path: root/compiler/iface
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authorSylvain Henry <>2020-03-19 10:28:01 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2020-04-07 18:36:49 -0400
commit255418da5d264fb2758bc70925adb2094f34adc3 (patch)
tree39e3d7f84571e750f2a087c1bc2ab87198e9b147 /compiler/iface
parent3d2991f8b4c1b686323b2c9452ce845a60b8d94c (diff)
Modules: type-checker (#13009)
Update Haddock submodule
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/iface')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 418 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/iface/BuildTyCl.hs b/compiler/iface/BuildTyCl.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index e66c1e6fb6..0000000000
--- a/compiler/iface/BuildTyCl.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,418 +0,0 @@
-(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
-(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
-module BuildTyCl (
- buildDataCon,
- buildPatSyn,
- TcMethInfo, MethInfo, buildClass,
- mkNewTyConRhs,
- newImplicitBinder, newTyConRepName
- ) where
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-import GhcPrelude
-import GHC.Iface.Env
-import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv( FamInstEnvs, mkNewTypeCoAxiom )
-import TysWiredIn( isCTupleTyConName )
-import TysPrim ( voidPrimTy )
-import GHC.Core.DataCon
-import GHC.Core.PatSyn
-import GHC.Types.Var
-import GHC.Types.Var.Set
-import GHC.Types.Basic
-import GHC.Types.Name
-import GHC.Types.Name.Env
-import GHC.Types.Id.Make
-import GHC.Core.Class
-import GHC.Core.TyCon
-import GHC.Core.Type
-import GHC.Types.Id
-import TcType
-import GHC.Types.SrcLoc( SrcSpan, noSrcSpan )
-import GHC.Driver.Session
-import TcRnMonad
-import GHC.Types.Unique.Supply
-import Util
-import Outputable
-mkNewTyConRhs :: Name -> TyCon -> DataCon -> TcRnIf m n AlgTyConRhs
--- ^ Monadic because it makes a Name for the coercion TyCon
--- We pass the Name of the parent TyCon, as well as the TyCon itself,
--- because the latter is part of a knot, whereas the former is not.
-mkNewTyConRhs tycon_name tycon con
- = do { co_tycon_name <- newImplicitBinder tycon_name mkNewTyCoOcc
- ; let nt_ax = mkNewTypeCoAxiom co_tycon_name tycon etad_tvs etad_roles etad_rhs
- ; traceIf (text "mkNewTyConRhs" <+> ppr nt_ax)
- ; return (NewTyCon { data_con = con,
- nt_rhs = rhs_ty,
- nt_etad_rhs = (etad_tvs, etad_rhs),
- nt_co = nt_ax,
- nt_lev_poly = isKindLevPoly res_kind } ) }
- -- Coreview looks through newtypes with a Nothing
- -- for nt_co, or uses explicit coercions otherwise
- where
- tvs = tyConTyVars tycon
- roles = tyConRoles tycon
- res_kind = tyConResKind tycon
- con_arg_ty = case dataConRepArgTys con of
- [arg_ty] -> arg_ty
- tys -> pprPanic "mkNewTyConRhs" (ppr con <+> ppr tys)
- rhs_ty = substTyWith (dataConUnivTyVars con)
- (mkTyVarTys tvs) con_arg_ty
- -- Instantiate the newtype's RHS with the
- -- type variables from the tycon
- -- NB: a newtype DataCon has a type that must look like
- -- forall tvs. <arg-ty> -> T tvs
- -- Note that we *can't* use dataConInstOrigArgTys here because
- -- the newtype arising from class Foo a => Bar a where {}
- -- has a single argument (Foo a) that is a *type class*, so
- -- dataConInstOrigArgTys returns [].
