path: root/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs
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authorSimon Peyton Jones <>2011-05-06 15:43:49 +0100
committerSimon Peyton Jones <>2011-05-06 15:43:49 +0100
commit4f8d714962667c219de4e684fe069136a0f78729 (patch)
tree6b989bca8af7d3944096b642b0fa3136af39eb9a /compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs
parent668ac8061c35fd5b72816fd3c4dd4881c46db737 (diff)
Substantial improvements in RtClosureInspect
The code for constructors in cvReconstrutType and cvObtainTerm was grotesque. It's now slightly better. And it works with the new coercion representation. Apart from being simpler I have also made some small behavioural improvements * Improved printing for string values * Preserve the print-name when instanting type variables (so now they are not always called "t") * Suppressed printing of predicate arguments to data constructors, unless -dppr-debug is on
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs')
1 files changed, 129 insertions, 152 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs b/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs
index 884661f39c..b6c97c38aa 100644
--- a/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs
+++ b/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs
@@ -45,22 +45,19 @@ import TyCon
import Name
import VarEnv
import Util
-import ListSetOps
import VarSet
import TysPrim
import PrelNames
import TysWiredIn
import DynFlags
-import Outputable
+import Outputable as Ppr
import FastString
--- import Panic
import Constants ( wORD_SIZE )
import GHC.Arr ( Array(..) )
import GHC.Exts
import GHC.IO ( IO(..) )
+import StaticFlags( opt_PprStyle_Debug )
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Array.Base
@@ -186,7 +183,7 @@ getClosureData a =
elems = fromIntegral (BCI.ptrs itbl)
ptrsList = Array 0 (elems - 1) elems ptrs
nptrs_data = [W# (indexWordArray# nptrs i)
- | I# i <- [0.. fromIntegral (BCI.nptrs itbl)] ]
+ | I# i <- [0.. fromIntegral (BCI.nptrs itbl)-1] ]
ASSERT(elems >= 0) return ()
ptrsList `seq`
return (Closure tipe (Ptr iptr) itbl ptrsList nptrs_data)
@@ -346,10 +343,17 @@ ppr_termM y p Term{dc=Right dc, subTerms=tt}
= parens (ppr_term1 True t1 <+> ppr dc <+> ppr_term1 True ppr t2)
<+> hsep (map (ppr_term1 True) tt)
-} -- TODO Printing infix constructors properly
- | null tt = return$ ppr dc
- | otherwise = do
- tt_docs <- mapM (y app_prec) tt
- return$ cparen (p >= app_prec) (ppr dc <+> pprDeeperList fsep tt_docs)
+ | null sub_terms_to_show
+ = return (ppr dc)
+ | otherwise
+ = do { tt_docs <- mapM (y app_prec) sub_terms_to_show
+ ; return $ cparen (p >= app_prec) $
+ sep [ppr dc, nest 2 (pprDeeperList fsep tt_docs)] }
+ where
+ sub_terms_to_show -- Don't show the dictionary arguments to
+ -- constructors unless -dppr-debug is on
+ | opt_PprStyle_Debug = tt
+ | otherwise = dropList (dataConTheta dc) tt
ppr_termM y p t@NewtypeWrap{} = pprNewtypeWrap y p t
ppr_termM y p RefWrap{wrapped_term=t} = do
@@ -414,55 +418,70 @@ cPprTerm printers_ = go 0 where
firstJustM [] = return Nothing
-- Default set of custom printers. Note that the recursion knot is explicit
-cPprTermBase :: Monad m => CustomTermPrinter m
+cPprTermBase :: forall m. Monad m => CustomTermPrinter m
cPprTermBase y =
[ ifTerm (isTupleTy.ty) (\_p -> liftM (parens . hcat . punctuate comma)
. mapM (y (-1))
. subTerms)
, ifTerm (\t -> isTyCon listTyCon (ty t) && subTerms t `lengthIs` 2)
- (\ p t -> doList p t)
