path: root/compiler/iface
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authorSimon Marlow <>2008-06-17 15:21:17 +0000
committerSimon Marlow <>2008-06-17 15:21:17 +0000
commit392834a3ef2e08e253fa3f76302564d63dc48a1e (patch)
tree90ae18f75e1e85d113f68513a545912c8677ff6d /compiler/iface
parentab060043dd58a0e05ae3d084236e12fd6f07295a (diff)
Sort the mi_deps into a canonical ordering before fingerprinting.
This may help do a little less recompilation with make (GHC's --make is unaffected).
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/iface')
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/iface/MkIface.lhs b/compiler/iface/MkIface.lhs
index a46e82374b..1ea7592d5e 100644
--- a/compiler/iface/MkIface.lhs
+++ b/compiler/iface/MkIface.lhs
@@ -562,6 +562,13 @@ addFingerprints hsc_env mb_old_fingerprint iface0 new_decls
snd (lookupOccEnv local_env (getOccName name)
`orElse` pprPanic "urk! lookup local fingerprint"
(ppr name)) -- (undefined,fingerprint0))
+ -- This panic indicates that we got the dependency
+ -- analysis wrong, because we needed a fingerprint for
+ -- an entity that wasn't in the environment. To debug
+ -- it, turn the panic into a trace, uncomment the
+ -- pprTraces below, run the compile again, and inspect
+ -- the output and the generated .hi file with
+ -- --show-iface.
put_ bh hash
@@ -609,15 +616,19 @@ addFingerprints hsc_env mb_old_fingerprint iface0 new_decls
(local_env, decls_w_hashes) <-
foldM fingerprint_group (emptyOccEnv, []) groups
+ -- when calculating fingerprints, we always need to use canonical
+ -- ordering for lists of things. In particular, the mi_deps has various
+ -- lists of modules and suchlike, so put these all in canonical order:
+ let sorted_deps = sortDependencies (mi_deps iface0)
-- the export hash of a module depends on the orphan hashes of the
-- orphan modules below us in the dependeny tree. This is the way
-- that changes in orphans get propagated all the way up the
-- dependency tree. We only care about orphan modules in the current
-- package, because changes to orphans outside this package will be
-- tracked by the usage on the ABI hash of package modules that we import.
- let orph_mods = sortBy (compare `on` (moduleNameFS.moduleName))
- . filter ((== this_pkg) . modulePackageId)
- $ dep_orphs (mi_deps iface0)
+ let orph_mods = filter ((== this_pkg) . modulePackageId)
+ $ dep_orphs sorted_deps
dep_orphan_hashes <- getOrphanHashes hsc_env orph_mods
orphan_hash <- computeFingerprint dflags (mk_put_name local_env)
@@ -652,7 +663,7 @@ addFingerprints hsc_env mb_old_fingerprint iface0 new_decls
iface_hash <- computeFingerprint dflags putNameLiterally
mi_usages iface0,
- mi_deps iface0,
+ sorted_deps,
mi_hpc iface0)
@@ -698,6 +709,13 @@ getOrphanHashes hsc_env mods = do
return (map get_orph_hash mods)
+sortDependencies :: Dependencies -> Dependencies
+sortDependencies d
+ = Deps { dep_mods = sortBy (compare `on` (moduleNameFS.fst)) (dep_mods d),
+ dep_pkgs = sortBy (compare `on` packageIdFS) (dep_pkgs d),
+ dep_orphs = sortBy stableModuleCmp (dep_orphs d),
+ dep_finsts = sortBy stableModuleCmp (dep_finsts d) }
-- The ABI of a declaration consists of:
-- the full name of the identifier (inc. module and package, because
-- these are used to construct the symbol name by which the