path: root/compiler/nativeGen
diff options
authorBen Gamari <>2015-08-29 12:25:04 +0200
committerBen Gamari <>2015-08-29 13:08:18 +0200
commit8476ce24c77f4323bd4e03552d3d1513318589f4 (patch)
tree172c1a9890dfb8e4b2baf0cbd283159d896153c6 /compiler/nativeGen
parentcbf58a217785acf519a3129916a5e9bb98a7b268 (diff)
Dwarf: Produce .dwarf_aranges section
Test Plan: Check with `readelf --debug-dump=ranges` Reviewers: scpmw, austin Subscribers: thomie Differential Revision:
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/nativeGen')
3 files changed, 77 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/Dwarf.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/Dwarf.hs
index 273949ecfd..35ee9c90ab 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/Dwarf.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/Dwarf.hs
@@ -39,13 +39,15 @@ dwarfGen df modLoc us blocks = do
let procs = debugSplitProcs blocks
stripBlocks dbg = dbg { dblBlocks = [] }
compPath <- getCurrentDirectory
- let dwarfUnit = DwarfCompileUnit
+ let lowLabel = dblCLabel $ head procs
+ highLabel = mkAsmTempEndLabel $ dblCLabel $ last procs
+ dwarfUnit = DwarfCompileUnit
{ dwChildren = map (procToDwarf df) (map stripBlocks procs)
, dwName = fromMaybe "" (ml_hs_file modLoc)
, dwCompDir = addTrailingPathSeparator compPath
, dwProducer = cProjectName ++ " " ++ cProjectVersion
- , dwLowLabel = dblCLabel $ head procs
- , dwHighLabel = mkAsmTempEndLabel $ dblCLabel $ last procs
+ , dwLowLabel = lowLabel
+ , dwHighLabel = highLabel
, dwLineLabel = dwarfLineLabel
@@ -62,7 +64,8 @@ dwarfGen df modLoc us blocks = do
-- .debug_info section: Information records on procedures and blocks
let -- unique to identify start and end compilation unit .debug_inf
(unitU, us') = takeUniqFromSupply us
- infoSct = vcat [ dwarfInfoSection
+ infoSct = vcat [ ptext dwarfInfoLabel <> colon
+ , dwarfInfoSection
, compileUnitHeader unitU
, pprDwarfInfo haveSrc dwarfUnit
, compileUnitFooter unitU
@@ -79,18 +82,23 @@ dwarfGen df modLoc us blocks = do
ptext dwarfFrameLabel <> colon $$
pprDwarfFrame (debugFrame framesU procs)
- return (infoSct $$ abbrevSct $$ lineSct $$ frameSct, us'')
+ -- .aranges section: Information about the bounds of compilation units
+ let aranges = dwarfARangesSection $$
+ pprDwarfARange (DwarfARange lowLabel highLabel unitU)
+ return (infoSct $$ abbrevSct $$ lineSct $$ frameSct $$ aranges, us'')
-- | Header for a compilation unit, establishing global format
-- parameters
compileUnitHeader :: Unique -> SDoc
compileUnitHeader unitU = sdocWithPlatform $ \plat ->
- let cuLabel = mkAsmTempLabel unitU
+ let cuLabel = mkAsmTempLabel unitU -- sits right before initialLength field
length = ppr (mkAsmTempEndLabel cuLabel) <> char '-' <> ppr cuLabel
- in vcat [ ptext (sLit "\t.long ") <> length -- compilation unit size
- , ppr cuLabel <> colon
- , ptext (sLit "\t.word 3") -- DWARF version
- , sectionOffset dwarfAbbrevLabel dwarfAbbrevLabel
+ <> ptext (sLit "-4") -- length of initialLength field
+ in vcat [ ppr cuLabel <> colon
+ , ptext (sLit "\t.long ") <> length -- compilation unit size
+ , pprHalf 3 -- DWARF version
+ , sectionOffset (ptext dwarfAbbrevLabel) (ptext dwarfAbbrevLabel)
-- abbrevs offset
, ptext (sLit "\t.byte ") <> ppr (platformWordSize plat) -- word size
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/Dwarf/Constants.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/Dwarf/Constants.hs
index 333d670914..9fe1297a5f 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/Dwarf/Constants.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/Dwarf/Constants.hs
@@ -115,12 +115,13 @@ dW_OP_call_frame_cfa = 0x9c
-- | Dwarf section declarations
dwarfInfoSection, dwarfAbbrevSection, dwarfLineSection,
- dwarfFrameSection, dwarfGhcSection :: SDoc
-dwarfInfoSection = dwarfSection "info"
-dwarfAbbrevSection = dwarfSection "abbrev"
-dwarfLineSection = dwarfSection "line"
-dwarfFrameSection = dwarfSection "frame"
-dwarfGhcSection = dwarfSection "ghc"
+ dwarfFrameSection, dwarfGhcSection, dwarfARangesSection :: SDoc
+dwarfInfoSection = dwarfSection "info"
+dwarfAbbrevSection = dwarfSection "abbrev"
+dwarfLineSection = dwarfSection "line"
+dwarfFrameSection = dwarfSection "frame"
+dwarfGhcSection = dwarfSection "ghc"
+dwarfARangesSection = dwarfSection "aranges"
dwarfSection :: String -> SDoc
dwarfSection name = sdocWithPlatform $ \plat -> ftext $ mkFastString $
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/Dwarf/Types.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/Dwarf/Types.hs
index 9a600bd610..17fbf3bb95 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/Dwarf/Types.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/Dwarf/Types.hs
@@ -3,11 +3,15 @@ module Dwarf.Types
, pprDwarfInfo
, pprAbbrevDecls
+ -- * Dwarf address range table
+ , DwarfARange(..)
