path: root/compiler/simplCore
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authornineonine <>2019-10-11 00:31:58 -0700
committerMarge Bot <>2019-11-19 11:53:16 -0500
commit88013b784d77c069b7c083244d04a59ac2da2895 (patch)
tree6053b9eb19acecb8c80b92ccd586cda36b71be90 /compiler/simplCore
parentcf7f8e5bbec83da1bb62075968bc78c86414c245 (diff)
Optimize MonadUnique instances based on IO (#16843)
Metric Decrease: T14683
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/simplCore')
3 files changed, 37 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/simplCore/CoreMonad.hs b/compiler/simplCore/CoreMonad.hs
index d2918a263f..fde925063b 100644
--- a/compiler/simplCore/CoreMonad.hs
+++ b/compiler/simplCore/CoreMonad.hs
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ module CoreMonad (
-- ** Reading from the monad
getHscEnv, getRuleBase, getModule,
getDynFlags, getOrigNameCache, getPackageFamInstEnv,
- getVisibleOrphanMods,
+ getVisibleOrphanMods, getUniqMask,
getPrintUnqualified, getSrcSpanM,
-- ** Writing to the monad
@@ -546,10 +546,6 @@ cmpEqTick _ _ = EQ
-newtype CoreState = CoreState {
- cs_uniq_supply :: UniqSupply
data CoreReader = CoreReader {
cr_hsc_env :: HscEnv,
cr_rule_base :: RuleBase,
@@ -557,7 +553,8 @@ data CoreReader = CoreReader {
cr_print_unqual :: PrintUnqualified,
cr_loc :: SrcSpan, -- Use this for log/error messages so they
-- are at least tagged with the right source file
- cr_visible_orphan_mods :: !ModuleSet
+ cr_visible_orphan_mods :: !ModuleSet,
+ cr_uniq_mask :: !Char -- Mask for creating unique values
-- Note: CoreWriter used to be defined with data, rather than newtype. If it
@@ -579,55 +576,51 @@ plusWriter w1 w2 = CoreWriter {
type CoreIOEnv = IOEnv CoreReader
--- | The monad used by Core-to-Core passes to access common state, register simplification
--- statistics and so on
-newtype CoreM a = CoreM { unCoreM :: CoreState -> CoreIOEnv (a, CoreState, CoreWriter) }
+-- | The monad used by Core-to-Core passes to register simplification statistics.
+-- Also used to have common state (in the form of UniqueSupply) for generating Uniques.
+newtype CoreM a = CoreM { unCoreM :: CoreIOEnv (a, CoreWriter) }
deriving (Functor)
instance Monad CoreM where
- mx >>= f = CoreM $ \s -> do
- (x, s', w1) <- unCoreM mx s
- (y, s'', w2) <- unCoreM (f x) s'
+ mx >>= f = CoreM $ do
+ (x, w1) <- unCoreM mx
+ (y, w2) <- unCoreM (f x)
let w = w1 `plusWriter` w2
- return $ seq w (y, s'', w)
+ return $ seq w (y, w)
-- forcing w before building the tuple avoids a space leak
-- (#7702)
instance Applicative CoreM where
- pure x = CoreM $ \s -> nop s x
+ pure x = CoreM $ nop x
(<*>) = ap
m *> k = m >>= \_ -> k
instance Alternative CoreM where
- empty = CoreM (const Control.Applicative.empty)
- m <|> n = CoreM (\rs -> unCoreM m rs <|> unCoreM n rs)
+ empty = CoreM Control.Applicative.empty
+ m <|> n = CoreM (unCoreM m <|> unCoreM n)
instance MonadPlus CoreM
instance MonadUnique CoreM where
getUniqueSupplyM = do
- us <- getS cs_uniq_supply
- let (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
- modifyS (\s -> s { cs_uniq_supply = us2 })
- return us1
+ mask <- read cr_uniq_mask
+ liftIO $! mkSplitUniqSupply mask
getUniqueM = do
- us <- getS cs_uniq_supply
- let (u,us') = takeUniqFromSupply us
- modifyS (\s -> s { cs_uniq_supply = us' })
- return u
+ mask <- read cr_uniq_mask
+ liftIO $! uniqFromMask mask
runCoreM :: HscEnv
-> RuleBase
- -> UniqSupply
+ -> Char -- ^ Mask
-> Module
-> ModuleSet
-> PrintUnqualified
-> SrcSpan
-> CoreM a
-> IO (a, SimplCount)
