path: root/compiler/llvmGen
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authorDavid Terei <>2010-07-18 23:10:00 +0000
committerDavid Terei <>2010-07-18 23:10:00 +0000
commitefee3ecf26da95178b773ed68f33601e3fea2c23 (patch)
tree1207bbd556ea4e8861551a3d52f699d4c041940f /compiler/llvmGen
parent4029d85741ffa537084e97ba276605b6a443c304 (diff)
LLVM: Use mangler to fix up stack alignment issues on OSX
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/llvmGen')
4 files changed, 111 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen.hs b/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen.hs
index 065758fe6f..b4d407d277 100644
--- a/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen.hs
+++ b/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen.hs
@@ -36,22 +36,8 @@ import System.IO
llvmCodeGen :: DynFlags -> Handle -> UniqSupply -> [RawCmm] -> IO ()
llvmCodeGen dflags h us cmms
- = do
- bufh <- newBufHandle h
- Prt.bufLeftRender bufh $ pprLlvmHeader
- env' <- cmmDataLlvmGens dflags bufh env cdata []
- cmmProcLlvmGens dflags bufh us env' cmm 1 []
- bFlush bufh
- return ()
- where
- cmm = concat $ map (\(Cmm top) -> top) cmms
+ = let cmm = concat $ map (\(Cmm top) -> top) cmms
(cdata,env) = foldr split ([],initLlvmEnv) cmm
split (CmmData s d' ) (d,e) = ((s,d'):d,e)
split (CmmProc i l _ _) (d,e) =
let lbl = strCLabel_llvm $ if not (null i)
@@ -59,6 +45,15 @@ llvmCodeGen dflags h us cmms
else l
env' = funInsert lbl llvmFunTy e
in (d,env')
+ in do
+ bufh <- newBufHandle h
+ Prt.bufLeftRender bufh $ pprLlvmHeader
+ env' <- cmmDataLlvmGens dflags bufh env cdata []
+ cmmProcLlvmGens dflags bufh us env' cmm 1 []
+ bFlush bufh
+ return ()
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -98,8 +93,7 @@ cmmProcLlvmGens _ h _ _ [] _ ivars
usedArray = LMStaticArray (map cast ivars) ty
lmUsed = (LMGlobalVar (fsLit "llvm.used") ty Appending
(Just $ fsLit "llvm.metadata") Nothing False, Just usedArray)
- in do
- Prt.bufLeftRender h $ pprLlvmData ([lmUsed], [])
+ in Prt.bufLeftRender h $ pprLlvmData ([lmUsed], [])
cmmProcLlvmGens dflags h us env (cmm : cmms) count ivars
= do
diff --git a/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen/CodeGen.hs b/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen/CodeGen.hs
index 3eb873ea50..37ad1198a6 100644
--- a/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen/CodeGen.hs
+++ b/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen/CodeGen.hs
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import Control.Monad ( liftM )
type LlvmStatements = OrdList LlvmStatement
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Top-level of the LLVM proc Code generator
@@ -62,9 +63,9 @@ basicBlocksCodeGen :: LlvmEnv
basicBlocksCodeGen env ([]) (blocks, tops)
= do let (blocks', allocs) = mapAndUnzip dominateAllocs blocks
let allocs' = concat allocs
- let ((BasicBlock id fstmts):rblocks) = blocks'
+ let ((BasicBlock id fstmts):rblks) = blocks'
fplog <- funPrologue
- let fblocks = (BasicBlock id (fplog ++ allocs' ++ fstmts)):rblocks
+ let fblocks = (BasicBlock id (fplog ++ allocs' ++ fstmts)):rblks
return (env, fblocks, tops)
basicBlocksCodeGen env (block:blocks) (lblocks', ltops')
@@ -74,15 +75,6 @@ basicBlocksCodeGen env (block:blocks) (lblocks', ltops')
basicBlocksCodeGen env' blocks (lblocks, ltops)
--- | Generate code for one block
-basicBlockCodeGen :: LlvmEnv
- -> CmmBasicBlock
- -> UniqSM ( LlvmEnv, [LlvmBasicBlock], [LlvmCmmTop] )
-basicBlockCodeGen env (BasicBlock id stmts)
- = do (env', instrs, top) <- stmtsToInstrs env stmts (nilOL, [])
- return (env', [BasicBlock id (fromOL instrs)], top)
-- | Allocations need to be extracted so they can be moved to the entry
-- of a function to make sure they dominate all possible paths in the CFG.
