path: root/compiler/specialise/SpecConstr.hs
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authorSimon Peyton Jones <>2017-05-02 12:04:44 +0100
committerSimon Peyton Jones <>2017-05-02 12:04:44 +0100
commit9e47dc451788cce20acb6a8208c56a7e4dbe246b (patch)
tree8d1c9cf2a6f8d77f5cc5cbd1db9009583507b505 /compiler/specialise/SpecConstr.hs
parentff239787f7170a93f1015bd0f5582772b7b87f0a (diff)
Fix loss-of-SpecConstr bug
This bug, reported in Trac #13623 has been present since commit b8b3e30a6eedf9f213b8a718573c4827cfa230ba Author: Edward Z. Yang <> Date: Fri Jun 24 11:03:47 2016 -0700 Axe RecFlag on TyCons. SpecConstr tries not to specialise indefinitely, and had a limit (see Note [Limit recursive specialisation]) that made use of info about whether or not a data constructor was "recursive". This info vanished in the above commit, making the limit fire much more often -- and indeed it fired in this test case, in a situation where specialisation is /highly/ desirable. I refactored the test, to look instead at the number of iterations of the loop of "and now specialise calls that arise from the specialisation". Actually less code, and more robust. I also added record field names to a couple of constructors, and renamed RuleInfo to SpecInfo.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/specialise/SpecConstr.hs')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/specialise/SpecConstr.hs b/compiler/specialise/SpecConstr.hs
index 735a71a5b4..dd6f19153a 100644
--- a/compiler/specialise/SpecConstr.hs
+++ b/compiler/specialise/SpecConstr.hs
@@ -575,14 +575,19 @@ which can continue indefinitely.
Roman's suggestion to fix this was to stop after a couple of times on recursive types,
but still specialising on non-recursive types as much as possible.
-To implement this, we count the number of recursive constructors in each
-function argument. If the maximum is greater than the specConstrRecursive limit,
-do not specialise on that pattern.
+To implement this, we count the number of times we have gone round the
+"specialise recursively" loop ('go' in 'specRec'). Once have gone round
+more than N times (controlled by -fspec-constr-recursive=N) we check
-This is only necessary when ForceSpecConstr is on: otherwise the specConstrCount
-will force termination anyway.
+ - If sc_force is off, and sc_count is (Just max) then we don't
+ need to do anything: trim_pats will limit the number of specs
-See Trac #5550.
+ - Otherwise check if any function has now got more than (sc_count env)
+ specialisations. If sc_count is "no limit" then we arbitrarily
+ choose 10 as the limit (ugh).
+See Trac #5550. Also Trac #13623, where this test had become over-agressive,
+and we lost a wonderful specialisation that we really wanted!
Note [NoSpecConstr]
@@ -793,7 +798,10 @@ the function is applied to a data constructor.
data ScEnv = SCE { sc_dflags :: DynFlags,
sc_module :: !Module,
sc_size :: Maybe Int, -- Size threshold
+ -- Nothing => no limit
sc_count :: Maybe Int, -- Max # of specialisations for any one fn
+ -- Nothing => no limit
-- See Note [Avoiding exponential blowup]
sc_recursive :: Int, -- Max # of specialisations over recursive type.
@@ -1424,15 +1432,16 @@ scRecRhs env (bndr,rhs)
-- Two pats are the same if they match both ways
-ruleInfoBinds :: RhsInfo -> [OneSpec] -> [(Id,CoreExpr)]
-ruleInfoBinds (RI { ri_fn = fn, ri_new_rhs = new_rhs }) specs
- = [(id,rhs) | OS _ _ id rhs <- specs] ++
+ruleInfoBinds :: RhsInfo -> SpecInfo -> [(Id,CoreExpr)]
+ruleInfoBinds (RI { ri_fn = fn, ri_new_rhs = new_rhs })
+ (SI { si_specs = specs })
+ = [(id,rhs) | OS { os_id = id, os_rhs = rhs } <- specs] ++
-- First the specialised bindings
[(fn `addIdSpecialisations` rules, new_rhs)]
-- And now the original binding
- rules = [r | OS _ r _ _ <- specs]
+ rules = [r | OS { os_rule = r } <- specs]
@@ -1452,12 +1461,13 @@ data RhsInfo
, ri_arg_occs :: [ArgOcc] -- Info on how the xs occur in body
-data RuleInfo = SI [OneSpec] -- The specialisations we have generated
+data SpecInfo -- Info about specialisations for a particular Id
+ = SI { si_specs :: [OneSpec] -- The specialisations we have generated
- Int -- Length of specs; used for numbering them
+ , si_n_specs :: Int -- Length of si_specs; used for numbering them
- (Maybe ScUsage) -- Just cs => we have not yet used calls in the
- -- from calls in the *original* RHS as
+ , si_mb_unspec :: Maybe ScUsage -- Just cs => we have not yet used calls in the