- , ifTerm (isTyCon intTyCon . ty) (coerceShow$ \(a::Int)->a)
- , ifTerm (isTyCon charTyCon . ty) (coerceShow$ \(a::Char)->a)
- , ifTerm (isTyCon floatTyCon . ty) (coerceShow$ \(a::Float)->a)
- , ifTerm (isTyCon doubleTyCon . ty) (coerceShow$ \(a::Double)->a)
- , ifTerm (isIntegerTy . ty) (coerceShow$ \(a::Integer)->a)
+ ppr_list
+ , ifTerm (isTyCon intTyCon . ty) ppr_int
+ , ifTerm (isTyCon charTyCon . ty) ppr_char
+ , ifTerm (isTyCon floatTyCon . ty) ppr_float
+ , ifTerm (isTyCon doubleTyCon . ty) ppr_double
+ , ifTerm (isIntegerTy . ty) ppr_integer
- where ifTerm pred f prec t@Term{}
- | pred t = Just `liftM` f prec t
- ifTerm _ _ _ _ = return Nothing
- isTupleTy ty = fromMaybe False $ do
- (tc,_) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty
- return (isBoxedTupleTyCon tc)
- isTyCon a_tc ty = fromMaybe False $ do
- (tc,_) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty
- return (a_tc == tc)
- isIntegerTy ty = fromMaybe False $ do
- (tc,_) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty
- return (tyConName tc == integerTyConName)
- coerceShow f _p = return . text . show . f . unsafeCoerce# . val
- --Note pprinting of list terms is not lazy
- doList p (Term{subTerms=[h,t]}) = do
- let elems = h : getListTerms t
- isConsLast = not(termType(last elems) `eqType` termType h)
- print_elems <- mapM (y cons_prec) elems
- return$ if isConsLast
- then cparen (p >= cons_prec)
- . pprDeeperList fsep
- . punctuate (space<>colon)
- $ print_elems
- else brackets (pprDeeperList fcat$
- punctuate comma print_elems)
- where getListTerms Term{subTerms=[h,t]} = h : getListTerms t
- getListTerms Term{subTerms=[]} = []
- getListTerms t@Suspension{} = [t]
- getListTerms t = pprPanic "getListTerms" (ppr t)
- doList _ _ = panic "doList"
+ where
+ ifTerm :: (Term -> Bool)
+ -> (Precedence -> Term -> m SDoc)
+ -> Precedence -> Term -> m (Maybe SDoc)
+ ifTerm pred f prec t@Term{}
+ | pred t = Just `liftM` f prec t
+ ifTerm _ _ _ _ = return Nothing
+ isTupleTy ty = fromMaybe False $ do
+ (tc,_) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty
+ return (isBoxedTupleTyCon tc)
+ isTyCon a_tc ty = fromMaybe False $ do
+ (tc,_) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty
+ return (a_tc == tc)
+ isIntegerTy ty = fromMaybe False $ do
+ (tc,_) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty
+ return (tyConName tc == integerTyConName)
+ ppr_int, ppr_char, ppr_float, ppr_double, ppr_integer
+ :: Precedence -> Term -> m SDoc
+ ppr_int _ v = return ( (unsafeCoerce# (val v)))
+ ppr_char _ v = return (Ppr.char '\'' <> Ppr.char (unsafeCoerce# (val v)) <> Ppr.char '\'')
+ ppr_float _ v = return (Ppr.float (unsafeCoerce# (val v)))
+ ppr_double _ v = return (Ppr.double (unsafeCoerce# (val v)))
+ ppr_integer _ v = return (Ppr.integer (unsafeCoerce# (val v)))
+ --Note pprinting of list terms is not lazy
+ ppr_list :: Precedence -> Term -> m SDoc
+ ppr_list p (Term{subTerms=[h,t]}) = do
+ let elems = h : getListTerms t
+ isConsLast = not(termType(last elems) `eqType` termType h)
+ is_string = all (isCharTy . ty) elems
+ print_elems <- mapM (y cons_prec) elems
+ if is_string
+ then return (Ppr.doubleQuotes (Ppr.text (unsafeCoerce# (map val elems))))
+ else if isConsLast
+ then return $ cparen (p >= cons_prec)
+ $ pprDeeperList fsep
+ $ punctuate (space<>colon) print_elems
+ else return $ brackets
+ $ pprDeeperList fcat
+ $ punctuate comma print_elems
+ where getListTerms Term{subTerms=[h,t]} = h : getListTerms t
+ getListTerms Term{subTerms=[]} = []
