path: root/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
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authorSimon Marlow <>2006-04-07 02:05:11 +0000
committerSimon Marlow <>2006-04-07 02:05:11 +0000
commit0065d5ab628975892cea1ec7303f968c3338cbe1 (patch)
tree8e2afe0ab48ee33cf95009809d67c9649573ef92 /compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
parent28a464a75e14cece5db40f2765a29348273ff2d2 (diff)
Reorganisation of the source tree
Most of the other users of the fptools build system have migrated to Cabal, and with the move to darcs we can now flatten the source tree without losing history, so here goes. The main change is that the ghc/ subdir is gone, and most of what it contained is now at the top level. The build system now makes no pretense at being multi-project, it is just the GHC build system. No doubt this will break many things, and there will be a period of instability while we fix the dependencies. A straightforward build should work, but I haven't yet fixed binary/source distributions. Changes to the Building Guide will follow, too.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs')
1 files changed, 1138 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs b/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..654c101cd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,1138 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section[RnNames]{Extracting imported and top-level names in scope}
+module RnNames (
+ rnImports, mkRdrEnvAndImports, importsFromLocalDecls,
+ rnExports, mkExportNameSet,
+ getLocalDeclBinders, extendRdrEnvRn,
+ reportUnusedNames, reportDeprecations
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import DynFlags ( DynFlag(..), GhcMode(..) )
+import HsSyn ( IE(..), ieName, ImportDecl(..), LImportDecl,
+ ForeignDecl(..), HsGroup(..), HsValBinds(..),
+ Sig(..), collectHsBindLocatedBinders, tyClDeclNames,
+ LIE )
+import RnEnv
+import IfaceEnv ( ifaceExportNames )
+import LoadIface ( loadSrcInterface )
+import TcRnMonad hiding (LIE)
+import FiniteMap
+import PrelNames ( pRELUDE, isUnboundName, main_RDR_Unqual )
+import Module ( Module, moduleString, unitModuleEnv,
+ lookupModuleEnv, moduleEnvElts, foldModuleEnv )
+import Name ( Name, nameSrcLoc, nameOccName, nameModule, isWiredInName,
+ nameParent, nameParent_maybe, isExternalName,
+ isBuiltInSyntax )
+import NameSet
+import NameEnv
+import OccName ( srcDataName, isTcOcc, pprNonVarNameSpace,
+ occNameSpace,
+ OccEnv, mkOccEnv, lookupOccEnv, emptyOccEnv,
+ extendOccEnv )
+import HscTypes ( GenAvailInfo(..), AvailInfo,
+ HomePackageTable, PackageIfaceTable,
+ unQualInScope,
+ Deprecs(..), ModIface(..), Dependencies(..),
+ lookupIface, ExternalPackageState(..)
+ )
+import Packages ( PackageIdH(..) )
+import RdrName ( RdrName, rdrNameOcc, setRdrNameSpace,
+ GlobalRdrEnv, mkGlobalRdrEnv, GlobalRdrElt(..),
+ emptyGlobalRdrEnv, plusGlobalRdrEnv, globalRdrEnvElts,
+ extendGlobalRdrEnv, lookupGlobalRdrEnv, unQualOK, lookupGRE_Name,
+ Provenance(..), ImportSpec(..), ImpDeclSpec(..), ImpItemSpec(..),
+ importSpecLoc, importSpecModule, isLocalGRE, pprNameProvenance )
+import Outputable
+import Maybes ( isNothing, catMaybes, mapCatMaybes, seqMaybe, orElse )
+import SrcLoc ( Located(..), mkGeneralSrcSpan,
+ unLoc, noLoc, srcLocSpan, SrcSpan )
+import BasicTypes ( DeprecTxt )
+import DriverPhases ( isHsBoot )
+import Util ( notNull )
+import List ( partition )
+import IO ( openFile, IOMode(..) )
+%* *
+ rnImports
+%* *
+rnImports :: [LImportDecl RdrName] -> RnM [LImportDecl Name]
+rnImports imports
+ -- Do the non {- SOURCE -} ones first, so that we get a helpful
+ -- warning for {- SOURCE -} ones that are unnecessary
+ = do this_mod <- getModule
+ implicit_prelude <- doptM Opt_ImplicitPrelude
+ let all_imports = mk_prel_imports this_mod implicit_prelude ++ imports
+ (source, ordinary) = partition is_source_import all_imports
+ is_source_import (L _ (ImportDecl _ is_boot _ _ _)) = is_boot
+ get_imports = rnImportDecl this_mod
+ stuff1 <- mapM get_imports ordinary
+ stuff2 <- mapM get_imports source
+ return (stuff1 ++ stuff2)
+ where
+-- NB: opt_NoImplicitPrelude is slightly different to import Prelude ();
+-- because the former doesn't even look at Prelude.hi for instance
+-- declarations, whereas the latter does.
