path: root/compiler/main
diff options
authorSimon Marlow <>2012-01-26 16:01:04 +0000
committerSimon Marlow <>2012-01-26 16:01:04 +0000
commit46a772f8efb7aa9d350227e8fd5d5809757c3f1e (patch)
treee12beccf2317e53f0a3b8fe3715e89da2d719cd4 /compiler/main
parent88745c9120f408e53ad1de2489963ede2ac9a668 (diff)
Run the complete backend (Stg -> .S) incrementally on each StgBinding
This is so that we can process the Stg code in constant space. Before we were generating all the C-- up front, leading to a large space leak. I haven't converted the LLVM or C back ends to the incremental scheme, but it's not hard to do.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/main')
2 files changed, 93 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/main/CodeOutput.lhs b/compiler/main/CodeOutput.lhs
index 8c62e04e87..0623641c41 100644
--- a/compiler/main/CodeOutput.lhs
+++ b/compiler/main/CodeOutput.lhs
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ import HscTypes
import DynFlags
import Config
import SysTools
+import Stream (Stream)
+import qualified Stream
import ErrUtils ( dumpIfSet_dyn, showPass, ghcExit )
import Outputable
@@ -55,35 +57,36 @@ codeOutput :: DynFlags
-> ModLocation
-> ForeignStubs
-> [PackageId]
- -> [RawCmmGroup] -- Compiled C--
+ -> Stream IO RawCmmGroup () -- Compiled C--
-> IO (Bool{-stub_h_exists-}, Maybe FilePath{-stub_c_exists-})
-codeOutput dflags this_mod location foreign_stubs pkg_deps flat_abstractC
+codeOutput dflags this_mod location foreign_stubs pkg_deps cmm_stream
- -- You can have C (c_output) or assembly-language (ncg_output),
- -- but not both. [Allowing for both gives a space leak on
- -- flat_abstractC. WDP 94/10]
- -- Dunno if the above comment is still meaningful now. JRS 001024.
- do { when (dopt Opt_DoCmmLinting dflags) $ do
- { showPass dflags "CmmLint"
- ; let lints = map (cmmLint (targetPlatform dflags)) flat_abstractC
- ; case firstJusts lints of
+ do {
+ -- Lint each CmmGroup as it goes past
+ ; let linted_cmm_stream =
+ if dopt Opt_DoCmmLinting dflags
+ then Stream.mapM do_lint cmm_stream
+ else cmm_stream
+ do_lint cmm = do
+ { showPass dflags "CmmLint"
+ ; case cmmLint (targetPlatform dflags) cmm of
Just err -> do { printDump err
; ghcExit dflags 1
Nothing -> return ()
- }
+ ; return cmm
+ }
; showPass dflags "CodeOutput"
; let filenm = hscOutName dflags
; stubs_exist <- outputForeignStubs dflags this_mod location foreign_stubs
; case hscTarget dflags of {
HscInterpreted -> return ();
- HscAsm -> outputAsm dflags filenm flat_abstractC;
- HscC -> outputC dflags filenm flat_abstractC pkg_deps;
- HscLlvm -> outputLlvm dflags filenm flat_abstractC;
+ HscAsm -> outputAsm dflags filenm linted_cmm_stream;
+ HscC -> outputC dflags filenm linted_cmm_stream pkg_deps;
+ HscLlvm -> outputLlvm dflags filenm linted_cmm_stream;
HscNothing -> panic "codeOutput: HscNothing"
; return stubs_exist
@@ -103,12 +106,16 @@ doOutput filenm io_action = bracket (openFile filenm WriteMode) hClose io_action
outputC :: DynFlags
-> FilePath
- -> [RawCmmGroup]
+ -> Stream IO RawCmmGroup ()
-> [PackageId]
-> IO ()
-outputC dflags filenm flat_absC packages
+outputC dflags filenm cmm_stream packages
= do
+ -- ToDo: make the C backend consume the C-- incrementally, by
+ -- pushing the cmm_stream inside (c.f. nativeCodeGen)
+ rawcmms <- Stream.collect cmm_stream
-- figure out which header files to #include in the generated .hc file:
-- * extra_includes from packages
@@ -130,7 +137,7 @@ outputC dflags filenm flat_absC packages
doOutput filenm $ \ h -> do
hPutStr h ("/* GHC_PACKAGES " ++ unwords pkg_names ++ "\n*/\n")
hPutStr h cc_injects
- writeCs dflags h flat_absC
+ writeCs dflags h rawcmms
@@ -141,14 +148,14 @@ outputC dflags filenm flat_absC packages
-outputAsm :: DynFlags -> FilePath -> [RawCmmGroup] -> IO ()
-outputAsm dflags filenm flat_absC
+outputAsm :: DynFlags -> FilePath -> Stream IO RawCmmGroup () -> IO ()
+outputAsm dflags filenm cmm_stream
| cGhcWithNativeCodeGen == "YES"
= do ncg_uniqs <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'n'
{-# SCC "OutputAsm" #-} doOutput filenm $
\f -> {-# SCC "NativeCodeGen" #-}
- nativeCodeGen dflags f ncg_uniqs flat_absC
+ nativeCodeGen dflags f ncg_uniqs cmm_stream
| otherwise
= panic "This compiler was built without a native code generator"
@@ -162,12 +169,17 @@ outputAsm dflags filenm flat_absC
-outputLlvm :: DynFlags -> FilePath -> [RawCmmGroup] -> IO ()
-outputLlvm dflags filenm flat_absC
+outputLlvm :: DynFlags -> FilePath -> Stream IO RawCmmGroup () -> IO ()
+outputLlvm dflags filenm cmm_stream
= do ncg_uniqs <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'n'
+ -- ToDo: make the LLVM backend consume the C-- incrementally,
