path: root/compiler/rename
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authorSimon Peyton Jones <>2011-04-29 18:06:03 +0100
committerSimon Peyton Jones <>2011-04-29 18:06:03 +0100
commit4ac2bb39dffb4b825ece73b349ff0d56d79092d7 (patch)
treefeed26ef7e157d3fa025cb5d2df97e277940b00b /compiler/rename
parent5ccf658872ea2304f34eda6b1fb840fc1bfc0ba0 (diff)
Simon's hacking on monad-comp; incomplete
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/rename')
1 files changed, 162 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs b/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
index 425cb40f59..e3e92bcfd0 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
@@ -224,16 +224,9 @@ rnExpr (HsLet binds expr)
rnLExpr expr `thenM` \ (expr',fvExpr) ->
return (HsLet binds' expr', fvExpr)
-rnExpr (HsDo do_or_lc stmts body _ _)
- = do { ((stmts', body'), fvs1) <- rnStmts do_or_lc stmts $ \ _ ->
- rnLExpr body
- ; (return_op, fvs2) <-
- if isMonadCompExpr do_or_lc
- then lookupSyntaxName returnMName
- else return (noSyntaxExpr, emptyFVs)
- ; return ( HsDo do_or_lc stmts' body' return_op placeHolderType
- , fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2 ) }
+rnExpr (HsDo do_or_lc stmts _)
+ = do { ((stmts', _), fvs) <- rnStmts do_or_lc stmts (\ _ -> return ())
+ ; return ( HsDo do_or_lc stmts' placeHolderType, fvs ) }
rnExpr (ExplicitList _ exps)
= rnExprs exps `thenM` \ (exps', fvs) ->
@@ -653,25 +646,53 @@ rnStmts :: HsStmtContext Name -> [LStmt RdrName]
-- Renaming a single RecStmt can give a sequence of smaller Stmts
-rnStmts _ [] thing_inside
- = do { (res, fvs) <- thing_inside []
- ; return (([], res), fvs) }
+rnStmts ctxt [] thing_inside
+ = do { addErr (ptext (sLit "Empty") <+> pprStmtContext ctxt)
+ ; (thing, fvs) <- thing_inside []
+ ; return (([], thing), fvs) }
+rnStmts MDoExpr stmts thing_inside -- Deal with mdo
+ = -- Behave like do { rec { ...all but last... }; last }
+ do { ((stmts1, (stmts2, thing)), fvs)
+ <- rnStmt MDoExpr (mkRecStmt all_but_last) $ \ bndrs ->
+ do { checkStmt MDoExpr True last_stmt
+ ; rnStmt MDoExpr last_stmt thing_inside }
+ ; return (((stmts1 ++ stmts2), thing), fvs) }
+ where
+ Just (all_but_last, last_stmt) = snocView stmts
rnStmts ctxt (stmt@(L loc _) : stmts) thing_inside
+ | null stmts
+ = setSrcSpan loc $
+ do { let last_stmt = case stmt of
+ ExprStmt e _ _ _ -> LastStmt e noSyntaxExpr
+ ; checkStmt ctxt True {- last stmt -} stmt
+ ; rnStmt ctxt stmt thing_inside }
+ | otherwise
= do { ((stmts1, (stmts2, thing)), fvs)
- <- setSrcSpan loc $
- rnStmt ctxt stmt $ \ bndrs1 ->
- rnStmts ctxt stmts $ \ bndrs2 ->
- thing_inside (bndrs1 ++ bndrs2)
+ <- setSrcSpan loc $
+ do { checkStmt ctxt False {- Not last -} stmt
+ ; rnStmt ctxt stmt $ \ bndrs1 ->
+ rnStmts ctxt stmts $ \ bndrs2 ->
+ thing_inside (bndrs1 ++ bndrs2) }
; return (((stmts1 ++ stmts2), thing), fvs) }
-rnStmt :: HsStmtContext Name -> LStmt RdrName
+rnStmt :: HsStmtContext Name
+ -> LStmt RdrName
-> ([Name] -> RnM (thing, FreeVars))
-> RnM (([LStmt Name], thing), FreeVars)
-- Variables bound by the Stmt, and mentioned in thing_inside,
-- do not appear in the result FreeVars
+rnStmt ctxt (L loc (LastStmt expr _)) thing_inside
+ = do { (expr', fv_expr) <- rnLExpr expr
+ ; (ret_op, fvs1) <- lookupSyntaxName returnMName
+ ; (thing, fvs3) <- thing_inside []
+ ; return (([L loc (LastStmt expr' ret_op)], thing),
+ fv_expr `plusFV` fvs1 `plusFV` fvs3) }
rnStmt ctxt (L loc (ExprStmt expr _ _ _)) thing_inside
= do { (expr', fv_expr) <- rnLExpr expr
; (then_op, fvs1) <- lookupSyntaxName thenMName
@@ -683,7 +704,8 @@ rnStmt ctxt (L loc (ExprStmt expr _ _ _)) thing_inside
fv_expr `plusFV` fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2 `plusFV` fvs3) }
rnStmt ctxt (L loc (BindStmt pat expr _ _)) thing_inside
- = do { (expr', fv_expr) <- rnLExpr expr
+ = do { checkBindStmt ctxt is_last
+ ; (expr', fv_expr) <- rnLExpr expr
-- The binders do not scope over the expression
; (bind_op, fvs1) <- lookupSyntaxName bindMName
; (fail_op, fvs2) <- lookupSyntaxName failMName
@@ -701,8 +723,7 @@ rnStmt ctxt (L loc (LetStmt binds)) thing_inside
; return (([L loc (LetStmt binds')], thing), fvs) } }
rnStmt ctxt (L _ (RecStmt { recS_stmts = rec_stmts })) thing_inside
- = do { checkRecStmt ctxt
+ = do {
-- Step1: Bring all the binders of the mdo into scope
-- (Remember that this also removes the binders from the
-- finally-returned free-vars.)
