path: root/compiler/ndpFlatten/PArrAnal.hs
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authorSimon Marlow <>2006-04-07 02:05:11 +0000
committerSimon Marlow <>2006-04-07 02:05:11 +0000
commit0065d5ab628975892cea1ec7303f968c3338cbe1 (patch)
tree8e2afe0ab48ee33cf95009809d67c9649573ef92 /compiler/ndpFlatten/PArrAnal.hs
parent28a464a75e14cece5db40f2765a29348273ff2d2 (diff)
Reorganisation of the source tree
Most of the other users of the fptools build system have migrated to Cabal, and with the move to darcs we can now flatten the source tree without losing history, so here goes. The main change is that the ghc/ subdir is gone, and most of what it contained is now at the top level. The build system now makes no pretense at being multi-project, it is just the GHC build system. No doubt this will break many things, and there will be a period of instability while we fix the dependencies. A straightforward build should work, but I haven't yet fixed binary/source distributions. Changes to the Building Guide will follow, too.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/ndpFlatten/PArrAnal.hs')
1 files changed, 203 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ndpFlatten/PArrAnal.hs b/compiler/ndpFlatten/PArrAnal.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2db56221b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/ndpFlatten/PArrAnal.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+-- $Id$
+-- Copyright (c) 2002 Manuel M T Chakravarty & Gabriele Keller
+-- Analysis phase for an optimised flattening transformation
+--- DESCRIPTION ---------------------------------------------------------------
+-- This module implements an analysis phase that identifies Core expressions
+-- that need not be transformed during flattening. The expressions when
+-- executed in a parallel context are implemented as an iteration over the
+-- original scalar computation, instead of vectorising the computation. This
+-- usually improves efficiency by increasing locality and also reduces code
+-- size.
+--- DOCU ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Language: Haskell 98 with C preprocessor
+-- Analyse the expression and annotate each simple subexpression accordingly.
+-- The result of the analysis is stored in a new field in IdInfo (has yet to
+-- be extended)
+-- A simple expression is any expression which is not a function, not of
+-- recursive type and does not contain a value of PArray type. Polymorphic
+-- variables are simple expressions even though they might be instantiated to
+-- a parray value or function.
+--- TODO ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+module PArrAnal (
+ markScalarExprs -- :: [CoreBind] -> [CoreBind]
+) where
+import Panic (panic)
+import Outputable (pprPanic, ppr)
+import CoreSyn (CoreBind)
+import TypeRep (Type(..))
+import Var (Var(..),Id)
+import Literal (Literal)
+import CoreSyn (Expr(..),CoreExpr,Bind(..))
+import PprCore ( {- instances -} )
+data ArrayUsage = Prim | NonPrim | Array
+ | PolyExpr (Id -> Maybe (ArrayUsage -> ArrayUsage))
+ | PolyFun (ArrayUsage -> ArrayUsage)
+arrUsage:: CoreExpr -> ArrayUsage
+arrUsage (Var id) = varArrayUsage id
+arrUsage (Lit lit) = litArrayUsage lit
+arrUsage (App expr1 expr2) =
+ let
+ arr1 = arrUsage expr1
+ arr2 = arrUsage expr2
+ in
+ case (arr1, arr2) of
+ (_, Array) -> Array
+ (PolyFun f, _) -> f arr2
+ (_, _) -> arr1
+arrUsage (Lam b expr) =
+ bindType (b, expr)
