path: root/compiler/iface/LoadIface.lhs
diff options
authorSimon Marlow <>2006-04-07 02:05:11 +0000
committerSimon Marlow <>2006-04-07 02:05:11 +0000
commit0065d5ab628975892cea1ec7303f968c3338cbe1 (patch)
tree8e2afe0ab48ee33cf95009809d67c9649573ef92 /compiler/iface/LoadIface.lhs
parent28a464a75e14cece5db40f2765a29348273ff2d2 (diff)
Reorganisation of the source tree
Most of the other users of the fptools build system have migrated to Cabal, and with the move to darcs we can now flatten the source tree without losing history, so here goes. The main change is that the ghc/ subdir is gone, and most of what it contained is now at the top level. The build system now makes no pretense at being multi-project, it is just the GHC build system. No doubt this will break many things, and there will be a period of instability while we fix the dependencies. A straightforward build should work, but I haven't yet fixed binary/source distributions. Changes to the Building Guide will follow, too.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/iface/LoadIface.lhs')
1 files changed, 582 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/iface/LoadIface.lhs b/compiler/iface/LoadIface.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c496f76ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/iface/LoadIface.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section{Dealing with interface files}
+module LoadIface (
+ loadInterface, loadHomeInterface, loadWiredInHomeIface,
+ loadSrcInterface, loadSysInterface, loadOrphanModules,
+ findAndReadIface, readIface, -- Used when reading the module's old interface
+ loadDecls, ifaceStats, discardDeclPrags,
+ initExternalPackageState
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import {-# SOURCE #-} TcIface( tcIfaceDecl, tcIfaceRule, tcIfaceInst )
+import Packages ( PackageState(..), PackageIdH(..), isHomePackage )
+import DynFlags ( DynFlags(..), DynFlag( Opt_IgnoreInterfacePragmas ),
+ isOneShot )
+import IfaceSyn ( IfaceDecl(..), IfaceConDecl(..), IfaceClassOp(..),
+ IfaceConDecls(..), IfaceIdInfo(..) )
+import IfaceEnv ( newGlobalBinder )
+import HscTypes ( ModIface(..), TyThing, emptyModIface, EpsStats(..),
+ addEpsInStats, ExternalPackageState(..),
+ PackageTypeEnv, emptyTypeEnv, HscEnv(..),
+ lookupIfaceByModule, emptyPackageIfaceTable,
+ IsBootInterface, mkIfaceFixCache,
+ implicitTyThings
+ )
+import BasicTypes ( Version, Fixity(..), FixityDirection(..),
+ isMarkedStrict )
+import TcRnMonad
+import PrelNames ( gHC_PRIM )
+import PrelInfo ( ghcPrimExports )
+import PrelRules ( builtinRules )
+import Rules ( extendRuleBaseList, mkRuleBase )
+import InstEnv ( emptyInstEnv, extendInstEnvList )
+import Name ( Name {-instance NamedThing-}, getOccName,
+ nameModule, nameIsLocalOrFrom, isWiredInName )
+import NameEnv
+import MkId ( seqId )
+import Module ( Module, ModLocation(ml_hi_file), emptyModuleEnv,
+ addBootSuffix_maybe,
+ extendModuleEnv, lookupModuleEnv, moduleString
+ )
+import OccName ( OccName, mkOccEnv, lookupOccEnv, mkClassTyConOcc, mkClassDataConOcc,
+ mkSuperDictSelOcc, mkDataConWrapperOcc, mkDataConWorkerOcc )
+import SrcLoc ( importedSrcLoc )
+import Maybes ( MaybeErr(..) )
+import FastString ( mkFastString )
+import ErrUtils ( Message )
+import Finder ( findModule, findPackageModule, FindResult(..), cantFindError )
+import Outputable
+import BinIface ( readBinIface )
+import Panic ( ghcError, tryMost, showException, GhcException(..) )
+import List ( nub )
+%* *
+ loadSrcInterface, loadOrphanModules, loadHomeInterface
+ These three are called from TcM-land
+%* *
+loadSrcInterface :: SDoc -> Module -> IsBootInterface -> RnM ModIface
+-- This is called for each 'import' declaration in the source code
+-- On a failure, fail in the monad with an error message
