path: root/compiler/parser
diff options
authorJohn Ericson <John.Ericson@Obsidian.Systems>2019-09-19 13:21:32 -0400
committerMarge Bot <>2019-10-03 12:17:28 -0400
commit67bf734c6c118aa7caa06875f253defe8b7dd271 (patch)
treea5cc0285cd6eda1d74f350f955849c43fcb0d002 /compiler/parser
parent3c7b172b33db417ccd43ed794362725c1165bc04 (diff)
Add `module {-# SOURCE #-} Foo` syntax for hs-boot in bkp
This is a good convenience for testing.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/parser')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/parser/Parser.y b/compiler/parser/Parser.y
index f32ce4a5e0..21737b46e6 100644
--- a/compiler/parser/Parser.y
+++ b/compiler/parser/Parser.y
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ import Control.Applicative ((<$))
import GHC.Hs
-- compiler/main
+import DriverPhases ( HscSource(..) )
import HscTypes ( IsBootInterface, WarningTxt(..) )
import DynFlags
import BkpSyn
@@ -719,17 +720,27 @@ unitdecls :: { OrdList (LHsUnitDecl PackageName) }
| unitdecl { unitOL $1 }
unitdecl :: { LHsUnitDecl PackageName }
- : maybedocheader 'module' modid maybemodwarning maybeexports 'where' body
+ : maybedocheader 'module' maybe_src modid maybemodwarning maybeexports 'where' body
-- XXX not accurate
- { sL1 $2 $ DeclD ModuleD $3 (Just (sL1 $2 (HsModule (Just $3) $5 (fst $ snd $7) (snd $ snd $7) $4 $1))) }
+ { sL1 $2 $ DeclD
+ (case snd $3 of
+ Nothing -> HsSrcFile
+ Just _ -> HsBootFile)
+ $4
+ (Just $ sL1 $2 (HsModule (Just $4) $6 (fst $ snd $8) (snd $ snd $8) $5 $1)) }
| maybedocheader 'signature' modid maybemodwarning maybeexports 'where' body
- { sL1 $2 $ DeclD SignatureD $3 (Just (sL1 $2 (HsModule (Just $3) $5 (fst $ snd $7) (snd $ snd $7) $4 $1))) }
+ { sL1 $2 $ DeclD
+ HsigFile
+ $3
+ (Just $ sL1 $2 (HsModule (Just $3) $5 (fst $ snd $7) (snd $ snd $7) $4 $1)) }
-- NB: MUST have maybedocheader here, otherwise shift-reduce conflict
-- will prevent us from parsing both forms.
- | maybedocheader 'module' modid
- { sL1 $2 $ DeclD ModuleD $3 Nothing }
+ | maybedocheader 'module' maybe_src modid
+ { sL1 $2 $ DeclD (case snd $3 of
+ Nothing -> HsSrcFile
+ Just _ -> HsBootFile) $4 Nothing }
| maybedocheader 'signature' modid
- { sL1 $2 $ DeclD SignatureD $3 Nothing }
+ { sL1 $2 $ DeclD HsigFile $3 Nothing }
| 'dependency' unitid mayberns
{ sL1 $1 $ IncludeD (IncludeDecl { idUnitId = $2
, idModRenaming = $3
@@ -961,22 +972,24 @@ importdecl :: { LImportDecl GhcPs }
; checkImportDecl $4 $7
; ams (cL (comb4 $1 $6 (snd $8) $9) $
ImportDecl { ideclExt = noExtField
- , ideclSourceSrc = snd $ fst $2
+ , ideclSourceSrc = fst $2
, ideclName = $6, ideclPkgQual = snd $5
- , ideclSource = snd $2, ideclSafe = snd $3
+ , ideclSource = isJust $ snd $2, ideclSafe = snd $3
, ideclQualified = importDeclQualifiedStyle $4 $7
, ideclImplicit = False
, ideclAs = unLoc (snd $8)
, ideclHiding = unLoc $9 })
- ((mj AnnImport $1 : fst (fst $2) ++ fst $3 ++ fmap (mj AnnQualified) (maybeToList $4)
+ ((mj AnnImport $1 : fst $3 ++ fmap (mj AnnQualified) (maybeToList $4)
++ fst $5 ++ fmap (mj AnnQualified) (maybeToList $7) ++ fst $8))
-maybe_src :: { (([AddAnn],SourceText),IsBootInterface) }
- : '{-# SOURCE' '#-}' { (([mo $1,mc $2],getSOURCE_PRAGs $1)
- ,True) }
- | {- empty -} { (([],NoSourceText),False) }
+maybe_src :: { (SourceText, Maybe SrcSpan) }
+ : '{-# SOURCE' '#-}' {% do { let { openL = getLoc $1 }
+ ; addAnnsAt openL [mo $1,mc $2]
+ ; pure (getSOURCE_PRAGs $1, Just openL)
+ } }
+ | {- empty -} { (NoSourceText, Nothing) }
maybe_safe :: { ([AddAnn],Bool) }
: 'safe' { ([mj AnnSafe $1],True) }