path: root/compiler/main/PprTyThing.hs
diff options
mode: <unknown>2010-05-25 11:40:45 +0000 <unknown>2010-05-25 11:40:45 +0000
commit8b6c1605e75a2482892995c6d0529911796e89dd (patch)
treeb381c10fef51ee918892bb82a9e2951b65c3b87d /compiler/main/PprTyThing.hs
parent40612c9014ef04806cd341a12cf010db51eca2e3 (diff)
Improve printing of TyThings; fixes Trac #4087
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/main/PprTyThing.hs')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/main/PprTyThing.hs b/compiler/main/PprTyThing.hs
index dfa713fdc0..8bdb072d0c 100644
--- a/compiler/main/PprTyThing.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/PprTyThing.hs
@@ -179,21 +179,15 @@ pprDataConDecl :: PrintExplicitForalls -> Bool -> (FieldLabel -> Bool)
pprDataConDecl _ gadt_style show_label dataCon
| not gadt_style = ppr_fields tys_w_strs
| otherwise = ppr_bndr dataCon <+> dcolon <+>
- sep [ ppr_tvs, GHC.pprThetaArrow theta, pp_tau ]
+ sep [ GHC.pprForAll forall_tvs, GHC.pprThetaArrow theta, pp_tau ]
+ -- Printing out the dataCon as a type signature, in GADT style
- (tyvars, theta, argTypes, res_ty) = GHC.dataConSig dataCon
- tyCon = GHC.dataConTyCon dataCon
- labels = GHC.dataConFieldLabels dataCon
- qualVars = filter (flip notElem (GHC.tyConTyVars tyCon)) tyvars
- stricts = GHC.dataConStrictMarks dataCon
- tys_w_strs = zip stricts argTypes
- ppr_tvs
- | null qualVars = empty
- | otherwise = ptext (sLit "forall") <+>
- hsep (map ppr qualVars) <> dot
- -- printing out the dataCon as a type signature, in GADT style
+ (forall_tvs, theta, tau) = tcSplitSigmaTy (GHC.dataConUserType dataCon)
+ (arg_tys, res_ty) = tcSplitFunTys tau
+ labels = GHC.dataConFieldLabels dataCon
+ stricts = GHC.dataConStrictMarks dataCon
+ tys_w_strs = zip stricts arg_tys
pp_tau = foldr add (ppr res_ty) tys_w_strs
add str_ty pp_ty = pprParendBangTy str_ty <+> arrow <+> pp_ty