path: root/compiler/deSugar
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authorSebastian Graf <>2019-09-16 16:52:21 +0000
committerMarge Bot <>2019-09-28 17:11:41 -0400
commitc5d888d41eb7b39ea0d4c4aabd07ce8133bfeae6 (patch)
tree6561c3d6eaf34ef0e322bb450a0211841752bdd4 /compiler/deSugar
parent6f9fa0be8d43a7c9618f6e27e3190dc08bf86bfa (diff)
PmCheck: No ConLike instantiation in pmcheck
`pmcheck` used to call `refineToAltCon` which would refine the knowledge we had about a variable by equating it to a `ConLike` application. Since we weren't particularly smart about this in the Check module, we simply freshened the constructors existential and term binders utimately through a call to `mkOneConFull`. But that instantiation is unnecessary for when we match against a concrete pattern! The pattern will already have fresh binders and field types. So we don't call `refineToAltCon` from `Check` anymore. Subsequently, we can simplify a couple of call sites and functions in `PmOracle`. Also implementing `computeCovered` becomes viable and we don't have to live with the hack that was `addVarPatVecCt` anymore. A side-effect of not indirectly calling `mkOneConFull` anymore is that we don't generate the proper strict argument field constraints anymore. Instead we now desugar ConPatOuts as if they had bangs on their strict fields. This implies that `PmVar` now carries a `HsImplBang` that we need to respect by a (somewhat ephemeral) non-void check. We fix #17234 in doing so.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/deSugar')
2 files changed, 211 insertions, 302 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs b/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs
index 52f8c376bc..b86bb785c3 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ Pattern Matching Coverage Checking.
-{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
@@ -45,25 +43,23 @@ import SrcLoc
import Util
import Outputable
import DataCon
+import PatSyn (patSynArity)
import BasicTypes (Boxity(..))
import Var (EvVar)
import Coercion
import TcEvidence
import {-# SOURCE #-} DsExpr (dsExpr, dsLExpr, dsSyntaxExpr)
import MatchLit (dsLit, dsOverLit)
-import IOEnv
import DsMonad
import Bag
import TyCoRep
import Type
import DsUtils (isTrueLHsExpr)
-import Maybes (isJust, expectJust)
+import Maybes
import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
-import Data.List (find)
-import Control.Monad (forM, when, forM_)
-import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
-import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
+import Data.List (find, isSubsequenceOf)
+import Control.Monad (forM, when, forM_, zipWithM)
import qualified Data.Semigroup as Semi
@@ -88,24 +84,35 @@ The algorithm is based on the paper:
-data PmPat where
- -- | For the arguments' meaning see 'HsPat.ConPatOut'.
- PmCon :: { pm_con_con :: PmAltCon
- , pm_con_arg_tys :: [Type]
- , pm_con_tvs :: [TyVar]
- , pm_con_args :: [PmPat] } -> PmPat
- PmVar :: { pm_var_id :: Id } -> PmPat
- PmGrd :: { pm_grd_pv :: PatVec -- ^ Always has 'patVecArity' 1.
- , pm_grd_expr :: CoreExpr } -> PmPat
- -- (PmGrd pat expr) matches expr against pat, binding the variables in pat
+data PmPat
+ = -- | For the arguments' meaning see 'HsPat.ConPatOut'.
+ PmCon {
+ pm_con_con :: PmAltCon,
+ pm_con_arg_tys :: [Type],
+ pm_con_tvs :: [TyVar],
+ pm_con_dicts :: [EvVar],
+ pm_con_args :: [PmPat]
+ }
+ -- | Possibly strict variable pattern match
+ | PmVar {
+ _pm_var_bang :: HsImplBang,
+ pm_var_id :: Id
+ }
+ -- | @PmGrd pat expr@ matches @expr@ against @pat@,
+ -- binding the variables in @pat@
+ | PmGrd {
+ pm_grd_pv :: PatVec,
+ -- ^ Always has 'patVecArity' 1.
+ pm_grd_expr :: CoreExpr
+ }
-- | Should not be user-facing.
