path: root/compiler/nativeGen/X86/RegInfo.hs
diff options
mode: <unknown>2009-02-04 05:51:26 +0000 <unknown>2009-02-04 05:51:26 +0000
commit67136d3a04b96b043328df9d4716d3da7a24a517 (patch)
tree38a88b615c5a5bb0504260af2c6fa9a5ae503ba9 /compiler/nativeGen/X86/RegInfo.hs
parentee6bba6f3d80c56b47bc623bc6e4f076be1f046f (diff)
NCG: Split RegAllocInfo into arch specific modules
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/nativeGen/X86/RegInfo.hs')
1 files changed, 489 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/X86/RegInfo.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/X86/RegInfo.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e47cc63e38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/X86/RegInfo.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+module X86.RegInfo (
+ RegUsage(..),
+ noUsage,
+ regUsage,
+ patchRegs,
+ jumpDests,
+ isJumpish,
+ patchJump,
+ isRegRegMove,
+ JumpDest,
+ canShortcut,
+ shortcutJump,
+ mkSpillInstr,
+ mkLoadInstr,
+ mkRegRegMoveInstr,
+ mkBranchInstr,
+ spillSlotSize,
+ maxSpillSlots,
+ spillSlotToOffset
+#include "nativeGen/NCG.h"
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import X86.Instr
+import X86.Regs
+import RegsBase
+import BlockId
+import Outputable
+import Constants ( rESERVED_C_STACK_BYTES )
+import FastBool
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- RegUsage type
+-- @regUsage@ returns the sets of src and destination registers used
+-- by a particular instruction. Machine registers that are
+-- pre-allocated to stgRegs are filtered out, because they are
+-- uninteresting from a register allocation standpoint. (We wouldn't
+-- want them to end up on the free list!) As far as we are concerned,
+-- the fixed registers simply don't exist (for allocation purposes,
+-- anyway).
+-- regUsage doesn't need to do any trickery for jumps and such. Just
+-- state precisely the regs read and written by that insn. The
+-- consequences of control flow transfers, as far as register
+-- allocation goes, are taken care of by the register allocator.
+data RegUsage = RU [Reg] [Reg]
+noUsage :: RegUsage
+noUsage = RU [] []
+regUsage :: Instr -> RegUsage
+regUsage instr = case instr of
+ MOV _ src dst -> usageRW src dst
+ MOVZxL _ src dst -> usageRW src dst
+ MOVSxL _ src dst -> usageRW src dst
+ LEA _ src dst -> usageRW src dst
+ ADD _ src dst -> usageRM src dst
+ ADC _ src dst -> usageRM src dst
+ SUB _ src dst -> usageRM src dst
+ IMUL _ src dst -> usageRM src dst
+ IMUL2 _ src -> mkRU (eax:use_R src) [eax,edx]
+ MUL _ src dst -> usageRM src dst
+ DIV _ op -> mkRU (eax:edx:use_R op) [eax,edx]
+ IDIV _ op -> mkRU (eax:edx:use_R op) [eax,edx]
+ AND _ src dst -> usageRM src dst
+ OR _ src dst -> usageRM src dst
+ XOR _ (OpReg src) (OpReg dst)
+ | src == dst -> mkRU [] [dst]
+ XOR _ src dst -> usageRM src dst
+ NOT _ op -> usageM op
+ NEGI _ op -> usageM op
+ SHL _ imm dst -> usageRM imm dst
+ SAR _ imm dst -> usageRM imm dst
