path: root/compiler/simplCore/LiberateCase.lhs
diff options
mode: <unknown>2007-10-29 17:06:20 +0000 <unknown>2007-10-29 17:06:20 +0000
commitebd091d5cd703b249838baaa125e6c0fa0fe0e45 (patch)
tree663bd78b3313ccaecd05121f87c12d0964a7e7fb /compiler/simplCore/LiberateCase.lhs
parentb279a3fc517ee355844223758ef026e108535e57 (diff)
Fix LiberateCase
Merge to STABLE please Liberate case was being far too gung-ho about what to specialise. This bug only showed up when a recursive function 'f' has a nested recursive function 'g', where 'g' calls 'f' (as well as recursively calling 'g'). This exact situation happens in GHC/IO.writeLines. This patch puts things right; see Note [When to specialise]. Result: much less code bloat.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/simplCore/LiberateCase.lhs')
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/simplCore/LiberateCase.lhs b/compiler/simplCore/LiberateCase.lhs
index 8b3d91b7f4..c29d217b00 100644
--- a/compiler/simplCore/LiberateCase.lhs
+++ b/compiler/simplCore/LiberateCase.lhs
@@ -60,30 +60,13 @@ Example
Better code, because 'a' is free inside the inner letrec, rather
than needing projection from v.
-Other examples we'd like to catch with this kind of transformation
+Note that this deals with *free variables*. SpecConstr deals with
+*arguments* that are of known form. E.g.
last [] = error
last (x:[]) = x
last (x:xs) = last xs
-We'd like to avoid the redundant pattern match, transforming to
- last [] = error
- last (x:[]) = x
- last (x:(y:ys)) = last' y ys
- where
- last' y [] = y
- last' _ (y:ys) = last' y ys
- (is this necessarily an improvement)
-Similarly drop:
- drop n [] = []
- drop 0 xs = xs
- drop n (x:xs) = drop (n-1) xs
-Would like to pass n along unboxed.
Note [Scrutinee with cast]
@@ -266,8 +249,39 @@ libCaseId env v
rec_id_level = lookupLevel env v
free_scruts = freeScruts env rec_id_level
+freeScruts :: LibCaseEnv
+ -> LibCaseLevel -- Level of the recursive Id
+ -> [Id] -- Ids that are scrutinised between the binding
+ -- of the recursive Id and here
+freeScruts env rec_bind_lvl
+ = [v | (v,scrut_bind_lvl) <- lc_scruts env
+ , scrut_bind_lvl <= rec_bind_lvl]
+ -- Note [When to specialise]
+Note [When to specialise]
+ f = \x. letrec g = \y. case x of
+ True -> ... (f a) ...
+ False -> ... (g b) ...
+We get the following levels
+ f 0
+ x 1
+ g 1
+ y 2
+Then 'x' is being scrutinised at a deeper level than its binding, so
+it's added to lc_sruts: [(x,1)]
+We do *not* want to specialise the call to 'f', becuase 'x' is not free
+in 'f'. So here the bind-level of 'x' (=1) is not <= the bind-level of 'f' (=0).
+We *do* want to specialise the call to 'g', because 'x' is free in g.
+Here the bind-level of 'x' (=1) is <= the bind-level of 'g' (=1).
%* *
@@ -304,7 +318,7 @@ addScrutedVar env@(LibCaseEnv { lc_lvl = lvl, lc_lvl_env = lvl_env,
| otherwise = env
- scruts' = (scrut_var, lvl) : scruts
+ scruts' = (scrut_var, bind_lvl) : scruts
bind_lvl = case lookupVarEnv lvl_env scrut_var of
Just lvl -> lvl
Nothing -> topLevel
@@ -317,13 +331,6 @@ lookupLevel env id
= case lookupVarEnv (lc_lvl_env env) id of
Just lvl -> lvl
Nothing -> topLevel
-freeScruts :: LibCaseEnv
- -> LibCaseLevel -- Level of the recursive Id
- -> [Id] -- Ids that are scrutinised between the binding
- -- of the recursive Id and here
-freeScruts env rec_bind_lvl
- = [v | (v,scrut_lvl) <- lc_scruts env, scrut_lvl > rec_bind_lvl]
@@ -347,25 +354,25 @@ data LibCaseEnv
-- (passed in from cmd-line args)
lc_lvl :: LibCaseLevel, -- Current level
+ -- The level is incremented when (and only when) going
+ -- inside the RHS of a (sufficiently small) recursive
+ -- function.
lc_lvl_env :: IdEnv LibCaseLevel,
- -- Binds all non-top-level in-scope Ids
- -- (top-level and imported things have
- -- a level of zero)
+ -- Binds all non-top-level in-scope Ids (top-level and
+ -- imported things have a level of zero)
lc_rec_env :: IdEnv CoreBind,
- -- Binds *only* recursively defined ids,
- -- to their own binding group,
- -- and *only* in their own RHSs
+ -- Binds *only* recursively defined ids, to their own
+ -- binding group, and *only* in their own RHSs
lc_scruts :: [(Id,LibCaseLevel)]
- -- Each of these Ids was scrutinised by an
- -- enclosing case expression, with the
- -- specified number of enclosing
- -- recursive bindings; furthermore,
- -- the Id is bound at a lower level
- -- than the case expression. The order is
- -- insignificant; it's a bag really
+ -- Each of these Ids was scrutinised by an enclosing
+ -- case expression, at a level deeper than its binding
+ -- level. The LibCaseLevel recorded here is the *binding
+ -- level* of the scrutinised Id.
+ --
+ -- The order is insignificant; it's a bag really
initEnv :: DynFlags -> LibCaseEnv