path: root/compiler/llvmGen
diff options
authorDavid Terei <>2011-02-13 01:44:06 +0000
committerDavid Terei <>2011-02-13 01:44:06 +0000
commit6c8893bfc4827e4fa00223f4751fd1234868c4a5 (patch)
tree8e3e90f04ab723ee6db1cd4f2099ca0eebc9cb42 /compiler/llvmGen
parent650d644055ff9cf23891611efb578e4fff07a1d9 (diff)
LLVM: Huge improvement to mangler speed.
The old llvm mangler was horrible! Very slow due to bad design and code. New version is linear complexity as it should be and far lower coefficients. This fixes trac 4838.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/llvmGen')
1 files changed, 102 insertions, 179 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmMangler.hs b/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmMangler.hs
index 27d2a84782..7f1c786493 100644
--- a/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmMangler.hs
+++ b/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmMangler.hs
@@ -1,205 +1,128 @@
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-warnings-deprecations #-}
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | GHC LLVM Mangler
-- This script processes the assembly produced by LLVM, rearranging the code
-- so that an info table appears before its corresponding function. We also
-- use it to fix up the stack alignment, which needs to be 16 byte aligned
--- but always ends up off by 4 bytes because GHC sets it to the wrong starting
--- value in the RTS.
+-- but always ends up off by 4 bytes because GHC sets it to the 'wrong'
+-- starting value in the RTS.
-- We only need this for Mac OS X, other targets don't use it.
module LlvmMangler ( llvmFixupAsm ) where
-import Data.ByteString.Char8 ( ByteString )
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
-import LlvmCodeGen.Ppr ( infoSection, iTableSuf )
+import Control.Exception
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Char
-import Outputable
-import Util
-{- Configuration. -}
-newSection, oldSection, functionSuf, tableSuf, funDivider, eol :: ByteString
-newSection = BS.pack "\n.text\n"
-oldSection = BS.pack infoSection
-functionSuf = BS.pack $ if ghciTablesNextToCode then "_info:" else "\n_"
-tableSuf = BS.pack $ "_info" ++ iTableSuf ++ ":"
-funDivider = BS.pack "\n\n"
-eol = BS.pack "\n"
+import qualified Data.IntMap as I
+import System.IO
+-- Magic Strings
+infoSec, newInfoSec, newLine, spInst, jmpInst :: B.ByteString
+infoSec = B.pack "\t.section\t__STRIP,__me"
+newInfoSec = B.pack "\n\t.text"
+newLine = B.pack "\n"
+spInst = B.pack ", %esp\n"
+jmpInst = B.pack "jmp"
+infoLen, spFix :: Int
+infoLen = B.length infoSec
+spFix = 4
+-- Search Predicates
eolPred, dollarPred, commaPred :: Char -> Bool
-eolPred = ((==) '\n')
+eolPred = ((==) '\n')
dollarPred = ((==) '$')
-commaPred = ((==) ',')
+commaPred = ((==) ',')
-- | Read in assembly file and process
llvmFixupAsm :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
llvmFixupAsm f1 f2 = do
- asm <- BS.readFile f1
- BS.writeFile f2 BS.empty
- allTables f2 asm
+ r <- openBinaryFile f1 ReadMode
+ w <- openBinaryFile f2 WriteMode
+ fixTables r w I.empty
+ B.hPut w (B.pack "\n\n")
+ hClose r
+ hClose w
return ()
--- | Run over whole assembly file
-allTables :: FilePath -> ByteString -> IO ()
-allTables f str = do
- rem <- oneTable f str
- if BS.null rem
- then return ()
- else allTables f rem
{- |
- Look for the next function that needs to have its info table
- arranged to be before it and process it. This will print out
- any code before this function, then the info table, then the
- function. It will return the remainder of the assembly code
- to process.
- We rely here on the fact that LLVM prints all global variables
- at the end of the file, so an info table will always appear
- after its function.