dominateAllocs :: LlvmBasicBlock -> (LlvmBasicBlock, [LlvmStatement])
@@ -91,9 +83,18 @@ dominateAllocs (BasicBlock id stmts)
(allstmts, allallocs) = foldl split ([],[]) stmts
split (stmts', allocs) s@(Assignment _ (Alloca _ _))
- = (stmts', allocs ++ [s])
+ = (stmts', allocs ++ [s])
split (stmts', allocs) other
- = (stmts' ++ [other], allocs)
+ = (stmts' ++ [other], allocs)
+-- | Generate code for one block
+basicBlockCodeGen :: LlvmEnv
+ -> CmmBasicBlock
+ -> UniqSM ( LlvmEnv, [LlvmBasicBlock], [LlvmCmmTop] )
+basicBlockCodeGen env (BasicBlock id stmts)
+ = do (env', instrs, top) <- stmtsToInstrs env stmts (nilOL, [])
+ return (env', [BasicBlock id (fromOL instrs)], top)
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen/Ppr.hs b/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen/Ppr.hs
index 6c65f184a5..853f1b14c5 100644
--- a/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen/Ppr.hs
+++ b/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen/Ppr.hs
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
module LlvmCodeGen.Ppr (
- pprLlvmHeader, pprLlvmCmmTop, pprLlvmData
+ pprLlvmHeader, pprLlvmCmmTop, pprLlvmData, infoSection, iTableSuf
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import qualified Outputable
import Pretty
import Unique
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Top level
@@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ pprInfoTable env count lbl stat
setSection ((LMGlobalVar _ ty l _ _ c), d)
= let sec = mkLayoutSection count
ilabel = strCLabel_llvm (entryLblToInfoLbl lbl)
- `appendFS` (fsLit "_itable")
+ `appendFS` fsLit iTableSuf
gv = LMGlobalVar ilabel ty l sec llvmInfAlign c
v = if l == Internal then [gv] else []
in ((gv, d), v)
@@ -121,6 +122,11 @@ pprInfoTable env count lbl stat
then Outputable.panic "LlvmCodeGen.Ppr: invalid info table!"
else (pprLlvmData ([ldata'], ltypes), llvmUsed)
+-- | We generate labels for info tables by converting them to the same label
+-- as for the entry code but adding this string as a suffix.
+iTableSuf :: String
+iTableSuf = "_itable"
-- | Create an appropriate section declaration for subsection <n> of text
-- WARNING: This technique could fail as gas documentation says it only
@@ -129,12 +135,21 @@ pprInfoTable env count lbl stat
-- so we are hoping it does.
mkLayoutSection :: Int -> LMSection
mkLayoutSection n
-#if darwin_TARGET_OS
-- On OSX we can't use the GNU Assembler, we must use the OSX assembler, which
-- doesn't support subsections. So we post process the assembly code, this
-- section specifier will be replaced with '.text' by the mangler.
- = Just (fsLit $ "__STRIP,__me" ++ show n)
+ = Just (fsLit $ infoSection ++ show n
+#if darwin_TARGET_OS
+ )
+ ++ "#")
+-- | The section we are putting info tables and their entry code into
+infoSection :: String
+#if darwin_TARGET_OS
+infoSection = "__STRIP,__me"
- = Just (fsLit $ ".text; .text " ++ show n ++ " #")
+infoSection = ".text; .text "
diff --git a/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmMangler.hs b/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmMangler.hs
index 54eead1a76..2fbe324018 100644
--- a/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmMangler.hs
+++ b/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmMangler.hs
@@ -2,27 +2,38 @@
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | GHC LLVM Mangler
-- This script processes the assembly produced by LLVM, rearranging the code
--- so that an info table appears before its corresponding function.
+-- so that an info table appears before its corresponding function. We also
+-- use it to fix up the stack alignment, which needs to be 16 byte aligned
+-- but always ends up off by 4 bytes because GHC sets it to the wrong starting
+-- value in the RTS.
+-- We only need this for Mac OS X, other targets don't use it.
module LlvmMangler ( llvmFixupAsm ) where
import Data.ByteString.Char8 ( ByteString )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
- Configuration.
