path: root/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs
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authorPepe Iborra <>2007-09-12 16:58:55 +0000
committerPepe Iborra <>2007-09-12 16:58:55 +0000
commit385f8691f068c13d480a50c0be56b96493f96976 (patch)
tree1a9f2833c1f38d22af38f0cf0be0083df39e31bc /compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs
parentc9bcc18e7aaa51677f7e2aa1efb2f80c6e2dff8d (diff)
Better modelling of newtypes in the Term datatype
This helps to get pretty printing right, nested newtypes were not being shown correctly by :print
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs')
1 files changed, 82 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs b/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs
index 945e752de0..2103cb3ea2 100644
--- a/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs
+++ b/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs
@@ -102,8 +102,6 @@ import System.IO.Unsafe
data Term = Term { ty :: Type
, dc :: Either String DataCon
- -- The heap datacon. If ty is a newtype,
- -- this is NOT the newtype datacon.
-- Empty if the datacon aint exported by the .hi
-- (private constructors in -O0 libraries)
, val :: HValue
@@ -117,14 +115,19 @@ data Term = Term { ty :: Type
, val :: HValue
, bound_to :: Maybe Name -- Useful for printing
+ | NewtypeWrap{ ty :: Type
+ , dc :: Either String DataCon
+ , wrapped_term :: Term }
-isTerm, isSuspension, isPrim :: Term -> Bool
+isTerm, isSuspension, isPrim, isNewtypeWrap :: Term -> Bool
isTerm Term{} = True
isTerm _ = False
isSuspension Suspension{} = True
isSuspension _ = False
isPrim Prim{} = True
isPrim _ = False
+isNewtypeWrap NewtypeWrap{} = True
+isNewtypeWrap _ = False
termType :: Term -> Maybe Type
termType t@(Suspension {}) = mb_ty t
@@ -132,8 +135,9 @@ termType t = Just$ ty t
isFullyEvaluatedTerm :: Term -> Bool
isFullyEvaluatedTerm Term {subTerms=tt} = all isFullyEvaluatedTerm tt
-isFullyEvaluatedTerm Suspension {} = False
isFullyEvaluatedTerm Prim {} = True
+isFullyEvaluatedTerm NewtypeWrap{wrapped_term=t} = isFullyEvaluatedTerm t
+isFullyEvaluatedTerm _ = False
instance Outputable (Term) where
ppr = head . cPprTerm cPprTermBase
@@ -264,31 +268,37 @@ data TermFold a = TermFold { fTerm :: TermProcessor a a
, fPrim :: Type -> [Word] -> a
, fSuspension :: ClosureType -> Maybe Type -> HValue
-> Maybe Name -> a
+ , fNewtypeWrap :: Type -> Either String DataCon
+ -> a -> a
foldTerm :: TermFold a -> Term -> a
foldTerm tf (Term ty dc v tt) = fTerm tf ty dc v (map (foldTerm tf) tt)
foldTerm tf (Prim ty v ) = fPrim tf ty v
foldTerm tf (Suspension ct ty v b) = fSuspension tf ct ty v b
+foldTerm tf (NewtypeWrap ty dc t) = fNewtypeWrap tf ty dc (foldTerm tf t)
idTermFold :: TermFold Term
idTermFold = TermFold {
fTerm = Term,
fPrim = Prim,
- fSuspension = Suspension
+ fSuspension = Suspension,
+ fNewtypeWrap = NewtypeWrap
idTermFoldM :: Monad m => TermFold (m Term)
idTermFoldM = TermFold {
fTerm = \ty dc v tt -> sequence tt >>= return . Term ty dc v,
fPrim = (return.). Prim,
- fSuspension = (((return.).).). Suspension
+ fSuspension = (((return.).).). Suspension,
+ fNewtypeWrap= \ty dc t -> NewtypeWrap ty dc `liftM` t
mapTermType :: (Type -> Type) -> Term -> Term
mapTermType f = foldTerm idTermFold {
fTerm = \ty dc hval tt -> Term (f ty) dc hval tt,
fSuspension = \ct mb_ty hval n ->
- Suspension ct (fmap f mb_ty) hval n }
+ Suspension ct (fmap f mb_ty) hval n,
+ fNewtypeWrap= \ty dc t -> NewtypeWrap (f ty) dc t}
termTyVars :: Term -> TyVarSet
termTyVars = foldTerm TermFold {
@@ -296,7 +306,8 @@ termTyVars = foldTerm TermFold {
tyVarsOfType ty `plusVarEnv` concatVarEnv tt,
fSuspension = \_ mb_ty _ _ ->
maybe emptyVarEnv tyVarsOfType mb_ty,
- fPrim = \ _ _ -> emptyVarEnv }
+ fPrim = \ _ _ -> emptyVarEnv,
