path: root/compiler/deSugar
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mode: <unknown>2008-06-05 12:44:23 +0000 <unknown>2008-06-05 12:44:23 +0000
commita3f24157839605f19e869fdde8cd73266fecf4ac (patch)
tree3a5794e3b447df97b446e1361843cf3f5185b078 /compiler/deSugar
parent1b1190e01d0c65043628d2532988d9b1b4a78384 (diff)
Desugar multiple polymorphic bindings more intelligently
Occasionally people write very large recursive groups of definitions. In general we desugar these to a single definition that binds tuple, plus lots of tuple selectors. But that code has quadratic size, which can be bad. This patch adds a new case to the desugaring of bindings, for the situation where there are lots of polymorphic variables, but no dictionaries. (Dictionaries force us into the general case.) See Note [Abstracting over tyvars only]. The extra behaviour can be disabled with the (static) flag -fno-ds-multi-tyvar in case we want to experiment with switching it on or off. There is essentially-zero effect on the nofib suite though. I was provoked into doing this by Trac #1136. In fact I'm not sure it's the real cause of the problem there, but it's a good idea anyway.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/deSugar')
1 files changed, 135 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs b/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs
index dc934a77a7..2ecbd0e93f 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs
@@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ import Maybes
import Bag
import BasicTypes hiding ( TopLevel )
import FastString
-import Util ( mapSnd )
+import StaticFlags ( opt_DsMultiTyVar )
+import Util ( mapSnd, mapAndUnzip, lengthExceeds )
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
@@ -103,41 +104,121 @@ dsHsBind _ rest (PatBind { pat_lhs = pat, pat_rhs = grhss, pat_rhs_ty = ty }) =
sel_binds <- mkSelectorBinds pat body_expr
return (sel_binds ++ rest)
--- Note [Rules and inlining]
--- Common special case: no type or dictionary abstraction
--- This is a bit less trivial than you might suppose
--- The naive way woudl be to desguar to something like
--- f_lcl = ...f_lcl... -- The "binds" from AbsBinds
--- M.f = f_lcl -- Generated from "exports"
--- But we don't want that, because if M.f isn't exported,
--- it'll be inlined unconditionally at every call site (its rhs is
--- trivial). That would be ok unless it has RULES, which would
--- thereby be completely lost. Bad, bad, bad.
--- Instead we want to generate
--- M.f = ...f_lcl...
--- f_lcl = M.f
--- Now all is cool. The RULES are attached to M.f (by SimplCore),
--- and f_lcl is rapidly inlined away.
--- This does not happen in the same way to polymorphic binds,
--- because they desugar to
--- M.f = /\a. let f_lcl = ...f_lcl... in f_lcl
--- Although I'm a bit worried about whether full laziness might
--- float the f_lcl binding out and then inline M.f at its call site
+{- Note [Rules and inlining]
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Common special case: no type or dictionary abstraction
+ This is a bit less trivial than you might suppose
+ The naive way woudl be to desguar to something like
+ f_lcl = ...f_lcl... -- The "binds" from AbsBinds
+ M.f = f_lcl -- Generated from "exports"
+ But we don't want that, because if M.f isn't exported,
+ it'll be inlined unconditionally at every call site (its rhs is
+ trivial). That would be ok unless it has RULES, which would
+ thereby be completely lost. Bad, bad, bad.
+ Instead we want to generate
+ M.f = ...f_lcl...
+ f_lcl = M.f
+ Now all is cool. The RULES are attached to M.f (by SimplCore),
+ and f_lcl is rapidly inlined away.