+import LlvmCodeGen.Ppr ( infoSection, iTableSuf )
+{- Configuration. -}
newSection, oldSection, functionSuf, tableSuf, funDivider, eol :: ByteString
newSection = BS.pack "\n.text\n"
-oldSection = BS.pack "__STRIP,__me"
+oldSection = BS.pack infoSection
functionSuf = BS.pack "_info:"
-tableSuf = BS.pack "_info_itable:"
+tableSuf = BS.pack $ "_info" ++ iTableSuf ++ ":"
funDivider = BS.pack "\n\n"
eol = BS.pack "\n"
-eolPred :: Char -> Bool
+eolPred, dollarPred, commaPred :: Char -> Bool
eolPred = ((==) '\n')
+dollarPred = ((==) '$')
+commaPred = ((==) ',')
-- | Read in assembly file and process
llvmFixupAsm :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
@@ -46,11 +57,11 @@ allTables f str = do
any code before this function, then the info table, then the
function. It will return the remainder of the assembly code
to process.
We rely here on the fact that LLVM prints all global variables
at the end of the file, so an info table will always appear
after its function.
To try to help explain the string searches, here is some
assembly code that would be processed by this program, with
split markers placed in it like so, <split marker>:
@@ -84,7 +95,7 @@ allTables f str = do
oneTable :: FilePath -> ByteString -> IO ByteString
oneTable f str =
let last' xs = if (null xs) then 0 else last xs
-- get the function
(bl, al) = BS.breakSubstring functionSuf str
start = last' $ BS.findSubstrings funDivider bl
@@ -99,14 +110,17 @@ oneTable f str =
istart = last' $ BS.findSubstrings funDivider bit
(bit', iheader) = BS.splitAt istart bit
+ -- fixup stack alignment
+ fun' = fixupStack fun BS.empty
-- fix up sections
fheader' = replaceSection fheader
iheader' = replaceSection iheader
- function = [before, eol, iheader', itable', eol, fheader', fun, eol]
+ function = [before, eol, iheader', itable', eol, fheader', fun', eol]
remainder = bit' `BS.append` ait
in if BS.null al
- then do
+ then do
BS.appendFile f bl
return BS.empty
@@ -127,3 +141,42 @@ replaceSection sec =
s2' = snd $ BS.break eolPred s2
in s1' `BS.append` newSection `BS.append` s2'
+-- | Mac OS X requires that the stack be 16 byte aligned when making a function
+-- call (only really required though when making a call that will pass through
+-- the dynamic linker). During code generation we marked any points where we
+-- make a call that requires this alignment. The alignment isn't correctly
+-- generated by LLVM as LLVM rightly assumes that the stack wil be aligned to
+-- 16n + 12 on entry (since the function call was 16 byte aligned and the return
+-- address should have been pushed, so sub 4). GHC though since it always uses
+-- jumps keeps the stack 16 byte aligned on both function calls and function
+-- entry. We correct LLVM's alignment then by putting inline assembly in that
+-- subtracts and adds 4 to the sp as required.
+fixupStack :: ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString
+fixupStack fun nfun | BS.null nfun =
+ let -- fixup sub op
+ (a, b) = BS.breakSubstring (BS.pack ", %esp\n") fun
+ (a', num) = BS.breakEnd dollarPred a
+ num' = BS.pack $ show (read (BS.unpack num) + 4)
+ fix = a' `BS.append` num'
+ in if BS.null b
+ then nfun `BS.append` a
+ else fixupStack b (nfun `BS.append` fix)
+fixupStack fun nfun =
+ let -- fixup add ops
+ (a, b) = BS.breakSubstring (BS.pack "jmp") fun
+ -- We need to avoid processing jumps to labels, they are of the form:
+ -- jmp\tL..., jmp\t_f..., jmpl\t_f..., jmpl\t*%eax...
+ labelJump = BS.index b 4 == 'L'
+ (jmp, b') = BS.break eolPred b
+ (a', numx) = BS.breakEnd dollarPred a
+ (num, x) = BS.break commaPred numx
+ num' = BS.pack $ show (read (BS.unpack num) + 4)
+ fix = a' `BS.append` num' `BS.append` x `BS.append` jmp
+ in if BS.null b
+ then nfun `BS.append` a
+ else if labelJump
+ then fixupStack b' (nfun `BS.append` a `BS.append` jmp)
+ else fixupStack b' (nfun `BS.append` fix)