+ } -- from calls in the *original* RHS as
-- seeds for new specialisations;
-- if you decide to do so, here is the
-- RHS usage (which has not yet been
@@ -1467,67 +1477,93 @@ data RuleInfo = SI [OneSpec] -- The specialisations we have generated
-- See Note [spec_usg includes rhs_usg]
-- One specialisation: Rule plus definition
-data OneSpec = OS CallPat -- Call pattern that generated this specialisation
- CoreRule -- Rule connecting original id with the specialisation
- OutId OutExpr -- Spec id + its rhs
+data OneSpec =
+ OS { os_pat :: CallPat -- Call pattern that generated this specialisation
+ , os_rule :: CoreRule -- Rule connecting original id with the specialisation
+ , os_id :: OutId -- Spec id
+ , os_rhs :: OutExpr } -- Spec rhs
+noSpecInfo :: SpecInfo
+noSpecInfo = SI { si_specs = [], si_n_specs = 0, si_mb_unspec = Nothing }
specNonRec :: ScEnv
-> ScUsage -- Body usage
-> RhsInfo -- Structure info usage info for un-specialised RHS
- -> UniqSM (ScUsage, [OneSpec]) -- Usage from RHSs (specialised and not)
- -- plus details of specialisations
+ -> UniqSM (ScUsage, SpecInfo) -- Usage from RHSs (specialised and not)
+ -- plus details of specialisations
specNonRec env body_usg rhs_info
- = do { (spec_usg, SI specs _ _) <- specialise env (scu_calls body_usg)
- rhs_info
- (SI [] 0 (Just (ri_rhs_usg rhs_info)))
- ; return (spec_usg, specs) }
+ = specialise env (scu_calls body_usg) rhs_info
+ (noSpecInfo { si_mb_unspec = Just (ri_rhs_usg rhs_info) })
specRec :: TopLevelFlag -> ScEnv
- -> ScUsage -- Body usage
- -> [RhsInfo] -- Structure info and usage info for un-specialised RHSs
- -> UniqSM (ScUsage, [[OneSpec]]) -- Usage from all RHSs (specialised and not)
- -- plus details of specialisations
+ -> ScUsage -- Body usage
+ -> [RhsInfo] -- Structure info and usage info for un-specialised RHSs
+ -> UniqSM (ScUsage, [SpecInfo]) -- Usage from all RHSs (specialised and not)
+ -- plus details of specialisations
specRec top_lvl env body_usg rhs_infos
- = do { (spec_usg, spec_infos) <- go seed_calls nullUsage init_spec_infos
- ; return (spec_usg, [ s | SI s _ _ <- spec_infos ]) }
+ = go 1 seed_calls nullUsage init_spec_infos
(seed_calls, init_spec_infos) -- Note [Seeding top-level recursive groups]
| isTopLevel top_lvl
, any (isExportedId . ri_fn) rhs_infos -- Seed from body and RHSs
- = (all_calls, [SI [] 0 Nothing | _ <- rhs_infos])
+ = (all_calls, [noSpecInfo | _ <- rhs_infos])
| otherwise -- Seed from body only
- = (calls_in_body, [SI [] 0 (Just (ri_rhs_usg ri)) | ri <- rhs_infos])
+ = (calls_in_body, [noSpecInfo { si_mb_unspec = Just (ri_rhs_usg ri) }
+ | ri <- rhs_infos])
calls_in_body = scu_calls body_usg
calls_in_rhss = foldr (combineCalls . scu_calls . ri_rhs_usg) emptyVarEnv rhs_infos
all_calls = calls_in_rhss `combineCalls` calls_in_body
-- Loop, specialising, until you get no new specialisations
- go seed_calls usg_so_far spec_infos
+ go :: Int -- Which iteration of the "until no new specialisations"
+ -- loop we are on; first iteration is 1
+ -> CallEnv -- Seed calls
+ -- Two accumulating parameters:
+ -> ScUsage -- Usage from earlier specialisations
+ -> [SpecInfo] -- Details of specialisations so far
+ -> UniqSM (ScUsage, [SpecInfo])
+ go n_iter seed_calls usg_so_far spec_infos
| isEmptyVarEnv seed_calls
- = -- pprTrace "specRec" (vcat [ ppr (map ri_fn rhs_infos)
- -- , ppr seed_calls
- -- , ppr body_usg ]) $
+ = -- pprTrace "specRec1" (vcat [ ppr (map ri_fn rhs_infos)
+ -- , ppr seed_calls
+ -- , ppr body_usg ]) $
+ return (usg_so_far, spec_infos)
+ -- Limit recursive specialisation
+ -- See Note [Limit recursive specialisation]
+ | n_iter > sc_recursive env -- Too many iterations of the 'go' loop
+ , sc_force env || isNothing (sc_count env)
+ -- If both of these are false, the sc_count
+ -- threshold will prevent non-termination
+ , any ((> the_limit) . si_n_specs) spec_infos
+ = -- pprTrace "specRec2" (ppr (map (map os_pat . si_specs) spec_infos)) $
return (usg_so_far, spec_infos)
| otherwise
= do { specs_w_usg <- zipWithM (specialise env seed_calls) rhs_infos spec_infos
; let (extra_usg_s, new_spec_infos) = unzip specs_w_usg
extra_usg = combineUsages extra_usg_s
all_usg = usg_so_far `combineUsage` extra_usg
- ; go (scu_calls extra_usg) all_usg new_spec_infos }
+ ; go (n_iter + 1) (scu_calls extra_usg) all_usg new_spec_infos }
+ -- See Note [Limit recursive specialisation]
+ the_limit = case sc_count env of
+ Nothing -> 10 -- Ugh!