+ SHR _ imm dst -> usageRM imm dst
+ BT _ _ src -> mkRUR (use_R src)
+ PUSH _ op -> mkRUR (use_R op)
+ POP _ op -> mkRU [] (def_W op)
+ TEST _ src dst -> mkRUR (use_R src ++ use_R dst)
+ CMP _ src dst -> mkRUR (use_R src ++ use_R dst)
+ SETCC _ op -> mkRU [] (def_W op)
+ JXX _ _ -> mkRU [] []
+ JXX_GBL _ _ -> mkRU [] []
+ JMP op -> mkRUR (use_R op)
+ JMP_TBL op _ -> mkRUR (use_R op)
+ CALL (Left _) params -> mkRU params callClobberedRegs
+ CALL (Right reg) params -> mkRU (reg:params) callClobberedRegs
+ CLTD _ -> mkRU [eax] [edx]
+ NOP -> mkRU [] []
+#if i386_TARGET_ARCH
+ GMOV src dst -> mkRU [src] [dst]
+ GLD _ src dst -> mkRU (use_EA src) [dst]
+ GST _ src dst -> mkRUR (src : use_EA dst)
+ GLDZ dst -> mkRU [] [dst]
+ GLD1 dst -> mkRU [] [dst]
+ GFTOI src dst -> mkRU [src] [dst]
+ GDTOI src dst -> mkRU [src] [dst]
+ GITOF src dst -> mkRU [src] [dst]
+ GITOD src dst -> mkRU [src] [dst]
+ GADD _ s1 s2 dst -> mkRU [s1,s2] [dst]
+ GSUB _ s1 s2 dst -> mkRU [s1,s2] [dst]
+ GMUL _ s1 s2 dst -> mkRU [s1,s2] [dst]
+ GDIV _ s1 s2 dst -> mkRU [s1,s2] [dst]
+ GCMP _ src1 src2 -> mkRUR [src1,src2]
+ GABS _ src dst -> mkRU [src] [dst]
+ GNEG _ src dst -> mkRU [src] [dst]
+ GSQRT _ src dst -> mkRU [src] [dst]
+ GSIN _ _ _ src dst -> mkRU [src] [dst]
+ GCOS _ _ _ src dst -> mkRU [src] [dst]
+ GTAN _ _ _ src dst -> mkRU [src] [dst]
+#if x86_64_TARGET_ARCH
+ CVTSS2SD src dst -> mkRU [src] [dst]
+ CVTSD2SS src dst -> mkRU [src] [dst]
+ CVTTSS2SIQ src dst -> mkRU (use_R src) [dst]
+ CVTTSD2SIQ src dst -> mkRU (use_R src) [dst]
+ CVTSI2SS src dst -> mkRU (use_R src) [dst]
+ CVTSI2SD src dst -> mkRU (use_R src) [dst]
+ FDIV _ src dst -> usageRM src dst
+ FETCHGOT reg -> mkRU [] [reg]
+ FETCHPC reg -> mkRU [] [reg]
+ COMMENT _ -> noUsage
+ DELTA _ -> noUsage
+ SPILL reg _ -> mkRU [reg] []
+ RELOAD _ reg -> mkRU [] [reg]
+ _other -> panic "regUsage: unrecognised instr"
+ where
+ -- 2 operand form; first operand Read; second Written
+ usageRW :: Operand -> Operand -> RegUsage
+ usageRW op (OpReg reg) = mkRU (use_R op) [reg]
+ usageRW op (OpAddr ea) = mkRUR (use_R op ++ use_EA ea)
+ usageRW _ _ = panic "X86.RegInfo.usageRW: no match"
+ -- 2 operand form; first operand Read; second Modified
+ usageRM :: Operand -> Operand -> RegUsage
+ usageRM op (OpReg reg) = mkRU (use_R op ++ [reg]) [reg]
+ usageRM op (OpAddr ea) = mkRUR (use_R op ++ use_EA ea)
+ usageRM _ _ = panic "X86.RegInfo.usageRM: no match"
+ -- 1 operand form; operand Modified
+ usageM :: Operand -> RegUsage
+ usageM (OpReg reg) = mkRU [reg] [reg]
+ usageM (OpAddr ea) = mkRUR (use_EA ea)
+ usageM _ = panic "X86.RegInfo.usageM: no match"
+ -- Registers defd when an operand is written.
+ def_W (OpReg reg) = [reg]
+ def_W (OpAddr _ ) = []
+ def_W _ = panic "X86.RegInfo.def_W: no match"
+ -- Registers used when an operand is read.
+ use_R (OpReg reg) = [reg]
+ use_R (OpImm _) = []
+ use_R (OpAddr ea) = use_EA ea
+ -- Registers used to compute an effective address.
