path: root/compiler/simplStg
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authorÖmer Sinan Ağacan <>2016-07-21 08:07:41 +0000
committerÖmer Sinan Ağacan <>2016-07-21 08:11:27 +0000
commit714bebff44076061d0a719c4eda2cfd213b7ac3d (patch)
treeb697e786a8f5f25e8a47886bc5d5487c01678ec6 /compiler/simplStg
parent83e4f49577665278fe08fbaafe2239553f3c448e (diff)
Implement unboxed sum primitive type
Summary: This patch implements primitive unboxed sum types, as described in Main changes are: - Add new syntax for unboxed sums types, terms and patterns. Hidden behind `-XUnboxedSums`. - Add unlifted unboxed sum type constructors and data constructors, extend type and pattern checkers and desugarer. - Add new RuntimeRep for unboxed sums. - Extend unarise pass to translate unboxed sums to unboxed tuples right before code generation. - Add `StgRubbishArg` to `StgArg`, and a new type `CmmArg` for better code generation when sum values are involved. - Add user manual section for unboxed sums. Some other changes: - Generalize `UbxTupleRep` to `MultiRep` and `UbxTupAlt` to `MultiValAlt` to be able to use those with both sums and tuples. - Don't use `tyConPrimRep` in `isVoidTy`: `tyConPrimRep` is really wrong, given an `Any` `TyCon`, there's no way to tell what its kind is, but `kindPrimRep` and in turn `tyConPrimRep` returns `PtrRep`. - Fix some bugs on the way: #12375. Not included in this patch: - Update Haddock for new the new unboxed sum syntax. - `TemplateHaskell` support is left as future work. For reviewers: - Front-end code is mostly trivial and adapted from unboxed tuple code for type checking, pattern checking, renaming, desugaring etc. - Main translation routines are in `RepType` and `UnariseStg`. Documentation in `UnariseStg` should be enough for understanding what's going on. Credits: - Johan Tibell wrote the initial front-end and interface file extensions. - Simon Peyton Jones reviewed this patch many times, wrote some code, and helped with debugging. Reviewers: bgamari, alanz, goldfire, RyanGlScott, simonpj, austin, simonmar, hvr, erikd Reviewed By: simonpj Subscribers: Iceland_jack, ggreif, ezyang, RyanGlScott, goldfire, thomie, mpickering Differential Revision:
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/simplStg')
4 files changed, 1035 insertions, 189 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/simplStg/RepType.hs b/compiler/simplStg/RepType.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e42a866b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/simplStg/RepType.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+module RepType
+ ( -- * Code generator views onto Types
+ UnaryType, NvUnaryType, isNvUnaryType,
+ RepType(..), repType, repTypeArgs, isUnaryRep, isMultiRep,
+ -- * Predicates on types
+ isVoidTy, typePrimRep,
+ -- * Type representation for the code generator
+ countConRepArgs, idFunRepArity, tyConPrimRep,
+ -- * Unboxed sum representation type
+ ubxSumRepType, layout, typeSlotTy, SlotTy (..), slotTyToType,
+ slotPrimRep, repTypeSlots
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import BasicTypes (Arity, RepArity)
+import DataCon
+import Id
+import Outputable
+import PrelNames
+import TyCon
+import TyCoRep
+import Type
+import TysPrim
+import TysWiredIn
+import Util
+import Data.List (foldl', sort)
+import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
+import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
+{- **********************************************************************
+* *
+ Representation types
+* *
+********************************************************************** -}
+type NvUnaryType = Type
+type UnaryType = Type
+ -- Both are always a value type; i.e. its kind is TYPE rr
+ -- for some rr; moreover the rr is never a variable.
+ --
+ -- NvUnaryType : never an unboxed tuple or sum, or void
+ --
+ -- UnaryType : never an unboxed tuple or sum;
+ -- can be Void# (but not (# #))
+isNvUnaryType :: Type -> Bool
+isNvUnaryType ty
+ = case repType ty of
+ UnaryRep _ -> True
+ MultiRep ss -> not (null ss)
+data RepType
+ = MultiRep [SlotTy] -- Represented by multiple values (e.g. unboxed tuple or sum)
+ | UnaryRep NvUnaryType -- Represented by a single value; but never Void#, or any
+ -- other zero-width type (isVoidTy)
+instance Outputable RepType where
+ ppr (MultiRep slots) = text "MultiRep" <+> ppr slots
+ ppr (UnaryRep ty) = text "UnaryRep" <+> ppr ty
+isMultiRep :: RepType -> Bool
+isMultiRep (MultiRep _) = True
+isMultiRep _ = False
+isUnaryRep :: RepType -> Bool
+isUnaryRep (UnaryRep _) = True
+isUnaryRep _ = False
+-- INVARIANT: the result list is never empty.
+repTypeArgs :: Type -> [UnaryType]
+repTypeArgs ty = case repType ty of
+ MultiRep [] -> [voidPrimTy]
+ MultiRep slots -> map slotTyToType slots
+ UnaryRep ty -> [ty]
+repTypeSlots :: RepType -> [SlotTy]
+repTypeSlots (MultiRep slots) = slots
+repTypeSlots (UnaryRep ty) = maybeToList (typeSlotTy ty)
+-- | 'repType' figure out how a type will be represented at runtime. It looks
+-- through
+-- 1. For-alls
+-- 2. Synonyms
+-- 3. Predicates
+-- 4. All newtypes, including recursive ones, but not newtype families
+-- 5. Casts
+repType :: Type -> RepType
+repType ty
+ = go initRecTc ty
+ where
+ go :: RecTcChecker -> Type -> RepType
+ go rec_nts ty -- Expand predicates and synonyms
+ | Just ty' <- coreView ty
+ = go rec_nts ty'
+ go rec_nts (ForAllTy _ ty2) -- Drop type foralls
+ = go rec_nts ty2
+ go rec_nts ty@(TyConApp tc tys) -- Expand newtypes
+ | isNewTyCon tc
+ , tys `lengthAtLeast` tyConArity tc
+ , Just rec_nts' <- checkRecTc rec_nts tc -- See Note [Expanding newtypes] in TyCon
+ = go rec_nts' (newTyConInstRhs tc tys)
+ | isUnboxedTupleTyCon tc
+ = MultiRep (concatMap (repTypeSlots . go rec_nts) non_rr_tys)
+ | isUnboxedSumTyCon tc
+ = MultiRep (ubxSumRepType non_rr_tys)
+ | isVoidTy ty
+ = MultiRep []
+ where
+ -- See Note [Unboxed tuple RuntimeRep vars] in TyCon
+ non_rr_tys = dropRuntimeRepArgs tys
+ go rec_nts (CastTy ty _)
+ = go rec_nts ty
+ go _ ty@(CoercionTy _)
+ = pprPanic "repType" (ppr ty)
+ go _ ty = UnaryRep ty
+idFunRepArity :: Id -> RepArity
+idFunRepArity x = countFunRepArgs (idArity x) (idType x)
+countFunRepArgs :: Arity -> Type -> RepArity
+countFunRepArgs 0 _
+ = 0
+countFunRepArgs n ty
+ | UnaryRep (FunTy arg res) <- repType ty
+ = length (repTypeArgs arg) + countFunRepArgs (n - 1) res
+ | otherwise
+ = pprPanic "countFunRepArgs: arity greater than type can handle" (ppr (n, ty, repType ty))
+countConRepArgs :: DataCon -> RepArity
+countConRepArgs dc = go (dataConRepArity dc) (dataConRepType dc)
+ where
+ go :: Arity -> Type -> RepArity
+ go 0 _
+ = 0
+ go n ty
+ | UnaryRep (FunTy arg res) <- repType ty
+ = length (repTypeSlots (repType arg)) + go (n - 1) res
+ | otherwise
+ = pprPanic "countConRepArgs: arity greater than type can handle" (ppr (n, ty, repType ty))
+-- | True if the type has zero width.