+loadSrcInterface doc mod want_boot
+ = do { mb_iface <- initIfaceTcRn $
+ loadInterface doc mod (ImportByUser want_boot)
+ ; case mb_iface of
+ Failed err -> failWithTc (elaborate err)
+ Succeeded iface -> return iface
+ }
+ where
+ elaborate err = hang (ptext SLIT("Failed to load interface for") <+>
+ quotes (ppr mod) <> colon) 4 err
+loadOrphanModules :: [Module] -> TcM ()
+loadOrphanModules mods
+ | null mods = returnM ()
+ | otherwise = initIfaceTcRn $
+ do { traceIf (text "Loading orphan modules:" <+>
+ fsep (map ppr mods))
+ ; mappM_ load mods
+ ; returnM () }
+ where
+ load mod = loadSysInterface (mk_doc mod) mod
+ mk_doc mod = ppr mod <+> ptext SLIT("is a orphan-instance module")
+loadHomeInterface :: SDoc -> Name -> TcRn ModIface
+loadHomeInterface doc name
+ = do {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ -- Should not be called with a name from the module being compiled
+ this_mod <- getModule
+ ; ASSERT2( not (nameIsLocalOrFrom this_mod name), ppr name <+> parens doc )
+ initIfaceTcRn $ loadSysInterface doc (nameModule name)
+ }
+loadWiredInHomeIface :: Name -> IfM lcl ()
+-- A IfM function to load the home interface for a wired-in thing,
+-- so that we're sure that we see its instance declarations and rules
+loadWiredInHomeIface name
+ = ASSERT( isWiredInName name )
+ do { loadSysInterface doc (nameModule name); return () }
+ where
+ doc = ptext SLIT("Need home interface for wired-in thing") <+> ppr name
+loadSysInterface :: SDoc -> Module -> IfM lcl ModIface
+-- A wrapper for loadInterface that Throws an exception if it fails
+loadSysInterface doc mod_name
+ = do { mb_iface <- loadInterface doc mod_name ImportBySystem
+ ; case mb_iface of
+ Failed err -> ghcError (ProgramError (showSDoc err))
+ Succeeded iface -> return iface }
+%* *
+ loadInterface
+ The main function to load an interface
+ for an imported module, and put it in
+ the External Package State
+%* *
+loadInterface :: SDoc -> Module -> WhereFrom
+ -> IfM lcl (MaybeErr Message ModIface)
+-- If it can't find a suitable interface file, we
+-- a) modify the PackageIfaceTable to have an empty entry
+-- (to avoid repeated complaints)
+-- b) return (Left message)
+-- It's not necessarily an error for there not to be an interface
+-- file -- perhaps the module has changed, and that interface
+-- is no longer used
+loadInterface doc_str mod from
+ = do { -- Read the state
+ (eps,hpt) <- getEpsAndHpt
+ ; traceIf (text "Considering whether to load" <+> ppr mod <+> ppr from)
+ -- Check whether we have the interface already
+ ; case lookupIfaceByModule hpt (eps_PIT eps) mod of {
+ Just iface
+ -> returnM (Succeeded iface) ; -- Already loaded
+ -- The (src_imp == mi_boot iface) test checks that the already-loaded
+ -- interface isn't a boot iface. This can conceivably happen,
+ -- if an earlier import had a before we got to real imports. I think.
+ other -> do
+ { let { hi_boot_file = case from of
+ ImportByUser usr_boot -> usr_boot
+ ImportBySystem -> sys_boot
+ ; mb_dep = lookupModuleEnv (eps_is_boot eps) mod
+ ; sys_boot = case mb_dep of
+ Just (_, is_boot) -> is_boot
+ Nothing -> False
+ -- The boot-ness of the requested interface,
+ } -- based on the dependencies in directly-imported modules
+ ; let explicit | ImportByUser _ <- from = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ ; read_result <- findAndReadIface explicit doc_str mod hi_boot_file
+ ; dflags <- getDOpts
+ ; case read_result of {
+ Failed err -> do
+ { let fake_iface = emptyModIface HomePackage mod
+ ; updateEps_ $ \eps ->
+ eps { eps_PIT = extendModuleEnv (eps_PIT eps) (mi_module fake_iface) fake_iface }
+ -- Not found, so add an empty iface to
+ -- the EPS map so that we don't look again
+ ; returnM (Failed err) } ;
+ -- Found and parsed!