- To try to help explain the string searches, here is some
- assembly code that would be processed by this program, with
- split markers placed in it like so, <split marker>:
- [ ...asm code... ]
- jmp *%eax
- <before|fheader>
- .def Main_main_info
- .section TEXT
- .globl _Main_main_info
- _Main_main<bl|al>_info:
- sub $12, %esp
- [ ...asm code... ]
- jmp *%eax
- <fun|after>
- .def .....
- [ ...asm code... ]
- .long 231231
- <bit'|itable_h>
- .section TEXT
- .global _Main_main_entry
- .align 4
- <bit|itable>_Main_main_entry:
- .long 0
- [ ...asm code... ]
- <itable'|ait>
- .section TEXT
+ Here we process the assembly file one function and data
+ defenition at a time. When a function is encountered that
+ should have a info table we store it in a map. Otherwise
+ we print it. When an info table is found we retrieve its
+ function from the map and print them both.
+ For all functions we fix up the stack alignment. We also
+ fix up the section defenition for functions and info tables.
-oneTable :: FilePath -> ByteString -> IO ByteString
-oneTable f str =
- let last' xs = if (null xs) then 0 else last xs
- -- get the function
- (bl, al) = BS.breakSubstring functionSuf str
- start = last' $ BS.findSubstrings funDivider bl
- (before, fheader) = BS.splitAt start bl
- (fun, after) = BS.breakSubstring funDivider al
- label = snd $ BS.breakEnd eolPred bl
- -- get the info table
- ilabel = label `BS.append` tableSuf
- (bit, itable) = BS.breakSubstring ilabel after
- (itable', ait) = BS.breakSubstring funDivider itable
- istart = last' $ BS.findSubstrings funDivider bit
- (bit', iheader) = BS.splitAt istart bit
- -- fixup stack alignment
- fun' = fixupStack fun BS.empty
- -- fix up sections
- fheader' = replaceSection fheader
- iheader' = replaceSection iheader
- function = [before, eol, iheader', itable', eol, fheader', fun', eol]
- remainder = bit' `BS.append` ait
- in if BS.null al
- then do
- BS.appendFile f bl
- return BS.empty
- else if ghciTablesNextToCode
- then if BS.null itable
- then error $ "Function without matching info table! ("
- ++ (BS.unpack label) ++ ")"
- else do
- mapM_ (BS.appendFile f) function
- return remainder
- else do
- -- TNTC not turned on so just fix up stack
- mapM_ (BS.appendFile f) [before, fheader, fun']
- return after
--- | Replace the current section in a function or table header with the
--- text section specifier.
-replaceSection :: ByteString -> ByteString
-replaceSection sec =
- let (s1, s2) = BS.breakSubstring oldSection sec
- s1' = fst $ BS.breakEnd eolPred s1
- s2' = snd $ BS.break eolPred s2
- in s1' `BS.append` newSection `BS.append` s2'
--- | Mac OS X requires that the stack be 16 byte aligned when making a function
--- call (only really required though when making a call that will pass through
--- the dynamic linker). During code generation we marked any points where we
--- make a call that requires this alignment. The alignment isn't correctly
--- generated by LLVM as LLVM rightly assumes that the stack wil be aligned to
--- 16n + 12 on entry (since the function call was 16 byte aligned and the return
--- address should have been pushed, so sub 4). GHC though since it always uses
--- jumps keeps the stack 16 byte aligned on both function calls and function
--- entry. We correct LLVM's alignment then by putting inline assembly in that
--- subtracts and adds 4 to the sp as required.
