path: root/compiler/hieFile/HieDebug.hs
diff options
authorAlec Theriault <>2018-12-11 13:47:35 -0500
committerBen Gamari <>2018-12-11 14:23:22 -0500
commitf582379de2c4ff7577235c926ad953debdae3cac (patch)
treedf39b7a00d1730be04da120ca452517043478809 /compiler/hieFile/HieDebug.hs
parent21339c9f6bfb952a3a0b8de5ee649d46dfbf0d9b (diff)
Support generating HIE files
Adds a `-fenable-ide-info` flag which instructs GHC to generate `.hie` files (see the wiki page: This is a rebased version of Zubin Duggal's (@wz1000) GHC changes for his GSOC project, as posted here: Test Plan: ./validate Reviewers: bgamari, gershomb, nomeata, alanz, sjakobi Reviewed By: alanz, sjakobi Subscribers: alanz, hvr, sjakobi, rwbarton, wz1000, carter Differential Revision:
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/hieFile/HieDebug.hs')
1 files changed, 143 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/hieFile/HieDebug.hs b/compiler/hieFile/HieDebug.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7896cf7720
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/hieFile/HieDebug.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+module HieDebug where
+import GhcPrelude
+import SrcLoc
+import Module
+import FastString
+import Outputable
+import HieTypes
+import HieBin
+import HieUtils
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Data.Function ( on )
+import Data.List ( sortOn )
+import Data.Foldable ( toList )
+ppHies :: Outputable a => (HieASTs a) -> SDoc
+ppHies (HieASTs asts) = M.foldrWithKey go "" asts
+ where
+ go k a rest = vcat $
+ [ "File: " <> ppr k
+ , ppHie a
+ , rest
+ ]
+ppHie :: Outputable a => HieAST a -> SDoc
+ppHie = go 0
+ where
+ go n (Node inf sp children) = hang header n rest
+ where
+ rest = vcat $ map (go (n+2)) children
+ header = hsep
+ [ "Node"
+ , ppr sp
+ , ppInfo inf
+ ]
+ppInfo :: Outputable a => NodeInfo a -> SDoc
+ppInfo ni = hsep
+ [ ppr $ toList $ nodeAnnotations ni
+ , ppr $ nodeType ni
+ , ppr $ M.toList $ nodeIdentifiers ni
+ ]
+type Diff a = a -> a -> [SDoc]
+diffFile :: Diff HieFile
+diffFile = diffAsts eqDiff `on` (getAsts . hie_asts)
+diffAsts :: (Outputable a, Eq a) => Diff a -> Diff (M.Map FastString (HieAST a))
+diffAsts f = diffList (diffAst f) `on` M.elems
+diffAst :: (Outputable a, Eq a) => Diff a -> Diff (HieAST a)
+diffAst diffType (Node info1 span1 xs1) (Node info2 span2 xs2) =
+ infoDiff ++ spanDiff ++ diffList (diffAst diffType) xs1 xs2
+ where
+ spanDiff
+ | span1 /= span2 = [hsep ["Spans", ppr span1, "and", ppr span2, "differ"]]
+ | otherwise = []
+ infoDiff
+ = (diffList eqDiff `on` (S.toAscList . nodeAnnotations)) info1 info2
+ ++ (diffList diffType `on` nodeType) info1 info2
+ ++ (diffIdents `on` nodeIdentifiers) info1 info2
+ diffIdents a b = (diffList diffIdent `on` normalizeIdents) a b
+ diffIdent (a,b) (c,d) = diffName a c
+ ++ eqDiff b d
+ diffName (Right a) (Right b) = case (a,b) of
+ (ExternalName m o _, ExternalName m' o' _) -> eqDiff (m,o) (m',o')
+ (LocalName o _, ExternalName _ o' _) -> eqDiff o o'
+ _ -> eqDiff a b
+ diffName a b = eqDiff a b
+type DiffIdent = Either ModuleName HieName
+normalizeIdents :: NodeIdentifiers a -> [(DiffIdent,IdentifierDetails a)]
+normalizeIdents = sortOn fst . map (first toHieName) . M.toList
+ where
+ first f (a,b) = (fmap f a, b)
+diffList :: Diff a -> Diff [a]
+diffList f xs ys
+ | length xs == length ys = concat $ zipWith f xs ys
+ | otherwise = ["length of lists doesn't match"]
+eqDiff :: (Outputable a, Eq a) => Diff a
+eqDiff a b
+ | a == b = []
+ | otherwise = [hsep [ppr a, "and", ppr b, "do not match"]]
+validAst :: HieAST a -> Either SDoc ()
+validAst (Node _ span children) = do
+ checkContainment children
+ checkSorted children
+ mapM_ validAst children
+ where
+ checkSorted [] = return ()
+ checkSorted [_] = return ()
+ checkSorted (x:y:xs)
+ | nodeSpan x `leftOf` nodeSpan y = checkSorted (y:xs)
+ | otherwise = Left $ hsep
+ [ ppr $ nodeSpan x
+ , "is not to the left of"
+ , ppr $ nodeSpan y
+ ]
+ checkContainment [] = return ()
+ checkContainment (x:xs)
+ | span `containsSpan` (nodeSpan x) = checkContainment xs
+ | otherwise = Left $ hsep
+ [ ppr $ span
+ , "does not contain"
+ , ppr $ nodeSpan x
+ ]
+-- | Look for any identifiers which occur outside of their supposed scopes.
+-- Returns a list of error messages.
+validateScopes :: M.Map FastString (HieAST a) -> [SDoc]
+validateScopes asts = M.foldrWithKey (\k a b -> valid k a ++ b) [] refMap
+ where
+ refMap = generateReferencesMap asts
+ valid (Left _) _ = []
+ valid (Right n) refs = concatMap inScope refs
+ where
+ mapRef = foldMap getScopeFromContext . identInfo . snd
+ scopes = case foldMap mapRef refs of
+ Just xs -> xs
+ Nothing -> []
+ inScope (sp, dets)
+ | definedInAsts asts n
+ && any isOccurrence (identInfo dets)
+ = case scopes of
+ [] -> []
+ _ -> if any (`scopeContainsSpan` sp) scopes
+ then []
+ else return $ hsep $
+ [ "Name", ppr n, "at position", ppr sp
+ , "doesn't occur in calculated scope", ppr scopes]
+ | otherwise = []