path: root/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Linear/JoinToTargets.hs
diff options
mode: <unknown>2009-02-03 04:05:40 +0000 <unknown>2009-02-03 04:05:40 +0000
commita842f3d5e7c9026a642589948ef67dbaf6272396 (patch)
tree7991bdf943ac022bc33359b190d1cd58086651e6 /compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Linear/JoinToTargets.hs
parentcbc96da034482b769889c109f6cc822f42b12027 (diff)
NCG: Split out joinToTargets from linear alloctor into its own module.
* Also fix a nasty bug when creating fixup code that has a cyclic register movement graph.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Linear/JoinToTargets.hs')
1 files changed, 332 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Linear/JoinToTargets.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Linear/JoinToTargets.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1dd7da2f6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Linear/JoinToTargets.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}
+-- | Handles joining of a jump instruction to its targets.
+-- The first time we encounter a jump to a particular basic block, we
+-- record the assignment of temporaries. The next time we encounter a
+-- jump to the same block, we compare our current assignment to the
+-- stored one. They might be different if spilling has occrred in one
+-- branch; so some fixup code will be required to match up the assignments.
+module RegAlloc.Linear.JoinToTargets (
+ joinToTargets
+import RegAlloc.Linear.State
+import RegAlloc.Linear.Base
+import RegAlloc.Linear.FreeRegs
+import BlockId
+import MachInstrs
+import MachRegs
+import RegAllocInfo
+import RegLiveness
+import Cmm hiding (RegSet)
+import Digraph
+import Outputable
+import Unique
+import UniqFM
+import UniqSet
+-- | For a jump instruction at the end of a block, generate fixup code so its
+-- vregs are in the correct regs for its destination.
+ :: BlockMap RegSet -- ^ maps the unique of the blockid to the set of vregs
+ -- that are known to be live on the entry to each block.
+ -> BlockId -- ^ id of the current block
+ -> Instr -- ^ branch instr on the end of the source block.
+ -> RegM ([NatBasicBlock] -- fresh blocks of fixup code.
+ , Instr) -- the original branch instruction, but maybe patched to jump
+ -- to a fixup block first.
+joinToTargets block_live id instr
+ -- we only need to worry about jump instructions.
+ | not $ isJumpish instr
+ = return ([], instr)
+ | otherwise
+ = joinToTargets' block_live [] id instr (jumpDests instr [])
+ :: BlockMap RegSet -- ^ maps the unique of the blockid to the set of vregs
+ -- that are known to be live on the entry to each block.
+ -> [NatBasicBlock] -- ^ acc blocks of fixup code.
+ -> BlockId -- ^ id of the current block
+ -> Instr -- ^ branch instr on the end of the source block.
+ -> [BlockId] -- ^ branch destinations still to consider.
+ -> RegM ( [NatBasicBlock]
+ , Instr)
+-- no more targets to consider. all done.
+joinToTargets' _ new_blocks _ instr []
+ = return (new_blocks, instr)
+-- handle a branch target.
+joinToTargets' block_live new_blocks block_id instr (dest:dests)
+ = do
+ -- get the map of where the vregs are stored on entry to each basic block.
+ block_assig <- getBlockAssigR
+ -- get the assignment on entry to the branch instruction.
+ assig <- getAssigR
+ -- adjust the current assignment to remove any vregs that are not live
+ -- on entry to the destination block.
+ let Just live_set = lookupBlockEnv block_live dest
+ let still_live uniq _ = uniq `elemUniqSet_Directly` live_set
+ let adjusted_assig = filterUFM_Directly still_live assig
+ -- and free up those registers which are now free.
+ let to_free =
+ [ r | (reg, loc) <- ufmToList assig
+ , not (elemUniqSet_Directly reg live_set)
+ , r <- regsOfLoc loc ]
+ case lookupBlockEnv block_assig dest of
+ Nothing
+ -> joinToTargets_first
+ block_live new_blocks block_id instr dest dests
+ block_assig adjusted_assig to_free
+ Just (_, dest_assig)
+ -> joinToTargets_again
+ block_live new_blocks block_id instr dest dests
+ adjusted_assig dest_assig
+-- this is the first time we jumped to this block.