+arrUsage (Let (NonRec b expr1) expr2) =
+ arrUsage (App (Lam b expr2) expr1)
+arrUsage (Let (Rec bnds) expr) =
+ let
+ t1 = foldr combineArrayUsage Prim (map bindType bnds)
+ t2 = arrUsage expr
+ in if isArrayUsage t1 then Array else t2
+arrUsage (Case expr b _ alts) =
+ let
+ t1 = arrUsage expr
+ t2 = scanType (map (arrUsage . (\ (_,_,x) -> x)) alts)
+ in scanType [t1, t2]
+arrUsage (Note n expr) =
+ arrUsage expr
+arrUsage (Type t) =
+ typeArrayUsage t
+bindType (b, expr) =
+ let
+ bT = varArrayUsage b
+ exprT = arrUsage expr
+ in case (bT, exprT) of
+ (Array, _) -> Array
+ _ -> exprT
+scanType:: [ArrayUsage] -> ArrayUsage
+scanType [t] = t
+scanType (Array:ts) = Array
+scanType (_:ts) = scanType ts
+-- the code expression represents a built-in function which generates
+-- an array
+isArrayGen:: CoreExpr -> Bool
+isArrayGen _ =
+ panic "PArrAnal: isArrayGen: not yet implemented"
+isArrayCon:: CoreExpr -> Bool
+isArrayCon _ =
+ panic "PArrAnal: isArrayCon: not yet implemented"
+markScalarExprs:: [CoreBind] -> [CoreBind]
+markScalarExprs _ =
+ panic "PArrAnal.markScalarExprs: not implemented yet"
+varArrayUsage:: Id -> ArrayUsage
+varArrayUsage =
+ panic "PArrAnal.varArrayUsage: not yet implented"
+litArrayUsage:: Literal -> ArrayUsage
+litArrayUsage =
+ panic "PArrAnal.litArrayUsage: not yet implented"
+typeArrayUsage:: Type -> ArrayUsage
+typeArrayUsage (TyVarTy tvar) =
+ PolyExpr (tIdFun tvar)
+typeArrayUsage (AppTy _ _) =
+ panic "PArrAnal.typeArrayUsage: AppTy case not yet implemented"
+typeArrayUsage (TyConApp tc tcargs) =
+ let
+ tcargsAU = map typeArrayUsage tcargs
+ tcCombine = foldr combineArrayUsage Prim tcargsAU
+ in auCon tcCombine
+typeArrayUsage t@(PredTy _) =
+ pprPanic "PArrAnal.typeArrayUsage: encountered 'PredType - shouldn't be here!"
+ (ppr t)
+combineArrayUsage:: ArrayUsage -> ArrayUsage -> ArrayUsage
+combineArrayUsage Array _ = Array
+combineArrayUsage _ Array = Array
+combineArrayUsage (PolyExpr f1) (PolyExpr f2) =
+ PolyExpr f'
+ where
+ f' var =
+ let
+ f1lookup = f1 var
+ f2lookup = f2 var
+ in
+ case (f1lookup, f2lookup) of
+ (Nothing, _) -> f2lookup
+ (_, Nothing) -> f1lookup
+ (Just f1', Just f2') -> Just ( \e -> (combineArrayUsage (f1' e) (f2' e)))
+combineArrayUsage (PolyFun f) (PolyExpr g) =
+ panic ("PArrAnal.typeArrayUsage: PolyFun as argument in data" ++
+ " constructor - should not (?) happen\n")
+combineArrayUsage (PolyExpr g) (PolyFun f) =
+ panic ("PArrAnal.typeArrayUsage: PolyFun as argument in data" ++
+ " constructor - should not (?) happen\n")
+combineArrayUsage NonPrim _ = NonPrim
+combineArrayUsage _ NonPrim = NonPrim
+combineArrayUsage Prim Prim = Prim
+isArrayUsage:: ArrayUsage -> Bool
+isArrayUsage Array = True
+isArrayUsage _ = False
+-- Functions to serve as arguments for PolyExpr
+-- ---------------------------------------------
+tIdFun:: Var -> Var -> Maybe (ArrayUsage -> ArrayUsage)
+tIdFun t tcomp =
+ if t == tcomp then
+ Just auId
+ else
+ Nothing
+-- Functions to serve as argument for PolyFun
+-- -------------------------------------------
+auId:: ArrayUsage -> ArrayUsage
+auId = id
+auCon:: ArrayUsage -> ArrayUsage
+auCon Prim = NonPrim
+auCon (PolyExpr f) = PolyExpr f'
+ where f' v = case f v of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just g -> Just ( \e -> (auCon (g e)))
+auCon (PolyFun f) = PolyFun (auCon . f)
+auCon _ = Array
+-- traversal of Core expressions
+-- -----------------------------
+-- FIXME: implement