instance Outputable PmPat where
- ppr (PmCon alt _arg_tys _con_tvs con_args)
+ ppr (PmCon alt _arg_tys _con_tvs _con_dicts con_args)
= cparen (notNull con_args) (hsep [ppr alt, hsep (map ppr con_args)])
- ppr (PmVar vid) = ppr vid
+ ppr (PmVar bang vid) = (if isBanged bang then char '!' else empty) <> ppr vid
ppr (PmGrd pv ge) = hsep (map ppr pv) <+> text "<-" <+> ppr ge
-- data T a where
@@ -416,7 +423,7 @@ nullaryConPattern :: ConLike -> PmPat
-- Nullary data constructor and nullary type constructor
nullaryConPattern con =
PmCon { pm_con_con = (PmAltConLike con), pm_con_arg_tys = []
- , pm_con_tvs = [], pm_con_args = [] }
+ , pm_con_tvs = [], pm_con_dicts = [], pm_con_args = [] }
{-# INLINE nullaryConPattern #-}
truePattern :: PmPat
@@ -427,20 +434,22 @@ vanillaConPattern :: ConLike -> [Type] -> PatVec -> PmPat
-- ADT constructor pattern => no existentials, no local constraints
vanillaConPattern con arg_tys args =
PmCon { pm_con_con = PmAltConLike con, pm_con_arg_tys = arg_tys
- , pm_con_tvs = [], pm_con_args = args }
+ , pm_con_tvs = [], pm_con_dicts = [], pm_con_args = args }
{-# INLINE vanillaConPattern #-}
-- | Create an empty list pattern of a given type
nilPattern :: Type -> PmPat
nilPattern ty =
PmCon { pm_con_con = PmAltConLike (RealDataCon nilDataCon)
- , pm_con_arg_tys = [ty], pm_con_tvs = [], pm_con_args = [] }
+ , pm_con_arg_tys = [ty], pm_con_tvs = [], pm_con_dicts = []
+ , pm_con_args = [] }
{-# INLINE nilPattern #-}
mkListPatVec :: Type -> PatVec -> PatVec -> PatVec
mkListPatVec ty xs ys = [PmCon { pm_con_con = PmAltConLike (RealDataCon consDataCon)
, pm_con_arg_tys = [ty]
, pm_con_tvs = []
+ , pm_con_dicts = []
, pm_con_args = xs++ys }]
{-# INLINE mkListPatVec #-}
@@ -461,6 +470,7 @@ mkPmLitPattern lit@(PmLit _ val)
= [PmCon { pm_con_con = PmAltLit lit
, pm_con_arg_tys = []
, pm_con_tvs = []
+ , pm_con_dicts = []
, pm_con_args = [] }]
{-# INLINE mkPmLitPattern #-}
@@ -475,17 +485,15 @@ mkPmLitPattern lit@(PmLit _ val)
translatePat :: FamInstEnvs -> Pat GhcTc -> DsM PatVec
translatePat fam_insts pat = case pat of
WildPat ty -> mkPmVars [ty]
- VarPat _ id -> return [PmVar (unLoc id)]
+ VarPat _ id -> return [PmVar HsLazy (unLoc id)]
ParPat _ p -> translatePat fam_insts (unLoc p)
LazyPat _ _ -> mkPmVars [hsPatType pat] -- like a variable
- -- ignore strictness annotations for now
- BangPat _ p -> translatePat fam_insts (unLoc p)
+ BangPat _ p -> addBangs [HsStrict] <$> translatePat fam_insts (unLoc p)
-- (x@pat) ===> x (pat <- x)
AsPat _ (dL->L _ x) p -> do
pat <- translatePat fam_insts (unLoc p)
- pure [PmVar x, PmGrd pat (Var x)]
+ pure [PmVar HsLazy x, PmGrd pat (Var x)]
SigPat _ p _ty -> translatePat fam_insts (unLoc p)
@@ -504,8 +512,8 @@ translatePat fam_insts pat = case pat of
(xp, xe) <- mkPmId2Forms pat_ty
let ke1 = HsOverLit noExtField (unLoc k1)
ke2 = HsOverLit noExtField k2
- g1 <- mkGuardSyntaxExpr [truePattern] ge [unLoc xe, ke1]
- g2 <- mkGuardSyntaxExpr [PmVar n] minus [ke2]
+ g1 <- mkGuardSyntaxExpr [truePattern] ge [unLoc xe, ke1]
+ g2 <- mkGuardSyntaxExpr [PmVar HsLazy n] minus [ke2]
return [xp, g1, g2]
-- (fun -> pat) ===> x (pat <- fun x)
@@ -556,11 +564,13 @@ translatePat fam_insts pat = case pat of
ConPatOut { pat_con = (dL->L _ con)
, pat_arg_tys = arg_tys
, pat_tvs = ex_tvs
+ , pat_dicts = dicts
, pat_args = ps } -> do
args <- translateConPatVec fam_insts arg_tys ex_tvs con ps
return [PmCon { pm_con_con = PmAltConLike con
, pm_con_arg_tys = arg_tys
, pm_con_tvs = ex_tvs
+ , pm_con_dicts = dicts
, pm_con_args = args }]
NPat ty (dL->L _ olit) mb_neg _ -> do
@@ -618,36 +628,37 @@ translatePatVec fam_insts pats = mapM (translatePat fam_insts) pats
translateConPatVec :: FamInstEnvs -> [Type] -> [TyVar]
-> ConLike -> HsConPatDetails GhcTc
-> DsM PatVec
-translateConPatVec fam_insts _univ_tys _ex_tvs _ (PrefixCon ps)
- = concat <$> translatePatVec fam_insts (map unLoc ps)
-translateConPatVec fam_insts _univ_tys _ex_tvs _ (InfixCon p1 p2)
- = concat <$> translatePatVec fam_insts (map unLoc [p1,p2])
+translateConPatVec fam_insts _univ_tys _ex_tvs c (PrefixCon ps)
+ = addFieldBangs c . concat <$> translatePatVec fam_insts (map unLoc ps)
+translateConPatVec fam_insts _univ_tys _ex_tvs c (InfixCon p1 p2)
+ = addFieldBangs c . concat <$> translatePatVec fam_insts (map unLoc [p1,p2])
translateConPatVec fam_insts univ_tys ex_tvs c (RecCon (HsRecFields fs _))
-- Nothing matched. Make up some fresh term variables
- | null fs = mkPmVars arg_tys
+ | null fs = addFieldBangs c <$> mkPmVars arg_tys
-- The data constructor was not defined using record syntax. For the
-- pattern to be in record syntax it should be empty (e.g. Just {}).
-- So just like the previous case.
- | null orig_lbls = ASSERT(null matched_lbls) mkPmVars arg_tys
+ | null orig_lbls = ASSERT(null matched_lbls) addFieldBangs c <$> mkPmVars arg_tys
-- Some of the fields appear, in the original order (there may be holes).