+ mk_prel_imports this_mod implicit_prelude
+ | this_mod == pRELUDE
+ || explicit_prelude_import
+ || not implicit_prelude
+ = []
+ | otherwise = [preludeImportDecl]
+ explicit_prelude_import
+ = notNull [ () | L _ (ImportDecl mod _ _ _ _) <- imports,
+ unLoc mod == pRELUDE ]
+preludeImportDecl :: LImportDecl RdrName
+ = L loc $
+ ImportDecl (L loc pRELUDE)
+ False {- Not a boot interface -}
+ False {- Not qualified -}
+ Nothing {- No "as" -}
+ Nothing {- No import list -}
+ where
+ loc = mkGeneralSrcSpan FSLIT("Implicit import declaration")
+mkRdrEnvAndImports :: [LImportDecl Name] -> RnM (GlobalRdrEnv, ImportAvails)
+mkRdrEnvAndImports imports
+ = do this_mod <- getModule
+ let get_imports = importsFromImportDecl this_mod
+ stuff <- mapM get_imports imports
+ let (imp_gbl_envs, imp_avails) = unzip stuff
+ gbl_env :: GlobalRdrEnv
+ gbl_env = foldr plusGlobalRdrEnv emptyGlobalRdrEnv imp_gbl_envs
+ all_avails :: ImportAvails
+ all_avails = foldr plusImportAvails emptyImportAvails imp_avails
+ return (gbl_env, all_avails)
+rnImportDecl :: Module
+ -> LImportDecl RdrName
+ -> RnM (LImportDecl Name)
+rnImportDecl this_mod (L loc importDecl@(ImportDecl loc_imp_mod_name want_boot qual_only as_mod imp_details))
+ = setSrcSpan loc $
+ do iface <- loadSrcInterface doc imp_mod_name want_boot
+ let qual_mod_name = case as_mod of
+ Nothing -> imp_mod_name
+ Just another_name -> another_name
+ imp_spec = ImpDeclSpec { is_mod = imp_mod_name, is_qual = qual_only,
+ is_dloc = loc, is_as = qual_mod_name }
+ total_avails <- ifaceExportNames (mi_exports iface)
+ importDecl' <- rnImportDecl' iface imp_spec importDecl total_avails
+ return (L loc importDecl')
+ where imp_mod_name = unLoc loc_imp_mod_name
+ doc = ppr imp_mod_name <+> ptext SLIT("is directly imported")
+rnImportDecl' :: ModIface -> ImpDeclSpec -> ImportDecl RdrName -> NameSet -> RnM (ImportDecl Name)
+rnImportDecl' iface decl_spec (ImportDecl mod_name want_boot qual_only as_mod Nothing) all_names
+ = return $ ImportDecl mod_name want_boot qual_only as_mod Nothing
+rnImportDecl' iface decl_spec (ImportDecl mod_name want_boot qual_only as_mod (Just (want_hiding,import_items))) all_names
+ = do import_items_mbs <- mapM (srcSpanWrapper) import_items
+ let rn_import_items = concat . catMaybes $ import_items_mbs
+ return $ ImportDecl mod_name want_boot qual_only as_mod (Just (want_hiding,rn_import_items))
+ where
+ srcSpanWrapper (L span ieRdr)
+ = setSrcSpan span $
+ case get_item ieRdr of
+ Nothing
+ -> do addErr (badImportItemErr iface decl_spec ieRdr)
+ return Nothing
+ Just ieNames
+ -> return (Just [L span ie | ie <- ieNames])
+ occ_env :: OccEnv Name -- Maps OccName to corresponding Name
+ occ_env = mkOccEnv [(nameOccName n, n) | n <- nameSetToList all_names]
+ -- This env will have entries for data constructors too,
+ -- they won't make any difference because naked entities like T
+ -- in an import list map to TcOccs, not VarOccs.
+ sub_env :: NameEnv [Name]
+ sub_env = mkSubNameEnv all_names
+ get_item :: IE RdrName -> Maybe [IE Name]
+ -- Empty result for a bad item.
+ -- Singleton result is typical case.
+ -- Can have two when we are hiding, and mention C which might be
+ -- both a class and a data constructor.
+ get_item item@(IEModuleContents _)
+ = Nothing
+ get_item (IEThingAll tc)
+ = do name <- check_name tc
+ return [IEThingAll name]
+ get_item (IEThingAbs tc)
+ | want_hiding -- hiding ( C )
+ -- Here the 'C' can be a data constructor
+ -- *or* a type/class, or even both
+ = case catMaybes [check_name tc, check_name (setRdrNameSpace tc srcDataName)] of
+ [] -> Nothing
+ names -> return [ IEThingAbs n | n <- names ]
+ | otherwise
+ = do name <- check_name tc
+ return [IEThingAbs name]
+ get_item (IEThingWith n ns) -- import (C (A,B))
+ = do name <- check_name n
+ let env = mkOccEnv [(nameOccName s, s) | s <- subNames sub_env name]
+ mb_names = map (lookupOccEnv env . rdrNameOcc) ns
+ names <- sequence mb_names
+ return [IEThingWith name names]
+ get_item (IEVar n)
+ = do name <- check_name n
+ return [IEVar name]
+ check_name :: RdrName -> Maybe Name
+ check_name rdrName
+ = lookupOccEnv occ_env (rdrNameOcc rdrName)
+importsFromImportDecl :: Module
+ -> LImportDecl Name
+ -> RnM (GlobalRdrEnv, ImportAvails)
+importsFromImportDecl this_mod
+ (L loc (ImportDecl loc_imp_mod_name want_boot qual_only as_mod imp_details))
+ =
+ setSrcSpan loc $
+ -- If there's an error in loadInterface, (e.g. interface
+ -- file not found) we get lots of spurious errors from 'filterImports'
+ let
+ imp_mod_name = unLoc loc_imp_mod_name
+ doc = ppr imp_mod_name <+> ptext SLIT("is directly imported")
+ in
+ loadSrcInterface doc imp_mod_name want_boot `thenM` \ iface ->
+ -- Compiler sanity check: if the import didn't say
+ -- {-# SOURCE #-} we should not get a hi-boot file
+ WARN( not want_boot && mi_boot iface, ppr imp_mod_name )
+ -- Issue a user warning for a redundant {- SOURCE -} import
+ -- NB that we arrange to read all the ordinary imports before
+ -- any of the {- SOURCE -} imports
+ warnIf (want_boot && not (mi_boot iface))
+ (warnRedundantSourceImport imp_mod_name) `thenM_`
+ let
+ imp_mod = mi_module iface
+ deprecs = mi_deprecs iface
+ is_orph = mi_orphan iface
+ deps = mi_deps iface
+ filtered_exports = filter not_this_mod (mi_exports iface)
+ not_this_mod (mod,_) = mod /= this_mod
+ -- If the module exports anything defined in this module, just ignore it.
+ -- Reason: otherwise it looks as if there are two local definition sites
+ -- for the thing, and an error gets reported. Easiest thing is just to
+ -- filter them out up front. This situation only arises if a module
+ -- imports itself, or another module that imported it. (Necessarily,
+ -- this invoves a loop.)
+ --
+ -- Tiresome consequence: if you say
+ -- module A where
+ -- import B( AType )
+ -- type AType = ...
+ --
+ -- module B( AType ) where
+ -- import {-# SOURCE #-} A( AType )
+ --
+ -- then you'll get a 'B does not export AType' message. Oh well.
