path: root/compiler/prelude/ForeignCall.hs
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authorAustin Seipp <>2014-12-03 12:42:24 -0600
committerAustin Seipp <>2014-12-03 12:42:24 -0600
commitdc00fb1b5e75fda17384af612a98a8c99f874cff (patch)
tree131d54bd8f43dfd151a08c4609654b615c684e5a /compiler/prelude/ForeignCall.hs
parent1389ff565d9a41d21eb7e4fc6e2b23d0df08de24 (diff)
compiler: de-lhs prelude/
Signed-off-by: Austin Seipp <>
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/prelude/ForeignCall.hs')
1 files changed, 335 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/prelude/ForeignCall.hs b/compiler/prelude/ForeignCall.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a7a8384dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/prelude/ForeignCall.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section[Foreign]{Foreign calls}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+module ForeignCall (
+ ForeignCall(..), isSafeForeignCall,
+ Safety(..), playSafe, playInterruptible,
+ CExportSpec(..), CLabelString, isCLabelString, pprCLabelString,
+ CCallSpec(..),
+ CCallTarget(..), isDynamicTarget,
+ CCallConv(..), defaultCCallConv, ccallConvToInt, ccallConvAttribute,
+ Header(..), CType(..),
+ ) where
+import FastString
+import Binary
+import Outputable
+import Module
+import Data.Char
+import Data.Data
+* *
+\subsubsection{Data types}
+* *
+newtype ForeignCall = CCall CCallSpec
+ deriving Eq
+ {-! derive: Binary !-}
+isSafeForeignCall :: ForeignCall -> Bool
+isSafeForeignCall (CCall (CCallSpec _ _ safe)) = playSafe safe
+-- We may need more clues to distinguish foreign calls
+-- but this simple printer will do for now
+instance Outputable ForeignCall where
+ ppr (CCall cc) = ppr cc
+data Safety
+ = PlaySafe -- Might invoke Haskell GC, or do a call back, or
+ -- switch threads, etc. So make sure things are
+ -- tidy before the call. Additionally, in the threaded
+ -- RTS we arrange for the external call to be executed
+ -- by a separate OS thread, i.e., _concurrently_ to the
+ -- execution of other Haskell threads.
+ | PlayInterruptible -- Like PlaySafe, but additionally
+ -- the worker thread running this foreign call may
+ -- be unceremoniously killed, so it must be scheduled
+ -- on an unbound thread.
+ | PlayRisky -- None of the above can happen; the call will return
+ -- without interacting with the runtime system at all
+ deriving ( Eq, Show, Data, Typeable )
+ -- Show used just for Show Lex.Token, I think
+ {-! derive: Binary !-}
+instance Outputable Safety where
+ ppr PlaySafe = ptext (sLit "safe")
+ ppr PlayInterruptible = ptext (sLit "interruptible")
+ ppr PlayRisky = ptext (sLit "unsafe")
+playSafe :: Safety -> Bool
+playSafe PlaySafe = True
+playSafe PlayInterruptible = True
+playSafe PlayRisky = False
+playInterruptible :: Safety -> Bool
+playInterruptible PlayInterruptible = True
+playInterruptible _ = False
+* *
+\subsubsection{Calling C}
+* *
+data CExportSpec
+ = CExportStatic -- foreign export ccall foo :: ty
+ CLabelString -- C Name of exported function
+ CCallConv
+ deriving (Data, Typeable)
+ {-! derive: Binary !-}
+data CCallSpec
+ = CCallSpec CCallTarget -- What to call
+ CCallConv -- Calling convention to use.
+ Safety
+ deriving( Eq )
+ {-! derive: Binary !-}
+-- The call target:
+-- | How to call a particular function in C-land.
+data CCallTarget
+ -- An "unboxed" ccall# to named function in a particular package.
+ = StaticTarget
+ CLabelString -- C-land name of label.
+ (Maybe PackageKey) -- What package the function is in.
+ -- If Nothing, then it's taken to be in the current package.
+ -- Note: This information is only used for PrimCalls on Windows.
+ -- See CLabel.labelDynamic and CoreToStg.coreToStgApp
+ -- for the difference in representation between PrimCalls
+ -- and ForeignCalls. If the CCallTarget is representing
+ -- a regular ForeignCall then it's safe to set this to Nothing.
+ -- The first argument of the import is the name of a function pointer (an Addr#).
+ -- Used when importing a label as "foreign import ccall "dynamic" ..."
+ Bool -- True => really a function
+ -- False => a value; only
+ -- allowed in CAPI imports
+ | DynamicTarget
+ deriving( Eq, Data, Typeable )
+ {-! derive: Binary !-}
+isDynamicTarget :: CCallTarget -> Bool
+isDynamicTarget DynamicTarget = True
+isDynamicTarget _ = False
+Stuff to do with calling convention:
+ccall: Caller allocates parameters, *and* deallocates them.
+stdcall: Caller allocates parameters, callee deallocates.