+isVoidTy :: Type -> Bool
+isVoidTy ty = typePrimRep ty == VoidRep
+{- **********************************************************************
+* *
+ Unboxed sums
+ See Note [Translating unboxed sums to unboxed tuples] in UnariseStg.hs
+* *
+********************************************************************** -}
+type SortedSlotTys = [SlotTy]
+-- | Given the arguments of a sum type constructor application,
+-- return the unboxed sum rep type.
+-- E.g.
+-- (# Int | Maybe Int | (# Int, Bool #) #)
+-- We call `ubxSumRepType [ Int, Maybe Int, (# Int,Bool #) ]`,
+-- which returns [Tag#, PtrSlot, PtrSlot]
+-- INVARIANT: Result slots are sorted (via Ord SlotTy), except that at the head
+-- of the list we have the slot for the tag.
+ubxSumRepType :: [Type] -> [SlotTy]
+ubxSumRepType constrs0 =
+ ASSERT2( length constrs0 > 1, ppr constrs0 ) -- otherwise it isn't a sum type
+ let
+ combine_alts :: [SortedSlotTys] -- slots of constructors
+ -> SortedSlotTys -- final slots
+ combine_alts constrs = foldl' merge [] constrs
+ merge :: SortedSlotTys -> SortedSlotTys -> SortedSlotTys
+ merge existing_slots []
+ = existing_slots
+ merge [] needed_slots
+ = needed_slots
+ merge (es : ess) (s : ss)
+ | Just s' <- s `fitsIn` es
+ = -- found a slot, use it
+ s' : merge ess ss
+ | otherwise
+ = -- keep searching for a slot
+ es : merge ess (s : ss)
+ -- Nesting unboxed tuples and sums is OK, so we need to flatten first.
+ rep :: Type -> SortedSlotTys
+ rep ty = sort (repTypeSlots (repType ty))
+ sumRep = WordSlot : combine_alts (map rep constrs0)
+ -- WordSlot: for the tag of the sum
+ in
+ sumRep
+layout :: SortedSlotTys -- Layout of sum. Does not include tag.
+ -- We assume that they are in increasing order
+ -> [SlotTy] -- Slot types of things we want to map to locations in the
+ -- sum layout
+ -> [Int] -- Where to map 'things' in the sum layout
+layout sum_slots0 arg_slots0 =
+ go arg_slots0 IS.empty
+ where
+ go :: [SlotTy] -> IS.IntSet -> [Int]
+ go [] _
+ = []
+ go (arg : args) used
+ = let slot_idx = findSlot arg 0 sum_slots0 used
+ in slot_idx : go args (IS.insert slot_idx used)
+ findSlot :: SlotTy -> Int -> SortedSlotTys -> IS.IntSet -> Int
+ findSlot arg slot_idx (slot : slots) useds
+ | not (IS.member slot_idx useds)
+ , Just slot == arg `fitsIn` slot
+ = slot_idx
+ | otherwise
+ = findSlot arg (slot_idx + 1) slots useds
+ findSlot _ _ [] _
+ = pprPanic "findSlot" (text "Can't find slot" $$ ppr sum_slots0 $$ ppr arg_slots0)
+-- We have 3 kinds of slots:
+-- - Pointer slot: Only shared between actual pointers to Haskell heap (i.e.
+-- boxed objects)
+-- - Word slots: Shared between IntRep, WordRep, Int64Rep, Word64Rep, AddrRep.
+-- - Float slots: Shared between floating point types.
+-- - Void slots: Shared between void types. Not used in sums.
+data SlotTy = PtrSlot | WordSlot | Word64Slot | FloatSlot | DoubleSlot
+ deriving (Eq, Ord)
+ -- Constructor order is important! If slot A could fit into slot B
+ -- then slot A must occur first. E.g. FloatSlot before DoubleSlot
+ --
+ -- We are assuming that WordSlot is smaller than or equal to Word64Slot
+ -- (would not be true on a 128-bit machine)
+instance Outputable SlotTy where
+ ppr PtrSlot = text "PtrSlot"
+ ppr Word64Slot = text "Word64Slot"
+ ppr WordSlot = text "WordSlot"
+ ppr DoubleSlot = text "DoubleSlot"
+ ppr FloatSlot = text "FloatSlot"
+typeSlotTy :: UnaryType -> Maybe SlotTy
+typeSlotTy ty
+ | isVoidTy ty
+ = Nothing
+ | otherwise
+ = Just (primRepSlot (typePrimRep ty))
+primRepSlot :: PrimRep -> SlotTy
+primRepSlot VoidRep = pprPanic "primRepSlot" (text "No slot for VoidRep")
+primRepSlot PtrRep = PtrSlot
+primRepSlot IntRep = WordSlot
+primRepSlot WordRep = WordSlot
+primRepSlot Int64Rep = Word64Slot
+primRepSlot Word64Rep = Word64Slot
+primRepSlot AddrRep = WordSlot
+primRepSlot FloatRep = FloatSlot
+primRepSlot DoubleRep = DoubleSlot
+primRepSlot VecRep{} = pprPanic "primRepSlot" (text "No slot for VecRep")
+-- Used when unarising sum binders (need to give unarised Ids types)
+slotTyToType :: SlotTy -> Type
+slotTyToType PtrSlot = anyTypeOfKind liftedTypeKind
+slotTyToType Word64Slot = int64PrimTy
+slotTyToType WordSlot = intPrimTy
+slotTyToType DoubleSlot = doublePrimTy
+slotTyToType FloatSlot = floatPrimTy
+slotPrimRep :: SlotTy -> PrimRep
+slotPrimRep PtrSlot = PtrRep
+slotPrimRep Word64Slot = Word64Rep
+slotPrimRep WordSlot = WordRep
+slotPrimRep DoubleSlot = DoubleRep
+slotPrimRep FloatSlot = FloatRep
+-- | Returns the bigger type if one fits into the other. (commutative)
+fitsIn :: SlotTy -> SlotTy -> Maybe SlotTy
+fitsIn ty1 ty2
+ | isWordSlot ty1 && isWordSlot ty2
+ = Just (max ty1 ty2)
+ | isFloatSlot ty1 && isFloatSlot ty2
+ = Just (max ty1 ty2)
+ | isPtrSlot ty1 && isPtrSlot ty2
+ = Just PtrSlot
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+ where
+ isPtrSlot PtrSlot = True
+ isPtrSlot _ = False
+ isWordSlot Word64Slot = True
+ isWordSlot WordSlot = True
+ isWordSlot _ = False
+ isFloatSlot DoubleSlot = True
+ isFloatSlot FloatSlot = True
+ isFloatSlot _ = False
+{- **********************************************************************
+* *
+ PrimRep
+* *
+********************************************************************** -}
+-- | Discovers the primitive representation of a more abstract 'UnaryType'
+typePrimRep :: UnaryType -> PrimRep
+typePrimRep ty = kindPrimRep (text "kindRep ty" <+> ppr ty $$ ppr (typeKind ty))
+ (typeKind ty)
+-- | Find the runtime representation of a 'TyCon'. Defined here to
+-- avoid module loops. Do not call this on unboxed tuples or sums,
+-- because they don't /have/ a runtime representation
+tyConPrimRep :: TyCon -> PrimRep
+tyConPrimRep tc
+ = ASSERT2( not (isUnboxedTupleTyCon tc), ppr tc )
+ ASSERT2( not (isUnboxedSumTyCon tc), ppr tc )
+ kindPrimRep (text "kindRep tc" <+> ppr tc $$ ppr res_kind)
+ res_kind
+ where
+ res_kind = tyConResKind tc
+-- | Take a kind (of shape @TYPE rr@) and produce the 'PrimRep'
+-- of values of types of this kind.
