path: root/compiler/main/Finder.lhs
diff options
authorSimon Marlow <>2006-04-07 02:05:11 +0000
committerSimon Marlow <>2006-04-07 02:05:11 +0000
commit0065d5ab628975892cea1ec7303f968c3338cbe1 (patch)
tree8e2afe0ab48ee33cf95009809d67c9649573ef92 /compiler/main/Finder.lhs
parent28a464a75e14cece5db40f2765a29348273ff2d2 (diff)
Reorganisation of the source tree
Most of the other users of the fptools build system have migrated to Cabal, and with the move to darcs we can now flatten the source tree without losing history, so here goes. The main change is that the ghc/ subdir is gone, and most of what it contained is now at the top level. The build system now makes no pretense at being multi-project, it is just the GHC build system. No doubt this will break many things, and there will be a period of instability while we fix the dependencies. A straightforward build should work, but I haven't yet fixed binary/source distributions. Changes to the Building Guide will follow, too.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/main/Finder.lhs')
1 files changed, 499 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/main/Finder.lhs b/compiler/main/Finder.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fbde40f6ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/Finder.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+% (c) The University of Glasgow, 2000
+\section[Finder]{Module Finder}
+module Finder (
+ flushFinderCache, -- :: IO ()
+ FindResult(..),
+ findModule, -- :: ModuleName -> Bool -> IO FindResult
+ findPackageModule, -- :: ModuleName -> Bool -> IO FindResult
+ mkHomeModLocation, -- :: ModuleName -> FilePath -> IO ModLocation
+ mkHomeModLocation2, -- :: ModuleName -> FilePath -> String -> IO ModLocation
+ addHomeModuleToFinder, -- :: HscEnv -> Module -> ModLocation -> IO ()
+ uncacheModule, -- :: HscEnv -> Module -> IO ()
+ mkStubPaths,
+ findObjectLinkableMaybe,
+ findObjectLinkable,
+ cantFindError, -- :: DynFlags -> Module -> FindResult -> SDoc
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import Module
+import UniqFM ( filterUFM, delFromUFM )
+import HscTypes
+import Packages
+import FastString
+import Util
+import DynFlags ( DynFlags(..), isOneShot, GhcMode(..) )
+import Outputable
+import Maybes ( expectJust )
+import DATA_IOREF ( IORef, writeIORef, readIORef )
+import Data.List
+import System.Directory
+import System.IO
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Maybe ( isNothing )
+import Time ( ClockTime )
+type FileExt = String -- Filename extension
+type BaseName = String -- Basename of file
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The Finder
+-- The Finder provides a thin filesystem abstraction to the rest of
+-- the compiler. For a given module, it can tell you where the
+-- source, interface, and object files for that module live.
+-- It does *not* know which particular package a module lives in. Use
+-- Packages.lookupModuleInAllPackages for that.
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The finder's cache
+-- remove all the home modules from the cache; package modules are
+-- assumed to not move around during a session.
+flushFinderCache :: IORef FinderCache -> IO ()
+flushFinderCache finder_cache = do
+ fm <- readIORef finder_cache
+ writeIORef finder_cache $! filterUFM (\(loc,m) -> isNothing m) fm
+addToFinderCache :: IORef FinderCache -> Module -> FinderCacheEntry -> IO ()
+addToFinderCache finder_cache mod_name entry = do
+ fm <- readIORef finder_cache
+ writeIORef finder_cache $! extendModuleEnv fm mod_name entry
+removeFromFinderCache :: IORef FinderCache -> Module -> IO ()
+removeFromFinderCache finder_cache mod_name = do
+ fm <- readIORef finder_cache
+ writeIORef finder_cache $! delFromUFM fm mod_name
+lookupFinderCache :: IORef FinderCache -> Module -> IO (Maybe FinderCacheEntry)
+lookupFinderCache finder_cache mod_name = do
+ fm <- readIORef finder_cache
+ return $! lookupModuleEnv fm mod_name
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The two external entry points
+-- This is the main interface to the finder, which maps ModuleNames to
+-- Modules and ModLocations.
+-- The Module contains one crucial bit of information about a module:
+-- whether it lives in the current ("home") package or not (see Module
+-- for more details).
+-- The ModLocation contains the names of all the files associated with
+-- that module: its source file, .hi file, object file, etc.
+data FindResult
+ = Found ModLocation PackageIdH
+ -- the module was found
+ | FoundMultiple [PackageId]
+ -- *error*: both in multiple packages
+ | PackageHidden PackageId
+ -- for an explicit source import: the package containing the module is
+ -- not exposed.
+ | ModuleHidden PackageId
+ -- for an explicit source import: the package containing the module is
+ -- exposed, but the module itself is hidden.