-- Generate a simple constructor pattern and make up fresh variables for
-- the rest of the fields
- | matched_lbls `subsetOf` orig_lbls
+ | matched_lbls `isSubsequenceOf` orig_lbls
= ASSERT(orig_lbls `equalLength` arg_tys)
- let translateOne (lbl, ty) = case lookup lbl matched_pats of
+ let translateOne lbl ty = case lookup lbl matched_pats of
Just p -> translatePat fam_insts p
Nothing -> mkPmVars [ty]
- in concatMapM translateOne (zip orig_lbls arg_tys)
+ in addFieldBangs c . concat <$> zipWithM translateOne orig_lbls arg_tys
-- The fields that appear are not in the correct order. Make up fresh
-- variables for all fields and add guards after matching, to force the
-- evaluation in the correct order.
+ -- See Note [Field match order for RecCon]
| otherwise = do
- arg_var_pats <- mkPmVars arg_tys
+ arg_var_pats <- addFieldBangs c <$> mkPmVars arg_tys
translated_pats <- forM matched_pats $ \(x,pat) -> do
pvec <- translatePat fam_insts pat
return (x, pvec)
- let zipped = zip orig_lbls [ x | PmVar x <- arg_var_pats ]
+ let zipped = zip orig_lbls [ x | PmVar _ x <- arg_var_pats ]
guards = map (\(name,pvec) -> case lookup name zipped of
Just x -> PmGrd pvec (Var x)
Nothing -> panic "translateConPatVec: lookup")
@@ -655,8 +666,8 @@ translateConPatVec fam_insts univ_tys ex_tvs c (RecCon (HsRecFields fs _))
return (arg_var_pats ++ guards)
- -- The actual argument types (instantiated)
- arg_tys = conLikeInstOrigArgTys c (univ_tys ++ mkTyVarTys ex_tvs)
+ -- The actual argument types (instantiated), with strictness marks
+ arg_tys = conLikeInstOrigArgTys c (univ_tys ++ mkTyVarTys ex_tvs)
-- Some label information
orig_lbls = map flSelector $ conLikeFieldLabels c
@@ -664,13 +675,6 @@ translateConPatVec fam_insts univ_tys ex_tvs c (RecCon (HsRecFields fs _))
| (dL->L _ x) <- fs]
matched_lbls = [ name | (name, _pat) <- matched_pats ]
- subsetOf :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
- subsetOf [] _ = True
- subsetOf (_:_) [] = False
- subsetOf (x:xs) (y:ys)
- | x == y = subsetOf xs ys
- | otherwise = subsetOf (x:xs) ys
-- Translate a single match
translateMatch :: FamInstEnvs -> LMatch GhcTc (LHsExpr GhcTc)
-> DsM (PatVec, [PatVec])
@@ -730,8 +734,59 @@ translateBoolGuard e
-- PatVec for efficiency
| otherwise = (:[]) <$> mkGuard [truePattern] (unLoc e)
-{- Note [Countering exponential blowup]
+-- | Adds bangs to 'PmVar's in the 'PatVec' if the corresponding field of the
+-- 'ConLike' definition had one.
+addFieldBangs :: ConLike -> PatVec -> PatVec
+addFieldBangs c ps = addBangs bangs ps
+ where
+ bangs = case c of
+ RealDataCon dc -> dataConImplBangs dc
+ PatSynCon ps -> take (patSynArity ps) (repeat HsLazy)
+-- | Basically zip the bangs with the 'PatVec', with a few caveats:
+-- * Skip 'PmGrd's, because they don't match anything. Each bangs corresponds
+-- to a pattern arity 1 pattern.
+-- * A bang doesn't affect a 'PmCon' because it's already strict, so we just
+-- discharge it.
+-- * Add the bang to the 'PmVar'.
+-- Example: @addBangs [HsStrict, HsStrict] [x, 0 <- e, I# 42, True <- p 2]@
+-- evaluates to @[!x, 0 <- e, I# 42, True <- p 2]@, so only the first
+-- pattern changes from lazy to strict.
+addBangs :: [HsImplBang] -> PatVec -> PatVec
+addBangs (bang:bangs) (PmVar _ x:ps) = PmVar bang x : addBangs bangs ps
+addBangs bangs (p@PmGrd{}:ps) = p : addBangs bangs ps
+addBangs (_ :bangs) (p@PmCon{}:ps) = p : addBangs bangs ps
+addBangs [] [] = []
+addBangs _ _ = panic "addBangs"
+{- Note [Field match order for RecCon]
+The order for RecCon field patterns actually determines evaluation order of
+the pattern match. For example:
+ data T = T { a :: !Bool, b :: Char, c :: Int }
+ f :: T -> ()
+ f T{ c = 42, b = 'b' } = ()
+ * @f (T (error "a") (error "b") (error "c"))@ errors out with "a" because of
+ the strict field.
+ * @f (T True (error "b") (error "c"))@ errors out with "c" because it
+ is mentioned frist in the pattern match.
+This means we can't just desugar the pattern match to the PatVec
+@[T !_ 'b' 42]@. Instead we have to generate variable matches that have
+strictness according to the field declarations and afterwards force them in the
+right order. As a result, we get the PatVec @[T !_ b c, 42 <- c, 'b' <- b]@.
+Of course, when the labels occur in the order they are defined, we can just use
+the simpler desugaring.