+ fNewtypeWrap= \ty _ t -> tyVarsOfType ty `plusVarEnv` t}
where concatVarEnv = foldr plusVarEnv emptyVarEnv
@@ -311,26 +322,24 @@ pprTerm :: (Int -> Term -> Maybe SDoc) -> Int -> Term -> SDoc
pprTerm y p t | Just doc <- pprTermM y p t = doc
pprTerm _ _ _ = panic "pprTerm"
-pprTermM :: Monad m => (Int -> Term -> m SDoc) -> Int -> Term -> m SDoc
+pprTermM, pprNewtypeWrap :: Monad m =>
+ (Int -> Term -> m SDoc) -> Int -> Term -> m SDoc
pprTermM y p Term{dc=Left dc_tag, subTerms=tt} = do
tt_docs <- mapM (y app_prec) tt
return$ cparen (not(null tt) && p >= app_prec) (text dc_tag <+> sep tt_docs)
-pprTermM y p t@Term{dc=Right dc, subTerms=tt, ty=ty}
+pprTermM y p Term{dc=Right dc, subTerms=tt}
{- | dataConIsInfix dc, (t1:t2:tt') <- tt --TODO fixity
= parens (pprTerm1 True t1 <+> ppr dc <+> pprTerm1 True ppr t2)
<+> hsep (map (pprTerm1 True) tt)
-} -- TODO Printing infix constructors properly
| null tt = return$ ppr dc
- | Just (tc,_) <- splitNewTyConApp_maybe ty
- , isNewTyCon tc
- , Just new_dc <- maybeTyConSingleCon tc = do
- real_value <- y 10 t{ty=repType ty}
- return$ cparen (p >= app_prec) (ppr new_dc <+> real_value)
| otherwise = do
tt_docs <- mapM (y app_prec) tt
return$ cparen (p >= app_prec) (ppr dc <+> sep tt_docs)
+pprTermM y p t@NewtypeWrap{} = pprNewtypeWrap y p t
pprTermM _ _ t = pprTermM1 t
pprTermM1 :: Monad m => Term -> m SDoc
@@ -343,6 +352,14 @@ pprTermM1 Suspension{mb_ty=Just ty, bound_to=Just n}
| otherwise = return$ parens$ ppr n <> text "::" <> ppr ty
pprTermM1 _ = panic "pprTermM1"
+pprNewtypeWrap y p NewtypeWrap{ty=ty, wrapped_term=t}
+ | Just (tc,_) <- splitNewTyConApp_maybe ty
+ , ASSERT(isNewTyCon tc) True
+ , Just new_dc <- maybeTyConSingleCon tc = do
+ real_term <- y 10 t
+ return$ cparen (p >= app_prec) (ppr new_dc <+> real_term)
+pprNewtypeWrap _ _ _ = panic "pprNewtypeWrap"
-- Custom Term Pretty Printers
@@ -362,57 +379,60 @@ pprTermM1 _ = panic "pprTermM1"
-- either produce a SDoc or fail (and they do this in some monad m).
type Precedence = Int
-type RecursionKnot m = Int-> Term -> m SDoc
+type RecursionKnot m = Precedence -> Term -> m SDoc
type CustomTermPrinter m = RecursionKnot m
- -> [Precedence -> TermProcessor Term (m (Maybe SDoc))]
+ -> [Precedence -> Term -> (m (Maybe SDoc))]
-- Takes a list of custom printers with a explicit recursion knot and a term,
-- and returns the output of the first succesful printer, or the default printer
cPprTerm :: Monad m => CustomTermPrinter m -> Term -> m SDoc
cPprTerm printers_ = go 0 where
printers = printers_ go
- go prec t@(Term ty dc val tt) = do
+ go prec t | isTerm t || isNewtypeWrap t = do
let default_ = Just `liftM` pprTermM go prec t
- mb_customDocs = [pp prec ty dc val tt | pp <- printers] ++ [default_]
+ mb_customDocs = [pp prec t | pp <- printers] ++ [default_]
Just doc <- firstJustM mb_customDocs
return$ cparen (prec>app_prec+1) doc
go _ t = pprTermM1 t
firstJustM (mb:mbs) = mb >>= maybe (firstJustM mbs) (return . Just)
firstJustM [] = return Nothing
-- Default set of custom printers. Note that the recursion knot is explicit
cPprTermBase :: Monad m => CustomTermPrinter m
cPprTermBase y =
- [
- ifTerm isTupleTy (\ _ _ tt ->
- liftM (parens . hcat . punctuate comma)
- . mapM (y (-1))
- $ tt)
- , ifTerm (\ty tt -> isTyCon listTyCon ty tt && tt `lengthIs` 2)
- (\ p _ [h,t] -> doList p h t)
- , ifTerm (isTyCon intTyCon) (coerceShow$ \(a::Int)->a)
- , ifTerm (isTyCon charTyCon) (coerceShow$ \(a::Char)->a)
--- , ifTerm (isTyCon wordTyCon) (coerceShow$ \(a::Word)->a)
- , ifTerm (isTyCon floatTyCon) (coerceShow$ \(a::Float)->a)
- , ifTerm (isTyCon doubleTyCon) (coerceShow$ \(a::Double)->a)
- , ifTerm isIntegerTy (coerceShow$ \(a::Integer)->a)
+ [ ifTerm (isTupleTy.ty) (\_p -> liftM (parens . hcat . punctuate comma)