+ qual_mod_name = case as_mod of
+ Nothing -> imp_mod_name
+ Just another_name -> another_name
+ imp_spec = ImpDeclSpec { is_mod = imp_mod_name, is_qual = qual_only,
+ is_dloc = loc, is_as = qual_mod_name }
+ in
+ -- Get the total imports, and filter them according to the import list
+ ifaceExportNames filtered_exports `thenM` \ total_avails ->
+ filterImports iface imp_spec
+ imp_details total_avails `thenM` \ (avail_env, gbl_env) ->
+ getDOpts `thenM` \ dflags ->
+ let
+ -- Compute new transitive dependencies
+ orphans | is_orph = ASSERT( not (imp_mod_name `elem` dep_orphs deps) )
+ imp_mod_name : dep_orphs deps
+ | otherwise = dep_orphs deps
+ (dependent_mods, dependent_pkgs)
+ = case mi_package iface of
+ HomePackage ->
+ -- Imported module is from the home package
+ -- Take its dependent modules and add imp_mod itself
+ -- Take its dependent packages unchanged
+ --
+ -- NB: (dep_mods deps) might include a hi-boot file
+ -- for the module being compiled, CM. Do *not* filter
+ -- this out (as we used to), because when we've
+ -- finished dealing with the direct imports we want to
+ -- know if any of them depended on CM.hi-boot, in
+ -- which case we should do the hi-boot consistency
+ -- check. See LoadIface.loadHiBootInterface
+ ((imp_mod_name, want_boot) : dep_mods deps, dep_pkgs deps)
+ ExtPackage pkg ->
+ -- Imported module is from another package
+ -- Dump the dependent modules
+ -- Add the package imp_mod comes from to the dependent packages
+ ASSERT2( not (pkg `elem` dep_pkgs deps), ppr pkg <+> ppr (dep_pkgs deps) )
+ ([], pkg : dep_pkgs deps)
+ -- True <=> import M ()
+ import_all = case imp_details of
+ Just (is_hiding, ls) -> not is_hiding && null ls
+ other -> False
+ -- unqual_avails is the Avails that are visible in *unqualified* form
+ -- We need to know this so we know what to export when we see
+ -- module M ( module P ) where ...
+ -- Then we must export whatever came from P unqualified.
+ imports = ImportAvails {
+ imp_env = unitModuleEnv qual_mod_name avail_env,
+ imp_mods = unitModuleEnv imp_mod (imp_mod, import_all, loc),
+ imp_orphs = orphans,
+ imp_dep_mods = mkModDeps dependent_mods,
+ imp_dep_pkgs = dependent_pkgs }
+ in
+ -- Complain if we import a deprecated module
+ ifOptM Opt_WarnDeprecations (
+ case deprecs of
+ DeprecAll txt -> addWarn (moduleDeprec imp_mod_name txt)
+ other -> returnM ()
+ ) `thenM_`
+ returnM (gbl_env, imports)
+warnRedundantSourceImport mod_name
+ = ptext SLIT("Unnecessary {- SOURCE -} in the import of module")
+ <+> quotes (ppr mod_name)
+%* *
+ importsFromLocalDecls
+%* *
+From the top-level declarations of this module produce
+ * the lexical environment
+ * the ImportAvails
+created by its bindings.
+Complain about duplicate bindings
+importsFromLocalDecls :: HsGroup RdrName -> RnM TcGblEnv
+importsFromLocalDecls group
+ = do { gbl_env <- getGblEnv
+ ; names <- getLocalDeclBinders gbl_env group
+ ; implicit_prelude <- doptM Opt_ImplicitPrelude
+ ; let {
+ -- Optimisation: filter out names for built-in syntax
+ -- They just clutter up the environment (esp tuples), and the parser
+ -- will generate Exact RdrNames for them, so the cluttered
+ -- envt is no use. To avoid doing this filter all the time,
+ -- we use -fno-implicit-prelude as a clue that the filter is
+ -- worth while. Really, it's only useful for GHC.Base and GHC.Tuple.
+ --
+ -- It's worth doing because it makes the environment smaller for
+ -- every module that imports the Prelude
+ --
+ -- Note: don't filter the gbl_env (hence all_names, not filered_all_names
+ -- in defn of gres above). Stupid reason: when parsing
+ -- data type decls, the constructors start as Exact tycon-names,
+ -- and then get turned into data con names by zapping the name space;
+ -- but that stops them being Exact, so they get looked up.
+ -- Ditto in fixity decls; e.g. infix 5 :
+ -- Sigh. It doesn't matter because it only affects the Data.Tuple really.
+ -- The important thing is to trim down the exports.
+ filtered_names
+ | implicit_prelude = names
+ | otherwise = filter (not . isBuiltInSyntax) names ;
+ ; this_mod = tcg_mod gbl_env
+ ; imports = emptyImportAvails {
+ imp_env = unitModuleEnv this_mod $
+ mkNameSet filtered_names
+ }
+ }
+ ; rdr_env' <- extendRdrEnvRn (tcg_rdr_env gbl_env) names
+ ; returnM (gbl_env { tcg_rdr_env = rdr_env',
+ tcg_imports = imports `plusImportAvails` tcg_imports gbl_env })
+ }
+extendRdrEnvRn :: GlobalRdrEnv -> [Name] -> RnM GlobalRdrEnv
+-- Add the new locally-bound names one by one, checking for duplicates as
+-- we do so. Remember that in Template Haskell the duplicates
+-- might *already be* in the GlobalRdrEnv from higher up the module
+extendRdrEnvRn rdr_env names
+ = foldlM add_local rdr_env names
+ where
+ add_local rdr_env name
+ | gres <- lookupGlobalRdrEnv rdr_env (nameOccName name)
+ , (dup_gre:_) <- filter isLocalGRE gres -- Check for existing *local* defns
+ = do { addDupDeclErr (gre_name dup_gre) name
+ ; return rdr_env }
+ | otherwise
+ = return (extendGlobalRdrEnv rdr_env new_gre)
+ where
+ new_gre = GRE {gre_name = name, gre_prov = LocalDef}
+@getLocalDeclBinders@ returns the names for an @HsDecl@. It's
+used for source code.