+Note [Countering exponential blowup]
Precise pattern match exhaustiveness checking is necessarily exponential in
the size of some input programs. We implement a counter-measure in the form of
the -fmax-pmcheck-models flag, limiting the number of Deltas we check against
@@ -852,11 +907,11 @@ mkGuardSyntaxExpr pv f args = do
core_args <- traverse dsExpr args
PmGrd pv <$> dsSyntaxExpr f core_args
--- | Generate a variable pattern of a given type
+-- | Generate a lazy variable pattern of a given type
mkPmVar :: Type -> DsM PmPat
-mkPmVar ty = PmVar <$> mkPmId ty
+mkPmVar ty = PmVar HsLazy <$> mkPmId ty
--- | Generate many variable patterns, given a list of types
+-- | Generate many lazy variable patterns, given a list of types
mkPmVars :: [Type] -> DsM PatVec
mkPmVars tys = mapM mkPmVar tys
@@ -866,7 +921,7 @@ mkPmVars tys = mapM mkPmVar tys
mkPmId2Forms :: Type -> DsM (PmPat, LHsExpr GhcTc)
mkPmId2Forms ty = do
x <- mkPmId ty
- return (PmVar x, noLoc (HsVar noExtField (noLoc x)))
+ return (PmVar HsLazy x, noLoc (HsVar noExtField (noLoc x)))
Note [Filtering out non-matching COMPLETE sets]
@@ -1062,14 +1117,19 @@ pmcheck (p@PmGrd { pm_grd_pv = pv, pm_grd_expr = e } : ps) guards vva n delta =
pmcheckI (pv ++ ps) guards (x : vva) n delta'
-- Var: Add x :-> y to the oracle and recurse
-pmcheck (PmVar x : ps) guards (y : vva) n delta = do
- delta' <- expectJust "x is fresh" <$> addTmCt delta (TmVarVar x y)
- pmcheckI ps guards vva n delta'
+pmcheck (PmVar bang x : ps) guards (y : vva) n delta = do
+ delta_lzy <- expectJust "x is fresh" <$> addTmCt delta (TmVarVar x y)
+ if isBanged bang
+ then do
+ pr <- addTmCt delta_lzy (TmVarNonVoid x) >>= \case
+ Nothing -> pure mempty
+ Just delta_str -> pmcheckI ps guards vva n delta_str
+ pure (forceIfCanDiverge delta x pr)
+ else pmcheckI ps guards vva n delta_lzy
-- ConVar
-pmcheck (p@PmCon{ pm_con_con = con, pm_con_args = args
- , pm_con_arg_tys = arg_tys, pm_con_tvs = ex_tvs } : ps)
- guards (x : vva) n delta = do
+pmcheck (p : ps) guards (x : vva) n delta
+ | PmCon{ pm_con_con = con, pm_con_args = args, pm_con_dicts = dicts } <- p = do
-- E.g f (K p q) = <rhs>
-- <next equation>
-- Split the value vector into two value vectors:
@@ -1077,7 +1137,7 @@ pmcheck (p@PmCon{ pm_con_con = con, pm_con_args = args
-- * one for <next equation>, recording that x is /not/ (K _ _)
-- Stuff for <rhs>
- pr_pos <- refineToAltCon delta x con arg_tys ex_tvs >>= \case
+ pr_pos <- addPmConCts delta x con dicts args >>= \case
Nothing -> pure mempty
Just (delta', arg_vas) ->
pmcheckI (args ++ ps) guards (arg_vas ++ vva) n delta'
@@ -1098,6 +1158,20 @@ pmcheck (p@PmCon{ pm_con_con = con, pm_con_args = args
pmcheck [] _ (_:_) _ _ = panic "pmcheck: nil-cons"
pmcheck (_:_) _ [] _ _ = panic "pmcheck: cons-nil"
+addPmConCts :: Delta -> Id -> PmAltCon -> [EvVar] -> PatVec -> DsM (Maybe (Delta, ValVec))
+addPmConCts delta x con dicts field_pats = do
+ -- mk_id will re-use the variable name if possible. The x ~ x is easily
+ -- discharged by the oracle at no overhead (see 'PmOracle.addVarVarCt').
+ let mk_id (PmVar _ x) = pure (Just x)
+ mk_id p@PmCon{} = Just <$> mkPmId (pmPatType p)
+ mk_id PmGrd{} = pure Nothing -- PmGrds have arity 0, so just forget about them
+ field_vas <- catMaybes <$> traverse mk_id field_pats
+ runMaybeT $ do
+ delta_ty <- MaybeT $ addTypeEvidence delta (listToBag dicts)
+ delta_tm_ty <- MaybeT $ addTmCt delta_ty (TmVarCon x con field_vas)
+ -- strictness on fields is unleashed when we match
+ pure (delta_tm_ty, field_vas)
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Utilities for main checking
@@ -1190,46 +1264,36 @@ addPatTmCs :: [Pat GhcTc] -- LHS (should have length 1)
-> [Id] -- MatchVars (should have length 1)
-> DsM a
-> DsM a
--- Morally, this computes an approximation of the Covered set for p1
--- (which pmcheck currently discards). TODO: Re-use pmcheck instead of calling
--- out to awkard addVarPatVecCt.
+-- Computes an approximation of the Covered set for p1 (which pmcheck currently
+-- discards).
addPatTmCs ps xs k = do
fam_insts <- dsGetFamInstEnvs
pv <- concat <$> translatePatVec fam_insts ps
- locallyExtendPmDelta (\delta -> addVarPatVecCt delta xs pv) k
--- | Add a constraint equating a variable to a 'PatVec'. Picks out the single
--- 'PmPat' of arity 1 and equates x to it. Returns the original Delta if that
--- fails. Otherwise it returns Nothing when the resulting Delta would be
--- unsatisfiable, or @Just delta'@ when the extended @delta'@ is still possibly
--- satisfiable.
-addVarPatVecCt :: Delta -> [Id] -> PatVec -> DsM (Maybe Delta)
--- This is just a simple version of pmcheck to compute the Covered Delta
--- (which pmcheck doesn't even attempt to keep).
--- Also PmGrd, although having pattern arity 0, really stores important info.
--- For example, as-patterns desugar to a plain variable match and an associated
--- PmGrd for the RHS of the @. We don't currently look into that PmGrd and I'm
--- not willing to duplicate any more of pmcheck.