+ getListTerms t@Suspension{} = [t]
+ getListTerms t = pprPanic "getListTerms" (ppr t)
+ ppr_list _ _ = panic "doList"
repPrim :: TyCon -> [Word] -> String
@@ -566,6 +585,11 @@ liftTcM = id
newVar :: Kind -> TR TcType
newVar = liftTcM . newFlexiTyVarTy
+instTyVars :: [TyVar] -> TR ([TcTyVar], [TcType], TvSubst)
+-- Instantiate fresh mutable type variables from some TyVars
+-- This function preserves the print-name, which helps error messages
+instTyVars = liftTcM . tcInstTyVars
type RttiInstantiation = [(TcTyVar, TyVar)]
-- Associates the typechecker-world meta type variables
-- (which are mutable and may be refined), to their
@@ -658,7 +682,10 @@ cvObtainTerm hsc_env max_depth force old_ty hval = runTR hsc_env $ do
text "Type obtained: " <> ppr (termType term))
return term
go :: Int -> Type -> Type -> HValue -> TcM Term
+ -- [SPJ May 11] I don't understand the difference between my_ty and old_ty
go max_depth _ _ _ | seq max_depth False = undefined
go 0 my_ty _old_ty a = do
traceTR (text "Gave up reconstructing a term after" <>
@@ -704,7 +731,7 @@ cvObtainTerm hsc_env max_depth force old_ty hval = runTR hsc_env $ do
traceTR (text "entering a constructor " <>
if monomorphic
then parens (text "already monomorphic: " <> ppr my_ty)
- else Outputable.empty)
+ else Ppr.empty)
Right dcname <- dataConInfoPtrToName (infoPtr clos)
(_,mb_dc) <- tryTcErrs (tcLookupDataCon dcname)
case mb_dc of
@@ -713,59 +740,34 @@ cvObtainTerm hsc_env max_depth force old_ty hval = runTR hsc_env $ do
-- In such case, we return a best approximation:
-- ignore the unpointed args, and recover the pointeds
-- This preserves laziness, and should be safe.
+ traceTR (text "Nothing" <+> ppr dcname)
let tag = showSDoc (ppr dcname)
vars <- replicateM (length$ elems$ ptrs clos)
- (newVar (liftedTypeKind))
+ (newVar liftedTypeKind)
subTerms <- sequence [appArr (go (pred max_depth) tv tv) (ptrs clos) i
| (i, tv) <- zip [0..] vars]
return (Term my_ty (Left ('<' : tag ++ ">")) a subTerms)
Just dc -> do
- let subTtypes = matchSubTypes dc old_ty
- subTermTvs <- mapMif (not . isMonomorphic)
- (\t -> newVar (typeKind t))
- subTtypes
- let (subTermsP, subTermsNP) = partition (\(ty,_) -> isLifted ty
- || isRefType ty)
- (zip subTtypes subTermTvs)
- (subTtypesP, subTermTvsP ) = unzip subTermsP
- (subTtypesNP, _subTermTvsNP) = unzip subTermsNP
- -- When we already have all the information, avoid solving
- -- unnecessary constraints. Propagation of type information
- -- to subterms is already being done via matching.
- when (not monomorphic) $ do
- let myType = mkFunTys subTermTvs my_ty
- (signatureType,_) <- instScheme (mydataConType dc)
- -- It is vital for newtype reconstruction that the unification step
- -- is done right here, _before_ the subterms are RTTI reconstructed
- addConstraint myType signatureType
+ traceTR (text "Just" <+> ppr dc)
+ subTtypes <- getDataConArgTys dc my_ty
+ let (subTtypesP, subTtypesNP) = partition isPtrType subTtypes
subTermsP <- sequence
- [ appArr (go (pred max_depth) tv t) (ptrs clos) i
- | (i,tv,t) <- zip3 [0..] subTermTvsP subTtypesP]
+ [ appArr (go (pred max_depth) ty ty) (ptrs clos) i
+ | (i,ty) <- zip [0..] subTtypesP]
let unboxeds = extractUnboxed subTtypesNP clos
- subTermsNP = map (uncurry Prim) (zip subTtypesNP unboxeds)
+ subTermsNP = zipWith Prim subTtypesNP unboxeds
subTerms = reOrderTerms subTermsP subTermsNP subTtypes
return (Term my_ty (Right dc) a subTerms)
-- The otherwise case: can be a Thunk,AP,PAP,etc.
