path: root/compiler/nativeGen
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authorBen Lippmeier <>2012-11-12 15:16:56 +1100
committerBen Lippmeier <>2012-11-14 17:04:56 +1100
commita157ea73169a8da2b2411af31434128d133e108b (patch)
tree6560b25abdc051c89d75334d4378378617c157d8 /compiler/nativeGen
parentcace1caf905e0503176e93769238fbcec5283477 (diff)
Comments and formatting to spill cost code
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/nativeGen')
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Graph/SpillCost.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Graph/SpillCost.hs
index a0b5f0d6f6..5caf752e6d 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Graph/SpillCost.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Graph/SpillCost.hs
@@ -12,10 +12,7 @@ module RegAlloc.Graph.SpillCost (
+) where
import RegAlloc.Liveness
import Instruction
import RegClass
@@ -35,33 +32,42 @@ import State
import Data.List (nub, minimumBy)
import Data.Maybe
+-- | Records the expected cost to spill some regster.
type SpillCostRecord
= ( VirtualReg -- register name
, Int -- number of writes to this reg
, Int -- number of reads from this reg
, Int) -- number of instrs this reg was live on entry to
+-- | Map of `SpillCostRecord`
type SpillCostInfo
= UniqFM SpillCostRecord
+-- | An empty map of spill costs.
zeroSpillCostInfo :: SpillCostInfo
zeroSpillCostInfo = emptyUFM
--- | Add two spillCostInfos
+-- | Add two spill cost infos.
plusSpillCostInfo :: SpillCostInfo -> SpillCostInfo -> SpillCostInfo
plusSpillCostInfo sc1 sc2
= plusUFM_C plusSpillCostRecord sc1 sc2
+-- | Add two spill cost records.
plusSpillCostRecord :: SpillCostRecord -> SpillCostRecord -> SpillCostRecord
plusSpillCostRecord (r1, a1, b1, c1) (r2, a2, b2, c2)
| r1 == r2 = (r1, a1 + a2, b1 + b2, c1 + c2)
| otherwise = error "RegSpillCost.plusRegInt: regs don't match"
--- | Slurp out information used for determining spill costs
--- for each vreg, the number of times it was written to, read from,
--- and the number of instructions it was live on entry to (lifetime)
+-- | Slurp out information used for determining spill costs.
+-- For each vreg, the number of times it was written to, read from,
+-- and the number of instructions it was live on entry to (lifetime)
slurpSpillCostInfo :: (Outputable instr, Instruction instr)
=> Platform
@@ -76,8 +82,8 @@ slurpSpillCostInfo platform cmm
= mapM_ (countBlock info)
$ flattenSCCs sccs
- -- lookup the regs that are live on entry to this block in
- -- the info table from the CmmProc
+ -- Lookup the regs that are live on entry to this block in
+ -- the info table from the CmmProc.
countBlock info (BasicBlock blockId instrs)
| LiveInfo _ _ (Just blockLive) _ <- info
, Just rsLiveEntry <- mapLookup blockId blockLive
@@ -90,26 +96,26 @@ slurpSpillCostInfo platform cmm
countLIs _ []
= return ()
- -- skip over comment and delta pseudo instrs
+ -- Skip over comment and delta pseudo instrs.
countLIs rsLive (LiveInstr instr Nothing : lis)
| isMetaInstr instr
= countLIs rsLive lis
| otherwise
= pprPanic "RegSpillCost.slurpSpillCostInfo"
- (text "no liveness information on instruction " <> ppr instr)
+ $ text "no liveness information on instruction " <> ppr instr
countLIs rsLiveEntry (LiveInstr instr (Just live) : lis)
= do
- -- increment the lifetime counts for regs live on entry to this instr
+ -- Increment the lifetime counts for regs live on entry to this instr.
mapM_ incLifetime $ uniqSetToList rsLiveEntry
- -- increment counts for what regs were read/written from
+ -- Increment counts for what regs were read/written from.
let (RU read written) = regUsageOfInstr platform instr
mapM_ incUses $ catMaybes $ map takeVirtualReg $ nub read
mapM_ incDefs $ catMaybes $ map takeVirtualReg $ nub written
- -- compute liveness for entry to next instruction.
+ -- Compute liveness for entry to next instruction.
let liveDieRead_virt = takeVirtuals (liveDieRead live)
let liveDieWrite_virt = takeVirtuals (liveDieWrite live)
let liveBorn_virt = takeVirtuals (liveBorn live)
@@ -128,15 +134,17 @@ slurpSpillCostInfo platform cmm
incLifetime reg = modify $ \s -> addToUFM_C plusSpillCostRecord s reg (reg, 0, 0, 1)
+-- | Take all the virtual registers from this set.
takeVirtuals :: UniqSet Reg -> UniqSet VirtualReg
-takeVirtuals set = mapUniqSet get_virtual
- $ filterUniqSet isVirtualReg set
- where
- get_virtual (RegVirtual vr) = vr
- get_virtual _ = panic "getVirt"
+takeVirtuals set
+ = mapUniqSet get_virtual
+ $ filterUniqSet isVirtualReg set
+ where
+ get_virtual (RegVirtual vr) = vr
+ get_virtual _ = panic "getVirt"
--- | Choose a node to spill from this graph
+-- | Choose a node to spill from this graph
:: SpillCostInfo
-> Graph VirtualReg RegClass RealReg
@@ -150,18 +158,16 @@ chooseSpill info graph
in nodeId node
-- | Chaitins spill cost function is:
--- cost = sum loadCost * freq (u) + sum storeCost * freq (d)
--- u <- uses (v) d <- defs (v)
--- There are no loops in our code at the momemnt, so we can set the freq's to 1
--- We divide this by the degree if t
+-- cost = sum loadCost * freq (u) + sum storeCost * freq (d)
+-- u <- uses (v) d <- defs (v)
+-- There are no loops in our code at the momemnt, so we can set the freq's to 1.