+ Succeeded (iface, file_path) -- Sanity check:
+ | ImportBySystem <- from, -- system-importing...
+ isHomePackage (mi_package iface), -- ...a home-package module
+ Nothing <- mb_dep -- ...that we know nothing about
+ -> returnM (Failed (badDepMsg mod))
+ | otherwise ->
+ let
+ loc_doc = text file_path
+ in
+ initIfaceLcl mod loc_doc $ do
+ -- Load the new ModIface into the External Package State
+ -- Even home-package interfaces loaded by loadInterface
+ -- (which only happens in OneShot mode; in Batch/Interactive
+ -- mode, home-package modules are loaded one by one into the HPT)
+ -- are put in the EPS.
+ --
+ -- The main thing is to add the ModIface to the PIT, but
+ -- we also take the
+ -- IfaceDecls, IfaceInst, IfaceRules
+ -- out of the ModIface and put them into the big EPS pools
+ -- NB: *first* we do loadDecl, so that the provenance of all the locally-defined
+ --- names is done correctly (notably, whether this is an .hi file or .hi-boot file).
+ -- If we do loadExport first the wrong info gets into the cache (unless we
+ -- explicitly tag each export which seems a bit of a bore)
+ ; ignore_prags <- doptM Opt_IgnoreInterfacePragmas
+ ; new_eps_decls <- loadDecls ignore_prags (mi_decls iface)
+ ; new_eps_insts <- mapM tcIfaceInst (mi_insts iface)
+ ; new_eps_rules <- if ignore_prags
+ then return []
+ else mapM tcIfaceRule (mi_rules iface)
+ ; let { final_iface = iface { mi_decls = panic "No mi_decls in PIT",
+ mi_insts = panic "No mi_insts in PIT",
+ mi_rules = panic "No mi_rules in PIT" } }
+ ; updateEps_ $ \ eps ->
+ eps { eps_PIT = extendModuleEnv (eps_PIT eps) mod final_iface,
+ eps_PTE = addDeclsToPTE (eps_PTE eps) new_eps_decls,
+ eps_rule_base = extendRuleBaseList (eps_rule_base eps) new_eps_rules,
+ eps_inst_env = extendInstEnvList (eps_inst_env eps) new_eps_insts,
+ eps_stats = addEpsInStats (eps_stats eps) (length new_eps_decls)
+ (length new_eps_insts) (length new_eps_rules) }
+ ; return (Succeeded final_iface)
+ }}}}
+badDepMsg mod
+ = hang (ptext SLIT("Interface file inconsistency:"))
+ 2 (sep [ptext SLIT("home-package module") <+> quotes (ppr mod) <+> ptext SLIT("is mentioned,"),
+ ptext SLIT("but does not appear in the dependencies of the interface")])
+-- Loading type/class/value decls
+-- We pass the full Module name here, replete with
+-- its package info, so that we can build a Name for
+-- each binder with the right package info in it
+-- All subsequent lookups, including crucially lookups during typechecking
+-- the declaration itself, will find the fully-glorious Name
+addDeclsToPTE :: PackageTypeEnv -> [(Name,TyThing)] -> PackageTypeEnv
+addDeclsToPTE pte things = extendNameEnvList pte things
+loadDecls :: Bool
+ -> [(Version, IfaceDecl)]
+ -> IfL [(Name,TyThing)]
+loadDecls ignore_prags ver_decls
+ = do { mod <- getIfModule
+ ; thingss <- mapM (loadDecl ignore_prags mod) ver_decls
+ ; return (concat thingss)
+ }
+loadDecl :: Bool -- Don't load pragmas into the decl pool
+ -> Module
+ -> (Version, IfaceDecl)
+ -> IfL [(Name,TyThing)] -- The list can be poked eagerly, but the
+ -- TyThings are forkM'd thunks
+loadDecl ignore_prags mod (_version, decl)
+ = do { -- Populate the name cache with final versions of all
+ -- the names associated with the decl
+ main_name <- mk_new_bndr mod Nothing (ifName decl)
+ ; implicit_names <- mapM (mk_new_bndr mod (Just main_name)) (ifaceDeclSubBndrs decl)
+ -- Typecheck the thing, lazily
+ -- NB. firstly, the laziness is there in case we never need the
+ -- declaration (in one-shot mode), and secondly it is there so that
+ -- we don't look up the occurrence of a name before calling mk_new_bndr
+ -- on the binder. This is important because we must get the right name
+ -- which includes its nameParent.