+ *** See "THE NAMING STORY" in HsDecls ****
+getLocalDeclBinders :: TcGblEnv -> HsGroup RdrName -> RnM [Name]
+getLocalDeclBinders gbl_env (HsGroup {hs_valds = ValBindsIn val_decls val_sigs,
+ hs_tyclds = tycl_decls,
+ hs_fords = foreign_decls })
+ = do { tc_names_s <- mappM new_tc tycl_decls
+ ; val_names <- mappM new_simple val_bndrs
+ ; return (foldr (++) val_names tc_names_s) }
+ where
+ mod = tcg_mod gbl_env
+ is_hs_boot = isHsBoot (tcg_src gbl_env) ;
+ val_bndrs | is_hs_boot = sig_hs_bndrs
+ | otherwise = for_hs_bndrs ++ val_hs_bndrs
+ -- In a hs-boot file, the value binders come from the
+ -- *signatures*, and there should be no foreign binders
+ new_simple rdr_name = newTopSrcBinder mod Nothing rdr_name
+ sig_hs_bndrs = [nm | L _ (TypeSig nm _) <- val_sigs]
+ val_hs_bndrs = collectHsBindLocatedBinders val_decls
+ for_hs_bndrs = [nm | L _ (ForeignImport nm _ _ _) <- foreign_decls]
+ new_tc tc_decl
+ = do { main_name <- newTopSrcBinder mod Nothing main_rdr
+ ; sub_names <- mappM (newTopSrcBinder mod (Just main_name)) sub_rdrs
+ ; return (main_name : sub_names) }
+ where
+ (main_rdr : sub_rdrs) = tyClDeclNames (unLoc tc_decl)
+%* *
+\subsection{Filtering imports}
+%* *
+@filterImports@ takes the @ExportEnv@ telling what the imported module makes
+available, and filters it through the import spec (if any).
+filterImports :: ModIface
+ -> ImpDeclSpec -- The span for the entire import decl
+ -> Maybe (Bool, [LIE Name]) -- Import spec; True => hiding
+ -> NameSet -- What's available
+ -> RnM (NameSet, -- What's imported (qualified or unqualified)
+ GlobalRdrEnv) -- Same again, but in GRE form
+ -- Complains if import spec mentions things that the module doesn't export
+ -- Warns/informs if import spec contains duplicates.
+mkGenericRdrEnv decl_spec names
+ = mkGlobalRdrEnv [ GRE { gre_name = name, gre_prov = Imported [imp_spec] }
+ | name <- nameSetToList names ]
+ where
+ imp_spec = ImpSpec { is_decl = decl_spec, is_item = ImpAll }
+filterImports iface decl_spec Nothing all_names
+ = return (all_names, mkGenericRdrEnv decl_spec all_names)
+filterImports iface decl_spec (Just (want_hiding, import_items)) all_names
+ = mapM (addLocM get_item) import_items >>= \gres_s ->
+ let gres = concat gres_s
+ specified_names = mkNameSet (map gre_name gres)
+ in if not want_hiding then
+ return (specified_names, mkGlobalRdrEnv gres)
+ else let keep n = not (n `elemNameSet` specified_names)
+ pruned_avails = filterNameSet keep all_names
+ in return (pruned_avails, mkGenericRdrEnv decl_spec pruned_avails)
+ where
+ sub_env :: NameEnv [Name] -- Classify each name by its parent
+ sub_env = mkSubNameEnv all_names
+ succeed_with :: Bool -> [Name] -> RnM [GlobalRdrElt]
+ succeed_with all_explicit names
+ = do { loc <- getSrcSpanM
+ ; returnM (map (mk_gre loc) names) }
+ where
+ mk_gre loc name = GRE { gre_name = name,
+ gre_prov = Imported [imp_spec] }
+ where
+ imp_spec = ImpSpec { is_decl = decl_spec, is_item = item_spec }
+ item_spec = ImpSome { is_explicit = explicit, is_iloc = loc }
+ explicit = all_explicit || isNothing (nameParent_maybe name)
+ get_item :: IE Name -> RnM [GlobalRdrElt]
+ -- Empty result for a bad item.
+ -- Singleton result is typical case.
+ -- Can have two when we are hiding, and mention C which might be
+ -- both a class and a data constructor.
+ get_item item@(IEModuleContents _)
+ -- This case should be filtered out by 'rnImports'.
+ = panic "filterImports: IEModuleContents?"
+ get_item (IEThingAll name)
+ = case subNames sub_env name of
+ [] -> -- This occurs when you import T(..), but
+ -- only export T abstractly.
+ do ifOptM Opt_WarnDodgyImports (addWarn (dodgyImportWarn name))
+ succeed_with False [name]
+ names -> succeed_with False (name:names)
+ get_item (IEThingAbs name)
+ = succeed_with True [name]
+ get_item (IEThingWith name names)
+ = succeed_with True (name:names)
+ get_item (IEVar name)
+ = succeed_with True [name]
+%* *
+\subsection{Export list processing}
+%* *
+Processing the export list.
+You might think that we should record things that appear in the export
+list as ``occurrences'' (using @addOccurrenceName@), but you'd be
+wrong. We do check (here) that they are in scope, but there is no
+need to slurp in their actual declaration (which is what
+@addOccurrenceName@ forces).
+Indeed, doing so would big trouble when compiling @PrelBase@, because
+it re-exports @GHC@, which includes @takeMVar#@, whose type includes
+@ConcBase.StateAndSynchVar#@, and so on...
+type ExportAccum -- The type of the accumulating parameter of
+ -- the main worker function in rnExports
+ = ([Module], -- 'module M's seen so far
+ ExportOccMap, -- Tracks exported occurrence names
+ NameSet) -- The accumulated exported stuff
+emptyExportAccum = ([], emptyOccEnv, emptyNameSet)
+type ExportOccMap = OccEnv (Name, IE RdrName)
+ -- Tracks what a particular exported OccName
+ -- in an export list refers to, and which item
+ -- it came from. It's illegal to export two distinct things
+ -- that have the same occurrence name
+rnExports :: Maybe [LIE RdrName]
+ -> RnM (Maybe [LIE Name])
+rnExports Nothing = return Nothing
+rnExports (Just exports)
+ = do TcGblEnv { tcg_imports = ImportAvails { imp_env = imp_env } } <- getGblEnv
+ let sub_env :: NameEnv [Name] -- Classify each name by its parent
+ sub_env = mkSubNameEnv (foldModuleEnv unionNameSets emptyNameSet imp_env)
+ rnExport (IEVar rdrName)
+ = do name <- lookupGlobalOccRn rdrName
+ return (IEVar name)
+ rnExport (IEThingAbs rdrName)
+ = do name <- lookupGlobalOccRn rdrName
+ return (IEThingAbs name)
+ rnExport (IEThingAll rdrName)
+ = do name <- lookupGlobalOccRn rdrName
+ return (IEThingAll name)
+ rnExport ie@(IEThingWith rdrName rdrNames)
+ = do name <- lookupGlobalOccRn rdrName
+ if isUnboundName name
+ then return (IEThingWith name [])
+ else do
+ let env = mkOccEnv [(nameOccName s, s) | s <- subNames sub_env name]
+ mb_names = map (lookupOccEnv env . rdrNameOcc) rdrNames
+ if any isNothing mb_names
+ then do addErr (exportItemErr ie)
+ return (IEThingWith name [])
+ else return (IEThingWith name (catMaybes mb_names))
+ rnExport (IEModuleContents mod)
+ = return (IEModuleContents mod)
+ rn_exports <- mapM (wrapLocM rnExport) exports
+ return (Just rn_exports)
+mkExportNameSet :: Bool -- False => no 'module M(..) where' header at all
+ -> Maybe ([LIE Name], [LIE RdrName]) -- Nothing => no explicit export list
+ -> RnM NameSet
+ -- Complains if two distinct exports have same OccName
+ -- Warns about identical exports.