+joinToTargets_first block_live new_blocks block_id instr dest dests
+ block_assig src_assig to_free
+ = do -- free up the regs that are not live on entry to this block.
+ freeregs <- getFreeRegsR
+ let freeregs' = foldr releaseReg freeregs to_free
+ -- remember the current assignment on entry to this block.
+ setBlockAssigR (extendBlockEnv block_assig dest
+ (freeregs', src_assig))
+ joinToTargets' block_live new_blocks block_id instr dests
+-- we've jumped to this block before
+ block_live new_blocks block_id instr dest dests
+ src_assig dest_assig
+ -- the assignments already match, no problem.
+ | ufmToList dest_assig == ufmToList src_assig
+ = joinToTargets' block_live new_blocks block_id instr dests
+ -- assignments don't match, need fixup code
+ | otherwise
+ = do
+ -- make a graph of what things need to be moved where.
+ let graph = makeRegMovementGraph src_assig dest_assig
+ -- look for cycles in the graph. This can happen if regs need to be swapped.
+ -- Note that we depend on the fact that this function does a
+ -- bottom up traversal of the tree-like portions of the graph.
+ --
+ -- eg, if we have
+ -- R1 -> R2 -> R3
+ --
+ -- ie move value in R1 to R2 and value in R2 to R3.
+ --
+ -- We need to do the R2 -> R3 move before R1 -> R2.
+ --
+ let sccs = stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesR graph
+ -- debugging
+{- pprTrace
+ ("joinToTargets: making fixup code")
+ (vcat [ text " in block: " <> ppr block_id
+ , text " jmp instruction: " <> ppr instr
+ , text " src assignment: " <> ppr src_assig
+ , text " dest assignment: " <> ppr dest_assig
+ , text " movement graph: " <> ppr graph
+ , text " sccs of graph: " <> ppr sccs
+ , text ""])
+ (return ())
+ delta <- getDeltaR
+ fixUpInstrs_ <- mapM (handleComponent delta instr) sccs
+ let fixUpInstrs = concat fixUpInstrs_
+ -- make a new basic block containing the fixup code.
+ -- A the end of the current block we will jump to the fixup one,
+ -- then that will jump to our original destination.
+ fixup_block_id <- getUniqueR
+ let block = BasicBlock (BlockId fixup_block_id)
+ $ fixUpInstrs ++ mkBranchInstr dest
+{- pprTrace
+ ("joinToTargets: fixup code is:")
+ (vcat [ ppr block
+ , text ""])
+ (return ())
+ -- if we didn't need any fixups, then don't include the block
+ case fixUpInstrs of
+ [] -> joinToTargets' block_live new_blocks block_id instr dests
+ -- patch the original branch instruction so it goes to our
+ -- fixup block instead.
+ _ -> let instr' = patchJump instr dest (BlockId fixup_block_id)
+ in joinToTargets' block_live (block : new_blocks) block_id instr' dests
+-- | Construct a graph of register\/spill movements.
+-- Cyclic components seem to occur only very rarely.
+-- We cut some corners by not handling memory-to-memory moves.
+-- This shouldn't happen because every temporary gets its own stack slot.
+makeRegMovementGraph :: RegMap Loc -> RegMap Loc -> [(Unique, Loc, [Loc])]
+makeRegMovementGraph adjusted_assig dest_assig
+ = let
+ mkNodes src vreg
+ = expandNode vreg src
+ $ lookupWithDefaultUFM_Directly
+ dest_assig
+ (panic "RegAllocLinear.makeRegMovementGraph")
+ vreg
+ in [ node | (vreg, src) <- ufmToList adjusted_assig
+ , node <- mkNodes src vreg ]
+-- | Expand out the destination, so InBoth destinations turn into
+-- a combination of InReg and InMem.
+-- The InBoth handling is a little tricky here. If the destination is
+-- InBoth, then we must ensure that the value ends up in both locations.
+-- An InBoth destination must conflict with an InReg or InMem source, so
+-- we expand an InBoth destination as necessary.