tipe_clos ->
return (Suspension tipe_clos my_ty a Nothing)
- matchSubTypes dc ty
- | ty' <- repType ty -- look through newtypes
- , Just (tc,ty_args) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty'
- , dc `elem` tyConDataCons tc
- -- It is necessary to check that dc is actually a constructor for tycon tc,
- -- because it may be the case that tc is a recursive newtype and tcSplitTyConApp
- -- has not removed it. In that case, we happily give up and don't match
- = myDataConInstArgTys dc ty_args
- | otherwise = dataConRepArgTys dc
-- put together pointed and nonpointed subterms in the
-- correct order.
reOrderTerms _ _ [] = []
reOrderTerms pointed unpointed (ty:tys)
- | isLifted ty || isRefType ty
- = ASSERT2(not(null pointed)
+ | isPtrType ty = ASSERT2(not(null pointed)
, ptext (sLit "reOrderTerms") $$
(ppr pointed $$ ppr unpointed))
let (t:tt) = pointed in t : reOrderTerms tt unpointed tys
@@ -835,6 +837,7 @@ cvReconstructType hsc_env max_depth old_ty hval = runTR_maybe hsc_env $ do
-- returns unification tasks,since we are going to want a breadth-first search
go :: Type -> HValue -> TR [(Type, HValue)]
go my_ty a = do
+ traceTR (text "go" <+> ppr my_ty)
clos <- trIO $ getClosureData a
case tipe clos of
Blackhole -> appArr (go my_ty) (ptrs clos) 0 -- carefully, don't eval the TSO
@@ -847,6 +850,7 @@ cvReconstructType hsc_env max_depth old_ty hval = runTR_maybe hsc_env $ do
return [(tv', contents)]
Constr -> do
Right dcname <- dataConInfoPtrToName (infoPtr clos)
+ traceTR (text "Constr1" <+> ppr dcname)
(_,mb_dc) <- tryTcErrs (tcLookupDataCon dcname)
case mb_dc of
Nothing-> do
@@ -856,17 +860,10 @@ cvReconstructType hsc_env max_depth old_ty hval = runTR_maybe hsc_env $ do
return$ appArr (\e->(tv,e)) (ptrs clos) i
Just dc -> do
- subTtypes <- mapMif (not . isMonomorphic)
- (\t -> newVar (typeKind t))
- (dataConRepArgTys dc)
- -- It is vital for newtype reconstruction that the unification step
- -- is done right here, _before_ the subterms are RTTI reconstructed
- let myType = mkFunTys subTtypes my_ty
- (signatureType,_) <- instScheme (mydataConType dc)
- addConstraint myType signatureType
- return $ [ appArr (\e->(t,e)) (ptrs clos) i
- | (i,t) <- zip [0..] (filter (isLifted |.| isRefType) subTtypes)]
+ arg_tys <- getDataConArgTys dc my_ty
+ traceTR (text "Constr2" <+> ppr dcname <+> ppr arg_tys)
+ return $ [ appArr (\e-> (ty,e)) (ptrs clos) i
+ | (i,ty) <- zip [0..] (filter isPtrType arg_tys)]
_ -> return []
-- Compute the difference between a base type and the type found by RTTI
@@ -877,36 +874,36 @@ improveRTTIType :: HscEnv -> RttiType -> RttiType -> Maybe TvSubst
improveRTTIType _ base_ty new_ty
= U.tcUnifyTys (const U.BindMe) [base_ty] [new_ty]
-myDataConInstArgTys :: DataCon -> [Type] -> [Type]
-myDataConInstArgTys dc args
- | isVanillaDataCon dc = dataConInstArgTys dc args
- | otherwise = dataConRepArgTys dc
-mydataConType :: DataCon -> QuantifiedType
--- ^ Custom version of DataCon.dataConUserType where we
--- - remove the equality constraints
--- - use the representation types for arguments, including dictionaries
--- - keep the original result type
-mydataConType dc
- = ( (univ_tvs `minusList` map fst eq_spec) ++ ex_tvs
- , mkFunTys arg_tys res_ty )
- where univ_tvs = dataConUnivTyVars dc
- ex_tvs = dataConExTyVars dc
- eq_spec = dataConEqSpec dc
- arg_tys = [case a of
- PredTy p -> predTypeRep p
- _ -> a
- | a <- dataConRepArgTys dc]
- res_ty = dataConOrigResTy dc