+kindPrimRep :: SDoc -> Kind -> PrimRep
+kindPrimRep doc ki
+ | Just ki' <- coreViewOneStarKind ki
+ = kindPrimRep doc ki'
+kindPrimRep _ (TyConApp typ [runtime_rep])
+ = ASSERT( typ `hasKey` tYPETyConKey )
+ go runtime_rep
+ where
+ go rr
+ | Just rr' <- coreView rr
+ = go rr'
+ go (TyConApp rr_dc args)
+ | RuntimeRep fun <- tyConRuntimeRepInfo rr_dc
+ = fun args
+ go rr
+ = pprPanic "kindPrimRep.go" (ppr rr)
+kindPrimRep doc ki
+ = WARN( True, text "kindPrimRep defaulting to PtrRep on" <+> ppr ki $$ doc )
+ PtrRep -- this can happen legitimately for, e.g., Any
diff --git a/compiler/simplStg/SimplStg.hs b/compiler/simplStg/SimplStg.hs
index 3b636882fe..771df871cc 100644
--- a/compiler/simplStg/SimplStg.hs
+++ b/compiler/simplStg/SimplStg.hs
@@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ stg2stg dflags module_name binds
; (processed_binds, _, cost_centres)
<- foldM do_stg_pass (binds', us0, ccs) (getStgToDo dflags)
+ ; dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_stg "Pre unarise:"
+ (pprStgBindings processed_binds)
; let un_binds = unarise us1 processed_binds
; dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_stg "STG syntax:"
diff --git a/compiler/simplStg/StgStats.hs b/compiler/simplStg/StgStats.hs
index 2c72266ad6..38544822d2 100644
--- a/compiler/simplStg/StgStats.hs
+++ b/compiler/simplStg/StgStats.hs
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ statExpr :: StgExpr -> StatEnv
statExpr (StgApp _ _) = countOne Applications
statExpr (StgLit _) = countOne Literals
-statExpr (StgConApp _ _) = countOne ConstructorApps
+statExpr (StgConApp _ _ _)= countOne ConstructorApps
statExpr (StgOpApp _ _ _) = countOne PrimitiveApps
statExpr (StgTick _ e) = statExpr e
diff --git a/compiler/simplStg/UnariseStg.hs b/compiler/simplStg/UnariseStg.hs
index 1b94cbcbc6..af2928d770 100644
--- a/compiler/simplStg/UnariseStg.hs
+++ b/compiler/simplStg/UnariseStg.hs
@@ -1,266 +1,740 @@
(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-2012
Note [Unarisation]
-The idea of this pass is to translate away *all* unboxed-tuple binders.
-So for example:
+The idea of this pass is to translate away *all* unboxed-tuple and unboxed-sum
+binders. So for example:
+ f (x :: (# Int, Bool #)) = f x + f (# 1, True #)
+ ==>
-f (x :: (# Int, Bool #)) = f x + f (# 1, True #)
- ==>
-f (x1 :: Int) (x2 :: Bool) = f x1 x2 + f 1 True
+ f (x1 :: Int) (x2 :: Bool) = f x1 x2 + f 1 True
-It is important that we do this at the STG level and NOT at the core level
-because it would be very hard to make this pass Core-type-preserving. In
-this example the type of 'f' changes, for example.
+It is important that we do this at the STG level and NOT at the Core level
+because it would be very hard to make this pass Core-type-preserving. In this
+example the type of 'f' changes, for example.
STG fed to the code generators *must* be unarised because the code generators do
-not support unboxed tuple binders natively.
+not support unboxed tuple and unboxed sum binders natively.
-In more detail:
+In more detail: (see next note for unboxed sums)
Suppose that a variable x : (# t1, t2 #).
* At the binding site for x, make up fresh vars x1:t1, x2:t2
- * Extend the UnariseEnv x :-> [x1,x2]
+ * Extend the UnariseEnv x :-> MultiVal [x1,x2]
* Replace the binding with a curried binding for x1,x2
Lambda: \x.e ==> \x1 x2. e
Case alt: MkT a b x c d -> e ==> MkT a b x1 x2 c d -> e
- * Replace argument occurrences with a sequence of args
- via a lookup in UnariseEnv
+ * Replace argument occurrences with a sequence of args via a lookup in
+ UnariseEnv
f a b x c d ==> f a b x1 x2 c d
- * Replace tail-call occurrences with an unboxed tuple
- via a lookup in UnariseEnv
+ * Replace tail-call occurrences with an unboxed tuple via a lookup in
+ UnariseEnv
x ==> (# x1, x2 #)
So, for example
f x = x ==> f x1 x2 = (# x1, x2 #)
- This applies to case scrutinees too
- case x of (# a,b #) -> e ==> case (# x1,x2 #) of (# a,b #) -> e
- I think we rely on the code generator to short-circuit this
- case without generating any actual code.
+ * We /always/ eliminate a case expression when
+ - It scrutinises an unboxed tuple or unboxed sum
+ - The scrutinee is a variable (or when it is an explicit tuple, but the
+ simplifier eliminates those)
+ The case alternative (there can be only one) can be one of these two
+ things:
+ - An unboxed tuple pattern. e.g.
+ case v of x { (# x1, x2, x3 #) -> ... }
+ Scrutinee has to be in form `(# t1, t2, t3 #)` so we just extend the
+ environment with
+ x :-> MultiVal [t1,t2,t3]
+ x1 :-> UnaryVal t1, x2 :-> UnaryVal t2, x3 :-> UnaryVal t3
+ - A DEFAULT alternative. Just the same, without the bindings for x1,x2,x3
+By the end of this pass, we only have unboxed tuples in return positions.
+Unboxed sums are completely eliminated, see next note.
