path: root/compiler/hsSyn
diff options
mode: <unknown>2010-05-06 16:37:37 +0000 <unknown>2010-05-06 16:37:37 +0000
commit241c6ba59c89d491aa4087f754dfcbbca26163f4 (patch)
treea9ffbe5bf69add354b838b8a539f36180984c259 /compiler/hsSyn
parent215ce9f15215399ce30ae55c9521087847d78646 (diff)
Refactoring of hsXxxBinders
This patch moves various functions that extract the binders from a HsTyClDecl, HsForeignDecl etc into HsUtils, and gives them consistent names.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/hsSyn')
2 files changed, 61 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs b/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs
index baf6eca76f..dc4bac71ee 100644
--- a/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs
+++ b/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ module HsDecls (
-- ** Class or type declarations
TyClDecl(..), LTyClDecl,
isClassDecl, isSynDecl, isDataDecl, isTypeDecl, isFamilyDecl,
- isFamInstDecl, tcdName, tyClDeclNames, tyClDeclTyVars,
+ isFamInstDecl, tcdName, tyClDeclTyVars,
-- ** Instance declarations
InstDecl(..), LInstDecl, NewOrData(..), FamilyFlavour(..),
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ module HsDecls (
-- ** Data-constructor declarations
ConDecl(..), LConDecl, ResType(..),
- HsConDeclDetails, hsConDeclArgTys, hsConDeclsNames,
+ HsConDeclDetails, hsConDeclArgTys,
-- ** Document comments
DocDecl(..), LDocDecl, docDeclDoc,
-- ** Deprecations
@@ -544,23 +544,6 @@ Dealing with names
tcdName :: TyClDecl name -> name
tcdName decl = unLoc (tcdLName decl)
-tyClDeclNames :: Eq name => TyClDecl name -> [Located name]
--- ^ Returns all the /binding/ names of the decl, along with their SrcLocs.
--- The first one is guaranteed to be the name of the decl. For record fields
--- mentioned in multiple constructors, the SrcLoc will be from the first
--- occurence. We use the equality to filter out duplicate field names
-tyClDeclNames (TyFamily {tcdLName = name}) = [name]
-tyClDeclNames (TySynonym {tcdLName = name}) = [name]
-tyClDeclNames (ForeignType {tcdLName = name}) = [name]
-tyClDeclNames (ClassDecl {tcdLName = cls_name, tcdSigs = sigs, tcdATs = ats})
- = cls_name :
- concatMap (tyClDeclNames . unLoc) ats ++ [n | L _ (TypeSig n _) <- sigs]
-tyClDeclNames (TyData {tcdLName = tc_name, tcdCons = cons})
- = tc_name : hsConDeclsNames cons
tyClDeclTyVars :: TyClDecl name -> [LHsTyVarBndr name]
tyClDeclTyVars (TyFamily {tcdTyVars = tvs}) = tvs
tyClDeclTyVars (TySynonym {tcdTyVars = tvs}) = tvs
@@ -757,24 +740,6 @@ instance OutputableBndr name => Outputable (ResType name) where
ppr (ResTyGADT ty) = ptext (sLit "ResTyGADT") <+> pprParendHsType (unLoc ty)
-hsConDeclsNames :: (Eq name) => [LConDecl name] -> [Located name]
- -- See tyClDeclNames for what this does
- -- The function is boringly complicated because of the records
- -- And since we only have equality, we have to be a little careful
-hsConDeclsNames cons
- = snd (foldl do_one ([], []) cons)
- where
- do_one (flds_seen, acc) (L _ (ConDecl { con_name = lname, con_details = RecCon flds }))
- = (map unLoc new_flds ++ flds_seen, lname : new_flds ++ acc)
- where
- new_flds = filterOut (\f -> unLoc f `elem` flds_seen)
- (map cd_fld_name flds)
- do_one (flds_seen, acc) (L _ (ConDecl { con_name = lname }))
- = (flds_seen, lname:acc)
instance (OutputableBndr name) => Outputable (ConDecl name) where
@@ -837,8 +802,8 @@ instance (OutputableBndr name) => Outputable (InstDecl name) where
-- Extract the declarations of associated types from an instance
-instDeclATs :: InstDecl name -> [LTyClDecl name]
-instDeclATs (InstDecl _ _ _ ats) = ats
+instDeclATs :: [LInstDecl name] -> [LTyClDecl name]
+instDeclATs inst_decls = [at | L _ (InstDecl _ _ _ ats) <- inst_decls, at <- ats]
diff --git a/compiler/hsSyn/HsUtils.lhs b/compiler/hsSyn/HsUtils.lhs
index d5ff6f5624..0e4b0dbb38 100644
--- a/compiler/hsSyn/HsUtils.lhs
+++ b/compiler/hsSyn/HsUtils.lhs
@@ -57,9 +57,13 @@ module HsUtils(
collectPatBinders, collectPatsBinders,
collectLStmtsBinders, collectStmtsBinders,
collectLStmtBinders, collectStmtBinders,
- collectSigTysFromPats, collectSigTysFromPat
+ collectSigTysFromPats, collectSigTysFromPat,
+ hsTyClDeclBinders, hsTyClDeclsBinders, hsConDeclsBinders,
+ hsForeignDeclsBinders, hsGroupBinders
) where
+import HsDecls
import HsBinds
import HsExpr
import HsPat
@@ -555,6 +559,58 @@ and *also* uses that dictionary to match the (n+1) pattern. Yet, the
variables bound by the lazy pattern are n,m, *not* the dictionary d.