- etad_tvs :: [TyVar] -- Matched lazily, so that mkNewTypeCo can
- etad_roles :: [Role] -- return a TyCon without pulling on rhs_ty
- etad_rhs :: Type -- See Note [Tricky iface loop] in GHC.Iface.Load
- (etad_tvs, etad_roles, etad_rhs) = eta_reduce (reverse tvs) (reverse roles) rhs_ty
- eta_reduce :: [TyVar] -- Reversed
- -> [Role] -- also reversed
- -> Type -- Rhs type
- -> ([TyVar], [Role], Type) -- Eta-reduced version
- -- (tyvars in normal order)
- eta_reduce (a:as) (_:rs) ty | Just (fun, arg) <- splitAppTy_maybe ty,
- Just tv <- getTyVar_maybe arg,
- tv == a,
- not (a `elemVarSet` tyCoVarsOfType fun)
- = eta_reduce as rs fun
- eta_reduce tvs rs ty = (reverse tvs, reverse rs, ty)
-buildDataCon :: FamInstEnvs
- -> Name
- -> Bool -- Declared infix
- -> TyConRepName
- -> [HsSrcBang]
- -> Maybe [HsImplBang]
- -- See Note [Bangs on imported data constructors] in GHC.Types.Id.Make
- -> [FieldLabel] -- Field labels
- -> [TyVar] -- Universals
- -> [TyCoVar] -- Existentials
- -> [TyVarBinder] -- User-written 'TyVarBinder's
- -> [EqSpec] -- Equality spec
- -> KnotTied ThetaType -- Does not include the "stupid theta"
- -- or the GADT equalities
- -> [KnotTied Type] -- Arguments
- -> KnotTied Type -- Result types
- -> KnotTied TyCon -- Rep tycon
- -> NameEnv ConTag -- Maps the Name of each DataCon to its
- -- ConTag
- -> TcRnIf m n DataCon
--- A wrapper for DataCon.mkDataCon that
--- a) makes the worker Id
--- b) makes the wrapper Id if necessary, including
--- allocating its unique (hence monadic)
-buildDataCon fam_envs src_name declared_infix prom_info src_bangs impl_bangs
- field_lbls univ_tvs ex_tvs user_tvbs eq_spec ctxt arg_tys res_ty
- rep_tycon tag_map
- = do { wrap_name <- newImplicitBinder src_name mkDataConWrapperOcc
- ; work_name <- newImplicitBinder src_name mkDataConWorkerOcc
- -- This last one takes the name of the data constructor in the source
- -- code, which (for Haskell source anyway) will be in the DataName name
- -- space, and puts it into the VarName name space
- ; traceIf (text "buildDataCon 1" <+> ppr src_name)
- ; us <- newUniqueSupply
- ; dflags <- getDynFlags
- ; let stupid_ctxt = mkDataConStupidTheta rep_tycon arg_tys univ_tvs
- tag = lookupNameEnv_NF tag_map src_name
- -- See Note [Constructor tag allocation], fixes #14657
- data_con = mkDataCon src_name declared_infix prom_info
- src_bangs field_lbls
- univ_tvs ex_tvs user_tvbs eq_spec ctxt
- arg_tys res_ty NoRRI rep_tycon tag
- stupid_ctxt dc_wrk dc_rep
- dc_wrk = mkDataConWorkId work_name data_con
- dc_rep = initUs_ us (mkDataConRep dflags fam_envs wrap_name
- impl_bangs data_con)
- ; traceIf (text "buildDataCon 2" <+> ppr src_name)
- ; return data_con }
--- The stupid context for a data constructor should be limited to
--- the type variables mentioned in the arg_tys
--- ToDo: Or functionally dependent on?
--- This whole stupid theta thing is, well, stupid.