+Note [Translating unboxed sums to unboxed tuples]
+Unarise also eliminates unboxed sum binders, and translates unboxed sums in
+return positions to unboxed tuples. We want to overlap fields of a sum when
+translating it to a tuple to have efficient memory layout. When translating a
+sum pattern to a tuple pattern, we need to translate it so that binders of sum
+alternatives will be mapped to right arguments after the term translation. So
+translation of sum DataCon applications to tuple DataCon applications and
+translation of sum patterns to tuple patterns need to be in sync.
+These translations work like this. Suppose we have
+ (# x1 | | ... #) :: (# t1 | t2 | ... #)
+remember that t1, t2 ... can be sums and tuples too. So we first generate
+layouts of those. Then we "merge" layouts of each alternative, which gives us a
+sum layout with best overlapping possible.
+Layout of a flat type 'ty1' is just [ty1].
+Layout of a tuple is just concatenation of layouts of its fields.
+For layout of a sum type,
-Of course all this applies recursively, so that we flatten out nested tuples.
+ - We first get layouts of all alternatives.
+ - We sort these layouts based on their "slot types".
+ - We merge all the alternatives.
-Note [Unarisation and nullary tuples]
+For example, say we have (# (# Int#, Char #) | (# Int#, Int# #) | Int# #)
+ - Layouts of alternatives: [ [Word, Ptr], [Word, Word], [Word] ]
+ - Sorted: [ [Ptr, Word], [Word, Word], [Word] ]
+ - Merge all alternatives together: [ Ptr, Word, Word ]
+We add a slot for the tag to the first position. So our tuple type is
+ (# Tag#, Any, Word#, Word# #)
+ (we use Any for pointer slots)
+Now, any term of this sum type needs to generate a tuple of this type instead.
+The translation works by simply putting arguments to first slots that they fit
+in. Suppose we had
+ (# (# 42#, 'c' #) | | #)
+42# fits in Word#, 'c' fits in Any, so we generate this application:
+ (# 1#, 'c', 42#, rubbish #)
+Another example using the same type: (# | (# 2#, 3# #) | #). 2# fits in Word#,
+3# fits in Word #, so we get:
+ (# 2#, rubbish, 2#, 3# #).
+Note [Types in StgConApp]
+Suppose we have this unboxed sum term:
+ (# 123 | #)
+What will be the unboxed tuple representation? We can't tell without knowing the
+type of this term. For example, these are all valid tuples for this:
+ (# 1#, 123 #) -- when type is (# Int | String #)
+ (# 1#, 123, rubbish #) -- when type is (# Int | Float# #)
+ (# 1#, 123, rubbish, rubbish #)
+ -- when type is (# Int | (# Int, Int, Int #) #)
+So we pass type arguments of the DataCon's TyCon in StgConApp to decide what
+layout to use. Note that unlifted values can't be let-bound, so we don't need
+types in StgRhsCon.
+Note [UnariseEnv can map to literals]
-The above scheme has a special cases for nullary unboxed tuples, x :: (# #)
-To see why, consider
- f2 :: (# Int, Int #) -> Int
- f1 :: (# Int #) -> Int
- f0 :: (# #) -> Int
+To avoid redundant case expressions when unarising unboxed sums, UnariseEnv
+needs to map variables to literals too. Suppose we have this Core:
+ f (# x | #)
-When we "unarise" to eliminate unboxed tuples (this is done at the STG level),
-we'll transform to
- f2 :: Int -> Int -> Int
- f1 :: Int -> Int
- f0 :: ??
+ ==> (CorePrep)
-We do not want to give f0 zero arguments, otherwise a lambda will
-turn into a thunk! So we want to get
- f0 :: Void# -> Int
+ case (# x | #) of y {
+ _ -> f y
+ }
-So here is what we do for nullary tuples
+ ==> (MultiVal)
- * Extend the UnariseEnv with x :-> [voidPrimId]
+ case (# 1#, x #) of [x1, x2] {
+ _ -> f x1 x2
+ }
- * Replace bindings with a binding for void:Void#
- \x. e => \void. e
- and similarly case alternatives
+To eliminate this case expression we need to map x1 to 1# in UnariseEnv:
- * If we find (# #) as an argument all by itself
- f ...(# #)...
- it looks like an Id, so we look up in UnariseEnv. We want to replace it
- with voidPrimId, so the convenient thing is to initalise the UnariseEnv
- with (# #) :-> [voidPrimId]
+ x1 :-> UnaryVal 1#, x2 :-> UnaryVal x
-See also Note [Nullary unboxed tuple] in Type.hs.
+so that `f x1 x2` becomes `f 1# x`.
Note [Unarisation and arity]
-Because of unarisation, the arity that will be recorded in the generated info table
-for an Id may be larger than the idArity. Instead we record what we call the RepArity,
-which is the Arity taking into account any expanded arguments, and corresponds to
-the number of (possibly-void) *registers* arguments will arrive in.
+Because of unarisation, the arity that will be recorded in the generated info
+table for an Id may be larger than the idArity. Instead we record what we call
+the RepArity, which is the Arity taking into account any expanded arguments, and
+corresponds to the number of (possibly-void) *registers* arguments will arrive
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TupleSections #-}
module UnariseStg (unarise) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
+import BasicTypes
import CoreSyn
-import StgSyn
-import VarEnv
-import UniqSupply
+import DataCon
+import FastString (FastString, mkFastString)
import Id
-import MkId ( voidPrimId, voidArgId )
+import Literal (Literal (..))
+import MkId (voidPrimId, voidArgId)
+import MonadUtils (mapAccumLM)
+import Outputable
+import RepType
+import StgSyn
import Type
+import TysPrim (intPrimTyCon, intPrimTy)
import TysWiredIn
-import DataCon
-import OccName
-import Name
+import UniqSupply
import Util
-import Outputable
-import BasicTypes
+import VarEnv
+import Data.Bifunctor (second)
+import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
+import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
--- | A mapping from unboxed-tuple binders to the Ids they were expanded to.
+-- | A mapping from binders to the Ids they were expanded/renamed to.
+-- x :-> MultiVal [a,b,c] in rho
+-- iff x's repType is a MultiRep, or equivalently
+-- x's type is an unboxed tuple, sum or void.
+-- x :-> UnaryVal x'
+-- iff x's RepType is UnaryRep or equivalently
+-- x's type is not unboxed tuple, sum or void.
--- INVARIANT: Ids in the range don't have unboxed tuple types.
+-- So
+-- x :-> MultiVal [a] in rho
+-- means x is represented by singleton tuple.
--- Those in-scope variables without unboxed-tuple types are not present in
--- the domain of the mapping at all.
-type UnariseEnv = VarEnv [Id]
+-- x :-> MultiVal [] in rho
+-- means x is void.
+-- INVARIANT: OutStgArgs in the range only have NvUnaryTypes
+-- (i.e. no unboxed tuples, sums or voids)
+type UnariseEnv = VarEnv UnariseVal
+data UnariseVal
+ = MultiVal [OutStgArg] -- MultiVal to tuple. Can be empty list (void).
+ | UnaryVal OutStgArg -- See NOTE [Renaming during unarisation].
