path: root/compiler/hsSyn/HsUtils.hs
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authorAlan Zimmerman <>2018-04-01 21:33:53 +0200
committerAlan Zimmerman <>2018-04-13 13:40:30 +0200
commitb1386942e63ba5fe4b2da27f5025afdf80356392 (patch)
treec2ffbbc151e8f6f1693e375d44f85781418ca825 /compiler/hsSyn/HsUtils.hs
parent5417c68977db2f2c2c1ce3b8b19ac1f540df471c (diff)
TTG for HsBinds and Data instances Plan B
Summary: - Add the balance of the TTG extensions for hsSyn/HsBinds - Move all the (now orphan) data instances into hsSyn/HsInstances and use TTG Data instances Plan B Updates haddock submodule. Illustrative numbers Compiling HsInstances before using Plan B. Max residency ~ 5G <<ghc: 629,864,691,176 bytes, 5300 GCs, 321075437/1087762592 avg/max bytes residency (23 samples), 2953M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.000 elapsed), 383.511 MUT (384.986 elapsed), 37.426 GC (37.444 elapsed) :ghc>> Using Plan B Max residency 1.1G <<ghc: 78,832,782,968 bytes, 2884 GCs, 222140352/386470152 avg/max bytes residency (34 samples), 1062M in use, 0.001 INIT (0.001 elapsed), 56.612 MUT (62.917 elapsed), 32.974 GC (32.923 elapsed) :ghc>> Test Plan: ./validate Reviewers: shayan-najd, goldfire, bgamari Subscribers: goldfire, thomie, mpickering, carter Differential Revision:
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/hsSyn/HsUtils.hs')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/hsSyn/HsUtils.hs b/compiler/hsSyn/HsUtils.hs
index 756cdbf423..90e1ddbbe6 100644
--- a/compiler/hsSyn/HsUtils.hs
+++ b/compiler/hsSyn/HsUtils.hs
@@ -143,9 +143,9 @@ just attach noSrcSpan to everything.
mkHsPar :: LHsExpr (GhcPass id) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id)
mkHsPar e = L (getLoc e) (HsPar noExt e)
-mkSimpleMatch :: HsMatchContext (NameOrRdrName (IdP id))
- -> [LPat id] -> Located (body id)
- -> LMatch id (Located (body id))
+mkSimpleMatch :: HsMatchContext (NameOrRdrName (IdP (GhcPass p)))
+ -> [LPat (GhcPass p)] -> Located (body (GhcPass p))
+ -> LMatch (GhcPass p) (Located (body (GhcPass p)))
mkSimpleMatch ctxt pats rhs
= L loc $
Match { m_ctxt = ctxt, m_pats = pats
@@ -155,7 +155,8 @@ mkSimpleMatch ctxt pats rhs
[] -> getLoc rhs
(pat:_) -> combineSrcSpans (getLoc pat) (getLoc rhs)
-unguardedGRHSs :: Located (body id) -> GRHSs id (Located (body id))
+unguardedGRHSs :: Located (body (GhcPass p))
+ -> GRHSs (GhcPass p) (Located (body (GhcPass p)))
unguardedGRHSs rhs@(L loc _)
= GRHSs (unguardedRHS loc rhs) (noLoc emptyLocalBinds)
@@ -200,7 +201,8 @@ mkHsLams tyvars dicts expr = mkLHsWrap (mkWpTyLams tyvars
-- |A simple case alternative with a single pattern, no binds, no guards;
-- pre-typechecking
-mkHsCaseAlt :: LPat id -> (Located (body id)) -> LMatch id (Located (body id))
