path: root/compiler/main/Packages.hs
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authorEdward Z. Yang <>2017-03-19 16:07:49 -0700
committerEdward Z. Yang <>2017-03-20 13:59:23 -0700
commite0eaea918c32b3aa445708656876d1e2aef94a13 (patch)
tree1fb9db58f774e90caca56fd2ca0ff9d3331ca1bc /compiler/main/Packages.hs
parent40b65db4cd34c3566b9f6c53c086d53e97574217 (diff)
Correctly account for -package-db ordering when picking packages.
Summary: When I originally implemented ABI-based shadowing as per ee4e1654c31b9c6f6ad9b19ece25f040bbbcbd72, I switched our strategy from pasting together lists to creating a map of all units first, and then selecting packages from this. However, what I did not realize when doing this was that we actually depended on the *ordering* of these lists later, when we selected a preferred package to use. The crux is if I have -package-db db1 -package-db db2 -package p-0.1, and p-0.1 is provided by both db1 and db2, which one does the -package flag select? Previously, this was undetermined; now we always select the instance from the LATEST package database. (If p-0.1 shows up multiple times in the same database, once again the chosen package is undefined.) The reason why cabal08 intermittently failed was that, in practice, we were sorting on the UnitId, so when we bumped version numbers, that often wibbled the UnitIds so that they compared oppositely. I've extended the test so that we check that the relation is antisymmetric. Fixes #13313 Signed-off-by: Edward Z. Yang <> Test Plan: validate Reviewers: bgamari, austin Subscribers: rwbarton, thomie Differential Revision:
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/main/Packages.hs')
1 files changed, 80 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/main/Packages.hs b/compiler/main/Packages.hs
index cb350d7f36..f938bbbda2 100644
--- a/compiler/main/Packages.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/Packages.hs
@@ -680,22 +680,23 @@ mungePackagePaths top_dir pkgroot pkg =
:: DynFlags
+ -> PackagePrecedenceIndex
-> UnusablePackages
-> [PackageConfig]
-> TrustFlag
-> IO [PackageConfig]
-applyTrustFlag dflags unusable pkgs flag =
+applyTrustFlag dflags prec_map unusable pkgs flag =
case flag of
-- we trust all matching packages. Maybe should only trust first one?
-- and leave others the same or set them untrusted
TrustPackage str ->
- case selectPackages (PackageArg str) pkgs unusable of
+ case selectPackages prec_map (PackageArg str) pkgs unusable of
Left ps -> trustFlagErr dflags flag ps
Right (ps,qs) -> return (map trust ps ++ qs)
where trust p = p {trusted=True}
DistrustPackage str ->
- case selectPackages (PackageArg str) pkgs unusable of
+ case selectPackages prec_map (PackageArg str) pkgs unusable of
Left ps -> trustFlagErr dflags flag ps
Right (ps,qs) -> return (map distrust ps ++ qs)
where distrust p = p {trusted=False}
@@ -707,6 +708,7 @@ isIndefinite dflags = not (unitIdIsDefinite (thisPackage dflags))
:: DynFlags
+ -> PackagePrecedenceIndex
-> PackageConfigMap
-> UnusablePackages
-> Bool -- if False, if you expose a package, it implicitly hides
@@ -716,10 +718,10 @@ applyPackageFlag
-> PackageFlag -- flag to apply
-> IO VisibilityMap -- Now exposed
-applyPackageFlag dflags pkg_db unusable no_hide_others pkgs vm flag =
+applyPackageFlag dflags prec_map pkg_db unusable no_hide_others pkgs vm flag =
case flag of
ExposePackage _ arg (ModRenaming b rns) ->
- case findPackages pkg_db arg pkgs unusable of
+ case findPackages prec_map pkg_db arg pkgs unusable of
Left ps -> packageFlagErr dflags flag ps
Right (p:_) -> return vm'
@@ -784,7 +786,7 @@ applyPackageFlag dflags pkg_db unusable no_hide_others pkgs vm flag =
_ -> panic "applyPackageFlag"
HidePackage str ->
- case findPackages pkg_db (PackageArg str) pkgs unusable of
+ case findPackages prec_map pkg_db (PackageArg str) pkgs unusable of
Left ps -> packageFlagErr dflags flag ps
Right ps -> return vm'
where vm' = foldl' (flip Map.delete) vm (map packageConfigId ps)
@@ -792,16 +794,17 @@ applyPackageFlag dflags pkg_db unusable no_hide_others pkgs vm flag =
-- | Like 'selectPackages', but doesn't return a list of unmatched
-- packages. Furthermore, any packages it returns are *renamed*
-- if the 'UnitArg' has a renaming associated with it.