+ ; thing <- forkM doc (bumpDeclStats main_name >> tcIfaceDecl stripped_decl)
+ ; let mini_env = mkOccEnv [(getOccName t, t) | t <- implicitTyThings thing]
+ lookup n = case lookupOccEnv mini_env (getOccName n) of
+ Just thing -> thing
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "loadDecl" (ppr main_name <+> ppr n)
+ ; returnM ((main_name, thing) : [(n, lookup n) | n <- implicit_names]) }
+ -- We build a list from the *known* names, with (lookup n) thunks
+ -- as the TyThings. That way we can extend the PTE without poking the
+ -- thunks
+ where
+ stripped_decl | ignore_prags = discardDeclPrags decl
+ | otherwise = decl
+ -- mk_new_bndr allocates in the name cache the final canonical
+ -- name for the thing, with the correct
+ -- * parent
+ -- * location
+ -- imported name, to fix the module correctly in the cache
+ mk_new_bndr mod mb_parent occ
+ = newGlobalBinder mod occ mb_parent
+ (importedSrcLoc (moduleString mod))
+ doc = ptext SLIT("Declaration for") <+> ppr (ifName decl)
+discardDeclPrags :: IfaceDecl -> IfaceDecl
+discardDeclPrags decl@(IfaceId {ifIdInfo = HasInfo _}) = decl { ifIdInfo = NoInfo }
+discardDeclPrags decl = decl
+bumpDeclStats :: Name -> IfL () -- Record that one more declaration has actually been used
+bumpDeclStats name
+ = do { traceIf (text "Loading decl for" <+> ppr name)
+ ; updateEps_ (\eps -> let stats = eps_stats eps
+ in eps { eps_stats = stats { n_decls_out = n_decls_out stats + 1 } })
+ }
+ifaceDeclSubBndrs :: IfaceDecl -> [OccName]
+-- *Excludes* the 'main' name, but *includes* the implicitly-bound names
+-- Deeply revolting, because it has to predict what gets bound,
+-- especially the question of whether there's a wrapper for a datacon
+ifaceDeclSubBndrs (IfaceClass {ifCtxt = sc_ctxt, ifName = cls_occ, ifSigs = sigs })
+ = [tc_occ, dc_occ, dcww_occ] ++
+ [op | IfaceClassOp op _ _ <- sigs] ++
+ [mkSuperDictSelOcc n cls_occ | n <- [1..n_ctxt]]
+ where
+ n_ctxt = length sc_ctxt
+ n_sigs = length sigs
+ tc_occ = mkClassTyConOcc cls_occ
+ dc_occ = mkClassDataConOcc cls_occ
+ dcww_occ | is_newtype = mkDataConWrapperOcc dc_occ -- Newtypes have wrapper but no worker
+ | otherwise = mkDataConWorkerOcc dc_occ -- Otherwise worker but no wrapper
+ is_newtype = n_sigs + n_ctxt == 1 -- Sigh
+ifaceDeclSubBndrs (IfaceData {ifCons = IfAbstractTyCon})
+ = []
+-- Newtype
+ifaceDeclSubBndrs (IfaceData {ifCons = IfNewTyCon (IfVanillaCon { ifConOcc = con_occ,
+ ifConFields = fields})})
+ = fields ++ [con_occ, mkDataConWrapperOcc con_occ]
+ -- Wrapper, no worker; see MkId.mkDataConIds
+ifaceDeclSubBndrs (IfaceData {ifCons = IfDataTyCon cons})
+ = nub (concatMap fld_occs cons) -- Eliminate duplicate fields
+ ++ concatMap dc_occs cons
+ where
+ fld_occs (IfVanillaCon { ifConFields = fields }) = fields
