path: root/compiler/nativeGen/RegAllocStats.hs
diff options
mode: <unknown>2009-02-03 07:14:11 +0000 <unknown>2009-02-03 07:14:11 +0000
commit337d98de1eaf6689269c9788d1983569a98d46a0 (patch)
treec286e317e1e76c3df6a0ffc9729eeb1104954b41 /compiler/nativeGen/RegAllocStats.hs
parent1823fc8726f61ec8d1d1fa6a6a36d84062f1f437 (diff)
NCG: Move the graph allocator into its own dir
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/nativeGen/RegAllocStats.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 351 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/RegAllocStats.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/RegAllocStats.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 12f4cee3a0..0000000000
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/RegAllocStats.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
-{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}
--- Carries interesting info for debugging / profiling of the
--- graph coloring register allocator.
-module RegAllocStats (
- RegAllocStats (..),
- regDotColor,
- pprStats,
- pprStatsSpills,
- pprStatsLifetimes,
- pprStatsConflict,
- pprStatsLifeConflict,
- countSRMs, addSRM
-#include "nativeGen/NCG.h"
-import qualified GraphColor as Color
-import RegLiveness
-import RegAllocInfo
-import RegSpill
-import RegSpillCost
-import MachRegs
-import MachInstrs
-import Cmm
-import Outputable
-import UniqFM
-import UniqSet
-import State
-import Data.List
-data RegAllocStats
- -- initial graph
- = RegAllocStatsStart
- { raLiveCmm :: [LiveCmmTop] -- ^ initial code, with liveness
- , raGraph :: Color.Graph Reg RegClass Reg -- ^ the initial, uncolored graph
- , raSpillCosts :: SpillCostInfo } -- ^ information to help choose which regs to spill
- -- a spill stage
- | RegAllocStatsSpill
- { raGraph :: Color.Graph Reg RegClass Reg -- ^ the partially colored graph
- , raCoalesced :: UniqFM Reg -- ^ the regs that were coaleced
- , raSpillStats :: SpillStats -- ^ spiller stats
- , raSpillCosts :: SpillCostInfo -- ^ number of instrs each reg lives for
- , raSpilled :: [LiveCmmTop] } -- ^ code with spill instructions added
- -- a successful coloring
- | RegAllocStatsColored
- { raGraph :: Color.Graph Reg RegClass Reg -- ^ the uncolored graph
- , raGraphColored :: Color.Graph Reg RegClass Reg -- ^ the coalesced and colored graph
- , raCoalesced :: UniqFM Reg -- ^ the regs that were coaleced
- , raPatched :: [LiveCmmTop] -- ^ code with vregs replaced by hregs
- , raSpillClean :: [LiveCmmTop] -- ^ code with unneeded spill\/reloads cleaned out
- , raFinal :: [NatCmmTop] -- ^ final code
- , raSRMs :: (Int, Int, Int) } -- ^ spill\/reload\/reg-reg moves present in this code
-instance Outputable RegAllocStats where
- ppr (s@RegAllocStatsStart{})
- = text "# Start"
- $$ text "# Native code with liveness information."
- $$ ppr (raLiveCmm s)
- $$ text ""
- $$ text "# Initial register conflict graph."
- $$ Color.dotGraph regDotColor trivColorable (raGraph s)
- ppr (s@RegAllocStatsSpill{})
- = text "# Spill"
- $$ text "# Register conflict graph."
- $$ Color.dotGraph regDotColor trivColorable (raGraph s)
- $$ text ""
- $$ (if (not $ isNullUFM $ raCoalesced s)
- then text "# Registers coalesced."
- $$ (vcat $ map ppr $ ufmToList $ raCoalesced s)
- $$ text ""
- else empty)
- $$ text "# Spill costs. reg uses defs lifetime degree cost"
- $$ vcat (map (pprSpillCostRecord (raGraph s)) $ eltsUFM $ raSpillCosts s)
- $$ text ""
- $$ text "# Spills inserted."
- $$ ppr (raSpillStats s)
- $$ text ""
- $$ text "# Code with spills inserted."
- $$ (ppr (raSpilled s))
- ppr (s@RegAllocStatsColored { raSRMs = (spills, reloads, moves) })
- = text "# Colored"
- $$ text "# Register conflict graph (initial)."