@@ -745,8 +766,7 @@ rnStmt ctxt (L _ (RecStmt { recS_stmts = rec_stmts })) thing_inside
; return ((rec_stmts', thing), fvs `plusFV` fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2 `plusFV` fvs3) } }
rnStmt ctxt (L loc (ParStmt segs _ _ _)) thing_inside
- = do { checkParStmt ctxt
- ; ((mzip_op, fvs1), (bind_op, fvs2), (return_op, fvs3)) <- if isMonadCompExpr ctxt
+ = do { ((mzip_op, fvs1), (bind_op, fvs2), (return_op, fvs3)) <- if isMonadCompExpr ctxt
then (,,) <$> lookupSyntaxName mzipName
<*> lookupSyntaxName bindMName
<*> lookupSyntaxName returnMName
@@ -758,9 +778,7 @@ rnStmt ctxt (L loc (ParStmt segs _ _ _)) thing_inside
, fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2 `plusFV` fvs3 `plusFV` fvs4) }
rnStmt ctxt (L loc (TransformStmt stmts _ using by _ _)) thing_inside
- = do { checkTransformStmt ctxt
- ; (using', fvs1) <- rnLExpr using
+ = do { (using', fvs1) <- rnLExpr using
; ((stmts', (by', used_bndrs, thing)), fvs2)
<- rnStmts (TransformStmtCtxt ctxt) stmts $ \ bndrs ->
@@ -786,9 +804,7 @@ rnStmt ctxt (L loc (TransformStmt stmts _ using by _ _)) thing_inside
fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2 `plusFV` fvs3 `plusFV` fvs4) }
rnStmt ctxt (L loc (GroupStmt stmts _ by using _ _ _)) thing_inside
- = do { checkTransformStmt ctxt
- -- Rename the 'using' expression in the context before the transform is begun
+ = do { -- Rename the 'using' expression in the context before the transform is begun
; (using', fvs1) <- case using of
Left e -> do { (e', fvs) <- rnLExpr e; return (Left e', fvs) }
Right _
@@ -810,11 +826,11 @@ rnStmt ctxt (L loc (GroupStmt stmts _ by using _ _ _)) thing_inside
; return ((by', used_bndrs, thing), fvs) }
-- Lookup `return`, `(>>=)` and `liftM` for monad comprehensions
- ; ((return_op, fvs3), (bind_op, fvs4), (liftM_op, fvs5)) <-
+ ; ((return_op, fvs3), (bind_op, fvs4), (fmap_op, fvs5)) <-
if isMonadCompExpr ctxt
then (,,) <$> lookupSyntaxName returnMName
<*> lookupSyntaxName bindMName
- <*> lookupSyntaxName liftMName
+ <*> lookupSyntaxName fmapName
else return ( (noSyntaxExpr, emptyFVs)
, (noSyntaxExpr, emptyFVs)
, (noSyntaxExpr, emptyFVs) )
@@ -825,7 +841,7 @@ rnStmt ctxt (L loc (GroupStmt stmts _ by using _ _ _)) thing_inside
-- See Note [GroupStmt binder map] in HsExpr
; traceRn (text "rnStmt: implicitly rebound these used binders:" <+> ppr bndr_map)
- ; return (([L loc (GroupStmt stmts' bndr_map by' using' return_op bind_op liftM_op)], thing), all_fvs) }
+ ; return (([L loc (GroupStmt stmts' bndr_map by' using' return_op bind_op fmap_op)], thing), all_fvs) }
type ParSeg id = ([LStmt id], [id]) -- The Names are bound by the Stmts
@@ -1182,22 +1198,124 @@ program.