+ | NotFound [FilePath]
+ -- the module was not found, the specified places were searched.
+findModule :: HscEnv -> Module -> Bool -> IO FindResult
+findModule = findModule' True
+findPackageModule :: HscEnv -> Module -> Bool -> IO FindResult
+findPackageModule = findModule' False
+data LocalFindResult
+ = Ok FinderCacheEntry
+ | CantFindAmongst [FilePath]
+ | MultiplePackages [PackageId]
+findModule' :: Bool -> HscEnv -> Module -> Bool -> IO FindResult
+findModule' home_allowed hsc_env name explicit
+ = do -- First try the cache
+ mb_entry <- lookupFinderCache cache name
+ case mb_entry of
+ Just old_entry -> return $! found old_entry
+ Nothing -> not_cached
+ where
+ cache = hsc_FC hsc_env
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ -- We've found the module, so the remaining question is
+ -- whether it's visible or not
+ found :: FinderCacheEntry -> FindResult
+ found (loc, Nothing)
+ | home_allowed = Found loc HomePackage
+ | otherwise = NotFound []
+ found (loc, Just (pkg, exposed_mod))
+ | explicit && not exposed_mod = ModuleHidden pkg_name
+ | explicit && not (exposed pkg) = PackageHidden pkg_name
+ | otherwise =
+ Found loc (ExtPackage (mkPackageId (package pkg)))
+ where
+ pkg_name = packageConfigId pkg
+ found_new entry = do
+ addToFinderCache cache name entry
+ return $! found entry
+ not_cached
+ | not home_allowed = do
+ j <- findPackageModule' dflags name
+ case j of
+ Ok entry -> found_new entry
+ MultiplePackages pkgs -> return (FoundMultiple pkgs)
+ CantFindAmongst paths -> return (NotFound paths)
+ | otherwise = do
+ j <- findHomeModule' dflags name
+ case j of
+ Ok entry -> found_new entry
+ MultiplePackages pkgs -> return (FoundMultiple pkgs)
+ CantFindAmongst home_files -> do
+ r <- findPackageModule' dflags name
+ case r of
+ CantFindAmongst pkg_files ->
+ return (NotFound (home_files ++ pkg_files))
+ MultiplePackages pkgs ->
+ return (FoundMultiple pkgs)
+ Ok entry ->
+ found_new entry
+addHomeModuleToFinder :: HscEnv -> Module -> ModLocation -> IO ()
+addHomeModuleToFinder hsc_env mod loc
+ = addToFinderCache (hsc_FC hsc_env) mod (loc, Nothing)
+uncacheModule :: HscEnv -> Module -> IO ()
+uncacheModule hsc_env mod = removeFromFinderCache (hsc_FC hsc_env) mod
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The internal workers
+findHomeModule' :: DynFlags -> Module -> IO LocalFindResult
+findHomeModule' dflags mod = do
+ let home_path = importPaths dflags
+ hisuf = hiSuf dflags
+ let
+ source_exts =
+ [ ("hs", mkHomeModLocationSearched dflags mod "hs")
+ , ("lhs", mkHomeModLocationSearched dflags mod "lhs")
+ ]
+ hi_exts = [ (hisuf, mkHiOnlyModLocation dflags hisuf)
+ , (addBootSuffix hisuf, mkHiOnlyModLocation dflags hisuf)
+ ]
+ -- In compilation manager modes, we look for source files in the home
+ -- package because we can compile these automatically. In one-shot
+ -- compilation mode we look for .hi and .hi-boot files only.
+ exts | isOneShot (ghcMode dflags) = hi_exts
+ | otherwise = source_exts
+ searchPathExts home_path mod exts
+findPackageModule' :: DynFlags -> Module -> IO LocalFindResult
+findPackageModule' dflags mod
+ = case lookupModuleInAllPackages dflags mod of
+ [] -> return (CantFindAmongst [])
+ [pkg_info] -> findPackageIface dflags mod pkg_info
+ many -> return (MultiplePackages (map (mkPackageId.package.fst) many))
+findPackageIface :: DynFlags -> Module -> (PackageConfig,Bool) -> IO LocalFindResult
+findPackageIface dflags mod pkg_info@(pkg_conf, _) = do
+ let
+ tag = buildTag dflags
+ -- hi-suffix for packages depends on the build tag.
+ package_hisuf | null tag = "hi"
+ | otherwise = tag ++ "_hi"
+ hi_exts =
+ [ (package_hisuf,
+ mkPackageModLocation dflags pkg_info package_hisuf) ]
+ source_exts =
+ [ ("hs", mkPackageModLocation dflags pkg_info package_hisuf)
+ , ("lhs", mkPackageModLocation dflags pkg_info package_hisuf)
+ ]
+ -- mkdependHS needs to look for source files in packages too, so
+ -- that we can make dependencies between package before they have
+ -- been built.