+ This does not happen in the same way to polymorphic binds,
+ because they desugar to
+ M.f = /\a. let f_lcl = ...f_lcl... in f_lcl
+ Although I'm a bit worried about whether full laziness might
+ float the f_lcl binding out and then inline M.f at its call site -}
dsHsBind auto_scc rest (AbsBinds [] [] exports binds)
= do { core_prs <- ds_lhs_binds NoSccs binds
; let env = mkABEnv exports
- do_one (lcl_id, rhs) | Just (gbl_id, prags) <- lookupVarEnv env lcl_id
+ do_one (lcl_id, rhs) | Just (_, gbl_id, _, prags) <- lookupVarEnv env lcl_id
= addInlinePrags prags gbl_id $
addAutoScc auto_scc gbl_id rhs
| otherwise = (lcl_id, rhs)
locals' = [(lcl_id, Var gbl_id) | (_, gbl_id, lcl_id, _) <- exports]
+ -- Note [Rules and inlining]
; return (map do_one core_prs ++ locals' ++ rest) }
-- No Rec needed here (contrast the other AbsBinds cases)
-- because we can rely on the enclosing dsBind to wrap in Rec
+{- Note [Abstracting over tyvars only]
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ When abstracting over type variable only (not dictionaries), we don't really need to
+ built a tuple and select from it, as we do in the general case. Instead we can take
+ AbsBinds [a,b] [ ([a,b], fg, fl, _),
+ ([b], gg, gl, _) ]
+ { fl = e1
+ gl = e2
+ h = e3 }
+ and desugar it to
+ fg = /\ab. let B in e1
+ gg = /\b. let a = () in let B in S(e2)
+ h = /\ab. let B in e3
+ where B is the *non-recursive* binding
+ fl = fg a b
+ gl = gg b
+ h = h a b
+ Notice (a) g has a different number of type variables to f, so we must
+ use the mkArbitraryType thing to fill in the gaps.
+ We use a type-let to do that.
+ (b) The local variable h isn't in the exports, and rather than
+ clone a fresh copy we simply replace h by (h a b).
+ (c) The result is *still* quadratic-sized if there are a lot of
+ small bindings. So if there are more than some small
+ number (10), we filter the binding set B by the free
+ variables of the particular RHS. Tiresome.
+ Why got to this trouble? It's a common case, and it removes the
+ quadratic-sized tuple desugaring. Less clutter, hopefullly faster
+ compilation, especially in a case where there are a *lot* of
+ bindings.
+dsHsBind auto_scc rest (AbsBinds tyvars [] exports binds)
+ | opt_DsMultiTyVar -- This (static) debug flag just lets us
+ -- switch on and off this optimisation to
+ -- see if it has any impact; it is on by default
+ = -- Note [Abstracting over tyvars only]
+ do { core_prs <- ds_lhs_binds NoSccs binds
+ ; arby_env <- mkArbitraryTypeEnv tyvars exports
+ ; let (lg_binds, core_prs') = mapAndUnzip do_one core_prs
+ bndrs = mkVarSet (map fst core_prs)
+ add_lets | core_prs `lengthExceeds` 10 = add_some
+ | otherwise = mkLets lg_binds
+ add_some rhs = mkLets [ NonRec b r | NonRec b r <- lg_binds
+ , b `elemVarSet` fvs] rhs
+ where
+ fvs = exprSomeFreeVars (`elemVarSet` bndrs) rhs
+ env = mkABEnv exports
+ do_one (lcl_id, rhs)
+ | Just (id_tvs, gbl_id, _, prags) <- lookupVarEnv env lcl_id
+ = (NonRec lcl_id (mkTyApps (Var gbl_id) (mkTyVarTys id_tvs)),
+ addInlinePrags prags gbl_id $
+ addAutoScc auto_scc gbl_id $
+ mkLams id_tvs $
+ mkLets [ NonRec tv (Type (lookupVarEnv_NF arby_env tv))
+ | tv <- tyvars, not (tv `elem` id_tvs)] $
+ add_lets rhs)