-addVarPatVecCt delta (x:xs) (pat:pv)
- | patternArity pat == 1 -- PmVar or PmCon
- = runMaybeT $ do
- delta' <- MaybeT (addVarPatCt delta x pat)
- MaybeT (addVarPatVecCt delta' xs pv)
- | otherwise -- PmGrd or PmFake
- = addVarPatVecCt delta (x:xs) pv
-addVarPatVecCt delta [] pv = ASSERT( patVecArity pv == 0 ) pure (Just delta)
-addVarPatVecCt _ (_:_) [] = panic "More match vars than patterns"
--- | Convert a pattern to a 'PmTypes' (will be either 'Nothing' if the pattern is
--- a guard pattern, or 'Just' an expression in all other cases) by dropping the
--- guards
-addVarPatCt :: Delta -> Id -> PmPat -> DsM (Maybe Delta)
-addVarPatCt delta x (PmVar { pm_var_id = y }) = addTmCt delta (TmVarVar x y)
-addVarPatCt delta x (PmCon { pm_con_con = con, pm_con_args = args }) = runMaybeT $ do
- arg_ids <- traverse (lift . mkPmId . pmPatType) args
- delta' <- foldlM (\delta (y, arg) -> MaybeT (addVarPatCt delta y arg)) delta (zip arg_ids args)
- MaybeT (addTmCt delta' (TmVarCon x con arg_ids))
-addVarPatCt delta _ _pat = ASSERT( patternArity _pat == 0 ) pure (Just delta)
+ locallyExtendPmDelta (\delta -> computeCovered pv xs delta) k
+-- | A dead simple version of 'pmcheck' that only computes the Covered set.
+-- So it only cares about collecting positive info.
+-- We use it to collect info from a pattern when we check its RHS.
+-- See 'addPatTmCs'.
+computeCovered :: PatVec -> ValVec -> Delta -> DsM (Maybe Delta)
+-- The duplication with 'pmcheck' is really unfortunate, but it's simpler than
+-- separating out the common cases with 'pmcheck', because that would make the
+-- ConVar case harder to understand.
+computeCovered [] [] delta = pure (Just delta)
+computeCovered (PmGrd { pm_grd_pv = pv, pm_grd_expr = e } : ps) vva delta = do
+ x <- mkPmId (exprType e)
+ delta' <- expectJust "x is fresh" <$> addVarCoreCt delta x e
+ computeCovered (pv ++ ps) (x : vva) delta'
+computeCovered (PmVar _ x : ps) (y : vva) delta = do
+ delta' <- expectJust "x is fresh" <$> addTmCt delta (TmVarVar x y)
+ computeCovered ps vva delta'
+computeCovered (p : ps) (x : vva) delta
+ | PmCon{ pm_con_con = con, pm_con_args = args, pm_con_dicts = dicts } <- p
+ = addPmConCts delta x con dicts args >>= \case
+ Nothing -> pure Nothing
+ Just (delta', arg_vas) ->
+ computeCovered (args ++ ps) (arg_vas ++ vva) delta'
+computeCovered ps vs _delta = pprPanic "computeCovered" (ppr ps $$ ppr vs)
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/PmOracle.hs b/compiler/deSugar/PmOracle.hs
index fd5d47c748..e27adc9fcd 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/PmOracle.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/PmOracle.hs
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ Authors: George Karachalias <>
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, LambdaCase, TupleSections, PatternSynonyms, ViewPatterns, MultiWayIf #-}
-- | The pattern match oracle. The main export of the module are the functions
--- 'addTmCt', 'refineToAltCon' and 'addRefutableAltCon' for adding
--- facts to the oracle, and 'provideEvidenceForEquation' to turn a 'Delta' into
--- a concrete evidence for an equation.
+-- 'addTmCt', 'addVarCoreCt', 'addRefutableAltCon' and 'addTypeEvidence' for
+-- adding facts to the oracle, and 'provideEvidenceForEquation' to turn a
+-- 'Delta' into a concrete evidence for an equation.
module PmOracle (
DsM, tracePm, mkPmId,
@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ module PmOracle (
addRefutableAltCon, -- Add a negative term equality
addTmCt, -- Add a positive term equality x ~ e
addVarCoreCt, -- Add a positive term equality x ~ core_expr
- refineToAltCon, -- Add a positive refinement x ~ K _ _
- tmOracle, -- Add multiple positive term equalities
) where
@@ -149,9 +147,9 @@ getUnmatchedConstructor (PM _tc ms)
-- | Instantiate a 'ConLike' given its universal type arguments. Instantiates
-- existential and term binders with fresh variables of appropriate type.
--- Also returns instantiated evidence variables from the match and the types of
--- strict constructor fields.
-mkOneConFull :: [Type] -> ConLike -> DsM ([Id], Bag TyCt, [Type], [TyVar])
+-- Returns instantiated term variables from the match, type evidence and the
+-- types of strict constructor fields.
+mkOneConFull :: [Type] -> ConLike -> DsM ([Id], Bag TyCt, [Type])
-- * 'con' K is a ConLike
-- - In the case of DataCons and most PatSynCons, these
-- are associated with a particular TyCon T
@@ -160,9 +158,8 @@ mkOneConFull :: [Type] -> ConLike -> DsM ([Id], Bag TyCt, [Type], [TyVar])
-- * 'arg_tys' tys are the types K's universally quantified type
-- variables should be instantiated to.
-- - For DataCons and most PatSyns these are the arguments of their TyCon
--- - For cases like in #11336, #17112, the univ_ts include those variables
--- from the view pattern, so tys will have to come from the type checker.
--- They can't easily be recovered from the result type.