-findPackages :: PackageConfigMap -> PackageArg -> [PackageConfig]
+findPackages :: PackagePrecedenceIndex
+ -> PackageConfigMap -> PackageArg -> [PackageConfig]
-> UnusablePackages
-> Either [(PackageConfig, UnusablePackageReason)]
-findPackages pkg_db arg pkgs unusable
+findPackages prec_map pkg_db arg pkgs unusable
= let ps = mapMaybe (finder arg) pkgs
in if null ps
then Left (mapMaybe (\(x,y) -> finder arg x >>= \x' -> return (x',y))
(Map.elems unusable))
- else Right (sortByVersion (reverse ps))
+ else Right (sortByPreference prec_map ps)
finder (PackageArg str) p
= if str == sourcePackageIdString p || str == packageNameString p
@@ -815,18 +818,16 @@ findPackages pkg_db arg pkgs unusable
Just indef -> renamePackage pkg_db (indefUnitIdInsts indef) p)
else Nothing
-selectPackages :: PackageArg -> [PackageConfig]
+selectPackages :: PackagePrecedenceIndex -> PackageArg -> [PackageConfig]
-> UnusablePackages
-> Either [(PackageConfig, UnusablePackageReason)]
([PackageConfig], [PackageConfig])
-selectPackages arg pkgs unusable
+selectPackages prec_map arg pkgs unusable
= let matches = matching arg
(ps,rest) = partition matches pkgs
in if null ps
then Left (filter (matches.fst) (Map.elems unusable))
- -- NB: packages from later package databases are LATER
- -- in the list. We want to prefer the latest package.
- else Right (sortByVersion (reverse ps), rest)
+ else Right (sortByPreference prec_map ps, rest)
-- | Rename a 'PackageConfig' according to some module instantiation.
renamePackage :: PackageConfigMap -> [(ModuleName, Module)]
@@ -857,8 +858,38 @@ matching (PackageArg str) = matchingStr str
matching (UnitIdArg (DefiniteUnitId (DefUnitId uid))) = matchingId uid
matching (UnitIdArg _) = \_ -> False -- TODO: warn in this case
-sortByVersion :: [PackageConfig] -> [PackageConfig]
-sortByVersion = sortBy (flip (comparing packageVersion))
+-- | This sorts a list of packages, putting "preferred" packages first.
+-- See 'compareByPreference' for the semantics of "preference".
+sortByPreference :: PackagePrecedenceIndex -> [PackageConfig] -> [PackageConfig]
+sortByPreference prec_map = sortBy (flip (compareByPreference prec_map))
+-- | Returns 'GT' if @pkg@ should be preferred over @pkg'@ when picking
+-- which should be "active". Here is the order of preference:
+-- 1. First, prefer the latest version
+-- 2. If the versions are the same, prefer the package that
+-- came in the latest package database.
+-- Pursuant to #12518, we could change this policy to, for example, remove
+-- the version preference, meaning that we would always prefer the packages
+-- in alter package database.
+ :: PackagePrecedenceIndex
+ -> PackageConfig
+ -> PackageConfig
+ -> Ordering
+compareByPreference prec_map pkg pkg' =
+ case comparing packageVersion pkg pkg' of
+ GT -> GT
+ EQ | Just prec <- Map.lookup (unitId pkg) prec_map
+ , Just prec' <- Map.lookup (unitId pkg') prec_map
+ -- Prefer the package from the later DB flag (i.e., higher
+ -- precedence)
+ -> compare prec prec'
+ | otherwise
+ -> EQ
+ LT -> LT
comparing :: Ord a => (t -> a) -> t -> t -> Ordering
comparing f a b = f a `compare` f b
@@ -920,13 +951,14 @@ type WiredPackagesMap = Map WiredUnitId WiredUnitId
:: DynFlags
+ -> PackagePrecedenceIndex
-> [PackageConfig] -- database
-> VisibilityMap -- info on what packages are visible
-- for wired in selection
-> IO ([PackageConfig], -- package database updated for wired in
WiredPackagesMap) -- map from unit id to wired identity
-findWiredInPackages dflags pkgs vis_map = do
+findWiredInPackages dflags prec_map pkgs vis_map = do
-- Now we must find our wired-in packages, and rename them to
-- their canonical names (eg. base-1.0 ==> base).
@@ -962,8 +994,8 @@ findWiredInPackages dflags pkgs vis_map = do
case all_exposed_ps of
[] -> case all_ps of
[] -> notfound
- many -> pick (head (sortByVersion many))
- many -> pick (head (sortByVersion many))
+ many -> pick (head (sortByPreference prec_map many))
+ many -> pick (head (sortByPreference prec_map many))
notfound = do
debugTraceMsg dflags 2 $
@@ -1188,22 +1220,29 @@ ignorePackages flags pkgs = Map.fromList (concatMap doit flags)
-- Merging databases
+-- | For each package, a mapping from uid -> i indicates that this
+-- package was brought into GHC by the ith @-package-db@ flag on
+-- the command line. We use this mapping to make sure we prefer
+-- packages that were defined later on the command line, if there
+-- is an ambiguity.
+type PackagePrecedenceIndex = Map InstalledUnitId Int
-- | Given a list of databases, merge them together, where
-- packages with the same unit id in later databases override
-- earlier ones. This does NOT check if the resulting database
-- makes sense (that's done by 'validateDatabase').
mergeDatabases :: DynFlags -> [(FilePath, [PackageConfig])]
- -> IO InstalledPackageIndex
-mergeDatabases dflags = foldM merge Map.empty
+ -> IO (InstalledPackageIndex, PackagePrecedenceIndex)
+mergeDatabases dflags = foldM merge (Map.empty, Map.empty) . zip [1..]