+ exts
+ | MkDepend <- ghcMode dflags = hi_exts ++ source_exts
+ | otherwise = hi_exts
+ -- we never look for a .hi-boot file in an external package;
+ -- .hi-boot files only make sense for the home package.
+ searchPathExts (importDirs pkg_conf) mod exts
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- General path searching
+ :: [FilePath] -- paths to search
+ -> Module -- module name
+ -> [ (
+ FileExt, -- suffix
+ FilePath -> BaseName -> IO FinderCacheEntry -- action
+ )
+ ]
+ -> IO LocalFindResult
+searchPathExts paths mod exts
+ = do result <- search to_search
+ hPutStrLn stderr (showSDoc $
+ vcat [text "Search" <+> ppr mod <+> sep (map (text. fst) exts)
+ , nest 2 (vcat (map text paths))
+ , case result of
+ Succeeded (loc, p) -> text "Found" <+> ppr loc
+ Failed fs -> text "not found"])
+ return result
+ where
+ basename = dots_to_slashes (moduleString mod)
+ to_search :: [(FilePath, IO FinderCacheEntry)]
+ to_search = [ (file, fn path basename)
+ | path <- paths,
+ (ext,fn) <- exts,
+ let base | path == "." = basename
+ | otherwise = path `joinFileName` basename
+ file = base `joinFileExt` ext
+ ]
+ search [] = return (CantFindAmongst (map fst to_search))
+ search ((file, mk_result) : rest) = do
+ b <- doesFileExist file
+ if b
+ then do { res <- mk_result; return (Ok res) }
+ else search rest
+mkHomeModLocationSearched :: DynFlags -> Module -> FileExt
+ -> FilePath -> BaseName -> IO FinderCacheEntry
+mkHomeModLocationSearched dflags mod suff path basename = do
+ loc <- mkHomeModLocation2 dflags mod (path `joinFileName` basename) suff
+ return (loc, Nothing)
+mkHiOnlyModLocation :: DynFlags -> FileExt -> FilePath -> BaseName
+ -> IO FinderCacheEntry
+mkHiOnlyModLocation dflags hisuf path basename = do
+ loc <- hiOnlyModLocation dflags path basename hisuf
+ return (loc, Nothing)
+mkPackageModLocation :: DynFlags -> (PackageConfig, Bool) -> FileExt
+ -> FilePath -> BaseName -> IO FinderCacheEntry
+mkPackageModLocation dflags pkg_info hisuf path basename = do
+ loc <- hiOnlyModLocation dflags path basename hisuf
+ return (loc, Just pkg_info)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Constructing a home module location
+-- This is where we construct the ModLocation for a module in the home
+-- package, for which we have a source file. It is called from three
+-- places:
+-- (a) Here in the finder, when we are searching for a module to import,
+-- using the search path (-i option).
+-- (b) The compilation manager, when constructing the ModLocation for
+-- a "root" module (a source file named explicitly on the command line
+-- or in a :load command in GHCi).
+-- (c) The driver in one-shot mode, when we need to construct a
+-- ModLocation for a source file named on the command-line.
+-- Parameters are:
+-- mod
+-- The name of the module
+-- path
+-- (a): The search path component where the source file was found.
+-- (b) and (c): "."
+-- src_basename
+-- (a): dots_to_slashes (moduleNameUserString mod)
+-- (b) and (c): The filename of the source file, minus its extension
+-- ext
+-- The filename extension of the source file (usually "hs" or "lhs").
+mkHomeModLocation :: DynFlags -> Module -> FilePath -> IO ModLocation
+mkHomeModLocation dflags mod src_filename = do
+ let (basename,extension) = splitFilename src_filename
+ mkHomeModLocation2 dflags mod basename extension
+mkHomeModLocation2 :: DynFlags
+ -> Module
+ -> FilePath -- Of source module, without suffix
+ -> String -- Suffix
+ -> IO ModLocation
+mkHomeModLocation2 dflags mod src_basename ext = do
+ let mod_basename = dots_to_slashes (moduleString mod)
+ obj_fn <- mkObjPath dflags src_basename mod_basename
+ hi_fn <- mkHiPath dflags src_basename mod_basename
+ return (ModLocation{ ml_hs_file = Just (src_basename `joinFileExt` ext),
+ ml_hi_file = hi_fn,
+ ml_obj_file = obj_fn })
+hiOnlyModLocation :: DynFlags -> FilePath -> String -> Suffix -> IO ModLocation
+hiOnlyModLocation dflags path basename hisuf
+ = do let full_basename = path `joinFileName` basename
+ obj_fn <- mkObjPath dflags full_basename basename
+ return ModLocation{ ml_hs_file = Nothing,
+ ml_hi_file = full_basename `joinFileExt` hisuf,
+ -- Remove the .hi-boot suffix from
+ -- hi_file, if it had one. We always
+ -- want the name of the real .hi file
+ -- in the ml_hi_file field.