-mkDataConStupidTheta :: TyCon -> [Type] -> [TyVar] -> [PredType]
-mkDataConStupidTheta tycon arg_tys univ_tvs
- | null stupid_theta = [] -- The common case
- | otherwise = filter in_arg_tys stupid_theta
- where
- tc_subst = zipTvSubst (tyConTyVars tycon)
- (mkTyVarTys univ_tvs)
- stupid_theta = substTheta tc_subst (tyConStupidTheta tycon)
- -- Start by instantiating the master copy of the
- -- stupid theta, taken from the TyCon
- arg_tyvars = tyCoVarsOfTypes arg_tys
- in_arg_tys pred = not $ isEmptyVarSet $
- tyCoVarsOfType pred `intersectVarSet` arg_tyvars
-buildPatSyn :: Name -> Bool
- -> (Id,Bool) -> Maybe (Id, Bool)
- -> ([TyVarBinder], ThetaType) -- ^ Univ and req
- -> ([TyVarBinder], ThetaType) -- ^ Ex and prov
- -> [Type] -- ^ Argument types
- -> Type -- ^ Result type
- -> [FieldLabel] -- ^ Field labels for
- -- a record pattern synonym
- -> PatSyn
-buildPatSyn src_name declared_infix matcher@(matcher_id,_) builder
- (univ_tvs, req_theta) (ex_tvs, prov_theta) arg_tys
- pat_ty field_labels
- = -- The assertion checks that the matcher is
- -- compatible with the pattern synonym
- ASSERT2((and [ univ_tvs `equalLength` univ_tvs1
- , ex_tvs `equalLength` ex_tvs1
- , pat_ty `eqType` substTy subst pat_ty1
- , prov_theta `eqTypes` substTys subst prov_theta1
- , req_theta `eqTypes` substTys subst req_theta1
- , compareArgTys arg_tys (substTys subst arg_tys1)
- ])
- , (vcat [ ppr univ_tvs <+> twiddle <+> ppr univ_tvs1
- , ppr ex_tvs <+> twiddle <+> ppr ex_tvs1
- , ppr pat_ty <+> twiddle <+> ppr pat_ty1
- , ppr prov_theta <+> twiddle <+> ppr prov_theta1
- , ppr req_theta <+> twiddle <+> ppr req_theta1
- , ppr arg_tys <+> twiddle <+> ppr arg_tys1]))
- mkPatSyn src_name declared_infix
- (univ_tvs, req_theta) (ex_tvs, prov_theta)
- arg_tys pat_ty
- matcher builder field_labels
- where
- ((_:_:univ_tvs1), req_theta1, tau) = tcSplitSigmaTy $ idType matcher_id
- ([pat_ty1, cont_sigma, _], _) = tcSplitFunTys tau
- (ex_tvs1, prov_theta1, cont_tau) = tcSplitSigmaTy cont_sigma
- (arg_tys1, _) = (tcSplitFunTys cont_tau)
- twiddle = char '~'
- subst = zipTvSubst (univ_tvs1 ++ ex_tvs1)
- (mkTyVarTys (binderVars (univ_tvs ++ ex_tvs)))
- -- For a nullary pattern synonym we add a single void argument to the
- -- matcher to preserve laziness in the case of unlifted types.
- -- See #12746
- compareArgTys :: [Type] -> [Type] -> Bool
- compareArgTys [] [x] = x `eqType` voidPrimTy
- compareArgTys arg_tys matcher_arg_tys = arg_tys `eqTypes` matcher_arg_tys
-type TcMethInfo = MethInfo -- this variant needs zonking
-type MethInfo -- A temporary intermediate, to communicate
- -- between tcClassSigs and buildClass.
- = ( Name -- Name of the class op
- , Type -- Type of the class op
- , Maybe (DefMethSpec (SrcSpan, Type)))
- -- Nothing => no default method
- --
- -- Just VanillaDM => There is an ordinary
- -- polymorphic default method
- --
- -- Just (GenericDM (loc, ty)) => There is a generic default metho
- -- Here is its type, and the location
- -- of the type signature
- -- We need that location /only/ to attach it to the
- -- generic default method's Name; and we need /that/
- -- only to give the right location of an ambiguity error
- -- for the generic default method, spat out by checkValidClass
-buildClass :: Name -- Name of the class/tycon (they have the same Name)
- -> [TyConBinder] -- Of the tycon
- -> [Role]
- -> [FunDep TyVar] -- Functional dependencies
- -- Super classes, associated types, method info, minimal complete def.
