path: root/compiler/hsSyn
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authorFacundo Domínguez <>2016-07-06 06:48:27 -0300
committerFacundo Domínguez <>2016-07-06 06:48:27 -0300
commit567dbd9bcb602accf3184b83050f2982cbb7758b (patch)
treec7b9930fe4d21db8b38e17edbde9a05dd472de26 /compiler/hsSyn
parentf560a03ccdb246083fe64da3507c5be4c40960fe (diff)
Have addModFinalizer expose the local type environment.
Summary: This annotates the splice point with 'HsSpliced ref e' where 'e' is the result of the splice. 'ref' is a reference that the typechecker will fill with the local type environment. The finalizer then reads the ref and uses the local type environment, which causes 'reify' to find local variables when run in the finalizer. Test Plan: ./validate Reviewers: simonpj, simonmar, bgamari, austin, goldfire Reviewed By: goldfire Subscribers: simonmar, thomie, mboes Differential Revision: GHC Trac Issues: #11832
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/hsSyn')
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.hs b/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.hs
index 79cf079882..ffba782dfd 100644
--- a/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.hs
+++ b/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.hs
@@ -45,8 +45,14 @@ import Type
-- libraries:
import Data.Data hiding (Fixity(..))
+import qualified Data.Data as Data (Fixity(..))
import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
+#ifdef GHCI
+import GHCi.RemoteTypes ( ForeignRef )
+import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH (Q)
* *
@@ -1926,12 +1932,55 @@ data HsSplice id
SrcSpan -- The span of the enclosed string
FastString -- The enclosed string
+ | HsSpliced -- See Note [Delaying modFinalizers in untyped splices] in
+ -- RnSplice.
+ -- This is the result of splicing a splice. It is produced by
+ -- the renamer and consumed by the typechecker. It lives only
+ -- between the two.
+ ThModFinalizers -- TH finalizers produced by the splice.
+ (HsSplicedThing id) -- The result of splicing
+ deriving Typeable
deriving instance (DataId id) => Data (HsSplice id)
isTypedSplice :: HsSplice id -> Bool
isTypedSplice (HsTypedSplice {}) = True
isTypedSplice _ = False -- Quasi-quotes are untyped splices
+-- | Finalizers produced by a splice with
+-- 'Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax.addModFinalizer'
+-- See Note [Delaying modFinalizers in untyped splices] in RnSplice. For how
+-- this is used.
+#ifdef GHCI
+newtype ThModFinalizers = ThModFinalizers [ForeignRef (TH.Q ())]
+data ThModFinalizers = ThModFinalizers
+-- A Data instance which ignores the argument of 'ThModFinalizers'.
+#ifdef GHCI
+instance Data ThModFinalizers where
+ gunfold _ z _ = z $ ThModFinalizers []
+ toConstr a = mkConstr (dataTypeOf a) "ThModFinalizers" [] Data.Prefix
+ dataTypeOf a = mkDataType "HsExpr.ThModFinalizers" [toConstr a]
+instance Data ThModFinalizers where
+ gunfold _ z _ = z ThModFinalizers
+ toConstr a = mkConstr (dataTypeOf a) "ThModFinalizers" [] Data.Prefix
+ dataTypeOf a = mkDataType "HsExpr.ThModFinalizers" [toConstr a]
+-- | Values that can result from running a splice.
+data HsSplicedThing id
+ = HsSplicedExpr (HsExpr id)
+ | HsSplicedTy (HsType id)
+ | HsSplicedPat (Pat id)
+ deriving Typeable
+deriving instance (DataId id) => Data (HsSplicedThing id)
-- See Note [Pending Splices]
type SplicePointName = Name
@@ -2015,6 +2064,11 @@ splices. In contrast, when pretty printing the output of the type checker, we
sense, although I hate to add another constructor to HsExpr.
+instance OutputableBndrId id => Outputable (HsSplicedThing id) where
+ ppr (HsSplicedExpr e) = ppr_expr e
+ ppr (HsSplicedTy t) = ppr t
+ ppr (HsSplicedPat p) = ppr p
instance (OutputableBndrId id) => Outputable (HsSplice id) where
ppr s = pprSplice s
@@ -2026,6 +2080,7 @@ pprSplice :: (OutputableBndrId id) => HsSplice id -> SDoc
pprSplice (HsTypedSplice n e) = ppr_splice (text "$$") n e
pprSplice (HsUntypedSplice n e) = ppr_splice (text "$") n e
pprSplice (HsQuasiQuote n q _ s) = ppr_quasi n q s
+pprSplice (HsSpliced _ thing) = ppr thing
ppr_quasi :: OutputableBndr id => id -> id -> FastString -> SDoc
ppr_quasi n quoter quote = ifPprDebug (brackets (ppr n)) <>