+ . mapM (y (-1))
+ . subTerms)
+ , ifTerm (\t -> isTyCon listTyCon (ty t) && subTerms t `lengthIs` 2)
+ (\ p Term{subTerms=[h,t]} -> doList p h t)
+ , ifTerm (isTyCon intTyCon . ty) (coerceShow$ \(a::Int)->a)
+ , ifTerm (isTyCon charTyCon . ty) (coerceShow$ \(a::Char)->a)
+ , ifTerm (isTyCon floatTyCon . ty) (coerceShow$ \(a::Float)->a)
+ , ifTerm (isTyCon doubleTyCon . ty) (coerceShow$ \(a::Double)->a)
+ , ifTerm (isIntegerTy . ty) (coerceShow$ \(a::Integer)->a)
- where ifTerm pred f prec ty _ val tt
- | pred ty tt = liftM Just (f prec val tt)
- | otherwise = return Nothing
- isIntegerTy ty _ = fromMaybe False $ do
+ where ifTerm pred f prec t@Term{}
+ | pred t = Just `liftM` f prec t
+ ifTerm _ _ _ _ = return Nothing
+ isIntegerTy ty = fromMaybe False $ do
(tc,_) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty
return (tyConName tc == integerTyConName)
- isTupleTy ty _ = fromMaybe False $ do
+ isTupleTy ty = fromMaybe False $ do
(tc,_) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty
return (tc `elem` (fst.unzip.elems) boxedTupleArr)
- isTyCon a_tc ty _ = fromMaybe False $ do
+ isTyCon a_tc ty = fromMaybe False $ do
(tc,_) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty
return (a_tc == tc)
- coerceShow f _ val _ = (return . text . show . f . unsafeCoerce#) val
+ coerceShow f _p = return . text . show . f . unsafeCoerce# . val
--TODO pprinting of list terms is not lazy
doList p h t = do
- let elems = h : getListTerms t
+ let elems = h : getListTerms t
isConsLast = termType(last elems) /= termType h
print_elems <- mapM (y cons_prec) elems
return$ if isConsLast
@@ -526,14 +546,18 @@ cvObtainTerm :: HscEnv -> Int -> Bool -> Maybe Type -> HValue -> IO Term
cvObtainTerm hsc_env bound force mb_ty hval = runTR hsc_env $ do
tv <- newVar argTypeKind
case mb_ty of
- Nothing -> go bound tv tv hval >>= zonkTerm
- Just ty | isMonomorphic ty -> go bound ty ty hval >>= zonkTerm
+ Nothing -> go bound tv tv hval
+ >>= zonkTerm
+ >>= return . expandNewtypes
+ Just ty | isMonomorphic ty -> go bound ty ty hval
+ >>= zonkTerm
+ >>= return . expandNewtypes
Just ty -> do
(ty',rev_subst) <- instScheme (sigmaType ty)
addConstraint tv ty'
term <- go bound tv tv hval >>= zonkTerm
--restore original Tyvars
- return$ mapTermType (substTy rev_subst) term
+ return$ expandNewtypes $ mapTermType (substTy rev_subst) term
go bound _ _ _ | seq bound False = undefined
go 0 tv _ty a = do
@@ -599,7 +623,6 @@ cvObtainTerm hsc_env bound force mb_ty hval = runTR hsc_env $ do
tipe_clos ->
return (Suspension tipe_clos (Just tv) a Nothing)
--- matchSubTypes dc ty | pprTrace "matchSubtypes" (ppr dc <+> ppr ty) False = undefined
matchSubTypes dc ty
| Just (_,ty_args) <- splitTyConApp_maybe (repType ty)
-- assumption: ^^^ looks through newtypes
@@ -619,7 +642,19 @@ cvObtainTerm hsc_env bound force mb_ty hval = runTR hsc_env $ do
, ptext SLIT("reOrderTerms") $$
(ppr pointed $$ ppr unpointed))
head unpointed : reOrderTerms pointed (tail unpointed) tys
+ expandNewtypes t@Term{ ty=ty, subTerms=tt }
+ | Just (tc, args) <- splitNewTyConApp_maybe ty
+ , isNewTyCon tc
+ , wrapped_type <- newTyConInstRhs tc args
+ , Just dc <- maybeTyConSingleCon tc
+ , t' <- expandNewtypes t{ ty = wrapped_type
+ , subTerms = map expandNewtypes tt }
+ = NewtypeWrap ty (Right dc) t'
+ | otherwise = t{ subTerms = map expandNewtypes tt }
+ expandNewtypes t = t
-- Fast, breadth-first Type reconstruction
@@ -799,7 +834,9 @@ zonkTerm = foldTerm idTermFoldM {
zonkTcType ty >>= \ty' ->
return (Term ty' dc v tt)
,fSuspension = \ct ty v b -> fmapMMaybe zonkTcType ty >>= \ty ->
- return (Suspension ct ty v b)}
+ return (Suspension ct ty v b)
+ ,fNewtypeWrap= \ty dc t ->
+ return NewtypeWrap `ap` zonkTcType ty `ap` return dc `ap` t}
-- Is this defined elsewhere?