- -- This is Nothing if the class is abstract.
- -> Maybe (KnotTied ThetaType, [ClassATItem], [KnotTied MethInfo], ClassMinimalDef)
- -> TcRnIf m n Class
-buildClass tycon_name binders roles fds Nothing
- = fixM $ \ rec_clas -> -- Only name generation inside loop
- do { traceIf (text "buildClass")
- ; tc_rep_name <- newTyConRepName tycon_name
- ; let univ_tvs = binderVars binders
- tycon = mkClassTyCon tycon_name binders roles
- AbstractTyCon rec_clas tc_rep_name
- result = mkAbstractClass tycon_name univ_tvs fds tycon
- ; traceIf (text "buildClass" <+> ppr tycon)
- ; return result }
-buildClass tycon_name binders roles fds
- (Just (sc_theta, at_items, sig_stuff, mindef))
- = fixM $ \ rec_clas -> -- Only name generation inside loop
- do { traceIf (text "buildClass")
- ; datacon_name <- newImplicitBinder tycon_name mkClassDataConOcc
- ; tc_rep_name <- newTyConRepName tycon_name
- ; op_items <- mapM (mk_op_item rec_clas) sig_stuff
- -- Build the selector id and default method id
- -- Make selectors for the superclasses
- ; sc_sel_names <- mapM (newImplicitBinder tycon_name . mkSuperDictSelOcc)
- (takeList sc_theta [fIRST_TAG..])
- ; let sc_sel_ids = [ mkDictSelId sc_name rec_clas
- | sc_name <- sc_sel_names]
- -- We number off the Dict superclass selectors, 1, 2, 3 etc so that we
- -- can construct names for the selectors. Thus
- -- class (C a, C b) => D a b where ...
- -- gives superclass selectors
- -- D_sc1, D_sc2
- -- (We used to call them D_C, but now we can have two different
- -- superclasses both called C!)
- ; let use_newtype = isSingleton arg_tys
- -- Use a newtype if the data constructor
- -- (a) has exactly one value field
- -- i.e. exactly one operation or superclass taken together
- -- (b) that value is of lifted type (which they always are, because
- -- we box equality superclasses)
- -- See note [Class newtypes and equality predicates]
- -- We treat the dictionary superclasses as ordinary arguments.
- -- That means that in the case of
- -- class C a => D a
- -- we don't get a newtype with no arguments!
- args = sc_sel_names ++ op_names
- op_tys = [ty | (_,ty,_) <- sig_stuff]
- op_names = [op | (op,_,_) <- sig_stuff]
- arg_tys = sc_theta ++ op_tys
- rec_tycon = classTyCon rec_clas
- univ_bndrs = tyConTyVarBinders binders
- univ_tvs = binderVars univ_bndrs
- ; rep_nm <- newTyConRepName datacon_name
- ; dict_con <- buildDataCon (panic "buildClass: FamInstEnvs")
- datacon_name
- False -- Not declared infix
- rep_nm
- (map (const no_bang) args)
- (Just (map (const HsLazy) args))
- [{- No fields -}]
- univ_tvs
- [{- no existentials -}]
- univ_bndrs
- [{- No GADT equalities -}]
- [{- No theta -}]
- arg_tys
- (mkTyConApp rec_tycon (mkTyVarTys univ_tvs))
- rec_tycon
- (mkTyConTagMap rec_tycon)
- ; rhs <- case () of
- _ | use_newtype
- -> mkNewTyConRhs tycon_name rec_tycon dict_con
- | isCTupleTyConName tycon_name
- -> return (TupleTyCon { data_con = dict_con
- , tup_sort = ConstraintTuple })
- | otherwise
- -> return (mkDataTyConRhs [dict_con])
- ; let { tycon = mkClassTyCon tycon_name binders roles
- rhs rec_clas tc_rep_name
- -- A class can be recursive, and in the case of newtypes
- -- this matters. For example
- -- class C a where { op :: C b => a -> b -> Int }
- -- Because C has only one operation, it is represented by
- -- a newtype, and it should be a *recursive* newtype.