+ , pprDwarfARange
-- * Dwarf frame
, DwarfFrame(..), DwarfFrameProc(..), DwarfFrameBlock(..)
, pprDwarfFrame
-- * Utilities
, pprByte
+ , pprHalf
, pprData4'
, pprDwWord
, pprWord
@@ -25,6 +29,7 @@ import Encoding
import FastString
import Outputable
import Platform
+import Unique
import Reg
import Dwarf.Constants
@@ -126,7 +131,7 @@ pprDwarfInfoOpen haveSrc (DwarfCompileUnit _ name producer compDir lowLabel
$$ pprWord (ppr lowLabel)
$$ pprWord (ppr highLabel)
$$ if haveSrc
- then sectionOffset lineLbl dwarfLineLabel
+ then sectionOffset (ptext lineLbl) (ptext dwarfLineLabel)
else empty
pprDwarfInfoOpen _ (DwarfSubprogram _ name label) = sdocWithDynFlags $ \df ->
pprAbbrev DwAbbrSubprogram
@@ -147,6 +152,44 @@ pprDwarfInfoOpen _ (DwarfBlock _ label marker) = sdocWithDynFlags $ \df ->
pprDwarfInfoClose :: SDoc
pprDwarfInfoClose = pprAbbrev DwAbbrNull
+-- | A DWARF address range. This is used by the debugger to quickly locate
+-- which compilation unit a given address belongs to. This type assumes
+-- a non-segmented address-space.
+data DwarfARange
+ = DwarfARange
+ { dwArngStartLabel :: CLabel
+ , dwArngEndLabel :: CLabel
+ , dwArngUnitUnique :: Unique
+ -- ^ from which the corresponding label in @.debug_info@ is derived
+ }
+-- | Print assembler directives corresponding to a DWARF @.debug_aranges@
+-- address table entry.
+pprDwarfARange :: DwarfARange -> SDoc
+pprDwarfARange arng = sdocWithPlatform $ \plat ->
+ let wordSize = platformWordSize plat
+ paddingSize = 4 :: Int
+ -- header is 12 bytes long.
+ -- entry is 8 bytes (32-bit platform) or 16 bytes (64-bit platform).
+ -- pad such that first entry begins at multiple of entry size.
+ pad n = vcat $ replicate n $ pprByte 0
+ initialLength = 8 + paddingSize + 2*2*wordSize
+ length = ppr (dwArngEndLabel arng)
+ <> char '-' <> ppr (dwArngStartLabel arng)
+ in pprDwWord (ppr initialLength)
+ $$ pprHalf 2
+ $$ sectionOffset (ppr $ mkAsmTempLabel $ dwArngUnitUnique arng)
+ (ptext dwarfInfoLabel)
+ $$ pprByte (fromIntegral wordSize)
+ $$ pprByte 0
+ $$ pad paddingSize
+ -- beginning of body
+ $$ pprWord (ppr $ dwArngStartLabel arng)
+ $$ pprWord length
+ -- terminus
+ $$ pprWord (char '0')
+ $$ pprWord (char '0')
-- | Information about unwind instructions for a procedure. This
-- corresponds to a "Common Information Entry" (CIE) in DWARF.
data DwarfFrame
@@ -366,6 +409,10 @@ wordAlign = sdocWithPlatform $ \plat ->
pprByte :: Word8 -> SDoc
pprByte x = ptext (sLit "\t.byte ") <> ppr (fromIntegral x :: Word)
+-- | Assembly for a two-byte constant integer
+pprHalf :: Word16 -> SDoc
+pprHalf x = ptext (sLit "\t.hword ") <> ppr (fromIntegral x :: Word)
-- | Assembly for a constant DWARF flag
pprFlag :: Bool -> SDoc
pprFlag f = pprByte (if f then 0xff else 0x00)
@@ -442,9 +489,9 @@ escapeChar c
-- us to just reference the target directly, and will figure out on
-- their own that we actually need an offset. Finally, Windows has
-- a special directive to refer to relative offsets. Fun.
-sectionOffset :: LitString -> LitString -> SDoc
+sectionOffset :: SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
sectionOffset target section = sdocWithPlatform $ \plat ->
case platformOS plat of
- OSDarwin -> pprDwWord (ptext target <> char '-' <> ptext section)
- OSMinGW32 -> text "\t.secrel32 " <> ptext target
- _other -> pprDwWord (ptext target)
+ OSDarwin -> pprDwWord (target <> char '-' <> section)
+ OSMinGW32 -> text "\t.secrel32 " <> target
+ _other -> pprDwWord target