+ use_EA (ImmAddr _ _) = []
+ use_EA (AddrBaseIndex base index _) =
+ use_base base $! use_index index
+ where use_base (EABaseReg r) x = r : x
+ use_base _ x = x
+ use_index EAIndexNone = []
+ use_index (EAIndex i _) = [i]
+ mkRUR src = src' `seq` RU src' []
+ where src' = filter interesting src
+ mkRU src dst = src' `seq` dst' `seq` RU src' dst'
+ where src' = filter interesting src
+ dst' = filter interesting dst
+interesting :: Reg -> Bool
+interesting (VirtualRegI _) = True
+interesting (VirtualRegHi _) = True
+interesting (VirtualRegF _) = True
+interesting (VirtualRegD _) = True
+interesting (RealReg i) = isFastTrue (freeReg i)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- 'patchRegs' function
+-- 'patchRegs' takes an instruction and applies the given mapping to
+-- all the register references.
+patchRegs :: Instr -> (Reg -> Reg) -> Instr
+patchRegs instr env = case instr of
+ MOV sz src dst -> patch2 (MOV sz) src dst
+ MOVZxL sz src dst -> patch2 (MOVZxL sz) src dst
+ MOVSxL sz src dst -> patch2 (MOVSxL sz) src dst
+ LEA sz src dst -> patch2 (LEA sz) src dst
+ ADD sz src dst -> patch2 (ADD sz) src dst
+ ADC sz src dst -> patch2 (ADC sz) src dst
+ SUB sz src dst -> patch2 (SUB sz) src dst
+ IMUL sz src dst -> patch2 (IMUL sz) src dst
+ IMUL2 sz src -> patch1 (IMUL2 sz) src
+ MUL sz src dst -> patch2 (MUL sz) src dst
+ IDIV sz op -> patch1 (IDIV sz) op
+ DIV sz op -> patch1 (DIV sz) op
+ AND sz src dst -> patch2 (AND sz) src dst
+ OR sz src dst -> patch2 (OR sz) src dst
+ XOR sz src dst -> patch2 (XOR sz) src dst
+ NOT sz op -> patch1 (NOT sz) op
+ NEGI sz op -> patch1 (NEGI sz) op
+ SHL sz imm dst -> patch1 (SHL sz imm) dst
+ SAR sz imm dst -> patch1 (SAR sz imm) dst
+ SHR sz imm dst -> patch1 (SHR sz imm) dst
+ BT sz imm src -> patch1 (BT sz imm) src
+ TEST sz src dst -> patch2 (TEST sz) src dst
+ CMP sz src dst -> patch2 (CMP sz) src dst
+ PUSH sz op -> patch1 (PUSH sz) op
+ POP sz op -> patch1 (POP sz) op
+ SETCC cond op -> patch1 (SETCC cond) op
+ JMP op -> patch1 JMP op
+ JMP_TBL op ids -> patch1 JMP_TBL op $ ids
+#if i386_TARGET_ARCH
+ GMOV src dst -> GMOV (env src) (env dst)
+ GLD sz src dst -> GLD sz (lookupAddr src) (env dst)
+ GST sz src dst -> GST sz (env src) (lookupAddr dst)
+ GLDZ dst -> GLDZ (env dst)
+ GLD1 dst -> GLD1 (env dst)
+ GFTOI src dst -> GFTOI (env src) (env dst)
+ GDTOI src dst -> GDTOI (env src) (env dst)
+ GITOF src dst -> GITOF (env src) (env dst)
+ GITOD src dst -> GITOD (env src) (env dst)
+ GADD sz s1 s2 dst -> GADD sz (env s1) (env s2) (env dst)
+ GSUB sz s1 s2 dst -> GSUB sz (env s1) (env s2) (env dst)
+ GMUL sz s1 s2 dst -> GMUL sz (env s1) (env s2) (env dst)
+ GDIV sz s1 s2 dst -> GDIV sz (env s1) (env s2) (env dst)
+ GCMP sz src1 src2 -> GCMP sz (env src1) (env src2)
+ GABS sz src dst -> GABS sz (env src) (env dst)
+ GNEG sz src dst -> GNEG sz (env src) (env dst)