- merge pkg_map (db_path, db) = do
+ merge (pkg_map, prec_map) (i, (db_path, db)) = do
debugTraceMsg dflags 2 $
text "loading package database" <+> text db_path
forM_ (Set.toList override_set) $ \pkg ->
debugTraceMsg dflags 2 $
text "package" <+> ppr pkg <+>
text "overrides a previously defined package"
- return pkg_map'
+ return (pkg_map', prec_map')
db_map = mk_pkg_map db
mk_pkg_map = Map.fromList . map (\p -> (unitId p, p))
@@ -1220,6 +1259,9 @@ mergeDatabases dflags = foldM merge Map.empty
pkg_map' :: InstalledPackageIndex
pkg_map' = Map.union db_map pkg_map
+ prec_map' :: PackagePrecedenceIndex
+ prec_map' = Map.union ( (const i) db_map) prec_map
-- | Validates a database, removing unusable packages from it
-- (this includes removing packages that the user has explicitly
-- ignored.) Our general strategy:
@@ -1281,7 +1323,9 @@ validateDatabase dflags pkg_map1 =
:: DynFlags
- -> [(FilePath, [PackageConfig])] -- initial databases
+ -- initial databases, in the order they were specified on
+ -- the command line (later databases shadow earlier ones)
+ -> [(FilePath, [PackageConfig])]
-> [PreloadUnitId] -- preloaded packages
-> IO (PackageState,
[PreloadUnitId]) -- new packages to preload
@@ -1304,7 +1348,9 @@ mkPackageState dflags dbs preload0 = do
a) Merge all the databases together.
If an input database defines unit ID that is already in
the unified database, that package SHADOWS the existing
- package in the current unified database.
+ package in the current unified database. Note that
+ order is important: packages defined later in the list of
+ command line arguments shadow those defined earlier.
b) Remove all packages with missing dependencies, or
mutually recursive dependencies.
@@ -1341,12 +1387,15 @@ mkPackageState dflags dbs preload0 = do
we build a mapping saying what every in scope module name points to.
+ -- This, and the other reverse's that you will see, are due to the face that
+ -- packageFlags, pluginPackageFlags, etc. are all specified in *reverse* order
+ -- than they are on the command line.
let other_flags = reverse (packageFlags dflags)
debugTraceMsg dflags 2 $
text "package flags" <+> ppr other_flags
-- Merge databases together, without checking validity
- pkg_map1 <- mergeDatabases dflags dbs
+ (pkg_map1, prec_map) <- mergeDatabases dflags dbs
-- Now that we've merged everything together, prune out unusable
-- packages.
@@ -1357,7 +1406,7 @@ mkPackageState dflags dbs preload0 = do
-- Apply trust flags (these flags apply regardless of whether
-- or not packages are visible or not)
- pkgs1 <- foldM (applyTrustFlag dflags unusable)
+ pkgs1 <- foldM (applyTrustFlag dflags prec_map unusable)
(Map.elems pkg_map2) (reverse (trustFlags dflags))
let prelim_pkg_db = extendPackageConfigMap emptyPackageConfigMap pkgs1
@@ -1367,7 +1416,7 @@ mkPackageState dflags dbs preload0 = do
-- or is empty if we have -hide-all-packages
let preferLater pkg pkg' =
- case comparing packageVersion pkg pkg' of
+ case compareByPreference prec_map pkg pkg' of
GT -> pkg
_ -> pkg'
calcInitial m pkg = addToUDFM_C preferLater m (fsPackageName pkg) pkg
@@ -1396,7 +1445,7 @@ mkPackageState dflags dbs preload0 = do
-- -hide-package). This needs to know about the unusable packages, since if a
-- user tries to enable an unusable package, we should let them know.
- vis_map2 <- foldM (applyPackageFlag dflags prelim_pkg_db unusable
+ vis_map2 <- foldM (applyPackageFlag dflags prec_map prelim_pkg_db unusable
(gopt Opt_HideAllPackages dflags) pkgs1)
vis_map1 other_flags
@@ -1405,7 +1454,7 @@ mkPackageState dflags dbs preload0 = do
-- it modifies the unit ids of wired in packages, but when we process
-- package arguments we need to key against the old versions.
- (pkgs2, wired_map) <- findWiredInPackages dflags pkgs1 vis_map2
+ (pkgs2, wired_map) <- findWiredInPackages dflags prec_map pkgs1 vis_map2
let pkg_db = extendPackageConfigMap emptyPackageConfigMap pkgs2
-- Update the visibility map, so we treat wired packages as visible.
@@ -1424,7 +1473,7 @@ mkPackageState dflags dbs preload0 = do
-- won't work.
| otherwise = vis_map2
- <- foldM (applyPackageFlag dflags prelim_pkg_db unusable
+ <- foldM (applyPackageFlag dflags prec_map prelim_pkg_db unusable
(gopt Opt_HideAllPluginPackages dflags) pkgs1)
(reverse (pluginPackageFlags dflags))