+ fld_occs (IfGadtCon {}) = []
+ dc_occs con_decl
+ | has_wrapper = [con_occ, work_occ, wrap_occ]
+ | otherwise = [con_occ, work_occ]
+ where
+ con_occ = ifConOcc con_decl
+ strs = ifConStricts con_decl
+ wrap_occ = mkDataConWrapperOcc con_occ
+ work_occ = mkDataConWorkerOcc con_occ
+ has_wrapper = any isMarkedStrict strs -- See MkId.mkDataConIds (sigh)
+ -- ToDo: may miss strictness in existential dicts
+ifaceDeclSubBndrs _other = []
+%* *
+\subsection{Reading an interface file}
+%* *
+findAndReadIface :: Bool -- True <=> explicit user import
+ -> SDoc -> Module
+ -> IsBootInterface -- True <=> Look for a .hi-boot file
+ -- False <=> Look for .hi file
+ -> TcRnIf gbl lcl (MaybeErr Message (ModIface, FilePath))
+ -- Nothing <=> file not found, or unreadable, or illegible
+ -- Just x <=> successfully found and parsed
+ -- It *doesn't* add an error to the monad, because
+ -- sometimes it's ok to fail... see notes with loadInterface
+findAndReadIface explicit doc_str mod_name hi_boot_file
+ = do { traceIf (sep [hsep [ptext SLIT("Reading"),
+ if hi_boot_file
+ then ptext SLIT("[boot]")
+ else empty,
+ ptext SLIT("interface for"),
+ ppr mod_name <> semi],
+ nest 4 (ptext SLIT("reason:") <+> doc_str)])
+ -- Check for GHC.Prim, and return its static interface
+ ; dflags <- getDOpts
+ ; let base_pkg = basePackageId (pkgState dflags)
+ ; if mod_name == gHC_PRIM
+ then returnM (Succeeded (ghcPrimIface{ mi_package = base_pkg },
+ "<built in interface for GHC.Prim>"))
+ else do
+ -- Look for the file
+ ; hsc_env <- getTopEnv
+ ; mb_found <- ioToIOEnv (findHiFile hsc_env explicit mod_name hi_boot_file)
+ ; case mb_found of {
+ Failed err -> do
+ { traceIf (ptext SLIT("...not found"))
+ ; dflags <- getDOpts
+ ; returnM (Failed (cantFindError dflags mod_name err)) } ;
+ Succeeded (file_path, pkg) -> do
+ -- Found file, so read it
+ { traceIf (ptext SLIT("readIFace") <+> text file_path)
+ ; read_result <- readIface mod_name file_path hi_boot_file
+ ; case read_result of
+ Failed err -> returnM (Failed (badIfaceFile file_path err))
+ Succeeded iface
+ | mi_module iface /= mod_name ->
+ return (Failed (wrongIfaceModErr iface mod_name file_path))
+ | otherwise ->
+ returnM (Succeeded (iface{mi_package=pkg}, file_path))
+ -- Don't forget to fill in the package name...
+ }}}
+findHiFile :: HscEnv -> Bool -> Module -> IsBootInterface
+ -> IO (MaybeErr FindResult (FilePath, PackageIdH))
+findHiFile hsc_env explicit mod_name hi_boot_file
+ = do {
+ -- In interactive or --make mode, we are *not allowed* to demand-load
+ -- a home package .hi file. So don't even look for them.
+ -- This helps in the case where you are sitting in eg. ghc/lib/std
+ -- and start up GHCi - it won't complain that all the modules it tries
+ -- to load are found in the home location.