+ Function name has @N after it, where N is number of arg bytes
+ e.g. _Foo@8
+ToDo: The stdcall calling convention is x86 (win32) specific,
+so perhaps we should emit a warning if it's being used on other
+-- any changes here should be replicated in the CallConv type in template haskell
+data CCallConv = CCallConv | CApiConv | StdCallConv | PrimCallConv | JavaScriptCallConv
+ deriving (Eq, Data, Typeable)
+ {-! derive: Binary !-}
+instance Outputable CCallConv where
+ ppr StdCallConv = ptext (sLit "stdcall")
+ ppr CCallConv = ptext (sLit "ccall")
+ ppr CApiConv = ptext (sLit "capi")
+ ppr PrimCallConv = ptext (sLit "prim")
+ ppr JavaScriptCallConv = ptext (sLit "javascript")
+defaultCCallConv :: CCallConv
+defaultCCallConv = CCallConv
+ccallConvToInt :: CCallConv -> Int
+ccallConvToInt StdCallConv = 0
+ccallConvToInt CCallConv = 1
+ccallConvToInt CApiConv = panic "ccallConvToInt CApiConv"
+ccallConvToInt (PrimCallConv {}) = panic "ccallConvToInt PrimCallConv"
+ccallConvToInt JavaScriptCallConv = panic "ccallConvToInt JavaScriptCallConv"
+Generate the gcc attribute corresponding to the given
+calling convention (used by PprAbsC):
+ccallConvAttribute :: CCallConv -> SDoc
+ccallConvAttribute StdCallConv = text "__attribute__((__stdcall__))"
+ccallConvAttribute CCallConv = empty
+ccallConvAttribute CApiConv = empty
+ccallConvAttribute (PrimCallConv {}) = panic "ccallConvAttribute PrimCallConv"
+ccallConvAttribute JavaScriptCallConv = panic "ccallConvAttribute JavaScriptCallConv"
+type CLabelString = FastString -- A C label, completely unencoded
+pprCLabelString :: CLabelString -> SDoc
+pprCLabelString lbl = ftext lbl
+isCLabelString :: CLabelString -> Bool -- Checks to see if this is a valid C label
+isCLabelString lbl
+ = all ok (unpackFS lbl)
+ where
+ ok c = isAlphaNum c || c == '_' || c == '.'
+ -- The '.' appears in e.g. "" in the
+ -- module part of a ExtName. Maybe it should be separate
+-- Printing into C files:
+instance Outputable CExportSpec where
+ ppr (CExportStatic str _) = pprCLabelString str
+instance Outputable CCallSpec where
+ ppr (CCallSpec fun cconv safety)
+ = hcat [ ifPprDebug callconv, ppr_fun fun ]
+ where
+ callconv = text "{-" <> ppr cconv <> text "-}"
+ gc_suf | playSafe safety = text "_GC"
+ | otherwise = empty
+ ppr_fun (StaticTarget fn mPkgId isFun)
+ = text (if isFun then "__pkg_ccall"
+ else "__pkg_ccall_value")
+ <> gc_suf
+ <+> (case mPkgId of
+ Nothing -> empty
+ Just pkgId -> ppr pkgId)
+ <+> pprCLabelString fn
+ ppr_fun DynamicTarget
+ = text "__dyn_ccall" <> gc_suf <+> text "\"\""
+-- The filename for a C header file
+newtype Header = Header FastString
+ deriving (Eq, Data, Typeable)
+instance Outputable Header where
+ ppr (Header h) = quotes $ ppr h
+-- | A C type, used in CAPI FFI calls
+data CType = CType (Maybe Header) -- header to include for this type
+ FastString -- the type itself
+ deriving (Data, Typeable)
+instance Outputable CType where
+ ppr (CType mh ct) = hDoc <+> ftext ct
+ where hDoc = case mh of
+ Nothing -> empty
+ Just h -> ppr h
+* *
+* *
+{-* Generated by DrIFT-v1.0 : Look, but Don't Touch. *-}
+instance Binary ForeignCall where
+ put_ bh (CCall aa) = put_ bh aa
+ get bh = do aa <- get bh; return (CCall aa)
+instance Binary Safety where
+ put_ bh PlaySafe = do
+ putByte bh 0
+ put_ bh PlayInterruptible = do
+ putByte bh 1
+ put_ bh PlayRisky = do
+ putByte bh 2
+ get bh = do
+ h <- getByte bh
+ case h of
+ 0 -> do return PlaySafe
+ 1 -> do return PlayInterruptible
+ _ -> do return PlayRisky
+instance Binary CExportSpec where
+ put_ bh (CExportStatic aa ab) = do
+ put_ bh aa
+ put_ bh ab
+ get bh = do
+ aa <- get bh
+ ab <- get bh
+ return (CExportStatic aa ab)
+instance Binary CCallSpec where
+ put_ bh (CCallSpec aa ab ac) = do
+ put_ bh aa
+ put_ bh ab
+ put_ bh ac
+ get bh = do
+ aa <- get bh
+ ab <- get bh
+ ac <- get bh
+ return (CCallSpec aa ab ac)
+instance Binary CCallTarget where
+ put_ bh (StaticTarget aa ab ac) = do
+ putByte bh 0
+ put_ bh aa
+ put_ bh ab
+ put_ bh ac
+ put_ bh DynamicTarget = do
+ putByte bh 1
+ get bh = do
+ h <- getByte bh
+ case h of
+ 0 -> do aa <- get bh
+ ab <- get bh
+ ac <- get bh
+ return (StaticTarget aa ab ac)
+ _ -> do return DynamicTarget
+instance Binary CCallConv where
+ put_ bh CCallConv = do
+ putByte bh 0
+ put_ bh StdCallConv = do
+ putByte bh 1
+ put_ bh PrimCallConv = do
+ putByte bh 2
+ put_ bh CApiConv = do
+ putByte bh 3
+ put_ bh JavaScriptCallConv = do
+ putByte bh 4
+ get bh = do
+ h <- getByte bh
+ case h of
+ 0 -> do return CCallConv
+ 1 -> do return StdCallConv
+ 2 -> do return PrimCallConv
+ 3 -> do return CApiConv
+ _ -> do return JavaScriptCallConv
+instance Binary CType where
+ put_ bh (CType mh fs) = do put_ bh mh
+ put_ bh fs
+ get bh = do mh <- get bh
+ fs <- get bh
+ return (CType mh fs)
+instance Binary Header where
+ put_ bh (Header h) = put_ bh h
+ get bh = do h <- get bh
+ return (Header h)