So in mkSelectorBinds in DsUtils, we want just m,n as the variables bound.
+hsGroupBinders :: HsGroup Name -> [Name]
+hsGroupBinders (HsGroup { hs_valds = val_decls, hs_tyclds = tycl_decls,
+ hs_instds = inst_decls, hs_fords = foreign_decls })
+-- Collect the binders of a Group
+ = collectHsValBinders val_decls
+ ++ hsTyClDeclsBinders tycl_decls inst_decls
+ ++ hsForeignDeclsBinders foreign_decls
+hsForeignDeclsBinders :: [LForeignDecl Name] -> [Name]
+hsForeignDeclsBinders foreign_decls
+ = [n | L _ (ForeignImport (L _ n) _ _) <- foreign_decls]
+hsTyClDeclsBinders :: [Located (TyClDecl Name)] -> [Located (InstDecl Name)] -> [Name]
+hsTyClDeclsBinders tycl_decls inst_decls
+ = [n | d <- instDeclATs inst_decls ++ tycl_decls, L _ n <- hsTyClDeclBinders d]
+hsTyClDeclBinders :: Eq name => Located (TyClDecl name) -> [Located name]
+-- ^ Returns all the /binding/ names of the decl, along with their SrcLocs.
+-- The first one is guaranteed to be the name of the decl. For record fields
+-- mentioned in multiple constructors, the SrcLoc will be from the first
+-- occurence. We use the equality to filter out duplicate field names
+hsTyClDeclBinders (L _ (TyFamily {tcdLName = name})) = [name]
+hsTyClDeclBinders (L _ (TySynonym {tcdLName = name})) = [name]
+hsTyClDeclBinders (L _ (ForeignType {tcdLName = name})) = [name]
+hsTyClDeclBinders (L _ (ClassDecl {tcdLName = cls_name, tcdSigs = sigs, tcdATs = ats}))
+ = cls_name :
+ concatMap hsTyClDeclBinders ats ++ [n | L _ (TypeSig n _) <- sigs]
+hsTyClDeclBinders (L _ (TyData {tcdLName = tc_name, tcdCons = cons}))
+ = tc_name : hsConDeclsBinders cons
+hsConDeclsBinders :: (Eq name) => [LConDecl name] -> [Located name]
+ -- See hsTyClDeclBinders for what this does
+ -- The function is boringly complicated because of the records
+ -- And since we only have equality, we have to be a little careful
+hsConDeclsBinders cons
+ = snd (foldl do_one ([], []) cons)
+ where
+ do_one (flds_seen, acc) (L _ (ConDecl { con_name = lname, con_details = RecCon flds }))
+ = (map unLoc new_flds ++ flds_seen, lname : new_flds ++ acc)
+ where
+ new_flds = filterOut (\f -> unLoc f `elem` flds_seen)
+ (map cd_fld_name flds)
+ do_one (flds_seen, acc) (L _ (ConDecl { con_name = lname }))
+ = (flds_seen, lname:acc)
%* *
Collecting type signatures from patterns