+instance Outputable UnariseVal where
+ ppr (MultiVal args) = text "MultiVal" <+> ppr args
+ ppr (UnaryVal arg) = text "UnaryVal" <+> ppr arg
+-- | Extend the environment, checking the UnariseEnv invariant.
+extendRho :: UnariseEnv -> Id -> UnariseVal -> UnariseEnv
+extendRho rho x (MultiVal args)
+ = ASSERT (all (isNvUnaryType . stgArgType) args)
+ extendVarEnv rho x (MultiVal args)
+extendRho rho x (UnaryVal val)
+ = ASSERT (isNvUnaryType (stgArgType val))
+ extendVarEnv rho x (UnaryVal val)
+type OutStgExpr = StgExpr
+type InId = Id
+type OutId = Id
+type InStgAlt = StgAlt
+type InStgArg = StgArg
+type OutStgArg = StgArg
unarise :: UniqSupply -> [StgBinding] -> [StgBinding]
-unarise us binds = zipWith (\us -> unariseBinding us init_env) (listSplitUniqSupply us) binds
+unarise us binds = initUs_ us (mapM (unariseBinding emptyVarEnv) binds)
+unariseBinding :: UnariseEnv -> StgBinding -> UniqSM StgBinding
+unariseBinding rho (StgNonRec x rhs)
+ = StgNonRec x <$> unariseRhs rho rhs
+unariseBinding rho (StgRec xrhss)
+ = StgRec <$> mapM (\(x, rhs) -> (x,) <$> unariseRhs rho rhs) xrhss
+unariseRhs :: UnariseEnv -> StgRhs -> UniqSM StgRhs
+unariseRhs rho (StgRhsClosure ccs b_info fvs update_flag args expr)
+ = do (rho', args1) <- unariseFunArgBinders rho args
+ expr' <- unariseExpr rho' expr
+ let fvs' = unariseFreeVars rho fvs
+ return (StgRhsClosure ccs b_info fvs' update_flag args1 expr')
+unariseRhs rho (StgRhsCon ccs con args)
+ = ASSERT (not (isUnboxedTupleCon con || isUnboxedSumCon con))
+ return (StgRhsCon ccs con (unariseConArgs rho args))
+unariseExpr :: UnariseEnv -> StgExpr -> UniqSM StgExpr
+unariseExpr rho e@(StgApp f [])
+ = case lookupVarEnv rho f of
+ Just (MultiVal args) -- Including empty tuples
+ -> return (mkTuple args)
+ Just (UnaryVal (StgVarArg f'))
+ -> return (StgApp f' [])
+ Just (UnaryVal (StgLitArg f'))
+ -> return (StgLit f')
+ Just (UnaryVal arg@(StgRubbishArg {}))
+ -> pprPanic "unariseExpr - app1" (ppr e $$ ppr arg)
+ Nothing
+ -> return e
+unariseExpr rho e@(StgApp f args)
+ = return (StgApp f' (unariseFunArgs rho args))
- -- See Note [Unarisation and nullary tuples]
- nullary_tup = dataConWorkId unboxedUnitDataCon
- init_env = unitVarEnv nullary_tup [voidPrimId]
-unariseBinding :: UniqSupply -> UnariseEnv -> StgBinding -> StgBinding
-unariseBinding us rho bind = case bind of
- StgNonRec x rhs -> StgNonRec x (unariseRhs us rho rhs)
- StgRec xrhss -> StgRec $ zipWith (\us (x, rhs) -> (x, unariseRhs us rho rhs))
- (listSplitUniqSupply us) xrhss
-unariseRhs :: UniqSupply -> UnariseEnv -> StgRhs -> StgRhs
-unariseRhs us rho rhs = case rhs of
- StgRhsClosure ccs b_info fvs update_flag args expr
- -> StgRhsClosure ccs b_info (unariseIds rho fvs) update_flag
- args' (unariseExpr us' rho' expr)
- where (us', rho', args') = unariseIdBinders us rho args
- StgRhsCon ccs con args
- -> StgRhsCon ccs con (unariseArgs rho args)
-unariseExpr :: UniqSupply -> UnariseEnv -> StgExpr -> StgExpr
-unariseExpr _ rho (StgApp f args)
- | null args
- , UbxTupleRep tys <- repType (idType f)
- = -- Particularly important where (##) is concerned
- -- See Note [Nullary unboxed tuple]
- StgConApp (tupleDataCon Unboxed (length tys))
- (map StgVarArg (unariseId rho f))
+ f' = case lookupVarEnv rho f of
+ Just (UnaryVal (StgVarArg f')) -> f'
+ Nothing -> f
+ err -> pprPanic "unariseExpr - app2" (ppr e $$ ppr err)
+ -- Can't happen because 'args' is non-empty, and
+ -- a tuple or sum cannot be applied to anything
+unariseExpr _ (StgLit l)
+ = return (StgLit l)
+unariseExpr rho (StgConApp dc args ty_args)
+ | Just args' <- unariseMulti_maybe rho dc args ty_args
+ = return (mkTuple args')
| otherwise
- = StgApp f (unariseArgs rho args)
+ , let args' = unariseConArgs rho args
+ = return (StgConApp dc args' (map stgArgType args'))
-unariseExpr _ _ (StgLit l)
- = StgLit l
+unariseExpr rho (StgOpApp op args ty)
+ = return (StgOpApp op (unariseFunArgs rho args) ty)
-unariseExpr _ rho (StgConApp dc args)
- | isUnboxedTupleCon dc = StgConApp (tupleDataCon Unboxed (length args')) args'
- | otherwise = StgConApp dc args'
- where
- args' = unariseArgs rho args
+unariseExpr _ e@StgLam{}
+ = pprPanic "unariseExpr: found lambda" (ppr e)
-unariseExpr _ rho (StgOpApp op args ty)
- = StgOpApp op (unariseArgs rho args) ty
+unariseExpr rho (StgCase scrut bndr alt_ty alts)
+ -- a tuple/sum binders in the scrutinee can always be eliminated
+ | StgApp v [] <- scrut
+ , Just (MultiVal xs) <- lookupVarEnv rho v
+ = elimCase rho xs bndr alt_ty alts
-unariseExpr us rho (StgLam xs e)
- = StgLam xs' (unariseExpr us' rho' e)
- where
- (us', rho', xs') = unariseIdBinders us rho xs
+ -- Handle strict lets for tuples and sums:
+ -- case (# a,b #) of r -> rhs
+ -- and analogously for sums
+ | StgConApp dc args ty_args <- scrut
+ , Just args' <- unariseMulti_maybe rho dc args ty_args
+ = elimCase rho args' bndr alt_ty alts
-unariseExpr us rho (StgCase e bndr alt_ty alts)
- = StgCase (unariseExpr us1 rho e) bndr alt_ty alts'
- where
- (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
- alts' = unariseAlts us2 rho alt_ty bndr alts
+ -- general case
+ | otherwise
+ = do scrut' <- unariseExpr rho scrut
+ alts' <- unariseAlts rho alt_ty bndr alts
+ return (StgCase scrut' bndr alt_ty alts')
+ -- bndr will be dead after unarise
-unariseExpr us rho (StgLet bind e)
- = StgLet (unariseBinding us1 rho bind) (unariseExpr us2 rho e)
- where
- (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
+unariseExpr rho (StgLet bind e)
+ = StgLet <$> unariseBinding rho bind <*> unariseExpr rho e
-unariseExpr us rho (StgLetNoEscape bind e)
- = StgLetNoEscape (unariseBinding us1 rho bind) (unariseExpr us2 rho e)
- where
- (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
+unariseExpr rho (StgLetNoEscape bind e)
+ = StgLetNoEscape <$> unariseBinding rho bind <*> unariseExpr rho e
-unariseExpr us rho (StgTick tick e)
- = StgTick tick (unariseExpr us rho e)
+unariseExpr rho (StgTick tick e)
+ = StgTick tick <$> unariseExpr rho e
-unariseAlts :: UniqSupply -> UnariseEnv -> AltType -> Id -> [StgAlt] -> [StgAlt]
-unariseAlts us rho (UbxTupAlt n) bndr [(DEFAULT, [], e)]
- = [(DataAlt (tupleDataCon Unboxed n), ys, unariseExpr us2' rho' e)]
- where
- (us2', rho', ys) = unariseIdBinder us rho bndr
+-- Doesn't return void args.