-runCoreM hsc_env rule_base us mod orph_imps print_unqual loc m
- = liftM extract $ runIOEnv reader $ unCoreM m state
+runCoreM hsc_env rule_base mask mod orph_imps print_unqual loc m
+ = liftM extract $ runIOEnv reader $ unCoreM m
reader = CoreReader {
cr_hsc_env = hsc_env,
@@ -635,14 +628,12 @@ runCoreM hsc_env rule_base us mod orph_imps print_unqual loc m
cr_module = mod,
cr_visible_orphan_mods = orph_imps,
cr_print_unqual = print_unqual,
- cr_loc = loc
- }
- state = CoreState {
- cs_uniq_supply = us
+ cr_loc = loc,
+ cr_uniq_mask = mask
- extract :: (a, CoreState, CoreWriter) -> (a, SimplCount)
- extract (value, _, writer) = (value, cw_simpl_count writer)
+ extract :: (a, CoreWriter) -> (a, SimplCount)
+ extract (value, writer) = (value, cw_simpl_count writer)
@@ -652,28 +643,22 @@ runCoreM hsc_env rule_base us mod orph_imps print_unqual loc m
-nop :: CoreState -> a -> CoreIOEnv (a, CoreState, CoreWriter)
-nop s x = do
+nop :: a -> CoreIOEnv (a, CoreWriter)
+nop x = do
r <- getEnv
- return (x, s, emptyWriter $ (hsc_dflags . cr_hsc_env) r)
+ return (x, emptyWriter $ (hsc_dflags . cr_hsc_env) r)
read :: (CoreReader -> a) -> CoreM a
-read f = CoreM (\s -> getEnv >>= (\r -> nop s (f r)))
-getS :: (CoreState -> a) -> CoreM a
-getS f = CoreM (\s -> nop s (f s))
-modifyS :: (CoreState -> CoreState) -> CoreM ()
-modifyS f = CoreM (\s -> nop (f s) ())
+read f = CoreM $ getEnv >>= (\r -> nop (f r))
write :: CoreWriter -> CoreM ()
-write w = CoreM (\s -> return ((), s, w))
+write w = CoreM $ return ((), w)
-- \subsection{Lifting IO into the monad}
-- | Lift an 'IOEnv' operation into 'CoreM'
liftIOEnv :: CoreIOEnv a -> CoreM a
-liftIOEnv mx = CoreM (\s -> mx >>= (\x -> nop s x))
+liftIOEnv mx = CoreM (mx >>= (\x -> nop x))
instance MonadIO CoreM where
liftIO = liftIOEnv . IOEnv.liftIO
@@ -708,6 +693,9 @@ getSrcSpanM = read cr_loc
addSimplCount :: SimplCount -> CoreM ()
addSimplCount count = write (CoreWriter { cw_simpl_count = count })
+getUniqMask :: CoreM Char
+getUniqMask = read cr_uniq_mask
-- Convenience accessors for useful fields of HscEnv
instance HasDynFlags CoreM where
diff --git a/compiler/simplCore/CoreMonad.hs-boot b/compiler/simplCore/CoreMonad.hs-boot
index 206675e5e2..74c21e8216 100644
--- a/compiler/simplCore/CoreMonad.hs-boot
+++ b/compiler/simplCore/CoreMonad.hs-boot
@@ -12,11 +12,6 @@ module CoreMonad ( CoreToDo, CoreM ) where
import GhcPrelude
import IOEnv ( IOEnv )
-import UniqSupply ( UniqSupply )
-newtype CoreState = CoreState {
- cs_uniq_supply :: UniqSupply
type CoreIOEnv = IOEnv CoreReader
@@ -28,9 +23,7 @@ newtype CoreWriter = CoreWriter {
data SimplCount
-newtype CoreM a
- = CoreM { unCoreM :: CoreState
- -> CoreIOEnv (a, CoreState, CoreWriter) }
+newtype CoreM a = CoreM { unCoreM :: CoreIOEnv (a, CoreWriter) }
instance Monad CoreM
diff --git a/compiler/simplCore/SimplCore.hs b/compiler/simplCore/SimplCore.hs
index cbfa757552..149a079a0a 100644
--- a/compiler/simplCore/SimplCore.hs
+++ b/compiler/simplCore/SimplCore.hs
@@ -72,13 +72,13 @@ core2core hsc_env guts@(ModGuts { mg_module = mod
, mg_loc = loc
, mg_deps = deps
, mg_rdr_env = rdr_env })
- = do { us <- mkSplitUniqSupply 's'
- -- make sure all plugins are loaded
+ = do { -- make sure all plugins are loaded
; let builtin_passes = getCoreToDo dflags
orph_mods = mkModuleSet (mod : dep_orphs deps)
+ uniq_mask = 's'
- ; (guts2, stats) <- runCoreM hsc_env hpt_rule_base us mod
+ ; (guts2, stats) <- runCoreM hsc_env hpt_rule_base uniq_mask mod
orph_mods print_unqual loc $
do { hsc_env' <- getHscEnv
; dflags' <- liftIO $ initializePlugins hsc_env'