- $$ Color.dotGraph regDotColor trivColorable (raGraph s)
- $$ text ""
- $$ text "# Register conflict graph (colored)."
- $$ Color.dotGraph regDotColor trivColorable (raGraphColored s)
- $$ text ""
- $$ (if (not $ isNullUFM $ raCoalesced s)
- then text "# Registers coalesced."
- $$ (vcat $ map ppr $ ufmToList $ raCoalesced s)
- $$ text ""
- else empty)
- $$ text "# Native code after register allocation."
- $$ ppr (raPatched s)
- $$ text ""
- $$ text "# Clean out unneeded spill/reloads."
- $$ ppr (raSpillClean s)
- $$ text ""
- $$ text "# Final code, after rewriting spill/rewrite pseudo instrs."
- $$ ppr (raFinal s)
- $$ text ""
- $$ text "# Score:"
- $$ (text "# spills inserted: " <> int spills)
- $$ (text "# reloads inserted: " <> int reloads)
- $$ (text "# reg-reg moves remaining: " <> int moves)
- $$ text ""
--- | Do all the different analysis on this list of RegAllocStats
-pprStats :: [RegAllocStats] -> Color.Graph Reg RegClass Reg -> SDoc
-pprStats stats graph
- = let outSpills = pprStatsSpills stats
- outLife = pprStatsLifetimes stats
- outConflict = pprStatsConflict stats
- outScatter = pprStatsLifeConflict stats graph
- in vcat [outSpills, outLife, outConflict, outScatter]
--- | Dump a table of how many spill loads \/ stores were inserted for each vreg.
- :: [RegAllocStats] -> SDoc
-pprStatsSpills stats
- = let
- finals = [ s | s@RegAllocStatsColored{} <- stats]
- -- sum up how many stores\/loads\/reg-reg-moves were left in the code
- total = foldl' addSRM (0, 0, 0)
- $ map raSRMs finals
- in ( text "-- spills-added-total"
- $$ text "-- (stores, loads, reg_reg_moves_remaining)"
- $$ ppr total
- $$ text "")
--- | Dump a table of how long vregs tend to live for in the initial code.
- :: [RegAllocStats] -> SDoc
-pprStatsLifetimes stats
- = let info = foldl' plusSpillCostInfo zeroSpillCostInfo
- [ raSpillCosts s
- | s@RegAllocStatsStart{} <- stats ]
- lifeBins = binLifetimeCount $ lifeMapFromSpillCostInfo info
- in ( text "-- vreg-population-lifetimes"
- $$ text "-- (instruction_count, number_of_vregs_that_lived_that_long)"
- $$ (vcat $ map ppr $ eltsUFM lifeBins)
- $$ text "\n")
-binLifetimeCount :: UniqFM (Reg, Int) -> UniqFM (Int, Int)
-binLifetimeCount fm
- = let lifes = map (\l -> (l, (l, 1)))
- $ map snd
- $ eltsUFM fm
- in addListToUFM_C
- (\(l1, c1) (_, c2) -> (l1, c1 + c2))
- emptyUFM
- lifes
--- | Dump a table of how many conflicts vregs tend to have in the initial code.
- :: [RegAllocStats] -> SDoc
-pprStatsConflict stats
- = let confMap = foldl' (plusUFM_C (\(c1, n1) (_, n2) -> (c1, n1 + n2)))
- emptyUFM
- $ map Color.slurpNodeConflictCount
- [ raGraph s | s@RegAllocStatsStart{} <- stats ]
- in ( text "-- vreg-conflicts"
- $$ text "-- (conflict_count, number_of_vregs_that_had_that_many_conflicts)"
- $$ (vcat $ map ppr $ eltsUFM confMap)
- $$ text "\n")
--- | For every vreg, dump it's how many conflicts it has and its lifetime
--- good for making a scatter plot.