-- Checking when a particular Stmt is ok
-checkLetStmt :: HsStmtContext Name -> HsLocalBinds RdrName -> RnM ()
-checkLetStmt (ParStmtCtxt _) (HsIPBinds binds) = addErr (badIpBinds (ptext (sLit "a parallel list comprehension:")) binds)
-checkLetStmt _ctxt _binds = return ()
+checkStmt :: HsStmtContext Name
+ -> Bool -- True <=> this is the last Stmt in the sequence
+ -> LStmt RdrName
+ -> RnM ()
+checkStmt ctxt is_last (L _ stmt)
+ = do { dflags <- getDOpts
+ ; case okStmt dflags ctxt is_last stmt of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just extr -> addErr (msg $$ extra) }
+ where
+ msg = ptext (sLit "Unexpected") <+> pprStmtCat stmt
+ <+> ptext (sLit "statement in") <+> pprStmtContext ctxt
+pprStmtCat :: Stmt a -> SDoc
+pprStmtCat (TransformStmt {}) = ptext (sLit "transform")
+pprStmtCat (GroupStmt {}) = ptext (sLit "group")
+pprStmtCat (LastStmt {}) = ptext (sLit "return expression")
+pprStmtCat (ExprStmt {}) = ptext (sLit "exprssion")
+pprStmtCat (BindStmt {}) = ptext (sLit "binding")
+pprStmtCat (LetStmt {}) = ptext (sLit "let")
+pprStmtCat (RecStmt {}) = ptext (sLit "rec")
+pprStmtCat (ParStmt {}) = ptext (sLit "parallel")
+isOK, notOK :: Maybe SDoc
+isOK = Nothing
+notOK = Just empty
+okStmt, okDoStmt, okCompStmt :: DynFlags -> HsStmtContext Name -> Bool
+ -> Stmt RdrName -> Maybe SDoc
+-- Return Nothing if OK, (Just extra) if not ok
+-- The "extra" is an SDoc that is appended to an generic error message
+okStmt dflags GhciStmt is_last stmt
+ = case stmt of
+ ExprStmt {} -> isOK
+ BindStmt {} -> isOK
+ LetStmt {} -> isOK
+ _ -> notOK
+okStmt dflags (PatGuard {}) is_last stmt
+ = case stmt of
+ ExprStmt {} -> isOK
+ BindStmt {} -> isOK
+ LetStmt {} -> isOK
+ _ -> notOK
+okStmt dflags (ParStmtCtxt ctxt) is_last stmt
+ = case stmt of
+ LetStmt (HsIPBinds {}) -> notOK
+ _ -> okStmt dflags ctxt is_last stmt
+okStmt dflags (TransformStmtCtxt ctxt) is_last stmt
+ = okStmt dflags ctxt is_last stmt
+okStmt ctxt is_last stmt
+ | isDoExpr ctxt = okDoStmt ctxt is_last stmt
+ | isCompExpr ctxt = okCompStmt ctxt is_last stmt
+ | otherwise = pprPanic "okStmt" (pprStmtContext ctxt)
+okDoStmt dflags ctxt is_last stmt
+ | is_last
+ = case stmt of
+ LastStmt {} -> isOK
+ _ -> Just (ptext (sLit "The last statement in") <+> what <+>
+ ptext (sLIt "construct must be an expression"))
+ where
+ what = case ctxt of
+ DoExpr -> ptext (sLit "a 'do'")
+ MDoExpr -> ptext (sLit "an 'mdo'")
+ _ -> panic "checkStmt"
+ | otherwise
+ = case stmt of
+ RecStmt {} -> isOK -- Shouldn't we test a flag?
+ BindStmt {} -> isOK
+ LetStmt {} -> isOK
+ ExprStmt {} -> isOK
+ _ -> notOK
+okCompStmt dflags ctxt is_last stmt
+ | is_last
+ = case stmt of
+ LastStmt {} -> Nothing
+ -> pprPanic "Unexpected stmt" (ppr stmt) -- Not a user error
+ | otherwise
+ = case stmt of
+ BindStmt {} -> isOK
+ LetStmt {} -> isOK
+ ExprStmt {} -> isOK
+ RecStmt {} -> notOK
+ ParStmt {}
+ | dopt dflags Opt_ParallelListComp -> isOK
+ | otherwise -> Just (ptext (sLit "Use -XParallelListComp"))
+ TransformStmt {}
+ | dopt dflags Opt_transformListComp -> isOK
+ | otherwise -> Just (ptext (sLit "Use -XTransformListComp"))
+ GroupStmt {}
+ | dopt dflags Opt_transformListComp -> isOK
+ | otherwise -> Just (ptext (sLit "Use -XTransformListComp"))
+checkStmt :: HsStmtContext Name -> Stmt RdrName -> Maybe SDoc
+-- Non-last stmt
+checkStmt (ParStmtCtxt _) (HsIPBinds binds)
+ = Just (badIpBinds (ptext (sLit "a parallel list comprehension:")) binds)
-- We do not allow implicit-parameter bindings in a parallel
-- list comprehension. I'm not sure what it might mean.
-checkRecStmt :: HsStmtContext Name -> RnM ()
-checkRecStmt MDoExpr = return () -- Recursive stmt ok in 'mdo'
-checkRecStmt DoExpr = return () -- and in 'do'
-checkRecStmt ctxt = addErr msg
- where
- msg = ptext (sLit "Illegal 'rec' stmt in") <+> pprStmtContext ctxt
+checkStmt ctxt (RecStmt {})
+ | not (isDoExpr ctxt)
+ = addErr (ptext (sLit "Illegal 'rec' stmt in") <+> pprStmtContext ctxt)
checkParStmt :: HsStmtContext Name -> RnM ()