+-- - For cases like the PatSyns in #11336, #17112, we can't easily guess
+-- these, so don't call this function.
-- After instantiating the universal tyvars of K to tys we get
-- K @tys :: forall bs. Q => s1 .. sn -> T tys
@@ -173,15 +170,15 @@ mkOneConFull :: [Type] -> ConLike -> DsM ([Id], Bag TyCt, [Type], [TyVar])
-- Results: [y1,..,yn]
-- Q
-- [s1]
--- [e1,..,en]
mkOneConFull arg_tys con = do
let (univ_tvs, ex_tvs, eq_spec, thetas, _req_theta , field_tys, _con_res_ty)
= conLikeFullSig con
-- pprTrace "mkOneConFull" (ppr con $$ ppr arg_tys $$ ppr univ_tvs $$ ppr _con_res_ty) (return ())
-- Substitute universals for type arguments
let subst_univ = zipTvSubst univ_tvs arg_tys
- -- Instantiate fresh existentials as arguments to the contructor
- (subst, ex_tvs') <- cloneTyVarBndrs subst_univ ex_tvs <$> getUniqueSupplyM
+ -- Instantiate fresh existentials as arguments to the contructor. This is
+ -- important for instantiating the Thetas and field types.
+ (subst, _) <- cloneTyVarBndrs subst_univ ex_tvs <$> getUniqueSupplyM
let field_tys' = substTys subst field_tys
-- Instantiate fresh term variables (VAs) as arguments to the constructor
vars <- mapM mkPmId field_tys'
@@ -191,17 +188,7 @@ mkOneConFull arg_tys con = do
-- Figure out the types of strict constructor fields
let arg_is_banged = map isBanged $ conLikeImplBangs con
strict_arg_tys = filterByList arg_is_banged field_tys'
- return (vars, listToBag ty_cs, strict_arg_tys, ex_tvs')
-equateTyVars :: [TyVar] -> [TyVar] -> Bag TyCt
-equateTyVars ex_tvs1 ex_tvs2
- = ASSERT(ex_tvs1 `equalLength` ex_tvs2)
- listToBag $ catMaybes $ zipWith mb_to_evvar ex_tvs1 ex_tvs2
- where
- mb_to_evvar tv1 tv2
- | tv1 == tv2 = Nothing
- | otherwise = Just (to_evvar tv1 tv2)
- to_evvar tv1 tv2 = TyCt $ mkPrimEqPred (mkTyVarTy tv1) (mkTyVarTy tv2)
+ return (vars, listToBag ty_cs, strict_arg_tys)
-- * Pattern match oracle
@@ -689,11 +676,7 @@ warning messages (which can be alleviated by someone with enough dedication).
-- Returns a new 'Delta' if the new constraints are compatible with existing
-- ones.
tmIsSatisfiable :: Bag TmCt -> SatisfiabilityCheck
-tmIsSatisfiable new_tm_cs = SC $ \delta -> tmOracle delta new_tm_cs
--- | External interface to the term oracle.
-tmOracle :: Foldable f => Delta -> f TmCt -> DsM (Maybe Delta)
-tmOracle delta = runMaybeT . foldlM go delta
+tmIsSatisfiable new_tm_cs = SC $ \delta -> runMaybeT $ foldlM go delta new_tm_cs
go delta ct = MaybeT (addTmCt delta ct)
@@ -773,12 +756,14 @@ lookupSolution delta x = case vi_pos (lookupVarInfo (delta_tm_st delta) x) of
-- | A term constraint. Either equates two variables or a variable with a
-- 'PmAltCon' application.
data TmCt
- = TmVarVar !Id !Id
- | TmVarCon !Id !PmAltCon ![Id]
+ = TmVarVar !Id !Id
+ | TmVarCon !Id !PmAltCon ![Id]
+ | TmVarNonVoid !Id
instance Outputable TmCt where
ppr (TmVarVar x y) = ppr x <+> char '~' <+> ppr y
ppr (TmVarCon x con args) = ppr x <+> char '~' <+> hsep (ppr con : map ppr args)
+ ppr (TmVarNonVoid x) = ppr x <+> text "/~ ⊥"
-- | Add type equalities to 'Delta'.
addTypeEvidence :: Delta -> Bag EvVar -> DsM (Maybe Delta)
@@ -791,6 +776,7 @@ addTmCt :: Delta -> TmCt -> DsM (Maybe Delta)
addTmCt delta ct = runMaybeT $ case ct of
TmVarVar x y -> addVarVarCt delta (x, y)
TmVarCon x con args -> addVarConCt delta x con args
+ TmVarNonVoid x -> addVarNonVoidCt delta x
-- | Record that a particular 'Id' can't take the shape of a 'PmAltCon' in the
-- 'Delta' and return @Nothing@ if that leads to a contradiction.
@@ -866,7 +852,7 @@ guessConLikeUnivTyArgsFromResTy env res_ty (RealDataCon _) = do
let (_, tc_args', _) = tcLookupDataFamInst env tc tc_args
Just tc_args'
guessConLikeUnivTyArgsFromResTy _ res_ty (PatSynCon ps) = do
- -- We were successful if we managed to instantiate *every* univ_tv of con.
+ -- We are successful if we managed to instantiate *every* univ_tv of con.
-- This is difficult and bound to fail in some cases, see
-- Note [Pattern synonym result type] in PatSyn.hs. So we just try our best
-- here and be sure to return an instantiation when we can substitute every
@@ -878,6 +864,17 @@ guessConLikeUnivTyArgsFromResTy _ res_ty (PatSynCon ps) = do
subst <- tcMatchTy con_res_ty res_ty
traverse (lookupTyVar subst) univ_tvs
+-- | Kind of tries to add a non-void contraint to 'Delta', but doesn't really
+-- commit to upholding that constraint in the future. This will be rectified
+-- in a follow-up patch. The status quo should work good enough for now.