- :: [RegAllocStats]
- -> Color.Graph Reg RegClass Reg -- ^ global register conflict graph
- -> SDoc
-pprStatsLifeConflict stats graph
- = let lifeMap = lifeMapFromSpillCostInfo
- $ foldl' plusSpillCostInfo zeroSpillCostInfo
- $ [ raSpillCosts s | s@RegAllocStatsStart{} <- stats ]
- scatter = map (\r -> let lifetime = case lookupUFM lifeMap r of
- Just (_, l) -> l
- Nothing -> 0
- Just node = Color.lookupNode graph r
- in parens $ hcat $ punctuate (text ", ")
- [ doubleQuotes $ ppr $ Color.nodeId node
- , ppr $ sizeUniqSet (Color.nodeConflicts node)
- , ppr $ lifetime ])
- $ map Color.nodeId
- $ eltsUFM
- $ Color.graphMap graph
- in ( text "-- vreg-conflict-lifetime"
- $$ text "-- (vreg, vreg_conflicts, vreg_lifetime)"
- $$ (vcat scatter)
- $$ text "\n")
--- | Count spill/reload/reg-reg moves.
--- Lets us see how well the register allocator has done.
-countSRMs :: LiveCmmTop -> (Int, Int, Int)
-countSRMs cmm
- = execState (mapBlockTopM countSRM_block cmm) (0, 0, 0)
-countSRM_block (BasicBlock i instrs)
- = do instrs' <- mapM countSRM_instr instrs
- return $ BasicBlock i instrs'
-countSRM_instr li@(Instr instr _)
- | SPILL _ _ <- instr
- = do modify $ \(s, r, m) -> (s + 1, r, m)
- return li
- | RELOAD _ _ <- instr
- = do modify $ \(s, r, m) -> (s, r + 1, m)
- return li
- | Just _ <- isRegRegMove instr
- = do modify $ \(s, r, m) -> (s, r, m + 1)
- return li
- | otherwise
- = return li
--- sigh..
-addSRM (s1, r1, m1) (s2, r2, m2)
- = (s1+s2, r1+r2, m1+m2)
--- Register colors for drawing conflict graphs
--- Keep this out of MachRegs.hs because it's specific to the graph coloring allocator.
--- reg colors for x86
-#if i386_TARGET_ARCH
-regDotColor :: Reg -> SDoc
-regDotColor reg
- = let Just str = lookupUFM regColors reg
- in text str
- = listToUFM
- $ [ (eax, "#00ff00")
- , (ebx, "#0000ff")
- , (ecx, "#00ffff")
- , (edx, "#0080ff")
- , (fake0, "#ff00ff")
- , (fake1, "#ff00aa")
- , (fake2, "#aa00ff")
- , (fake3, "#aa00aa")
- , (fake4, "#ff0055")
- , (fake5, "#5500ff") ]
--- reg colors for x86_64
-#elif x86_64_TARGET_ARCH
-regDotColor :: Reg -> SDoc
-regDotColor reg
- = let Just str = lookupUFM regColors reg
- in text str
- = listToUFM
- $ [ (rax, "#00ff00"), (eax, "#00ff00")
- , (rbx, "#0000ff"), (ebx, "#0000ff")
- , (rcx, "#00ffff"), (ecx, "#00ffff")
- , (rdx, "#0080ff"), (edx, "#00ffff")
- , (r8, "#00ff80")
- , (r9, "#008080")
- , (r10, "#0040ff")
- , (r11, "#00ff40")
- , (r12, "#008040")
- , (r13, "#004080")
- , (r14, "#004040")
- , (r15, "#002080") ]
- ++ zip (map RealReg [16..31]) (repeat "red")
--- reg colors for ppc
-#elif powerpc_TARGET_ARCH
-regDotColor :: Reg -> SDoc
-regDotColor reg
- = case regClass reg of
- RcInteger -> text "blue"
- RcFloat -> text "red"
- RcDouble -> text "green"
-#elif sparc_TARGET_ARCH
-regDotColor :: Reg -> SDoc
-regDotColor reg
- = case regClass reg of
- RcInteger -> text "blue"
- RcFloat -> text "red"
- RcDouble -> text "green"
-#error ToDo: regDotColor
-toX11Color (r, g, b)
- = let rs = padL 2 '0' (showHex r "")
- gs = padL 2 '0' (showHex r "")
- bs = padL 2 '0' (showHex r "")
- padL n c s
- = replicate (n - length s) c ++ s
- in "#" ++ rs ++ gs ++ bs