+unariseMulti_maybe :: UnariseEnv -> DataCon -> [InStgArg] -> [Type] -> Maybe [OutStgArg]
+unariseMulti_maybe rho dc args ty_args
+ | isUnboxedTupleCon dc
+ = Just (unariseConArgs rho args)
-unariseAlts us rho (UbxTupAlt n) bndr [(DataAlt _, ys, e)]
- = [(DataAlt (tupleDataCon Unboxed n), ys', unariseExpr us2' rho'' e)]
- where
- (us2', rho', ys') = unariseIdBinders us rho ys
- rho'' = extendVarEnv rho' bndr ys'
+ | isUnboxedSumCon dc
+ , let args1 = ASSERT (isSingleton args) (unariseConArgs rho args)
+ = Just (mkUbxSum dc ty_args args1)
-unariseAlts _ _ (UbxTupAlt _) _ alts
- = pprPanic "unariseExpr: strange unboxed tuple alts" (ppr alts)
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+elimCase :: UnariseEnv
+ -> [OutStgArg] -- non-void args
+ -> InId -> AltType -> [InStgAlt] -> UniqSM OutStgExpr
+elimCase rho args bndr (MultiValAlt _) [(_, bndrs, rhs)]
+ = do let rho1 = extendRho rho bndr (MultiVal args)
+ rho2
+ | isUnboxedTupleBndr bndr
+ = mapTupleIdBinders bndrs args rho1
+ | otherwise
+ = ASSERT (isUnboxedSumBndr bndr)
+ if null bndrs then rho1
+ else mapSumIdBinders bndrs args rho1
+ unariseExpr rho2 rhs
+elimCase rho args bndr (MultiValAlt _) alts
+ | isUnboxedSumBndr bndr
+ = do let (tag_arg : real_args) = args
+ tag_bndr <- mkId (mkFastString "tag") tagTy
+ -- this won't be used but we need a binder anyway
+ let rho1 = extendRho rho bndr (MultiVal args)
+ scrut' = case tag_arg of
+ StgVarArg v -> StgApp v []
+ StgLitArg l -> StgLit l
+ StgRubbishArg _ -> pprPanic "unariseExpr" (ppr args)
+ alts' <- unariseSumAlts rho1 real_args alts
+ return (StgCase scrut' tag_bndr tagAltTy alts')
+elimCase _ args bndr alt_ty alts
+ = pprPanic "elimCase - unhandled case"
+ (ppr args <+> ppr bndr <+> ppr alt_ty $$ ppr alts)
+unariseAlts :: UnariseEnv -> AltType -> InId -> [StgAlt] -> UniqSM [StgAlt]
+unariseAlts rho (MultiValAlt n) bndr [(DEFAULT, [], e)]
+ | isUnboxedTupleBndr bndr
+ = do (rho', ys) <- unariseConArgBinder rho bndr
+ e' <- unariseExpr rho' e
+ return [(DataAlt (tupleDataCon Unboxed n), ys, e')]
+unariseAlts rho (MultiValAlt n) bndr [(DataAlt _, ys, e)]
+ | isUnboxedTupleBndr bndr
+ = do (rho', ys1) <- unariseConArgBinders rho ys
+ MASSERT(n == length ys1)
+ let rho'' = extendRho rho' bndr (MultiVal (map StgVarArg ys1))
+ e' <- unariseExpr rho'' e
+ return [(DataAlt (tupleDataCon Unboxed n), ys1, e')]
+unariseAlts _ (MultiValAlt _) bndr alts
+ | isUnboxedTupleBndr bndr
+ = pprPanic "unariseExpr: strange multi val alts" (ppr alts)
+-- In this case we don't need to scrutinize the tag bit
+unariseAlts rho (MultiValAlt _) bndr [(DEFAULT, _, rhs)]
+ | isUnboxedSumBndr bndr
+ = do (rho_sum_bndrs, sum_bndrs) <- unariseConArgBinder rho bndr
+ rhs' <- unariseExpr rho_sum_bndrs rhs
+ return [(DataAlt (tupleDataCon Unboxed (length sum_bndrs)), sum_bndrs, rhs')]
+unariseAlts rho (MultiValAlt _) bndr alts
+ | isUnboxedSumBndr bndr
+ = do (rho_sum_bndrs, scrt_bndrs@(tag_bndr : real_bndrs)) <- unariseConArgBinder rho bndr
+ alts' <- unariseSumAlts rho_sum_bndrs (map StgVarArg real_bndrs) alts
+ let inner_case = StgCase (StgApp tag_bndr []) tag_bndr tagAltTy alts'
+ return [ (DataAlt (tupleDataCon Unboxed (length scrt_bndrs)),
+ scrt_bndrs,
+ inner_case) ]
+unariseAlts rho _ _ alts
+ = mapM (\alt -> unariseAlt rho alt) alts
+unariseAlt :: UnariseEnv -> StgAlt -> UniqSM StgAlt
+unariseAlt rho (con, xs, e)
+ = do (rho', xs') <- unariseConArgBinders rho xs
+ (con, xs',) <$> unariseExpr rho' e
+-- | Make alternatives that match on the tag of a sum
+-- (i.e. generate LitAlts for the tag)
+unariseSumAlts :: UnariseEnv
+ -> [StgArg] -- sum components _excluding_ the tag bit.
+ -> [StgAlt] -- original alternative with sum LHS
+ -> UniqSM [StgAlt]
+unariseSumAlts env args alts
+ = do alts' <- mapM (unariseSumAlt env args) alts
+ return (mkDefaultLitAlt alts')
+unariseSumAlt :: UnariseEnv
+ -> [StgArg] -- sum components _excluding_ the tag bit.