+addVarNonVoidCt :: Delta -> Id -> MaybeT DsM Delta
+addVarNonVoidCt delta@MkDelta{ delta_tm_st = TmSt env } x = do
+ vi <- lift $ initLookupVarInfo delta x
+ vi' <- MaybeT $ ensureInhabited delta vi
+ -- vi' has probably constructed and then thinned out some PossibleMatches.
+ -- We want to cache that work
+ pure delta{ delta_tm_st = TmSt (setEntrySDIE env x vi')}
ensureInhabited :: Delta -> VarInfo -> DsM (Maybe VarInfo)
-- Returns (Just vi) guarantees that at least one member
-- of each ConLike in the COMPLETE set satisfies the oracle
@@ -917,7 +914,7 @@ ensureInhabited delta vi = fmap (set_cache vi) <$> test (vi_cache vi) -- This wo
case guessConLikeUnivTyArgsFromResTy env (vi_ty vi) con of
Nothing -> pure True -- be conservative about this
Just arg_tys -> do
- (_vars, ty_cs, strict_arg_tys, _ex_tyvars) <- mkOneConFull arg_tys con
+ (_vars, ty_cs, strict_arg_tys) <- mkOneConFull arg_tys con
-- No need to run the term oracle compared to pmIsSatisfiable
fmap isJust <$> runSatisfiabilityCheck delta $ mconcat
-- Important to pass False to tyIsSatisfiable here, so that we won't
@@ -938,165 +935,6 @@ ensureAllPossibleMatchesInhabited delta@MkDelta{ delta_tm_st = TmSt env }
set_tm_cs_env delta env = delta{ delta_tm_st = TmSt env }
go vi = MaybeT (ensureInhabited delta vi)
--- | @refineToAltCon delta x con arg_tys ex_tyvars@ instantiates @con@ at
--- @arg_tys@ with fresh variables (equating existentials to @ex_tyvars@).
--- It adds a new term equality equating @x@ is to the resulting 'PmAltCon' app
--- and new type equalities arising from GADT matches.
--- If successful, returns the new @delta@ and the fresh term variables, or
--- @Nothing@ otherwise.
-refineToAltCon :: Delta -> Id -> PmAltCon -> [Type] -> [TyVar] -> DsM (Maybe (Delta, [Id]))
-refineToAltCon delta x l@PmAltLit{} _arg_tys _ex_tvs1 = runMaybeT $ do
- delta' <- addVarConCt delta x l []
- pure (delta', [])
-refineToAltCon delta x alt@(PmAltConLike con) arg_tys ex_tvs1 = do
- -- The plan for ConLikes:
- -- Suppose K :: forall a b y z. (y,b) -> z -> T a b
- -- where the y,z are the existentials
- -- @refineToAltCon delta x K [ex1, ex2]@ extends delta with the
- -- positive information x :-> K y' z' p q, for some fresh y', z', p, q.
- -- This is done by mkOneConFull.
- -- We return the fresh [p,q] args, and bind the existentials [y',z'] to
- -- [ex1, ex2].
- -- Return Nothing if such a match is contradictory with delta.
- (arg_vars, theta_ty_cs, strict_arg_tys, ex_tvs2) <- mkOneConFull arg_tys con
- -- If we have identical constructors but different existential
- -- tyvars, then generate extra equality constraints to ensure the
- -- existential tyvars.
- -- See Note [Coverage checking and existential tyvars].
- let ex_ty_cs = equateTyVars ex_tvs1 ex_tvs2
- let new_ty_cs = theta_ty_cs `unionBags` ex_ty_cs
- let new_tm_cs = unitBag (TmVarCon x alt arg_vars)
- -- Now check satifiability
- mb_delta <- pmIsSatisfiable delta new_tm_cs new_ty_cs strict_arg_tys
- tracePm "refineToAltCon" (vcat [ ppr x
- , ppr new_tm_cs
- , ppr new_ty_cs
- , ppr strict_arg_tys
- , ppr delta
- , ppr mb_delta ])
- case mb_delta of
- Nothing -> pure Nothing
- Just delta' -> pure (Just (delta', arg_vars))
-Note [Coverage checking and existential tyvars]
-GHC's implementation of the pattern-match coverage algorithm (as described in
-the GADTs Meet Their Match paper) must take some care to emit enough type
-constraints when handling data constructors with exisentially quantified type
-variables. To better explain what the challenge is, consider a constructor K
-of the form:
- K @e_1 ... @e_m ev_1 ... ev_v ty_1 ... ty_n :: T u_1 ... u_p
-* e_1, ..., e_m are the existentially bound type variables.
-* ev_1, ..., ev_v are evidence variables, which may inhabit a dictionary type
- (e.g., Eq) or an equality constraint (e.g., e_1 ~ Int).
-* ty_1, ..., ty_n are the types of K's fields.
-* T u_1 ... u_p is the return type, where T is the data type constructor, and
- u_1, ..., u_p are the universally quantified type variables.
-In the ConVar case, the coverage algorithm will have in hand the constructor
-K as well as a list of type arguments [t_1, ..., t_n] to substitute T's
-universally quantified type variables u_1, ..., u_n for. It's crucial to take
-these in as arguments, as it is non-trivial to derive them just from the result
-type of a pattern synonym and the ambient type of the match (#11336, #17112).
-The type checker already did the hard work, so we should just make use of it.
-The presence of existentially quantified type variables adds a significant
-wrinkle. We always grab e_1, ..., e_m from the definition of K to begin with,
-but we don't want them to appear in the final PmCon, because then
-calling (mkOneConFull K) for other pattern variables might reuse the same
-existential tyvars, which is certainly wrong.