+mkHsCaseAlt :: LPat (GhcPass p) -> (Located (body (GhcPass p)))
+ -> LMatch (GhcPass p) (Located (body (GhcPass p)))
mkHsCaseAlt pat expr
= mkSimpleMatch CaseAlt [pat] expr
@@ -614,8 +616,8 @@ mkHsSigEnv get_info sigs
-- of which use this function
(gen_dm_sigs, ordinary_sigs) = partition is_gen_dm_sig sigs
- is_gen_dm_sig (L _ (ClassOpSig True _ _)) = True
- is_gen_dm_sig _ = False
+ is_gen_dm_sig (L _ (ClassOpSig _ True _ _)) = True
+ is_gen_dm_sig _ = False
mk_pairs :: [LSig GhcRn] -> [(Name, a)]
mk_pairs sigs = [ (n,a) | Just (ns,a) <- map get_info sigs
@@ -628,8 +630,9 @@ mkClassOpSigs :: [LSig GhcPs] -> [LSig GhcPs]
mkClassOpSigs sigs
= map fiddle sigs
- fiddle (L loc (TypeSig nms ty)) = L loc (ClassOpSig False nms (dropWildCards ty))
- fiddle sig = sig
+ fiddle (L loc (TypeSig _ nms ty))
+ = L loc (ClassOpSig noExt False nms (dropWildCards ty))
+ fiddle sig = sig
typeToLHsType :: Type -> LHsType GhcPs
-- ^ Converting a Type to an HsType RdrName
@@ -788,7 +791,7 @@ mkFunBind :: Located RdrName -> [LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)]
mkFunBind fn ms = FunBind { fun_id = fn
, fun_matches = mkMatchGroup Generated ms
, fun_co_fn = idHsWrapper
- , bind_fvs = placeHolderNames
+ , fun_ext = noExt
, fun_tick = [] }
mkTopFunBind :: Origin -> Located Name -> [LMatch GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn)]
@@ -797,22 +800,24 @@ mkTopFunBind :: Origin -> Located Name -> [LMatch GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn)]
mkTopFunBind origin fn ms = FunBind { fun_id = fn
, fun_matches = mkMatchGroup origin ms
, fun_co_fn = idHsWrapper
- , bind_fvs = emptyNameSet -- NB: closed
+ , fun_ext = emptyNameSet -- NB: closed
-- binding
, fun_tick = [] }
mkHsVarBind :: SrcSpan -> RdrName -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsBind GhcPs
mkHsVarBind loc var rhs = mk_easy_FunBind loc var [] rhs
-mkVarBind :: IdP p -> LHsExpr p -> LHsBind p
+mkVarBind :: IdP (GhcPass p) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass p) -> LHsBind (GhcPass p)
mkVarBind var rhs = L (getLoc rhs) $
- VarBind { var_id = var, var_rhs = rhs, var_inline = False }
+ VarBind { var_ext = noExt,
+ var_id = var, var_rhs = rhs, var_inline = False }
mkPatSynBind :: Located RdrName -> HsPatSynDetails (Located RdrName)
-> LPat GhcPs -> HsPatSynDir GhcPs -> HsBind GhcPs
-mkPatSynBind name details lpat dir = PatSynBind psb
+mkPatSynBind name details lpat dir = PatSynBind noExt psb
- psb = PSB{ psb_id = name
+ psb = PSB{ psb_ext = noExt
+ , psb_id = name
, psb_args = details
, psb_def = lpat
, psb_dir = dir
@@ -821,7 +826,7 @@ mkPatSynBind name details lpat dir = PatSynBind psb
-- |If any of the matches in the 'FunBind' are infix, the 'FunBind' is
-- considered infix.