- -- [If we don't make it a recursive newtype, we'll expand the
- -- newtype like a synonym, but that will lead to an infinite
- -- type]
- ; result = mkClass tycon_name univ_tvs fds
- sc_theta sc_sel_ids at_items
- op_items mindef tycon
- }
- ; traceIf (text "buildClass" <+> ppr tycon)
- ; return result }
- where
- no_bang = HsSrcBang NoSourceText NoSrcUnpack NoSrcStrict
- mk_op_item :: Class -> TcMethInfo -> TcRnIf n m ClassOpItem
- mk_op_item rec_clas (op_name, _, dm_spec)
- = do { dm_info <- mk_dm_info op_name dm_spec
- ; return (mkDictSelId op_name rec_clas, dm_info) }
- mk_dm_info :: Name -> Maybe (DefMethSpec (SrcSpan, Type))
- -> TcRnIf n m (Maybe (Name, DefMethSpec Type))
- mk_dm_info _ Nothing
- = return Nothing
- mk_dm_info op_name (Just VanillaDM)
- = do { dm_name <- newImplicitBinder op_name mkDefaultMethodOcc
- ; return (Just (dm_name, VanillaDM)) }
- mk_dm_info op_name (Just (GenericDM (loc, dm_ty)))
- = do { dm_name <- newImplicitBinderLoc op_name mkDefaultMethodOcc loc
- ; return (Just (dm_name, GenericDM dm_ty)) }
-Note [Class newtypes and equality predicates]
- class (a ~ F b) => C a b where
- op :: a -> b
-We cannot represent this by a newtype, even though it's not
-existential, because there are two value fields (the equality
-predicate and op. See #2238
- class (a ~ F b) => C a b where {}
-Here we can't use a newtype either, even though there is only
-one field, because equality predicates are unboxed, and classes
-are boxed.
-newImplicitBinder :: Name -- Base name
- -> (OccName -> OccName) -- Occurrence name modifier
- -> TcRnIf m n Name -- Implicit name
--- Called in BuildTyCl to allocate the implicit binders of type/class decls
--- For source type/class decls, this is the first occurrence
--- For iface ones, GHC.Iface.Load has already allocated a suitable name in the cache
-newImplicitBinder base_name mk_sys_occ
- = newImplicitBinderLoc base_name mk_sys_occ (nameSrcSpan base_name)
-newImplicitBinderLoc :: Name -- Base name
- -> (OccName -> OccName) -- Occurrence name modifier
- -> SrcSpan
- -> TcRnIf m n Name -- Implicit name
--- Just the same, but lets you specify the SrcSpan
-newImplicitBinderLoc base_name mk_sys_occ loc
- | Just mod <- nameModule_maybe base_name
- = newGlobalBinder mod occ loc
- | otherwise -- When typechecking a [d| decl bracket |],
- -- TH generates types, classes etc with Internal names,
- -- so we follow suit for the implicit binders
- = do { uniq <- newUnique
- ; return (mkInternalName uniq occ loc) }
- where
- occ = mk_sys_occ (nameOccName base_name)
--- | Make the 'TyConRepName' for this 'TyCon'
-newTyConRepName :: Name -> TcRnIf gbl lcl TyConRepName
-newTyConRepName tc_name
- | Just mod <- nameModule_maybe tc_name
- , (mod, occ) <- tyConRepModOcc mod (nameOccName tc_name)
- = newGlobalBinder mod occ noSrcSpan
- | otherwise
- = newImplicitBinder tc_name mkTyConRepOcc