-Previously, GHC's solution to this wrinkle was to always create fresh names
-for the existential tyvars and put them into the PmCon. This works well for
-many cases, but it can break down if you nest GADT pattern matches in just
-the right way. For instance, consider the following program:
- data App f a where
- App :: f a -> App f (Maybe a)
- data Ty a where
- TBool :: Ty Bool
- TInt :: Ty Int
- data T f a where
- C :: T Ty (Maybe Bool)
- foo :: T f a -> App f a -> ()
- foo C (App TBool) = ()
-foo is a total program, but with the previous approach to handling existential
-tyvars, GHC would mark foo's patterns as non-exhaustive.
-When foo is desugared to Core, it looks roughly like so:
- foo @f @a (C co1 _co2) (App @a1 _co3 (TBool |> co1)) = ()
-(Where `a1` is an existential tyvar.)
-That, in turn, is processed by the coverage checker to become:
- foo @f @a (C co1 _co2) (App @a1 _co3 (pmvar123 :: f a1))
- | TBool <- pmvar123 |> co1
- = ()
-Note that the type of pmvar123 is `f a1`—this will be important later.
-Now, we proceed with coverage-checking as usual. When we come to the
-ConVar case for App, we create a fresh variable `a2` to represent its
-existential tyvar. At this point, we have the equality constraints
-`(a ~ Maybe a2, a ~ Maybe Bool, f ~ Ty)` in scope.
-However, when we check the guard, it will use the type of pmvar123, which is
-`f a1`. Thus, when considering if pmvar123 can match the constructor TInt,
-it will generate the constraint `a1 ~ Int`. This means our final set of
-equality constraints would be:
- f ~ Ty
- a ~ Maybe Bool
- a ~ Maybe a2
- a1 ~ Int
-Which is satisfiable! Freshening the existential tyvar `a` to `a2` doomed us,
-because GHC is unable to relate `a2` to `a1`, which really should be the same
-Luckily, we can avoid this pitfall. Recall that the ConVar case was where we
-generated a PmCon with too-fresh existentials. But after ConVar, we have the
-ConCon case, which considers whether each constructor of a particular data type
-can be matched on in a particular spot.
-In the case of App, when we get to the ConCon case, we will compare our
-original App PmCon (from the source program) to the App PmCon created from the
-ConVar case. In the former PmCon, we have `a1` in hand, which is exactly the
-existential tyvar we want! Thus, we can force `a1` to be the same as `a2` here
-by emitting an additional `a1 ~ a2` constraint. Now our final set of equality
-constraints will be:
- f ~ Ty
- a ~ Maybe Bool
- a ~ Maybe a2
- a1 ~ Int
- a1 ~ a2
-Which is unsatisfiable, as we desired, since we now have that
-Int ~ a1 ~ a2 ~ Bool.
-In general, App might have more than one constructor, in which case we
-couldn't reuse the existential tyvar for App for a different constructor. This
-means that we can only use this trick in ConCon when the constructors are the
-same. But this is fine, since this is the only scenario where this situation
-arises in the first place!
-- * Term oracle unification procedure
@@ -1203,7 +1041,7 @@ mkInhabitationCandidate :: Id -> DataCon -> DsM InhabitationCandidate
mkInhabitationCandidate x dc = do
let cl = RealDataCon dc
let tc_args = tyConAppArgs (idType x)
- (arg_vars, ty_cs, strict_arg_tys, _ex_tyvars) <- mkOneConFull tc_args cl
+ (arg_vars, ty_cs, strict_arg_tys) <- mkOneConFull tc_args cl
pure InhabitationCandidate
{ ic_tm_cs = unitBag (TmVarCon x (PmAltConLike cl) arg_vars)
, ic_ty_cs = ty_cs
@@ -1600,8 +1438,6 @@ provideEvidenceForEquation = go init_ts
-> DsM [Delta]
split_at_con rec_ts delta n x xs cl = do
-- This will be really similar to the ConVar case
- let (_,ex_tvs,_,_,_,_,_) = conLikeFullSig cl
- -- we might need to freshen ex_tvs. Not sure
-- We may need to reduce type famlies/synonyms in x's type first
res <- pmTopNormaliseType (delta_ty_st delta) (idType x)
let res_ty = normalisedSourceType res
@@ -1609,10 +1445,19 @@ provideEvidenceForEquation = go init_ts
case guessConLikeUnivTyArgsFromResTy env res_ty cl of
Nothing -> pure [delta] -- We can't split this one, so assume it's inhabited
Just arg_tys -> do
- ev_pos <- refineToAltCon delta x (PmAltConLike cl) arg_tys ex_tvs >>= \case
- Nothing -> pure []
- Just (delta', arg_vas) ->
- go rec_ts (arg_vas ++ xs) n delta'
+ (arg_vars, new_ty_cs, strict_arg_tys) <- mkOneConFull arg_tys cl
+ let new_tm_cs = unitBag (TmVarCon x (PmAltConLike cl) arg_vars)
+ -- Now check satifiability
+ mb_delta <- pmIsSatisfiable delta new_tm_cs new_ty_cs strict_arg_tys
+ tracePm "split_at_con" (vcat [ ppr x
+ , ppr new_tm_cs
+ , ppr new_ty_cs
+ , ppr strict_arg_tys
+ , ppr delta
+ , ppr mb_delta ])
+ ev_pos <- case mb_delta of
+ Nothing -> pure []
+ Just delta' -> go rec_ts (arg_vars ++ xs) n delta'
-- Only n' more equations to go...
let n' = n - length ev_pos