isInfixFunBind :: HsBindLR id1 id2 -> Bool
-isInfixFunBind (FunBind _ (MG matches _ _ _) _ _ _)
+isInfixFunBind (FunBind _ _ (MG matches _ _ _) _ _)
= any (isInfixMatch . unLoc) (unLoc matches)
isInfixFunBind _ = False
@@ -940,10 +945,11 @@ isBangedHsBind _
collectLocalBinders :: HsLocalBindsLR (GhcPass idL) (GhcPass idR)
-> [IdP (GhcPass idL)]
-collectLocalBinders (HsValBinds binds) = collectHsIdBinders binds
+collectLocalBinders (HsValBinds _ binds) = collectHsIdBinders binds
-- No pattern synonyms here
-collectLocalBinders (HsIPBinds _) = []
-collectLocalBinders EmptyLocalBinds = []
+collectLocalBinders (HsIPBinds {}) = []
+collectLocalBinders (EmptyLocalBinds _) = []
+collectLocalBinders (XHsLocalBindsLR _) = []
collectHsIdBinders, collectHsValBinders
:: HsValBindsLR (GhcPass idL) (GhcPass idR) -> [IdP (GhcPass idL)]
@@ -983,9 +989,11 @@ collect_bind _ (AbsBinds { abs_exports = dbinds }) acc = map abe_poly dbinds ++
-- I don't think we want the binders from the abe_binds
-- binding (hence see AbsBinds) is in zonking in TcHsSyn
-collect_bind omitPatSyn (PatSynBind (PSB { psb_id = L _ ps })) acc
+collect_bind omitPatSyn (PatSynBind _ (PSB { psb_id = L _ ps })) acc
| omitPatSyn = acc
| otherwise = ps : acc
+collect_bind _ (PatSynBind _ (XPatSynBind _)) acc = acc
+collect_bind _ (XHsBindsLR _) acc = acc
collectMethodBinders :: LHsBindsLR GhcPs idR -> [Located RdrName]
-- Used exclusively for the bindings of an instance decl which are all FunBinds
@@ -1130,7 +1138,8 @@ hsLTyClDeclBinders (L loc (ClassDecl { tcdLName = L _ cls_name
, tcdSigs = sigs, tcdATs = ats }))
= (L loc cls_name :
[ L fam_loc fam_name | L fam_loc (FamilyDecl { fdLName = L _ fam_name }) <- ats ] ++
- [ L mem_loc mem_name | L mem_loc (ClassOpSig False ns _) <- sigs, L _ mem_name <- ns ]
+ [ L mem_loc mem_name | L mem_loc (ClassOpSig _ False ns _) <- sigs
+ , L _ mem_name <- ns ]
, [])
hsLTyClDeclBinders (L loc (DataDecl { tcdLName = L _ name, tcdDataDefn = defn }))
= (\ (xs, ys) -> (L loc name : xs, ys)) $ hsDataDefnBinders defn
@@ -1153,14 +1162,14 @@ hsPatSynSelectors (XValBindsLR (NValBinds binds _))
addPatSynSelector:: LHsBind p -> [IdP p] -> [IdP p]
addPatSynSelector bind sels
- | L _ (PatSynBind (PSB { psb_args = RecCon as })) <- bind
+ | L _ (PatSynBind _ (PSB { psb_args = RecCon as })) <- bind
= map (unLoc . recordPatSynSelectorId) as ++ sels
| otherwise = sels
getPatSynBinds :: [(RecFlag, LHsBinds id)] -> [PatSynBind id id]
getPatSynBinds binds
= [ psb | (_, lbinds) <- binds
- , L _ (PatSynBind psb) <- bagToList lbinds ]
+ , L _ (PatSynBind _ psb) <- bagToList lbinds ]
hsLInstDeclBinders :: LInstDecl pass
@@ -1285,9 +1294,10 @@ lStmtsImplicits = hs_lstmts
hs_stmt (TransStmt { trS_stmts = stmts }) = hs_lstmts stmts
hs_stmt (RecStmt { recS_stmts = ss }) = hs_lstmts ss
- hs_local_binds (HsValBinds val_binds) = hsValBindsImplicits val_binds
- hs_local_binds (HsIPBinds _) = emptyNameSet
- hs_local_binds EmptyLocalBinds = emptyNameSet
+ hs_local_binds (HsValBinds _ val_binds) = hsValBindsImplicits val_binds
+ hs_local_binds (HsIPBinds {}) = emptyNameSet
+ hs_local_binds (EmptyLocalBinds _) = emptyNameSet
+ hs_local_binds (XHsLocalBindsLR _) = emptyNameSet
hsValBindsImplicits :: HsValBindsLR GhcRn (GhcPass idR) -> NameSet
hsValBindsImplicits (XValBindsLR (NValBinds binds _))