-fixupStack :: ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString
-fixupStack fun nfun | BS.null nfun =
+fixTables :: Handle -> Handle -> I.IntMap B.ByteString -> IO ()
+fixTables r w m = do
+ f <- getFun r B.empty
+ if B.null f
+ then return ()
+ else let fun = fixupStack f B.empty
+ (a,b) = B.breakSubstring infoSec fun
+ (x,c) = B.break eolPred b
+ fun' = a `B.append` newInfoSec `B.append` c
+ n = readInt $ B.drop infoLen x
+ (bs, m') | B.null b = ([fun], m)
+ | even n = ([], I.insert n fun' m)
+ | otherwise = case I.lookup (n+1) m of
+ Just xf' -> ([fun',xf'], m)
+ Nothing -> ([fun'], m)
+ in mapM_ (B.hPut w) bs >> fixTables r w m'
+-- | Read in the next function/data defenition
+getFun :: Handle -> B.ByteString -> IO B.ByteString
+getFun r f = do
+ l <- (try (B.hGetLine r))::IO (Either IOError B.ByteString)
+ case l of
+ Right l' | B.null l' -> return f
+ | otherwise -> getFun r (f `B.append` newLine `B.append` l')
+ Left _ -> return B.empty
+ Mac OS X requires that the stack be 16 byte aligned when making a function
+ call (only really required though when making a call that will pass through
+ the dynamic linker). The alignment isn't correctly generated by LLVM as
+ LLVM rightly assumes that the stack wil be aligned to 16n + 12 on entry
+ (since the function call was 16 byte aligned and the return address should
+ have been pushed, so sub 4). GHC though since it always uses jumps keeps
+ the stack 16 byte aligned on both function calls and function entry.
+ We correct the alignment here.
+fixupStack :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
+fixupStack f f' | B.null f' =
let -- fixup sub op
- (a, b) = BS.breakSubstring (BS.pack ", %esp\n") fun
- (a', strNum) = BS.breakEnd dollarPred a
- Just num = readInt (BS.unpack strNum)
- num' = BS.pack $ show (num + 4::Int)
- fix = a' `BS.append` num'
- in if BS.null b
- then nfun `BS.append` a
- else fixupStack b (nfun `BS.append` fix)
-fixupStack fun nfun =
+ (a, c) = B.breakSubstring spInst f
+ (b, n) = B.breakEnd dollarPred a
+ num = B.pack $ show $ readInt n + spFix
+ in if B.null c
+ then f' `B.append` f
+ else fixupStack c $ f' `B.append` b `B.append` num
+fixupStack f f' =
let -- fixup add ops
- (a, b) = BS.breakSubstring (BS.pack "jmp") fun
- -- We need to avoid processing jumps to labels, they are of the form:
- -- jmp\tL..., jmp\t_f..., jmpl\t_f..., jmpl\t*%eax...
- labelJump = BS.index b 4 == 'L'
- (jmp, b') = BS.break eolPred b
- (a', numx) = BS.breakEnd dollarPred a
- (strNum, x) = BS.break commaPred numx
- Just num = readInt (BS.unpack strNum)
- num' = BS.pack $ show (num + 4::Int)
- fix = a' `BS.append` num' `BS.append` x `BS.append` jmp
- in if BS.null b
- then nfun `BS.append` a
- else if labelJump
- then fixupStack b' (nfun `BS.append` a `BS.append` jmp)
- else fixupStack b' (nfun `BS.append` fix)
--- | 'read' is one of my least favourite functions.
-readInt :: String -> Maybe Int
-readInt str
- | not $ null $ filter (not . isDigit) str
- = pprTrace "LLvmMangler"
- (text "Cannot read" <+> text (show str) <+> text "as it's not an Int")
- Nothing
- | otherwise
- = Just $ read str
+ (a, c) = B.breakSubstring jmpInst f
+ (l, b) = B.break eolPred c
+ (a', n) = B.breakEnd dollarPred a
+ (n', x) = B.break commaPred n
+ num = B.pack $ show $ readInt n' + spFix
+ in if B.null c
+ then f' `B.append` f
+ -- We need to avoid processing jumps to labels, they are of the form:
+ -- jmp\tL..., jmp\t_f..., jmpl\t_f..., jmpl\t*%eax...
+ else if B.index c 4 == 'L'
+ then fixupStack b $ f' `B.append` a `B.append` l
+ else fixupStack b $ f' `B.append` a' `B.append` num `B.append`
+ x `B.append` l
+-- | read an int or error
+readInt :: B.ByteString -> Int
+readInt str | B.all isDigit str = (read . B.unpack) str
+ | otherwise = error $ "LLvmMangler Cannot read" ++ show str
+ ++ "as it's not an Int"