+ -- Complains about exports items not in scope
+mkExportNameSet explicit_mod exports
+ = do TcGblEnv { tcg_rdr_env = rdr_env,
+ tcg_imports = imports } <- getGblEnv
+ -- If the module header is omitted altogether, then behave
+ -- as if the user had written "module Main(main) where..."
+ -- EXCEPT in interactive mode, when we behave as if he had
+ -- written "module Main where ..."
+ -- Reason: don't want to complain about 'main' not in scope
+ -- in interactive mode
+ ghc_mode <- getGhcMode
+ real_exports <- case () of
+ () | explicit_mod
+ -> return exports
+ | ghc_mode == Interactive
+ -> return Nothing
+ | otherwise
+ -> do mainName <- lookupGlobalOccRn main_RDR_Unqual
+ return (Just ([noLoc (IEVar mainName)]
+ ,[noLoc (IEVar main_RDR_Unqual)]))
+ -- ToDo: the 'noLoc' here is unhelpful if 'main' turns out to be out of scope
+ exports_from_avail real_exports rdr_env imports
+exports_from_avail Nothing rdr_env imports
+ = -- Export all locally-defined things
+ -- We do this by filtering the global RdrEnv,
+ -- keeping only things that are locally-defined
+ return (mkNameSet [ gre_name gre
+ | gre <- globalRdrEnvElts rdr_env,
+ isLocalGRE gre ])
+exports_from_avail (Just (items,origItems)) rdr_env (ImportAvails { imp_env = imp_env })
+ = do (_, _, exports) <- foldlM do_litem emptyExportAccum (zip items origItems)
+ return exports
+ where
+ sub_env :: NameEnv [Name] -- Classify each name by its parent
+ sub_env = mkSubNameEnv (foldModuleEnv unionNameSets emptyNameSet imp_env)
+ do_litem :: ExportAccum -> (LIE Name, LIE RdrName) -> RnM ExportAccum
+ do_litem acc (ieName, ieRdr)
+ = addLocM (exports_from_item acc (unLoc ieRdr)) ieName
+ exports_from_item :: ExportAccum -> IE RdrName -> IE Name -> RnM ExportAccum
+ exports_from_item acc@(mods, occs, exports) ieRdr@(IEModuleContents mod) ie
+ | mod `elem` mods -- Duplicate export of M
+ = do { warn_dup_exports <- doptM Opt_WarnDuplicateExports ;
+ warnIf warn_dup_exports (dupModuleExport mod) ;
+ returnM acc }
+ | otherwise
+ = case lookupModuleEnv imp_env mod of
+ Nothing -> do addErr (modExportErr mod)
+ return acc
+ Just names
+ -> do let new_exports = filterNameSet (inScopeUnqual rdr_env) names
+ -- This check_occs not only finds conflicts between this item
+ -- and others, but also internally within this item. That is,
+ -- if 'M.x' is in scope in several ways, we'll have several
+ -- members of mod_avails with the same OccName.
+ occs' <- check_occs ieRdr occs (nameSetToList new_exports)
+ return (mod:mods, occs', exports `unionNameSets` new_exports)
+ exports_from_item acc@(mods, occs, exports) ieRdr ie
+ = if isUnboundName (ieName ie)
+ then return acc -- Avoid error cascade
+ else let new_exports = filterAvail ie sub_env in
+ do -- checkErr (not (null (drop 1 new_exports))) (exportItemErr ie)
+ checkForDodgyExport ie new_exports
+ occs' <- check_occs ieRdr occs new_exports
+ return (mods, occs', addListToNameSet exports new_exports)
+filterAvail :: IE Name -- Wanted
+ -> NameEnv [Name] -- Maps type/class names to their sub-names
+ -> [Name]
+filterAvail (IEVar n) subs = [n]
+filterAvail (IEThingAbs n) subs = [n]
+filterAvail (IEThingAll n) subs = n : subNames subs n
+filterAvail (IEThingWith n ns) subs = n : ns
+filterAvail (IEModuleContents _) _ = panic "filterAvail"
+subNames :: NameEnv [Name] -> Name -> [Name]
+subNames env n = lookupNameEnv env n `orElse` []
+mkSubNameEnv :: NameSet -> NameEnv [Name]
+-- Maps types and classes to their constructors/classops respectively
+-- This mapping just makes it easier to deal with A(..) export items
+mkSubNameEnv names
+ = foldNameSet add_name emptyNameEnv names
+ where
+ add_name name env
+ | Just parent <- nameParent_maybe name
+ = extendNameEnv_C (\ns _ -> name:ns) env parent [name]
+ | otherwise = env
+inScopeUnqual :: GlobalRdrEnv -> Name -> Bool
+-- Checks whether the Name is in scope unqualified,
+-- regardless of whether it's ambiguous or not
+inScopeUnqual env n = any unQualOK (lookupGRE_Name env n)
+checkForDodgyExport :: IE Name -> [Name] -> RnM ()
+checkForDodgyExport ie@(IEThingAll tc) [n]
+ | isTcOcc (nameOccName n) = addWarn (dodgyExportWarn tc)
+ -- This occurs when you export T(..), but
+ -- only import T abstractly, or T is a synonym.