+ -- by pushing the cmm_stream inside (c.f. nativeCodeGen)
+ rawcmms <- Stream.collect cmm_stream
{-# SCC "llvm_output" #-} doOutput filenm $
\f -> {-# SCC "llvm_CodeGen" #-}
- llvmCodeGen dflags f ncg_uniqs flat_absC
+ llvmCodeGen dflags f ncg_uniqs rawcmms
diff --git a/compiler/main/HscMain.hs b/compiler/main/HscMain.hs
index d3441e83f0..1ca403c5f0 100644
--- a/compiler/main/HscMain.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/HscMain.hs
@@ -115,7 +115,8 @@ import TyCon
import Name
import SimplStg ( stg2stg )
import CodeGen ( codeGen )
-import OldCmm as Old ( CmmGroup )
+import qualified OldCmm as Old
+import qualified Cmm as New
import PprCmm ( pprCmms )
import CmmParse ( parseCmmFile )
import CmmBuildInfoTables
@@ -143,6 +144,10 @@ import UniqFM ( emptyUFM )
import UniqSupply ( initUs_ )
import Bag
import Exception
+import qualified Stream
+import Stream (Stream)
+import CLabel
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
@@ -1210,19 +1215,26 @@ hscGenHardCode cgguts mod_summary = do
stg_binds hpc_info
else {-# SCC "CodeGen" #-}
codeGen dflags this_mod data_tycons
- cost_centre_info
- stg_binds hpc_info
+ cost_centre_info
+ stg_binds hpc_info >>= return . Stream.fromList
------------------ Code output -----------------------
- rawcmms <- {-# SCC "cmmToRawCmm" #-}
+ rawcmms0 <- {-# SCC "cmmToRawCmm" #-}
cmmToRawCmm platform cmms
- dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_raw_cmm "Raw Cmm" (pprPlatform platform rawcmms)
+ let dump a = do dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_raw_cmm "Raw Cmm"
+ (pprPlatform platform a)
+ return a
+ rawcmms1 = Stream.mapM dump rawcmms0
(_stub_h_exists, stub_c_exists)
<- {-# SCC "codeOutput" #-}
codeOutput dflags this_mod location foreign_stubs
- dependencies rawcmms
+ dependencies rawcmms1
return stub_c_exists
hscInteractive :: (ModIface, ModDetails, CgGuts)
-> ModSummary
-> Hsc (InteractiveStatus, ModIface, ModDetails)
@@ -1267,7 +1279,7 @@ hscCompileCmmFile hsc_env filename = runHsc hsc_env $ do
let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
cmm <- ioMsgMaybe $ parseCmmFile dflags filename
liftIO $ do
- rawCmms <- cmmToRawCmm (targetPlatform dflags) [cmm]
+ rawCmms <- cmmToRawCmm (targetPlatform dflags) (Stream.yield cmm)
_ <- codeOutput dflags no_mod no_loc NoStubs [] rawCmms
return ()
@@ -1282,28 +1294,55 @@ tryNewCodeGen :: HscEnv -> Module -> [TyCon]
-> CollectedCCs
-> [(StgBinding,[(Id,[Id])])]
-> HpcInfo
- -> IO [Old.CmmGroup]
+ -> IO (Stream IO Old.CmmGroup ())
+ -- Note we produce a 'Stream' of CmmGroups, so that the
+ -- backend can be run incrementally. Otherwise it generates all
+ -- the C-- up front, which has a significant space cost.
tryNewCodeGen hsc_env this_mod data_tycons
cost_centre_info stg_binds hpc_info = do
let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
platform = targetPlatform dflags
- prog <- {-# SCC "StgCmm" #-}
+ let cmm_stream :: Stream IO New.CmmGroup ()
+ cmm_stream = {-# SCC "StgCmm" #-}
StgCmm.codeGen dflags this_mod data_tycons
cost_centre_info stg_binds hpc_info
- dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_cmmz "Cmm produced by new codegen"
- (pprCmms platform prog)
+ -- codegen consumes a stream of CmmGroup, and produces a new
+ -- stream of CmmGroup (not necessarily synchronised: one
+ -- CmmGroup on input may produce many CmmGroups on output due
+ -- to proc-point splitting).
+ let dump1 a = do dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_cmmz
+ "Cmm produced by new codegen"
+ (pprPlatform platform a)
+ return a
+ ppr_stream1 = Stream.mapM dump1 cmm_stream
-- We are building a single SRT for the entire module, so
-- we must thread it through all the procedures as we cps-convert them.
us <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'S'
let initTopSRT = initUs_ us emptySRT
- (topSRT, prog) <- {-# SCC "cmmPipeline" #-}
- foldM (cmmPipeline hsc_env) (initTopSRT, []) prog
- let prog' = {-# SCC "cmmOfZgraph" #-}
- map cmmOfZgraph (srtToData topSRT : prog)
- dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_cmmz "Output Cmm" (pprPlatform platform prog')
- return prog'
+ let run_pipeline topSRT cmmgroup = do
+ (topSRT, cmmgroup) <- cmmPipeline hsc_env topSRT cmmgroup
+ return (topSRT,cmmOfZgraph cmmgroup)
+ let pipeline_stream = {-# SCC "cmmPipeline" #-} do
+ topSRT <- Stream.mapAccumL run_pipeline initTopSRT ppr_stream1
+ Stream.yield (cmmOfZgraph (srtToData topSRT))
+ let
+ dump2 a = do dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_cmmz "Output Cmm" $
+ pprPlatform platform a
+ return a
+ ppr_stream2 = Stream.mapM dump2 pipeline_stream
+ return ppr_stream2
myCoreToStg :: DynFlags -> Module -> CoreProgram
-> IO ( [(StgBinding,[(Id,[Id])])] -- output program