path: root/compiler/ghci/Debugger.hs
diff options
authorThomas Schilling <>2008-09-15 08:47:38 +0000
committerThomas Schilling <>2008-09-15 08:47:38 +0000
commite235fc390df9b015216ebc62c9b9c9e1d40d586d (patch)
treeab470b946377fdf2164637d70cd0bac78340b582 /compiler/ghci/Debugger.hs
parent03aa64d6915234c424715172432cb0e7dd5297ba (diff)
Use 'GhcMonad' in ghci/Debugger.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/ghci/Debugger.hs')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ghci/Debugger.hs b/compiler/ghci/Debugger.hs
index 86331da887..15f1502aad 100644
--- a/compiler/ghci/Debugger.hs
+++ b/compiler/ghci/Debugger.hs
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import InteractiveEval
import Outputable
import SrcLoc
import PprTyThing
+import MonadUtils
import Exception
import Control.Monad
@@ -43,51 +44,51 @@ import GHC.Exts
-- | The :print & friends commands
-pprintClosureCommand :: Session -> Bool -> Bool -> String -> IO ()
-pprintClosureCommand session bindThings force str = do
+pprintClosureCommand :: GhcMonad m => Bool -> Bool -> String -> m ()
+pprintClosureCommand bindThings force str = do
tythings <- (catMaybes . concat) `liftM`
- mapM (\w -> GHC.parseName session w >>=
- mapM (GHC.lookupName session))
+ mapM (\w -> GHC.parseName w >>=
+ mapM GHC.lookupName)
(words str)
let ids = [id | AnId id <- tythings]
-- Obtain the terms and the recovered type information
- (terms, substs) <- unzip `liftM` mapM (go session) ids
+ (terms, substs) <- unzip `liftM` mapM go ids
-- Apply the substitutions obtained after recovering the types
- modifySession session $ \hsc_env ->
+ modifySession $ \hsc_env ->
hsc_env{hsc_IC = foldr (flip substInteractiveContext)
(hsc_IC hsc_env)
(map skolemiseSubst substs)}
-- Finally, print the Terms
- unqual <- GHC.getPrintUnqual session
- docterms <- mapM (showTerm session) terms
- (printForUser stdout unqual . vcat)
- (zipWith (\id docterm -> ppr id <+> char '=' <+> docterm)
- ids
- docterms)
+ unqual <- GHC.getPrintUnqual
+ docterms <- mapM showTerm terms
+ liftIO $ (printForUser stdout unqual . vcat)
+ (zipWith (\id docterm -> ppr id <+> char '=' <+> docterm)
+ ids
+ docterms)
-- Do the obtainTerm--bindSuspensions-computeSubstitution dance
- go :: Session -> Id -> IO (Term, TvSubst)
- go cms id = do
- term_ <- GHC.obtainTerm cms force id
- term <- tidyTermTyVars cms term_
+ go :: GhcMonad m => Id -> m (Term, TvSubst)
+ go id = do
+ term_ <- GHC.obtainTerm force id
+ term <- tidyTermTyVars term_
term' <- if bindThings &&
False == isUnliftedTypeKind (termType term)
- then bindSuspensions cms term
+ then bindSuspensions term
else return term
-- Before leaving, we compare the type obtained to see if it's more specific
-- Then, we extract a substitution,
-- mapping the old tyvars to the reconstructed types.
let reconstructed_type = termType term
- mb_subst <- withSession cms $ \hsc_env ->
- improveRTTIType hsc_env (idType id) (reconstructed_type)
+ mb_subst <- withSession $ \hsc_env ->
+ liftIO $ improveRTTIType hsc_env (idType id) (reconstructed_type)
return (term', fromMaybe emptyTvSubst mb_subst)
- tidyTermTyVars :: Session -> Term -> IO Term
- tidyTermTyVars (Session ref) t = do
- hsc_env <- readIORef ref
+ tidyTermTyVars :: GhcMonad m => Term -> m Term
+ tidyTermTyVars t =
+ withSession $ \hsc_env -> do
let env_tvs = ic_tyvars (hsc_IC hsc_env)
my_tvs = termTyVars t
tvs = env_tvs `minusVarSet` my_tvs
@@ -98,24 +99,24 @@ pprintClosureCommand session bindThings force str = do
-- | Give names, and bind in the interactive environment, to all the suspensions
-- included (inductively) in a term
-bindSuspensions :: Session -> Term -> IO Term
-bindSuspensions cms@(Session ref) t = do
- hsc_env <- readIORef ref
- inScope <- GHC.getBindings cms
+bindSuspensions :: GhcMonad m => Term -> m Term
+bindSuspensions t = do
+ hsc_env <- getSession
+ inScope <- GHC.getBindings
let ictxt = hsc_IC hsc_env
prefix = "_t"
alreadyUsedNames = map (occNameString . nameOccName . getName) inScope
availNames = map ((prefix++) . show) [(1::Int)..] \\ alreadyUsedNames