+ -- The single [n] is the type or class itself
+ | otherwise = addErr (exportItemErr ie)
+ -- This happes if you export x(..), which is bogus
+checkForDodgyExport _ _ = return ()
+check_occs :: IE RdrName -> ExportOccMap -> [Name] -> RnM ExportOccMap
+check_occs ie occs names
+ = foldlM check occs names
+ where
+ check occs name
+ = case lookupOccEnv occs name_occ of
+ Nothing -> returnM (extendOccEnv occs name_occ (name, ie))
+ Just (name', ie')
+ | name == name' -- Duplicate export
+ -> do { warn_dup_exports <- doptM Opt_WarnDuplicateExports ;
+ warnIf warn_dup_exports (dupExportWarn name_occ ie ie') ;
+ returnM occs }
+ | otherwise -- Same occ name but different names: an error
+ -> do { global_env <- getGlobalRdrEnv ;
+ addErr (exportClashErr global_env name name' ie ie') ;
+ returnM occs }
+ where
+ name_occ = nameOccName name
+%* *
+ Deprecations
+%* *
+reportDeprecations :: TcGblEnv -> RnM ()
+reportDeprecations tcg_env
+ = ifOptM Opt_WarnDeprecations $
+ do { (eps,hpt) <- getEpsAndHpt
+ -- By this time, typechecking is complete,
+ -- so the PIT is fully populated
+ ; mapM_ (check hpt (eps_PIT eps)) all_gres }
+ where
+ used_names = allUses (tcg_dus tcg_env)
+ -- Report on all deprecated uses; hence allUses
+ all_gres = globalRdrEnvElts (tcg_rdr_env tcg_env)
+ check hpt pit (GRE {gre_name = name, gre_prov = Imported (imp_spec:_)})
+ | name `elemNameSet` used_names
+ , Just deprec_txt <- lookupDeprec hpt pit name
+ = setSrcSpan (importSpecLoc imp_spec) $
+ addWarn (sep [ptext SLIT("Deprecated use of") <+>
+ pprNonVarNameSpace (occNameSpace (nameOccName name)) <+>
+ quotes (ppr name),
+ (parens imp_msg) <> colon,
+ (ppr deprec_txt) ])
+ where
+ name_mod = nameModule name
+ imp_mod = importSpecModule imp_spec
+ imp_msg = ptext SLIT("imported from") <+> ppr imp_mod <> extra
+ extra | imp_mod == name_mod = empty
+ | otherwise = ptext SLIT(", but defined in") <+> ppr name_mod
+ check hpt pit ok_gre = returnM () -- Local, or not used, or not deprectated
+ -- The Imported pattern-match: don't deprecate locally defined names
+ -- For a start, we may be exporting a deprecated thing
+ -- Also we may use a deprecated thing in the defn of another
+ -- deprecated things. We may even use a deprecated thing in
+ -- the defn of a non-deprecated thing, when changing a module's
+ -- interface
+lookupDeprec :: HomePackageTable -> PackageIfaceTable
+ -> Name -> Maybe DeprecTxt
+lookupDeprec hpt pit n
+ = case lookupIface hpt pit (nameModule n) of
+ Just iface -> mi_dep_fn iface n `seqMaybe` -- Bleat if the thing, *or
+ mi_dep_fn iface (nameParent n) -- its parent*, is deprec'd
+ Nothing
+ | isWiredInName n -> Nothing
+ -- We have not necessarily loaded the .hi file for a
+ -- wired-in name (yet), although we *could*.
+ -- And we never deprecate them
+ | otherwise -> pprPanic "lookupDeprec" (ppr n)
+ -- By now all the interfaces should have been loaded
+gre_is_used :: NameSet -> GlobalRdrElt -> Bool
+gre_is_used used_names gre = gre_name gre `elemNameSet` used_names
+%* *
+ Unused names
+%* *
+reportUnusedNames :: Maybe [LIE RdrName] -- Export list
+ -> TcGblEnv -> RnM ()
+reportUnusedNames export_decls gbl_env
+ = do { traceRn ((text "RUN") <+> (ppr (tcg_dus gbl_env)))
+ ; warnUnusedTopBinds unused_locals
+ ; warnUnusedModules unused_imp_mods
+ ; warnUnusedImports unused_imports
+ ; warnDuplicateImports defined_and_used
+ ; printMinimalImports minimal_imports }
+ where
+ used_names, all_used_names :: NameSet
+ used_names = findUses (tcg_dus gbl_env) emptyNameSet
+ -- NB: currently, if f x = g, we only treat 'g' as used if 'f' is used
+ -- Hence findUses
+ all_used_names = used_names `unionNameSets`
+ mkNameSet (mapCatMaybes nameParent_maybe (nameSetToList used_names))
+ -- A use of C implies a use of T,
+ -- if C was brought into scope by T(..) or T(C)
+ -- Collect the defined names from the in-scope environment
+ defined_names :: [GlobalRdrElt]
+ defined_names = globalRdrEnvElts (tcg_rdr_env gbl_env)
+ -- Note that defined_and_used, defined_but_not_used
+ -- are both [GRE]; that's why we need defined_and_used
+ -- rather than just all_used_names
+ defined_and_used, defined_but_not_used :: [GlobalRdrElt]
+ (defined_and_used, defined_but_not_used)
+ = partition (gre_is_used all_used_names) defined_names
+ -- Filter out the ones that are
+ -- (a) defined in this module, and
+ -- (b) not defined by a 'deriving' clause
+ -- The latter have an Internal Name, so we can filter them out easily
+ unused_locals :: [GlobalRdrElt]
+ unused_locals = filter is_unused_local defined_but_not_used
+ is_unused_local :: GlobalRdrElt -> Bool
+ is_unused_local gre = isLocalGRE gre && isExternalName (gre_name gre)
+ unused_imports :: [GlobalRdrElt]
+ unused_imports = filter unused_imp defined_but_not_used
+ unused_imp (GRE {gre_prov = Imported imp_specs})
+ = not (all (module_unused . importSpecModule) imp_specs)
+ && or [exp | ImpSpec { is_item = ImpSome { is_explicit = exp } } <- imp_specs]
+ -- Don't complain about unused imports if we've already said the
+ -- entire import is unused
+ unused_imp other = False
+ -- To figure out the minimal set of imports, start with the things
+ -- that are in scope (i.e. in gbl_env). Then just combine them
+ -- into a bunch of avails, so they are properly grouped
+ --
+ -- BUG WARNING: this does not deal properly with qualified imports!
