-warnDiscardedDoBindings :: Type -> Type -> DsM ()
-warnDiscardedDoBindings container_ty returning_ty = do
- -- Warn about discarding non-() things in 'monadic' binding
- warn_unused <- doptDs Opt_WarnUnusedDoBind
- when (warn_unused && not (returning_ty `tcEqType` unitTy)) $
- warnDs (unusedMonadBind returning_ty)
- -- Warn about discarding m a things in 'monadic' binding of the same type
- warn_wrong <- doptDs Opt_WarnWrongDoBind
- case tcSplitAppTy_maybe returning_ty of
- Just (returning_container_ty, _) -> when (warn_wrong && container_ty `tcEqType` returning_container_ty) $
- warnDs (wrongMonadBind returning_ty)
- _ -> return ()
-unusedMonadBind :: Type -> SDoc
-unusedMonadBind returning_ty
- = ptext (sLit "A do-notation statement threw away a result of a type which appears to contain something other than (), namely") <+> ppr returning_ty <>
- ptext (sLit ". You can suppress this warning by explicitly binding the result to _")
-wrongMonadBind :: Type -> SDoc
-wrongMonadBind returning_ty
- = ptext (sLit "A do-notation statement threw away a result of a type that like a monadic action waiting to execute, namely") <+> ppr returning_ty <>
- ptext (sLit ". You can suppress this warning by explicitly binding the result to _")
+warnDiscardedDoBindings :: LHsExpr Id -> Type -> Type -> DsM ()
+warnDiscardedDoBindings rhs container_ty returning_ty = do {
+ -- Warn about discarding non-() things in 'monadic' binding
+ ; warn_unused <- doptDs Opt_WarnUnusedDoBind
+ ; if warn_unused && not (returning_ty `tcEqType` unitTy)
+ then warnDs (unusedMonadBind rhs returning_ty)
+ else do {
+ -- Warn about discarding m a things in 'monadic' binding of the same type,
+ -- but only if we didn't already warn due to Opt_WarnUnusedDoBind
+ ; warn_wrong <- doptDs Opt_WarnWrongDoBind
+ ; case tcSplitAppTy_maybe returning_ty of
+ Just (returning_container_ty, _) -> when (warn_wrong && container_ty `tcEqType` returning_container_ty) $
+ warnDs (wrongMonadBind rhs returning_ty)
+ _ -> return () } }
+unusedMonadBind :: LHsExpr Id -> Type -> SDoc
+unusedMonadBind rhs returning_ty
+ = ptext (sLit "A do-notation statement discarded a result of type") <+> ppr returning_ty <> dot $$
+ ptext (sLit "Suppress this warning by saying \"_ <- ") <> ppr rhs <> ptext (sLit "\",") $$
+ ptext (sLit "or by using the flag -fno-warn-unused-do-bind")
+wrongMonadBind :: LHsExpr Id -> Type -> SDoc
+wrongMonadBind rhs returning_ty
+ = ptext (sLit "A do-notation statement discarded a result of type") <+> ppr returning_ty <> dot $$
+ ptext (sLit "Suppress this warning by saying \"_ <- ") <> ppr rhs <> ptext (sLit "\",") $$
+ ptext (sLit "or by using the flag -fno-warn-wrong-do-bind")