+ GSQRT sz src dst -> GSQRT sz (env src) (env dst)
+ GSIN sz l1 l2 src dst -> GSIN sz l1 l2 (env src) (env dst)
+ GCOS sz l1 l2 src dst -> GCOS sz l1 l2 (env src) (env dst)
+ GTAN sz l1 l2 src dst -> GTAN sz l1 l2 (env src) (env dst)
+#if x86_64_TARGET_ARCH
+ CVTSS2SD src dst -> CVTSS2SD (env src) (env dst)
+ CVTSD2SS src dst -> CVTSD2SS (env src) (env dst)
+ CVTTSS2SIQ src dst -> CVTTSS2SIQ (patchOp src) (env dst)
+ CVTTSD2SIQ src dst -> CVTTSD2SIQ (patchOp src) (env dst)
+ CVTSI2SS src dst -> CVTSI2SS (patchOp src) (env dst)
+ CVTSI2SD src dst -> CVTSI2SD (patchOp src) (env dst)
+ FDIV sz src dst -> FDIV sz (patchOp src) (patchOp dst)
+ CALL (Left _) _ -> instr
+ CALL (Right reg) p -> CALL (Right (env reg)) p
+ FETCHGOT reg -> FETCHGOT (env reg)
+ FETCHPC reg -> FETCHPC (env reg)
+ NOP -> instr
+ COMMENT _ -> instr
+ DELTA _ -> instr
+ SPILL reg slot -> SPILL (env reg) slot
+ RELOAD slot reg -> RELOAD slot (env reg)
+ JXX _ _ -> instr
+ JXX_GBL _ _ -> instr
+ CLTD _ -> instr
+ _other -> panic "patchRegs: unrecognised instr"
+ where
+ patch1 insn op = insn $! patchOp op
+ patch2 insn src dst = (insn $! patchOp src) $! patchOp dst
+ patchOp (OpReg reg) = OpReg $! env reg
+ patchOp (OpImm imm) = OpImm imm
+ patchOp (OpAddr ea) = OpAddr $! lookupAddr ea
+ lookupAddr (ImmAddr imm off) = ImmAddr imm off
+ lookupAddr (AddrBaseIndex base index disp)
+ = ((AddrBaseIndex $! lookupBase base) $! lookupIndex index) disp
+ where
+ lookupBase EABaseNone = EABaseNone
+ lookupBase EABaseRip = EABaseRip
+ lookupBase (EABaseReg r) = EABaseReg (env r)
+ lookupIndex EAIndexNone = EAIndexNone
+ lookupIndex (EAIndex r i) = EAIndex (env r) i
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Determine the possible destinations from the current instruction.
+-- (we always assume that the next instruction is also a valid destination;
+-- if this isn't the case then the jump should be at the end of the basic
+-- block).
+jumpDests :: Instr -> [BlockId] -> [BlockId]
+jumpDests insn acc
+ = case insn of
+ JXX _ id -> id : acc
+ JMP_TBL _ ids -> ids ++ acc
+ _ -> acc
+isJumpish :: Instr -> Bool
+isJumpish instr
+ = case instr of
+ JMP{} -> True
+ JXX{} -> True
+ JXX_GBL{} -> True
+ JMP_TBL{} -> True
+ CALL{} -> True
+ _ -> False
+-- | Change the destination of this jump instruction
+-- Used in joinToTargets in the linear allocator, when emitting fixup code
+-- for join points.
+patchJump :: Instr -> BlockId -> BlockId -> Instr
+patchJump insn old new
+ = case insn of
+ JXX cc id | id == old -> JXX cc new
+ JMP_TBL _ _ -> error "Cannot patch JMP_TBL"
+ _other -> insn
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Detecting reg->reg moves
+-- The register allocator attempts to eliminate reg->reg moves whenever it can,
+-- by assigning the src and dest temporaries to the same real register.