+ | otherwise
+ = (NonRec lcl_id (mkTyApps (Var non_exp_gbl_id) (mkTyVarTys tyvars)),
+ (non_exp_gbl_id, mkLams tyvars (add_lets rhs)))
+ where
+ non_exp_gbl_id = setIdType lcl_id (mkForAllTys tyvars (idType lcl_id))
+ ; return (core_prs' ++ rest) }
-- Another common case: one exported variable
-- Non-recursive bindings come through this way
dsHsBind auto_scc rest
@@ -161,7 +242,7 @@ dsHsBind auto_scc rest
dsHsBind auto_scc rest (AbsBinds all_tyvars dicts exports binds)
= do { core_prs <- ds_lhs_binds NoSccs binds
; let env = mkABEnv exports
- do_one (lcl_id,rhs) | Just (gbl_id, prags) <- lookupVarEnv env lcl_id
+ do_one (lcl_id,rhs) | Just (_, gbl_id, _, prags) <- lookupVarEnv env lcl_id
= addInlinePrags prags lcl_id $
addAutoScc auto_scc gbl_id rhs
| otherwise = (lcl_id,rhs)
@@ -206,11 +287,10 @@ dsHsBind auto_scc rest (AbsBinds all_tyvars dicts exports binds)
; return ((poly_tup_id, poly_tup_expr) :
(concat export_binds_s ++ rest)) }
-mkABEnv :: [([TyVar], Id, Id, [LPrag])] -> VarEnv (Id, [LPrag])
+mkABEnv :: [([TyVar], Id, Id, [LPrag])] -> VarEnv ([TyVar], Id, Id, [LPrag])
-- Takes the exports of a AbsBinds, and returns a mapping
--- lcl_id -> (gbl_id, prags)
-mkABEnv exports = mkVarEnv [ (lcl_id, (gbl_id, prags))
- | (_, gbl_id, lcl_id, prags) <- exports]
+-- lcl_id -> (tyvars, gbl_id, lcl_id, prags)
+mkABEnv exports = mkVarEnv [ (lcl_id, export) | export@(_, _, lcl_id, _) <- exports]
dsSpec :: [TyVar] -> [DictId] -> [TyVar]
@@ -304,6 +384,23 @@ dsSpec all_tvs dicts tvs poly_id mono_id mono_bind
decomp_msg = hang (ptext (sLit "Specialisation too complicated to desugar; ignored"))
2 (ppr spec_expr)
+mkArbitraryTypeEnv :: [TyVar] -> [([TyVar], a, b, c)] -> DsM (TyVarEnv Type)
+-- If any of the tyvars is missing from any of the lists in
+-- the second arg, return a binding in the result
+mkArbitraryTypeEnv tyvars exports
+ = go emptyVarEnv exports
+ where
+ go env [] = return env
+ go env ((ltvs, _, _, _) : exports)
+ = do { env' <- foldlM extend env [tv | tv <- tyvars
+ , not (tv `elem` ltvs)
+ , not (tv `elemVarEnv` env)]
+ ; go env' exports }
+ extend env tv = do { ty <- dsMkArbitraryType tv
+ ; return (extendVarEnv env tv ty) }
dsMkArbitraryType :: TcTyVar -> DsM Type
dsMkArbitraryType tv = mkArbitraryType warn tv
@@ -372,12 +469,17 @@ decomposeRuleLhs lhs
simpleSubst :: IdEnv CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
-- Similar to CoreSubst.substExpr, except that
--- (a) takes no account of capture; dictionary bindings use new names
--- (b) can have a GlobalId (imported) in its domain
+-- (a) Takes no account of capture; at this point there is no shadowing
+-- (b) Can have a GlobalId (imported) in its domain
-- (c) Ids only; no types are substituted
+-- (d) Does not insist (as does CoreSubst.lookupIdSubst) that the
+-- in-scope set mentions all LocalIds mentioned in the argument of the subst
--- (b) is the reason we can't use CoreSubst... and it's no longer relevant
--- so really we should replace simpleSubst
+-- (b) and (d) are the reasons we can't use CoreSubst
+-- (I had a note that (b) is "no longer relevant", and indeed it doesn't
+-- look relevant here. Perhaps there was another caller of simpleSubst.)
simpleSubst subst expr
= go expr