+ ml_obj_file = obj_fn
+ }
+-- | Constructs the filename of a .o file for a given source file.
+-- Does /not/ check whether the .o file exists
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> FilePath -- the filename of the source file, minus the extension
+ -> String -- the module name with dots replaced by slashes
+ -> IO FilePath
+mkObjPath dflags basename mod_basename
+ = do let
+ odir = objectDir dflags
+ osuf = objectSuf dflags
+ obj_basename | Just dir <- odir = dir `joinFileName` mod_basename
+ | otherwise = basename
+ return (obj_basename `joinFileExt` osuf)
+-- | Constructs the filename of a .hi file for a given source file.
+-- Does /not/ check whether the .hi file exists
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> FilePath -- the filename of the source file, minus the extension
+ -> String -- the module name with dots replaced by slashes
+ -> IO FilePath
+mkHiPath dflags basename mod_basename
+ = do let
+ hidir = hiDir dflags
+ hisuf = hiSuf dflags
+ hi_basename | Just dir <- hidir = dir `joinFileName` mod_basename
+ | otherwise = basename
+ return (hi_basename `joinFileExt` hisuf)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Filenames of the stub files
+-- We don't have to store these in ModLocations, because they can be derived
+-- from other available information, and they're only rarely needed.
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> Module
+ -> ModLocation
+ -> (FilePath,FilePath)
+mkStubPaths dflags mod location
+ = let
+ stubdir = stubDir dflags
+ mod_basename = dots_to_slashes (moduleString mod)
+ src_basename = basenameOf (expectJust "mkStubPaths"
+ (ml_hs_file location))
+ stub_basename0
+ | Just dir <- stubdir = dir `joinFileName` mod_basename
+ | otherwise = src_basename
+ stub_basename = stub_basename0 ++ "_stub"
+ in
+ (stub_basename `joinFileExt` "c",
+ stub_basename `joinFileExt` "h")
+ -- the _stub.o filename is derived from the ml_obj_file.
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- findLinkable isn't related to the other stuff in here,
+-- but there's no other obvious place for it
+findObjectLinkableMaybe :: Module -> ModLocation -> IO (Maybe Linkable)
+findObjectLinkableMaybe mod locn
+ = do let obj_fn = ml_obj_file locn
+ maybe_obj_time <- modificationTimeIfExists obj_fn
+ case maybe_obj_time of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just obj_time -> liftM Just (findObjectLinkable mod obj_fn obj_time)
+-- Make an object linkable when we know the object file exists, and we know
+-- its modification time.
+findObjectLinkable :: Module -> FilePath -> ClockTime -> IO Linkable
+findObjectLinkable mod obj_fn obj_time = do
+ let stub_fn = case splitFilename3 obj_fn of
+ (dir, base, ext) -> dir ++ "/" ++ base ++ "_stub.o"
+ stub_exist <- doesFileExist stub_fn
+ if stub_exist
+ then return (LM obj_time mod [DotO obj_fn, DotO stub_fn])
+ else return (LM obj_time mod [DotO obj_fn])
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Utils
+dots_to_slashes = map (\c -> if c == '.' then '/' else c)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Error messages
+cantFindError :: DynFlags -> Module -> FindResult -> SDoc
+cantFindError dflags mod_name (FoundMultiple pkgs)
+ = hang (ptext SLIT("Cannot import") <+> quotes (ppr mod_name) <> colon) 2 (
+ sep [ptext SLIT("it was found in multiple packages:"),
+ hsep (map (text.packageIdString) pkgs)]
+ )
+cantFindError dflags mod_name find_result
+ = hang (ptext SLIT("Could not find module") <+> quotes (ppr mod_name) <> colon)
+ 2 more_info
+ where
+ more_info
+ = case find_result of
+ PackageHidden pkg
+ -> ptext SLIT("it is a member of package") <+> ppr pkg <> comma
+ <+> ptext SLIT("which is hidden")
+ ModuleHidden pkg
+ -> ptext SLIT("it is hidden") <+> parens (ptext SLIT("in package")
+ <+> ppr pkg)
+ NotFound files
+ | null files
+ -> ptext SLIT("it is not a module in the current program, or in any known package.")
+ | verbosity dflags < 3
+ -> ptext SLIT("use -v to see a list of the files searched for")
+ | otherwise
+ -> hang (ptext SLIT("locations searched:"))
+ 2 (vcat (map text files))
+ _ -> panic "cantFindErr"