+isRegRegMove :: Instr -> Maybe (Reg,Reg)
+isRegRegMove (MOV _ (OpReg r1) (OpReg r2)) = Just (r1,r2)
+isRegRegMove _ = Nothing
+data JumpDest = DestBlockId BlockId | DestImm Imm
+canShortcut :: Instr -> Maybe JumpDest
+canShortcut (JXX ALWAYS id) = Just (DestBlockId id)
+canShortcut (JMP (OpImm imm)) = Just (DestImm imm)
+canShortcut _ = Nothing
+shortcutJump :: (BlockId -> Maybe JumpDest) -> Instr -> Instr
+shortcutJump fn insn@(JXX cc id) =
+ case fn id of
+ Nothing -> insn
+ Just (DestBlockId id') -> shortcutJump fn (JXX cc id')
+ Just (DestImm imm) -> shortcutJump fn (JXX_GBL cc imm)
+shortcutJump _ other = other
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Generating spill instructions
+ :: Reg -- register to spill
+ -> Int -- current stack delta
+ -> Int -- spill slot to use
+ -> Instr
+#if i386_TARGET_ARCH
+mkSpillInstr reg delta slot
+ = let off = spillSlotToOffset slot
+ in
+ let off_w = (off-delta) `div` 4
+ in case regClass reg of
+ RcInteger -> MOV II32 (OpReg reg) (OpAddr (spRel off_w))
+ _ -> GST FF80 reg (spRel off_w) {- RcFloat/RcDouble -}
+#elif x86_64_TARGET_ARCH
+mkSpillInstr reg delta slot
+ = let off = spillSlotToOffset slot
+ in
+ let off_w = (off-delta) `div` 8
+ in case regClass reg of
+ RcInteger -> MOV II64 (OpReg reg) (OpAddr (spRel off_w))
+ RcDouble -> MOV FF64 (OpReg reg) (OpAddr (spRel off_w))
+ -- ToDo: will it work to always spill as a double?
+ -- does that cause a stall if the data was a float?
+mkSpillInstr _ _ _
+ = panic "X86.RegInfo.mkSpillInstr: not defined for this architecture."
+ :: Reg -- register to load
+ -> Int -- current stack delta
+ -> Int -- spill slot to use
+ -> Instr
+#if i386_TARGET_ARCH
+mkLoadInstr reg delta slot
+ = let off = spillSlotToOffset slot
+ in
+ let off_w = (off-delta) `div` 4
+ in case regClass reg of {
+ RcInteger -> MOV II32 (OpAddr (spRel off_w)) (OpReg reg);
+ _ -> GLD FF80 (spRel off_w) reg} {- RcFloat/RcDouble -}
+#elif x86_64_TARGET_ARCH
+mkLoadInstr reg delta slot
+ = let off = spillSlotToOffset slot
+ in
+ let off_w = (off-delta) `div` 8
+ in case regClass reg of
+ RcInteger -> MOV II64 (OpAddr (spRel off_w)) (OpReg reg)
+ _ -> MOV FF64 (OpAddr (spRel off_w)) (OpReg reg)
+mkLoadInstr _ _ _
+ = panic "X86.RegInfo.mkLoadInstr: not defined for this architecture."
+ :: Reg
+ -> Reg
+ -> Instr
+mkRegRegMoveInstr src dst
+ = case regClass src of
+ RcInteger -> MOV wordSize (OpReg src) (OpReg dst)
+#if i386_TARGET_ARCH
+ RcDouble -> GMOV src dst
+ RcDouble -> MOV FF64 (OpReg src) (OpReg dst)
+ RcFloat -> panic "X86.RegInfo.mkRegRegMoveInstr: no match"
+ :: BlockId
+ -> [Instr]
+mkBranchInstr id = [JXX ALWAYS id]
+spillSlotSize :: Int
+spillSlotSize = IF_ARCH_i386(12, 8)
+maxSpillSlots :: Int
+maxSpillSlots = ((rESERVED_C_STACK_BYTES - 64) `div` spillSlotSize) - 1
+-- convert a spill slot number to a *byte* offset, with no sign:
+-- decide on a per arch basis whether you are spilling above or below
+-- the C stack pointer.
+spillSlotToOffset :: Int -> Int
+spillSlotToOffset slot
+ | slot >= 0 && slot < maxSpillSlots
+ = 64 + spillSlotSize * slot
+ | otherwise
+ = pprPanic "spillSlotToOffset:"
+ ( text "invalid spill location: " <> int slot
+ $$ text "maxSpillSlots: " <> int maxSpillSlots)