+ let { home_allowed = isOneShot (ghcMode (hsc_dflags hsc_env)) } ;
+ maybe_found <- if home_allowed
+ then findModule hsc_env mod_name explicit
+ else findPackageModule hsc_env mod_name explicit;
+ case maybe_found of
+ Found loc pkg -> return (Succeeded (path, pkg))
+ where
+ path = addBootSuffix_maybe hi_boot_file (ml_hi_file loc)
+ err -> return (Failed err)
+ }
+@readIface@ tries just the one file.
+readIface :: Module -> String -> IsBootInterface
+ -> TcRnIf gbl lcl (MaybeErr Message ModIface)
+ -- Failed err <=> file not found, or unreadable, or illegible
+ -- Succeeded iface <=> successfully found and parsed
+readIface wanted_mod file_path is_hi_boot_file
+ = do { dflags <- getDOpts
+ ; ioToIOEnv $ do
+ { res <- tryMost (readBinIface file_path)
+ ; case res of
+ Right iface
+ | wanted_mod == actual_mod -> return (Succeeded iface)
+ | otherwise -> return (Failed err)
+ where
+ actual_mod = mi_module iface
+ err = hiModuleNameMismatchWarn wanted_mod actual_mod
+ Left exn -> return (Failed (text (showException exn)))
+ }}
+%* *
+ Wired-in interface for GHC.Prim
+%* *
+initExternalPackageState :: ExternalPackageState
+ = EPS {
+ eps_is_boot = emptyModuleEnv,
+ eps_PIT = emptyPackageIfaceTable,
+ eps_PTE = emptyTypeEnv,
+ eps_inst_env = emptyInstEnv,
+ eps_rule_base = mkRuleBase builtinRules,
+ -- Initialise the EPS rule pool with the built-in rules
+ eps_stats = EpsStats { n_ifaces_in = 0, n_decls_in = 0, n_decls_out = 0
+ , n_insts_in = 0, n_insts_out = 0
+ , n_rules_in = length builtinRules, n_rules_out = 0 }
+ }
+%* *
+ Wired-in interface for GHC.Prim
+%* *
+ghcPrimIface :: ModIface
+ = (emptyModIface HomePackage gHC_PRIM) {
+ mi_exports = [(gHC_PRIM, ghcPrimExports)],
+ mi_decls = [],
+ mi_fixities = fixities,
+ mi_fix_fn = mkIfaceFixCache fixities
+ }
+ where
+ fixities = [(getOccName seqId, Fixity 0 InfixR)]
+ -- seq is infixr 0
+%* *
+%* *
+ifaceStats :: ExternalPackageState -> SDoc
+ifaceStats eps
+ = hcat [text "Renamer stats: ", msg]
+ where
+ stats = eps_stats eps
+ msg = vcat
+ [int (n_ifaces_in stats) <+> text "interfaces read",
+ hsep [ int (n_decls_out stats), text "type/class/variable imported, out of",
+ int (n_decls_in stats), text "read"],
+ hsep [ int (n_insts_out stats), text "instance decls imported, out of",
+ int (n_insts_in stats), text "read"],
+ hsep [ int (n_rules_out stats), text "rule decls imported, out of",
+ int (n_rules_in stats), text "read"]
+ ]
+%* *
+%* *
+badIfaceFile file err
+ = vcat [ptext SLIT("Bad interface file:") <+> text file,
+ nest 4 err]
+hiModuleNameMismatchWarn :: Module -> Module -> Message
+hiModuleNameMismatchWarn requested_mod read_mod =
+ hsep [ ptext SLIT("Something is amiss; requested module name")
+ , ppr requested_mod
+ , ptext SLIT("differs from name found in the interface file")
+ , ppr read_mod
+ ]
+wrongIfaceModErr iface mod_name file_path
+ = sep [ptext SLIT("Interface file") <+> iface_file,
+ ptext SLIT("contains module") <+> quotes (ppr (mi_module iface)) <> comma,
+ ptext SLIT("but we were expecting module") <+> quotes (ppr mod_name),
+ sep [ptext SLIT("Probable cause: the source code which generated"),
+ nest 2 iface_file,
+ ptext SLIT("has an incompatible module name")
+ ]
+ ]
+ where iface_file = doubleQuotes (text file_path)