path: root/compiler/hsSyn/HsSyn.lhs
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authorSimon Marlow <>2006-04-07 02:05:11 +0000
committerSimon Marlow <>2006-04-07 02:05:11 +0000
commit0065d5ab628975892cea1ec7303f968c3338cbe1 (patch)
tree8e2afe0ab48ee33cf95009809d67c9649573ef92 /compiler/hsSyn/HsSyn.lhs
parent28a464a75e14cece5db40f2765a29348273ff2d2 (diff)
Reorganisation of the source tree
Most of the other users of the fptools build system have migrated to Cabal, and with the move to darcs we can now flatten the source tree without losing history, so here goes. The main change is that the ghc/ subdir is gone, and most of what it contained is now at the top level. The build system now makes no pretense at being multi-project, it is just the GHC build system. No doubt this will break many things, and there will be a period of instability while we fix the dependencies. A straightforward build should work, but I haven't yet fixed binary/source distributions. Changes to the Building Guide will follow, too.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/hsSyn/HsSyn.lhs')
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/hsSyn/HsSyn.lhs b/compiler/hsSyn/HsSyn.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a9982a630a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/hsSyn/HsSyn.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section{Haskell abstract syntax definition}
+This module glues together the pieces of the Haskell abstract syntax,
+which is declared in the various \tr{Hs*} modules. This module,
+therefore, is almost nothing but re-exporting.
+module HsSyn (
+ module HsBinds,
+ module HsDecls,
+ module HsExpr,
+ module HsImpExp,
+ module HsLit,
+ module HsPat,
+ module HsTypes,
+ module HsUtils,
+ Fixity,
+ HsModule(..), HsExtCore(..)
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+-- friends:
+import HsDecls
+import HsBinds
+import HsExpr
+import HsImpExp
+import HsLit
+import HsPat
+import HsTypes
+import HscTypes ( DeprecTxt )
+import BasicTypes ( Fixity )
+import HsUtils
+-- others:
+import IfaceSyn ( IfaceBinding )
+import Outputable
+import SrcLoc ( Located(..) )
+import Module ( Module )
+All we actually declare here is the top-level structure for a module.
+data HsModule name
+ = HsModule
+ (Maybe (Located Module))-- Nothing => "module X where" is omitted
+ -- (in which case the next field is Nothing too)
+ (Maybe [LIE name]) -- Export list; Nothing => export list omitted, so export everything
+ -- Just [] => export *nothing*
+ -- Just [...] => as you would expect...
+ [LImportDecl name] -- We snaffle interesting stuff out of the
+ -- imported interfaces early on, adding that
+ -- info to TyDecls/etc; so this list is
+ -- often empty, downstream.
+ [LHsDecl name] -- Type, class, value, and interface signature decls
+ (Maybe DeprecTxt) -- reason/explanation for deprecation of this module
+data HsExtCore name -- Read from Foo.hcr
+ = HsExtCore
+ Module
+ [TyClDecl name] -- Type declarations only; just as in Haskell source,
+ -- so that we can infer kinds etc
+ [IfaceBinding] -- And the bindings
+instance (OutputableBndr name)
+ => Outputable (HsModule name) where
+ ppr (HsModule Nothing _ imports decls _)
+ = pp_nonnull imports $$ pp_nonnull decls
+ ppr (HsModule (Just name) exports imports decls deprec)
+ = vcat [
+ case exports of
+ Nothing -> pp_header (ptext SLIT("where"))
+ Just es -> vcat [
+ pp_header lparen,
+ nest 8 (fsep (punctuate comma (map ppr es))),
+ nest 4 (ptext SLIT(") where"))
+ ],
+ pp_nonnull imports,
+ pp_nonnull decls
+ ]
+ where
+ pp_header rest = case deprec of
+ Nothing -> pp_modname <+> rest
+ Just d -> vcat [ pp_modname, ppr d, rest ]
+ pp_modname = ptext SLIT("module") <+> ppr name
+pp_nonnull [] = empty
+pp_nonnull xs = vcat (map ppr xs)