+ minimal_imports :: FiniteMap Module AvailEnv
+ minimal_imports0 = foldr add_expall emptyFM expall_mods
+ minimal_imports1 = foldr add_name minimal_imports0 defined_and_used
+ minimal_imports = foldr add_inst_mod minimal_imports1 direct_import_mods
+ -- The last line makes sure that we retain all direct imports
+ -- even if we import nothing explicitly.
+ -- It's not necessarily redundant to import such modules. Consider
+ -- module This
+ -- import M ()
+ --
+ -- The import M() is not *necessarily* redundant, even if
+ -- we suck in no instance decls from M (e.g. it contains
+ -- no instance decls, or This contains no code). It may be
+ -- that we import M solely to ensure that M's orphan instance
+ -- decls (or those in its imports) are visible to people who
+ -- import This. Sigh.
+ -- There's really no good way to detect this, so the error message
+ -- in RnEnv.warnUnusedModules is weakened instead
+ -- We've carefully preserved the provenance so that we can
+ -- construct minimal imports that import the name by (one of)
+ -- the same route(s) as the programmer originally did.
+ add_name (GRE {gre_name = n, gre_prov = Imported imp_specs}) acc
+ = addToFM_C plusAvailEnv acc (importSpecModule (head imp_specs))
+ (unitAvailEnv (mk_avail n (nameParent_maybe n)))
+ add_name other acc
+ = acc
+ -- Modules mentioned as 'module M' in the export list
+ expall_mods = case export_decls of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just es -> [m | L _ (IEModuleContents m) <- es]
+ -- This is really bogus. The idea is that if we see 'module M' in
+ -- the export list we must retain the import decls that drive it
+ -- If we aren't careful we might see
+ -- module A( module M ) where
+ -- import M
+ -- import N
+ -- and suppose that N exports everything that M does. Then we
+ -- must not drop the import of M even though N brings it all into
+ -- scope.
+ --
+ -- BUG WARNING: 'module M' exports aside, what if M.x is mentioned?!
+ --
+ -- The reason that add_expall is bogus is that it doesn't take
+ -- qualified imports into account. But it's an improvement.
+ add_expall mod acc = addToFM_C plusAvailEnv acc mod emptyAvailEnv
+ -- n is the name of the thing, p is the name of its parent
+ mk_avail n (Just p) = AvailTC p [p,n]
+ mk_avail n Nothing | isTcOcc (nameOccName n) = AvailTC n [n]
+ | otherwise = Avail n
+ add_inst_mod (mod,_,_) acc
+ | mod `elemFM` acc = acc -- We import something already
+ | otherwise = addToFM acc mod emptyAvailEnv
+ where
+ -- Add an empty collection of imports for a module
+ -- from which we have sucked only instance decls
+ imports = tcg_imports gbl_env
+ direct_import_mods :: [(Module, Bool, SrcSpan)]
+ -- See the type of the imp_mods for this triple
+ direct_import_mods = moduleEnvElts (imp_mods imports)
+ -- unused_imp_mods are the directly-imported modules
+ -- that are not mentioned in minimal_imports1
+ -- [Note: not 'minimal_imports', because that includes directly-imported
+ -- modules even if we use nothing from them; see notes above]
+ --
+ -- BUG WARNING: does not deal correctly with multiple imports of the same module
+ -- becuase direct_import_mods has only one entry per module
+ unused_imp_mods = [(mod,loc) | (mod,no_imp,loc) <- direct_import_mods,
+ not (mod `elemFM` minimal_imports1),
+ mod /= pRELUDE,
+ not no_imp]
+ -- The not no_imp part is not to complain about
+ -- import M (), which is an idiom for importing
+ -- instance declarations
+ module_unused :: Module -> Bool
+ module_unused mod = any (((==) mod) . fst) unused_imp_mods
+warnDuplicateImports :: [GlobalRdrElt] -> RnM ()
+-- Given the GREs for names that are used, figure out which imports
+-- could be omitted without changing the top-level environment.
+-- NB: Given import Foo( T )
+-- import qualified Foo
+-- we do not report a duplicate import, even though Foo.T is brought
+-- into scope by both, because there's nothing you can *omit* without
+-- changing the top-level environment. So we complain only if it's
+-- explicitly named in both imports or neither.
+-- Furthermore, we complain about Foo.T only if
+-- there is no complaint about (unqualified) T
+warnDuplicateImports gres
+ = ifOptM Opt_WarnUnusedImports $
+ sequenceM_ [ warn name pr
+ -- The 'head' picks the first offending group
+ -- for this particular name
+ | GRE { gre_name = name, gre_prov = Imported imps } <- gres
+ , pr <- redundants imps ]
+ where
+ warn name (red_imp, cov_imp)
+ = addWarnAt (importSpecLoc red_imp)
+ (vcat [ptext SLIT("Redundant import of:") <+> quotes pp_name,
+ ptext SLIT("It is also") <+> ppr cov_imp])
+ where
+ pp_name | is_qual red_decl = ppr (is_as red_decl) <> dot <> ppr occ
+ | otherwise = ppr occ
+ occ = nameOccName name
+ red_decl = is_decl red_imp
+ redundants :: [ImportSpec] -> [(ImportSpec,ImportSpec)]
+ -- The returned pair is (redundant-import, covering-import)
+ redundants imps
+ = [ (red_imp, cov_imp)
+ | red_imp <- imps
+ , cov_imp <- take 1 (filter (covers red_imp) imps) ]
+ -- "red_imp" is a putative redundant import
+ -- "cov_imp" potentially covers it
+ -- This test decides whether red_imp could be dropped
+ --
+ -- NOTE: currently the test does not warn about
+ -- import M( x )
+ -- imoprt N( x )
+ -- even if the same underlying 'x' is involved, because dropping
+ -- either import would change the qualified names in scope (M.x, N.x)
+ -- But if the qualified names aren't used, the import is indeed redundant
+ -- Sadly we don't know that. Oh well.