-isRefType :: Type -> Bool
-isRefType ty
- | Just (tc, _) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty' = isRefTyCon tc
- | otherwise = False
- where ty'= repType ty
-isRefTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-isRefTyCon tc = tc `elem` [mutVarPrimTyCon, mVarPrimTyCon, tVarPrimTyCon]
+getDataConArgTys :: DataCon -> Type -> TR [Type]
+-- Given the result type ty of a constructor application (D a b c :: ty)
+-- return the types of the arguments. This is RTTI-land, so 'ty' might
+-- not be fully known. Moreover, the arg types might involve existentials;
+-- if so, make up fresh RTTI type variables for them
+getDataConArgTys dc con_app_ty
+ = do { (_, ex_tys, _) <- instTyVars ex_tvs
+ ; let rep_con_app_ty = repType con_app_ty
+ ; ty_args <- case tcSplitTyConApp_maybe rep_con_app_ty of
+ Just (tc, ty_args) | dataConTyCon dc == tc
+ -> ASSERT( univ_tvs `equalLength` ty_args)
+ return ty_args
+ _ -> do { (_, ty_args, subst) <- instTyVars univ_tvs
+ ; let res_ty = substTy subst (dataConOrigResTy dc)
+ ; addConstraint rep_con_app_ty res_ty
+ ; return ty_args }
+ -- It is necessary to check dataConTyCon dc == tc
+ -- because it may be the case that tc is a recursive
+ -- newtype and tcSplitTyConApp has not removed it. In
+ -- that case, we happily give up and don't match
+ ; let subst = zipTopTvSubst (univ_tvs ++ ex_tvs) (ty_args ++ ex_tys)
+ ; return (substTys subst (dataConRepArgTys dc)) }
+ where
+ univ_tvs = dataConUnivTyVars dc
+ ex_tvs = dataConExTyVars dc
+isPtrType :: Type -> Bool
+isPtrType ty = case typePrimRep ty of
+ PtrRep -> True
+ _ -> False
-- Soundness checks
@@ -1103,7 +1100,7 @@ congruenceNewtypes lhs rhs = go lhs rhs >>= \rhs' -> return (lhs,rhs')
| otherwise = do
traceTR (text "(Upgrade) upgraded " <> ppr ty <>
text " in presence of newtype evidence " <> ppr new_tycon)
- vars <- mapM (newVar . tyVarKind) (tyConTyVars new_tycon)
+ (_, vars, _) <- instTyVars (tyConTyVars new_tycon)
let ty' = mkTyConApp new_tycon vars
_ <- liftTcM (unifyType ty (repType ty'))
-- assumes that reptype doesn't ^^^^ touch tyconApp args
@@ -1183,12 +1180,6 @@ quantifyType :: Type -> QuantifiedType
-- Generalize the type: find all free tyvars and wrap in the appropiate ForAll.
quantifyType ty = (varSetElems (tyVarsOfType ty), ty)
-mapMif :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> (a -> m a) -> [a] -> m [a]
-mapMif pred f xx = sequence $ mapMif_ pred f xx
- where
- mapMif_ _ _ [] = []
- mapMif_ pred f (x:xx) = (if pred x then f x else return x) : mapMif_ pred f xx
unlessM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m () -> m ()
unlessM condM acc = condM >>= \c -> unless c acc
@@ -1205,24 +1196,10 @@ amap' f (Array i0 i _ arr#) = map g [0 .. i - i0]
where g (I# i#) = case indexArray# arr# i# of
(# e #) -> f e
-isLifted :: Type -> Bool
-isLifted = not . isUnLiftedType
extractUnboxed :: [Type] -> Closure -> [[Word]]
extractUnboxed tt clos = go tt (nonPtrs clos)
- where sizeofType t
- | Just (tycon,_) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe t
- = ASSERT (isPrimTyCon tycon) sizeofTyCon tycon
- | otherwise = pprPanic "Expected a TcTyCon" (ppr t)
+ where sizeofType t = primRepSizeW (typePrimRep t)
go [] _ = []
go (t:tt) xx
| (x, rest) <- splitAt (sizeofType t) xx
= x : go tt rest
-sizeofTyCon :: TyCon -> Int -- in *words*
-sizeofTyCon = primRepSizeW . tyConPrimRep
-(|.|) :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> Bool) -> a -> Bool
-(f |.| g) x = f x || g x