- availNames_var <- newIORef availNames
- (t', stuff) <- foldTerm (nameSuspensionsAndGetInfos availNames_var) t
+ availNames_var <- liftIO $ newIORef availNames
+ (t', stuff) <- liftIO $ foldTerm (nameSuspensionsAndGetInfos availNames_var) t
let (names, tys, hvals) = unzip3 stuff
let tys' = map (fst.skolemiseTy) tys
let ids = [ mkGlobalId VanillaGlobal name ty vanillaIdInfo
| (name,ty) <- zip names tys']
new_tyvars = tyVarsOfTypes tys'
new_ic = extendInteractiveContext ictxt ids new_tyvars
- extendLinkEnv (zip names hvals)
- writeIORef ref (hsc_env {hsc_IC = new_ic })
+ liftIO $ extendLinkEnv (zip names hvals)
+ modifySession $ \_ -> hsc_env {hsc_IC = new_ic }
return t'
@@ -145,9 +146,9 @@ bindSuspensions cms@(Session ref) t = do
-- A custom Term printer to enable the use of Show instances
-showTerm :: Session -> Term -> IO SDoc
-showTerm cms@(Session ref) term = do
- dflags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags cms
+showTerm :: GhcMonad m => Term -> m SDoc
+showTerm term = do
+ dflags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags
if dopt Opt_PrintEvldWithShow dflags
then cPprTerm (liftM2 (++) (\_y->[cPprShowable]) cPprTermBase) term
else cPprTerm cPprTermBase term
@@ -156,26 +157,29 @@ showTerm cms@(Session ref) term = do
if not (isFullyEvaluatedTerm t)
then return Nothing
else do
- hsc_env <- readIORef ref
- dflags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags cms
+ hsc_env <- getSession
+ dflags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags
(new_env, bname) <- bindToFreshName hsc_env ty "showme"
- writeIORef ref (new_env)
+ setSession new_env
+ -- XXX: this tries to disable logging of errors
+ -- does this still do what it is intended to do
+ -- with the changed error handling and logging?
let noop_log _ _ _ _ = return ()
expr = "show " ++ showSDoc (ppr bname)
- GHC.setSessionDynFlags cms dflags{log_action=noop_log}
- mb_txt <- withExtendedLinkEnv [(bname, val)]
- (GHC.compileExpr cms expr)
+ GHC.setSessionDynFlags dflags{log_action=noop_log}
+ txt_ <- withExtendedLinkEnv [(bname, val)]
+ (GHC.compileExpr expr)
let myprec = 10 -- application precedence. TODO Infix constructors
- case mb_txt of
- Just txt_ | txt <- unsafeCoerce# txt_, not (null txt)
- -> return $ Just$ cparen (prec >= myprec &&
- needsParens txt)
- (text txt)
- _ -> return Nothing
- `finally` do
- writeIORef ref hsc_env
- GHC.setSessionDynFlags cms dflags
+ let txt = unsafeCoerce# txt_
+ if not (null txt) then
+ return $ Just$ cparen (prec >= myprec &&
+ needsParens txt)
+ (text txt)
+ else return Nothing
+ `gfinally` do
+ setSession hsc_env
+ GHC.setSessionDynFlags dflags
cPprShowable prec NewtypeWrap{ty=new_ty,wrapped_term=t} =
cPprShowable prec t{ty=new_ty}
cPprShowable _ _ = return Nothing
@@ -195,24 +199,24 @@ showTerm cms@(Session ref) term = do
return (hsc_env {hsc_IC = new_ic }, name)
-- Create new uniques and give them sequentially numbered names
-newGrimName :: String -> IO Name
+newGrimName :: MonadIO m => String -> m Name
newGrimName userName = do
- us <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'b'
+ us <- liftIO $ mkSplitUniqSupply 'b'
let unique = uniqFromSupply us
occname = mkOccName varName userName
name = mkInternalName unique occname noSrcSpan
return name
-pprTypeAndContents :: Session -> [Id] -> IO SDoc
-pprTypeAndContents session ids = do
- dflags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags session
+pprTypeAndContents :: GhcMonad m => [Id] -> m SDoc
+pprTypeAndContents ids = do
+ dflags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags
let pefas = dopt Opt_PrintExplicitForalls dflags
pcontents = dopt Opt_PrintBindContents dflags
if pcontents
then do
let depthBound = 100
- terms <- mapM (GHC.obtainTermB session depthBound False) ids
- docs_terms <- mapM (showTerm session) terms
+ terms <- mapM (GHC.obtainTermB depthBound False) ids
+ docs_terms <- mapM showTerm terms
return $ vcat $ zipWith (\ty cts -> ty <+> equals <+> cts)
(map (pprTyThing pefas . AnId) ids)