+ covers red_imp@(ImpSpec { is_decl = red_decl, is_item = red_item })
+ cov_imp@(ImpSpec { is_decl = cov_decl, is_item = cov_item })
+ | red_loc == cov_loc
+ = False -- Ignore diagonal elements
+ | not (is_as red_decl == is_as cov_decl)
+ = False -- They bring into scope different qualified names
+ | not (is_qual red_decl) && is_qual cov_decl
+ = False -- Covering one doesn't bring unqualified name into scope
+ | red_selective
+ = not cov_selective -- Redundant one is selective and covering one isn't
+ || red_later -- Both are explicit; tie-break using red_later
+ | otherwise
+ = not cov_selective -- Neither import is selective
+ && (is_mod red_decl == is_mod cov_decl) -- They import the same module
+ && red_later -- Tie-break
+ where
+ red_loc = importSpecLoc red_imp
+ cov_loc = importSpecLoc cov_imp
+ red_later = red_loc > cov_loc
+ cov_selective = selectiveImpItem cov_item
+ red_selective = selectiveImpItem red_item
+selectiveImpItem :: ImpItemSpec -> Bool
+selectiveImpItem ImpAll = False
+selectiveImpItem (ImpSome {}) = True
+-- ToDo: deal with original imports with 'qualified' and 'as M' clauses
+printMinimalImports :: FiniteMap Module AvailEnv -- Minimal imports
+ -> RnM ()
+printMinimalImports imps
+ = ifOptM Opt_D_dump_minimal_imports $ do {
+ mod_ies <- mappM to_ies (fmToList imps) ;
+ this_mod <- getModule ;
+ rdr_env <- getGlobalRdrEnv ;
+ ioToTcRn (do { h <- openFile (mkFilename this_mod) WriteMode ;
+ printForUser h (unQualInScope rdr_env)
+ (vcat (map ppr_mod_ie mod_ies)) })
+ }
+ where
+ mkFilename this_mod = moduleString this_mod ++ ".imports"
+ ppr_mod_ie (mod_name, ies)
+ | mod_name == pRELUDE
+ = empty
+ | null ies -- Nothing except instances comes from here
+ = ptext SLIT("import") <+> ppr mod_name <> ptext SLIT("() -- Instances only")
+ | otherwise
+ = ptext SLIT("import") <+> ppr mod_name <>
+ parens (fsep (punctuate comma (map ppr ies)))
+ to_ies (mod, avail_env) = do ies <- mapM to_ie (availEnvElts avail_env)
+ returnM (mod, ies)
+ to_ie :: AvailInfo -> RnM (IE Name)
+ -- The main trick here is that if we're importing all the constructors
+ -- we want to say "T(..)", but if we're importing only a subset we want
+ -- to say "T(A,B,C)". So we have to find out what the module exports.
+ to_ie (Avail n) = returnM (IEVar n)
+ to_ie (AvailTC n [m]) = ASSERT( n==m )
+ returnM (IEThingAbs n)
+ to_ie (AvailTC n ns)
+ = loadSrcInterface doc n_mod False `thenM` \ iface ->
+ case [xs | (m,as) <- mi_exports iface,
+ m == n_mod,
+ AvailTC x xs <- as,
+ x == nameOccName n] of
+ [xs] | all_used xs -> returnM (IEThingAll n)
+ | otherwise -> returnM (IEThingWith n (filter (/= n) ns))
+ other -> pprTrace "to_ie" (ppr n <+> ppr n_mod <+> ppr other) $
+ returnM (IEVar n)
+ where
+ all_used avail_occs = all (`elem` map nameOccName ns) avail_occs
+ doc = text "Compute minimal imports from" <+> ppr n
+ n_mod = nameModule n
+%* *
+%* *
+badImportItemErr iface decl_spec ie
+ = sep [ptext SLIT("Module"), quotes (ppr (is_mod decl_spec)), source_import,
+ ptext SLIT("does not export"), quotes (ppr ie)]
+ where
+ source_import | mi_boot iface = ptext SLIT("(hi-boot interface)")
+ | otherwise = empty
+dodgyImportWarn item = dodgyMsg (ptext SLIT("import")) item
+dodgyExportWarn item = dodgyMsg (ptext SLIT("export")) item
+dodgyMsg kind tc
+ = sep [ ptext SLIT("The") <+> kind <+> ptext SLIT("item") <+> quotes (ppr (IEThingAll tc)),
+ ptext SLIT("suggests that") <+> quotes (ppr tc) <+> ptext SLIT("has constructor or class methods"),
+ ptext SLIT("but it has none; it is a type synonym or abstract type or class") ]
+modExportErr mod
+ = hsep [ ptext SLIT("Unknown module in export list: module"), quotes (ppr mod)]
+exportItemErr export_item
+ = sep [ ptext SLIT("The export item") <+> quotes (ppr export_item),
+ ptext SLIT("attempts to export constructors or class methods that are not visible here") ]
+exportClashErr global_env name1 name2 ie1 ie2
+ = vcat [ ptext SLIT("Conflicting exports for") <+> quotes (ppr occ) <> colon
+ , ppr_export ie1 name1
+ , ppr_export ie2 name2 ]
+ where
+ occ = nameOccName name1
+ ppr_export ie name = nest 2 (quotes (ppr ie) <+> ptext SLIT("exports") <+>
+ quotes (ppr name) <+> pprNameProvenance (get_gre name))
+ -- get_gre finds a GRE for the Name, so that we can show its provenance
+ get_gre name
+ = case lookupGRE_Name global_env name of
+ (gre:_) -> gre
+ [] -> pprPanic "exportClashErr" (ppr name)
+addDupDeclErr :: Name -> Name -> TcRn ()
+addDupDeclErr name_a name_b
+ = addErrAt (srcLocSpan loc2) $
+ vcat [ptext SLIT("Multiple declarations of") <+> quotes (ppr name1),
+ ptext SLIT("Declared at:") <+> vcat [ppr (nameSrcLoc name1), ppr loc2]]
+ where
+ loc2 = nameSrcLoc name2
+ (name1,name2) | nameSrcLoc name_a > nameSrcLoc name_b = (name_b,name_a)
+ | otherwise = (name_a,name_b)
+ -- Report the error at the later location
+dupExportWarn occ_name ie1 ie2
+ = hsep [quotes (ppr occ_name),
+ ptext SLIT("is exported by"), quotes (ppr ie1),
+ ptext SLIT("and"), quotes (ppr ie2)]
+dupModuleExport mod
+ = hsep [ptext SLIT("Duplicate"),
+ quotes (ptext SLIT("Module") <+> ppr mod),
+ ptext SLIT("in export list")]
+moduleDeprec mod txt
+ = sep [ ptext SLIT("Module") <+> quotes (ppr mod) <+> ptext SLIT("is deprecated:"),
+ nest 4 (ppr txt) ]