--- If we don't have live range splitting then Chaitins function performs badly if we have
--- lots of nested live ranges and very few registers.
+-- If we don't have live range splitting then Chaitins function performs badly
+-- if we have lots of nested live ranges and very few registers.
-- v1 v2 v3
-- def v1 .
@@ -173,20 +179,21 @@ chooseSpill info graph
-- use v2 . .
-- use v1 .
-- defs uses degree cost
-- v1: 1 3 3 1.5
-- v2: 1 2 3 1.0
-- v3: 1 1 3 0.666
--- v3 has the lowest cost, but if we only have 2 hardregs and we insert spill code for v3
--- then this isn't going to improve the colorability of the graph.
+-- v3 has the lowest cost, but if we only have 2 hardregs and we insert
+-- spill code for v3 then this isn't going to improve the colorability of
+-- the graph.
--- When compiling SHA1, which as very long basic blocks and some vregs with very long live ranges
--- the allocator seems to try and spill from the inside out and eventually run out of stack slots.
+-- When compiling SHA1, which as very long basic blocks and some vregs
+-- with very long live ranges the allocator seems to try and spill from
+-- the inside out and eventually run out of stack slots.
--- Without live range splitting, its's better to spill from the outside in so set the cost of very
--- long live ranges to zero
+-- Without live range splitting, its's better to spill from the outside
+-- in so set the cost of very long live ranges to zero
@@ -196,19 +203,20 @@ spillCost_chaitin
-> Float
spillCost_chaitin info graph reg
- -- Spilling a live range that only lives for 1 instruction isn't going to help
- -- us at all - and we definately want to avoid trying to re-spill previously
- -- inserted spill code.
+ -- Spilling a live range that only lives for 1 instruction
+ -- isn't going to help us at all - and we definately want to avoid
+ -- trying to re-spill previously inserted spill code.
| lifetime <= 1 = 1/0
-- It's unlikely that we'll find a reg for a live range this long
- -- better to spill it straight up and not risk trying to keep it around
- -- and have to go through the build/color cycle again.
+ -- better to spill it straight up and not risk trying to keep it around
+ -- and have to go through the build/color cycle again.
| lifetime > allocatableRegsInClass (regClass reg) * 10
= 0
- -- otherwise revert to chaitin's regular cost function.
- | otherwise = fromIntegral (uses + defs) / fromIntegral (nodeDegree graph reg)
+ -- Otherwise revert to chaitin's regular cost function.
+ | otherwise = fromIntegral (uses + defs)
+ / fromIntegral (nodeDegree graph reg)
where (_, defs, uses, lifetime)
= fromMaybe (reg, 0, 0, 0) $ lookupUFM info reg
@@ -228,7 +236,7 @@ spillCost_length info _ reg
$ lookupUFM info reg
+-- | Extract a map of register lifetimes from a `SpillCostInfo`.
lifeMapFromSpillCostInfo :: SpillCostInfo -> UniqFM (VirtualReg, Int)
lifeMapFromSpillCostInfo info
= listToUFM
@@ -236,7 +244,8 @@ lifeMapFromSpillCostInfo info
$ eltsUFM info
--- | Work out the degree (number of neighbors) of this node which have the same class.
+-- | Determine the degree (number of neighbors) of this node which
+-- have the same class.
:: (VirtualReg -> RegClass)
-> Graph VirtualReg RegClass RealReg
@@ -246,10 +255,11 @@ nodeDegree
nodeDegree classOfVirtualReg graph reg
| Just node <- lookupUFM (graphMap graph) reg
- , virtConflicts <- length
- $ filter (\r -> classOfVirtualReg r == classOfVirtualReg reg)
- $ uniqSetToList
- $ nodeConflicts node
+ , virtConflicts
+ <- length
+ $ filter (\r -> classOfVirtualReg r == classOfVirtualReg reg)
+ $ uniqSetToList
+ $ nodeConflicts node
= virtConflicts + sizeUniqSet (nodeExclusions node)
@@ -257,7 +267,8 @@ nodeDegree classOfVirtualReg graph reg
= 0
--- | Show a spill cost record, including the degree from the graph and final calulated spill cos
+-- | Show a spill cost record, including the degree from the graph
+-- and final calulated spill cost.
:: (VirtualReg -> RegClass)
-> (Reg -> SDoc)
@@ -273,6 +284,5 @@ pprSpillCostRecord regClass pprReg graph (reg, uses, defs, life)
, ppr life
, ppr $ nodeDegree regClass graph reg
, text $ show $ (fromIntegral (uses + defs)
- / fromIntegral (nodeDegree regClass graph reg) :: Float) ]
+ / fromIntegral (nodeDegree regClass graph reg) :: Float) ]