+ -> StgAlt -- original alternative with sum LHS
+ -> UniqSM StgAlt
+unariseSumAlt rho _ (DEFAULT, _, e)
+ = ( DEFAULT, [], ) <$> unariseExpr rho e
+unariseSumAlt rho args (DataAlt sumCon, bs, e)
+ = do let rho' = mapSumIdBinders bs args rho
+ e' <- unariseExpr rho' e
+ return ( LitAlt (MachInt (fromIntegral (dataConTag sumCon))), [], e' )
+unariseSumAlt _ scrt alt
+ = pprPanic "unariseSumAlt" (ppr scrt $$ ppr alt)
+ :: [InId] -- Un-processed binders of a tuple alternative.
+ -- Can have void binders.
+ -> [OutStgArg] -- Arguments that form the tuple (after unarisation).
+ -- Can't have void args.
+ -> UnariseEnv
+ -> UnariseEnv
+mapTupleIdBinders ids args0 rho0
+ = ASSERT (not (any (isVoidTy . stgArgType) args0))
+ let
+ ids_unarised :: [(Id, RepType)]
+ ids_unarised = map (\id -> (id, repType (idType id))) ids
+ map_ids :: UnariseEnv -> [(Id, RepType)] -> [StgArg] -> UnariseEnv
+ map_ids rho [] _ = rho
+ map_ids rho ((x, x_rep) : xs) args =
+ let
+ x_arity = length (repTypeSlots x_rep)
+ (x_args, args') =
+ ASSERT(args `lengthAtLeast` x_arity)
+ splitAt x_arity args
+ rho'
+ | isMultiRep x_rep
+ = extendRho rho x (MultiVal x_args)
+ | otherwise
+ = ASSERT (x_args `lengthIs` 1)
+ extendRho rho x (UnaryVal (head x_args))
+ in
+ map_ids rho' xs args'
+ in
+ map_ids rho0 ids_unarised args0
+ :: [InId] -- Binder of a sum alternative (remember that sum patterns
+ -- only have one binder, so this list should be a singleton)
+ -> [OutStgArg] -- Arguments that form the sum (NOT including the tag).
+ -- Can't have void args.
+ -> UnariseEnv
+ -> UnariseEnv
+mapSumIdBinders [id] args rho0
+ = ASSERT (not (any (isVoidTy . stgArgType) args))
+ let
+ arg_slots = concatMap (repTypeSlots . repType . stgArgType) args
+ id_slots = repTypeSlots (repType (idType id))
+ layout1 = layout arg_slots id_slots
+ in
+ if isMultiValBndr id
+ then extendRho rho0 id (MultiVal [ args !! i | i <- layout1 ])
+ else ASSERT(layout1 `lengthIs` 1)
+ extendRho rho0 id (UnaryVal (args !! head layout1))
+mapSumIdBinders ids sum_args _
+ = pprPanic "mapSumIdBinders" (ppr ids $$ ppr sum_args)
+-- | Build a unboxed sum term from arguments of an alternative.
+-- Example, for (# x | #) :: (# (# #) | Int #) we call
+-- mkUbxSum (# _ | #) [ (# #), Int ] [ voidPrimId ]
+-- which returns
+-- [ 1#, rubbish ]
+ :: DataCon -- Sum data con
+ -> [Type] -- Type arguments of the sum data con
+ -> [OutStgArg] -- Actual arguments of the alternative.
+ -> [OutStgArg] -- Final tuple arguments
+mkUbxSum dc ty_args args0
+ = let
+ (_ : sum_slots) = ubxSumRepType ty_args
+ -- drop tag slot
+ tag = dataConTag dc
+ layout' = layout sum_slots (mapMaybe (typeSlotTy . stgArgType) args0)
+ tag_arg = StgLitArg (MachInt (fromIntegral tag))
+ arg_idxs = IM.fromList (zipEqual "mkUbxSum" layout' args0)
+ mkTupArgs :: Int -> [SlotTy] -> IM.IntMap StgArg -> [StgArg]
+ mkTupArgs _ [] _
+ = []
+ mkTupArgs arg_idx (slot : slots_left) arg_map
+ | Just stg_arg <- IM.lookup arg_idx arg_map
+ = stg_arg : mkTupArgs (arg_idx + 1) slots_left arg_map
+ | otherwise
+ = StgRubbishArg (slotTyToType slot) : mkTupArgs (arg_idx + 1) slots_left arg_map
+ in
+ tag_arg : mkTupArgs 0 sum_slots arg_idxs
-unariseAlts us rho _ _ alts
- = zipWith (\us alt -> unariseAlt us rho alt) (listSplitUniqSupply us) alts
+For arguments (StgArg) and binders (Id) we have two kind of unarisation:
-unariseAlt :: UniqSupply -> UnariseEnv -> StgAlt -> StgAlt
-unariseAlt us rho (con, xs, e)
- = (con, xs', unariseExpr us' rho' e)
- where
- (us', rho', xs') = unariseIdBinders us rho xs
+ - When unarising function arg binders and arguments, we don't want to remove
+ void binders and arguments. For example,
-unariseArgs :: UnariseEnv -> [StgArg] -> [StgArg]
-unariseArgs rho = concatMap (unariseArg rho)
+ f :: (# (# #), (# #) #) -> Void# -> RealWorld# -> ...
+ f x y z = <body>
-unariseArg :: UnariseEnv -> StgArg -> [StgArg]
-unariseArg rho (StgVarArg x) = map StgVarArg (unariseId rho x)
-unariseArg _ (StgLitArg l) = [StgLitArg l]
+ Here after unarise we should still get a function with arity 3. Similarly
+ in the call site we shouldn't remove void arguments:
-unariseIds :: UnariseEnv -> [Id] -> [Id]
-unariseIds rho = concatMap (unariseId rho)
+ f (# (# #), (# #) #) voidId rw
-unariseId :: UnariseEnv -> Id -> [Id]
-unariseId rho x
- | Just ys <- lookupVarEnv rho x
- = ASSERT2( case repType (idType x) of UbxTupleRep _ -> True; _ -> False
- , text "unariseId: not unboxed tuple" <+> ppr x )
- ys
+ When unarising <body>, we extend the environment with these binders:
- | otherwise
- = ASSERT2( case repType (idType x) of UbxTupleRep _ -> False; _ -> True
- , text "unariseId: was unboxed tuple" <+> ppr x )
- [x]
-unariseIdBinders :: UniqSupply -> UnariseEnv -> [Id] -> (UniqSupply, UnariseEnv, [Id])
-unariseIdBinders us rho xs = third3 concat $ mapAccumL2 unariseIdBinder us rho xs
-unariseIdBinder :: UniqSupply -> UnariseEnv
- -> Id -- Binder
- -> (UniqSupply,
- UnariseEnv, -- What to expand to at occurrence sites
- [Id]) -- What to expand to at binding site
-unariseIdBinder us rho x = case repType (idType x) of
- UnaryRep {} -> (us, rho, [x])
- UbxTupleRep tys
- | null tys -> -- See Note [Unarisation and nullary tuples]
- let ys = [voidPrimId]
- rho' = extendVarEnv rho x ys
- in (us, rho', [voidArgId])
- | otherwise -> let (us0, us1) = splitUniqSupply us
- ys = unboxedTupleBindersFrom us0 x tys
- rho' = extendVarEnv rho x ys
- in (us1, rho', ys)
-unboxedTupleBindersFrom :: UniqSupply -> Id -> [UnaryType] -> [Id]
-unboxedTupleBindersFrom us x tys = zipWith (mkSysLocalOrCoVar fs) (uniqsFromSupply us) tys
- where fs = occNameFS (getOccName x)
+ x :-> MultiVal [], y :-> MultiVal [], z :-> MultiVal []
+ Because their rep types are `MultiRep []` (aka. void). This means that when
+ we see `x` in a function argument position, we actually replace it with a
+ void argument. When we see it in a DataCon argument position, we just get
+ rid of it, because DataCon applications in STG are always saturated.