+-- An InBoth source is slightly different: we only care about the register
+-- that the source value is in, so that we can move it to the destinations.
+ :: a
+ -> Loc -- ^ source of move
+ -> Loc -- ^ destination of move
+ -> [(a, Loc, [Loc])]
+expandNode vreg loc@(InReg src) (InBoth dst mem)
+ | src == dst = [(vreg, loc, [InMem mem])]
+ | otherwise = [(vreg, loc, [InReg dst, InMem mem])]
+expandNode vreg loc@(InMem src) (InBoth dst mem)
+ | src == mem = [(vreg, loc, [InReg dst])]
+ | otherwise = [(vreg, loc, [InReg dst, InMem mem])]
+expandNode _ (InBoth _ src) (InMem dst)
+ | src == dst = [] -- guaranteed to be true
+expandNode _ (InBoth src _) (InReg dst)
+ | src == dst = []
+expandNode vreg (InBoth src _) dst
+ = expandNode vreg (InReg src) dst
+expandNode vreg src dst
+ | src == dst = []
+ | otherwise = [(vreg, src, [dst])]
+-- | Generate fixup code for a particular component in the move graph
+-- This component tells us what values need to be moved to what
+-- destinations. We have eliminated any possibility of single-node
+-- cycles in expandNode above.
+handleComponent :: Int -> Instr -> SCC (Unique, Loc, [Loc]) -> RegM [Instr]
+-- If the graph is acyclic then we won't get the swapping problem below.
+-- In this case we can just do the moves directly, and avoid having to
+-- go via a spill slot.
+handleComponent delta _ (AcyclicSCC (vreg, src, dsts))
+ = mapM (makeMove delta vreg src) dsts
+-- Handle some cyclic moves.
+-- This can happen if we have two regs that need to be swapped.
+-- eg:
+-- vreg source loc dest loc
+-- (vreg1, InReg r1, [InReg r2])
+-- (vreg2, InReg r2, [InReg r1])
+-- To avoid needing temp register, we just spill all the source regs, then
+-- reaload them into their destination regs.
+-- Note that we can not have cycles that involve memory locations as
+-- sources as single destination because memory locations (stack slots)
+-- are allocated exclusively for a virtual register and therefore can not
+-- require a fixup.
+handleComponent delta instr
+ (CyclicSCC ( (vreg, InReg sreg, [InReg dreg]) : rest))
+ = do
+ -- spill the source into its slot
+ (instrSpill, slot)
+ <- spillR (RealReg sreg) vreg
+ -- reload into destination reg
+ instrLoad <- loadR (RealReg dreg) slot
+ remainingFixUps <- mapM (handleComponent delta instr)
+ (stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesR rest)
+ -- make sure to do all the reloads after all the spills,
+ -- so we don't end up clobbering the source values.
+ return ([instrSpill] ++ concat remainingFixUps ++ [instrLoad])
+handleComponent _ _ (CyclicSCC _)
+ = panic "Register Allocator: handleComponent cyclic"
+-- | Move a vreg between these two locations.
+ :: Int -- ^ current C stack delta.
+ -> Unique -- ^ unique of the vreg that we're moving.
+ -> Loc -- ^ source location.
+ -> Loc -- ^ destination location.
+ -> RegM Instr -- ^ move instruction.
+makeMove _ vreg (InReg src) (InReg dst)
+ = do recordSpill (SpillJoinRR vreg)
+ return $ mkRegRegMoveInstr (RealReg src) (RealReg dst)
+makeMove delta vreg (InMem src) (InReg dst)
+ = do recordSpill (SpillJoinRM vreg)
+ return $ mkLoadInstr (RealReg dst) delta src
+makeMove delta vreg (InReg src) (InMem dst)
+ = do recordSpill (SpillJoinRM vreg)
+ return $ mkSpillInstr (RealReg src) delta dst
+-- we don't handle memory to memory moves.
+-- they shouldn't happen because we don't share stack slots between vregs.
+makeMove _ vreg src dst
+ = panic $ "makeMove " ++ show vreg ++ " (" ++ show src ++ ") ("
+ ++ show dst ++ ")"
+ ++ " we don't handle mem->mem moves."