path: root/compiler/main/StaticPtrTable.hs
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authorFacundo Domínguez <>2016-04-07 16:20:19 -0300
committerFacundo Domínguez <>2016-05-02 14:30:28 -0300
commit36d29f7ce332a2b1fbc36de831b0eef7a6405555 (patch)
treeafc93170b8da063b81666b00e29289a161f1ac63 /compiler/main/StaticPtrTable.hs
parentfa86ac7c14b67f27017d795811265c3a9750024b (diff)
StaticPointers: Allow closed vars in the static form.
Summary: With this patch closed variables are allowed regardless of whether they are bound at the top level or not. The FloatOut pass is always performed. When optimizations are disabled, only expressions that go to the top level are floated. Thus, the applications of the StaticPtr data constructor are always floated. The CoreTidy pass makes sure the floated applications appear in the symbol table of object files. It also collects the floated bindings and inserts them in the static pointer table. The renamer does not check anymore if free variables appearing in the static form are top-level. Instead, the typechecker looks at the tct_closed flag to decide if the free variables are closed. The linter checks that applications of StaticPtr only occur at the top of top-level bindings after the FloatOut pass. The field spInfoName of StaticPtrInfo has been removed. It used to contain the name of the top-level binding that contains the StaticPtr application. However, this information is no longer available when the StaticPtr is constructed, as the binding name is determined now by the FloatOut pass. Test Plan: ./validate Reviewers: goldfire, simonpj, austin, hvr, bgamari Reviewed By: simonpj Subscribers: thomie, mpickering, mboes Differential Revision: GHC Trac Issues: #11656
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/main/StaticPtrTable.hs')
1 files changed, 125 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/main/StaticPtrTable.hs b/compiler/main/StaticPtrTable.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c13bcd8d3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/StaticPtrTable.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+-- | Code generation for the Static Pointer Table
+-- (c) 2014 I/O Tweag
+-- Each module that uses 'static' keyword declares an initialization function of
+-- the form hs_spt_init_<module>() which is emitted into the _stub.c file and
+-- annotated with __attribute__((constructor)) so that it gets executed at
+-- startup time.
+-- The function's purpose is to call hs_spt_insert to insert the static
+-- pointers of this module in the hashtable of the RTS, and it looks something
+-- like this:
+-- > static void hs_hpc_init_Main(void) __attribute__((constructor));
+-- > static void hs_hpc_init_Main(void) {
+-- >
+-- > static StgWord64 k0[2] = {16252233372134256ULL,7370534374096082ULL};
+-- > extern StgPtr Main_r2wb_closure;
+-- > hs_spt_insert(k0, &Main_r2wb_closure);
+-- >
+-- > static StgWord64 k1[2] = {12545634534567898ULL,5409674567544151ULL};
+-- > extern StgPtr Main_r2wc_closure;
+-- > hs_spt_insert(k1, &Main_r2wc_closure);
+-- >
+-- > }
+-- where the constants are fingerprints produced from the static forms.
+-- The linker must find the definitions matching the @extern StgPtr <name>@
+-- declarations. For this to work, the identifiers of static pointers need to be
+-- exported. This is done in TidyPgm.chooseExternalIds.
+-- There is also a finalization function for the time when the module is
+-- unloaded.
+-- > static void hs_hpc_fini_Main(void) __attribute__((destructor));
+-- > static void hs_hpc_fini_Main(void) {
+-- >
+-- > static StgWord64 k0[2] = {16252233372134256ULL,7370534374096082ULL};
+-- > hs_spt_remove(k0);
+-- >
+-- > static StgWord64 k1[2] = {12545634534567898ULL,5409674567544151ULL};
+-- > hs_spt_remove(k1);
+-- >
+-- > }
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+module StaticPtrTable (sptModuleInitCode) where
+import CLabel
+import CoreSyn
+import DataCon
+import Id
+import Literal
+import Module
+import Outputable
+import PrelNames
+import Data.Maybe
+import GHC.Fingerprint
+-- | @sptModuleInitCode module binds@ is a C stub to insert the static entries
+-- found in @binds@ of @module@ into the static pointer table.
+-- A bind is considered a static entry if it is an application of the
+-- data constructor @StaticPtr@.
+sptModuleInitCode :: Module -> CoreProgram -> SDoc
+sptModuleInitCode this_mod binds =
+ sptInitCode $ catMaybes
+ $ map (\(b, e) -> ((,) b) <$> staticPtrFp e)
+ $ flattenBinds binds
+ where
+ staticPtrFp :: CoreExpr -> Maybe Fingerprint
+ staticPtrFp (collectTyBinders -> (_, e))
+ | (Var v, _ : Lit lit0 : Lit lit1 : _) <- collectArgs e
+ , Just con <- isDataConId_maybe v
+ , dataConName con == staticPtrDataConName
+ , Just w0 <- fromPlatformWord64Rep lit0
+ , Just w1 <- fromPlatformWord64Rep lit1
+ = Just $ Fingerprint (fromInteger w0) (fromInteger w1)
+ staticPtrFp _ = Nothing
+ fromPlatformWord64Rep (MachWord w) = Just w
+ fromPlatformWord64Rep (MachWord64 w) = Just w
+ fromPlatformWord64Rep _ = Nothing
+ sptInitCode :: [(Id, Fingerprint)] -> SDoc
+ sptInitCode [] = Outputable.empty
+ sptInitCode entries = vcat
+ [ text "static void hs_spt_init_" <> ppr this_mod
+ <> text "(void) __attribute__((constructor));"
+ , text "static void hs_spt_init_" <> ppr this_mod <> text "(void)"
+ , braces $ vcat $
+ [ text "static StgWord64 k" <> int i <> text "[2] = "
+ <> pprFingerprint fp <> semi
+ $$ text "extern StgPtr "
+ <> (ppr $ mkClosureLabel (idName n) (idCafInfo n)) <> semi
+ $$ text "hs_spt_insert" <> parens
+ (hcat $ punctuate comma
+ [ char 'k' <> int i
+ , char '&' <> ppr (mkClosureLabel (idName n) (idCafInfo n))
+ ]
+ )
+ <> semi
+ | (i, (n, fp)) <- zip [0..] entries
+ ]
+ , text "static void hs_spt_fini_" <> ppr this_mod
+ <> text "(void) __attribute__((destructor));"
+ , text "static void hs_spt_fini_" <> ppr this_mod <> text "(void)"
+ , braces $ vcat $
+ [ text "StgWord64 k" <> int i <> text "[2] = "
+ <> pprFingerprint fp <> semi
+ $$ text "hs_spt_remove" <> parens (char 'k' <> int i) <> semi
+ | (i, (_, fp)) <- zip [0..] entries
+ ]
+ ]
+ pprFingerprint :: Fingerprint -> SDoc
+ pprFingerprint (Fingerprint w1 w2) =
+ braces $ hcat $ punctuate comma
+ [ integer (fromIntegral w1) <> text "ULL"
+ , integer (fromIntegral w2) <> text "ULL"
+ ]