+ - When unarising case alternative binders we remove void binders, but we
+ still update the environment the same way, because those binders may be
+ used in the RHS. Example:
+ case x of y {
+ (# x1, x2, x3 #) -> <RHS>
+ }
+ We know that y can't be void, because we don't scrutinize voids, so x will
+ be unarised to some number of arguments, and those arguments will have at
+ least one non-void thing. So in the rho we will have something like:
+ x :-> MultiVal [xu1, xu2]
+ Now, after we eliminate void binders in the pattern, we get exactly the same
+ number of binders, and extend rho again with these:
+ x1 :-> UnaryVal xu1
+ x2 :-> MultiVal [] -- x2 is void
+ x3 :-> UnaryVal xu2
+ Now when we see x2 in a function argument position or in return position, we
+ generate void#. In constructor argument position, we just remove it.
+So in short, when we have a void id,
+ - We keep it if it's a lambda argument binder or
+ in argument position of an application.
+ - We remove it if it's a DataCon field binder or
+ in argument position of a DataCon application.
+-- | MultiVal a function argument. Never returns an empty list.
+unariseFunArg :: UnariseEnv -> StgArg -> [StgArg]
+unariseFunArg rho (StgVarArg x) =
+ case lookupVarEnv rho x of
+ Just (MultiVal []) -> [voidArg] -- NB: do not remove void args
+ Just (MultiVal as) -> as
+ Just (UnaryVal arg) -> [arg]
+ Nothing -> [StgVarArg x]
+unariseFunArg _ arg = [arg]
+unariseFunArgs :: UnariseEnv -> [StgArg] -> [StgArg]
+unariseFunArgs = concatMap . unariseFunArg
+unariseFunArgBinders :: UnariseEnv -> [Id] -> UniqSM (UnariseEnv, [Id])
+unariseFunArgBinders rho xs = second concat <$> mapAccumLM unariseFunArgBinder rho xs
+unariseFunArgBinder :: UnariseEnv -> Id -> UniqSM (UnariseEnv, [Id])
+-- Result list of binders is never empty
+unariseFunArgBinder rho x =
+ case repType (idType x) of
+ UnaryRep _ -> return (rho, [x])
+ MultiRep [] -> return (extendRho rho x (MultiVal []), [voidArgId])
+ -- NB: do not remove void binders
+ MultiRep slots -> do
+ xs <- mkIds (mkFastString "us") (map slotTyToType slots)
+ return (extendRho rho x (MultiVal (map StgVarArg xs)), xs)
+-- | MultiVal a DataCon argument. Returns an empty list when argument is void.
+unariseConArg :: UnariseEnv -> InStgArg -> [OutStgArg]
+unariseConArg rho (StgVarArg x) =
+ case lookupVarEnv rho x of
+ Just (UnaryVal arg) -> [arg]
+ Just (MultiVal as) -> as -- 'as' can be empty
+ Nothing
+ | isVoidTy (idType x) -> [] -- e.g. C realWorld#
+ -- Here realWorld# is not in the envt, but
+ -- is a void, and so should be eliminated
+ | otherwise -> [StgVarArg x]
+unariseConArg _ arg = [arg] -- We have no void literals
+unariseConArgs :: UnariseEnv -> [InStgArg] -> [OutStgArg]
+unariseConArgs = concatMap . unariseConArg
+unariseConArgBinders :: UnariseEnv -> [Id] -> UniqSM (UnariseEnv, [Id])
+unariseConArgBinders rho xs = second concat <$> mapAccumLM unariseConArgBinder rho xs
+unariseConArgBinder :: UnariseEnv -> Id -> UniqSM (UnariseEnv, [Id])
+unariseConArgBinder rho x =
+ case repType (idType x) of
+ UnaryRep _ -> return (rho, [x])
+ MultiRep slots -> do
+ xs <- mkIds (mkFastString "us") (map slotTyToType slots)
+ return (extendRho rho x (MultiVal (map StgVarArg xs)), xs)
+unariseFreeVars :: UnariseEnv -> [InId] -> [OutId]
+unariseFreeVars rho fvs
+ = [ v | fv <- fvs, StgVarArg v <- unariseFreeVar rho fv ]
+ -- Notice that we filter out any StgLitArgs
+ -- e.g. case e of (x :: (# Int | Bool #))
+ -- (# v | #) -> ... let {g = \y. ..x...} in ...
+ -- (# | w #) -> ...
+ -- Here 'x' is free in g's closure, and the env will have
+ -- x :-> [1, v]
+ -- we want to capture 'v', but not 1, in the free vars
+unariseFreeVar :: UnariseEnv -> Id -> [StgArg]
+unariseFreeVar rho x =
+ case lookupVarEnv rho x of
+ Just (MultiVal args) -> args
+ Just (UnaryVal arg) -> [arg]
+ Nothing -> [StgVarArg x]
+mkIds :: FastString -> [UnaryType] -> UniqSM [Id]
+mkIds fs tys = mapM (mkId fs) tys
+mkId :: FastString -> UnaryType -> UniqSM Id
+mkId = mkSysLocalOrCoVarM
+isMultiValBndr :: Id -> Bool
+isMultiValBndr = isMultiRep . repType . idType
+isUnboxedSumBndr :: Id -> Bool
+isUnboxedSumBndr = isUnboxedSumType . idType
+isUnboxedTupleBndr :: Id -> Bool
+isUnboxedTupleBndr = isUnboxedTupleType . idType
+mkTuple :: [StgArg] -> StgExpr
+mkTuple args = StgConApp (tupleDataCon Unboxed (length args)) args (map stgArgType args)
+tagAltTy :: AltType
+tagAltTy = PrimAlt intPrimTyCon
+tagTy :: Type
+tagTy = intPrimTy
+voidArg :: StgArg
+voidArg = StgVarArg voidPrimId
+mkDefaultLitAlt :: [StgAlt] -> [StgAlt]
+-- We have an exhauseive list of literal alternatives
+-- 1# -> e1
+-- 2# -> e2
+-- Since they are exhaustive, we can replace one with DEFAULT, to avoid
+-- generating a final test. Remember, the DEFAULT comes first if it exists.
+mkDefaultLitAlt [] = pprPanic "elimUbxSumExpr.mkDefaultAlt" (text "Empty alts")
+mkDefaultLitAlt alts@((DEFAULT, _, _) : _) = alts
+mkDefaultLitAlt ((LitAlt{}, [], rhs) : alts) = (DEFAULT, [], rhs) : alts
+mkDefaultLitAlt alts = pprPanic "mkDefaultLitAlt" (text "Not a lit alt:" <+> ppr alts)