+ Just max -> max
:: ScEnv
-> CallEnv -- Info on newly-discovered calls to this function
-> RhsInfo
- -> RuleInfo -- Original RHS plus patterns dealt with
- -> UniqSM (ScUsage, RuleInfo) -- New specialised versions and their usage
+ -> SpecInfo -- Original RHS plus patterns dealt with
+ -> UniqSM (ScUsage, SpecInfo) -- New specialised versions and their usage
-- See Note [spec_usg includes rhs_usg]
@@ -1540,7 +1576,8 @@ specialise
specialise env bind_calls (RI { ri_fn = fn, ri_lam_bndrs = arg_bndrs
, ri_lam_body = body, ri_arg_occs = arg_occs })
- spec_info@(SI specs spec_count mb_unspec)
+ spec_info@(SI { si_specs = specs, si_n_specs = spec_count
+ , si_mb_unspec = mb_unspec })
| isBottomingId fn -- Note [Do not specialise diverging functions]
-- and do not generate specialisation seeds from its RHS
= -- pprTrace "specialise bot" (ppr fn) $
@@ -1550,7 +1587,7 @@ specialise env bind_calls (RI { ri_fn = fn, ri_lam_bndrs = arg_bndrs
|| null arg_bndrs -- Only specialise functions
= -- pprTrace "specialise inactive" (ppr fn) $
case mb_unspec of -- Behave as if there was a single, boring call
- Just rhs_usg -> return (rhs_usg, SI specs spec_count Nothing)
+ Just rhs_usg -> return (rhs_usg, spec_info { si_mb_unspec = Nothing })
-- See Note [spec_usg includes rhs_usg]
Nothing -> return (nullUsage, spec_info)
@@ -1583,12 +1620,15 @@ specialise env bind_calls (RI { ri_fn = fn, ri_lam_bndrs = arg_bndrs
Just rhs_usg | boring_call -> (spec_usg `combineUsage` rhs_usg, Nothing)
_ -> (spec_usg, mb_unspec)
--- ; pprTrace "specialise return }" (vcat [ ppr fn
--- , text "boring_call:" <+> ppr boring_call
--- , text "new calls:" <+> ppr (scu_calls new_usg)]) $
- ; return (new_usg, SI (new_specs ++ specs)
- (spec_count + n_pats)
- mb_unspec') }
+-- ; pprTrace "specialise return }"
+-- (vcat [ ppr fn
+-- , text "boring_call:" <+> ppr boring_call
+-- , text "new calls:" <+> ppr (scu_calls new_usg)]) $
+-- return ()
+ ; return (new_usg, SI { si_specs = new_specs ++ specs
+ , si_n_specs = spec_count + n_pats
+ , si_mb_unspec = mb_unspec' }) }
| otherwise -- No new seeds, so return nullUsage
= return (nullUsage, spec_info)
@@ -1640,7 +1680,8 @@ spec_one env fn arg_bndrs body (call_pat@(qvars, pats), rule_number)
-- changes (#4012).
rule_name = mkFastString ("SC:" ++ occNameString fn_occ ++ show rule_number)
spec_name = mkInternalName spec_uniq spec_occ fn_loc
--- ; pprTrace "{spec_one" (ppr (sc_count env) <+> ppr fn <+> ppr pats <+> text "-->" <+> ppr spec_name) $
+-- ; pprTrace "{spec_one" (ppr (sc_count env) <+> ppr fn
+-- <+> ppr pats <+> text "-->" <+> ppr spec_name) $
-- return ()
-- Specialise the body
@@ -1679,7 +1720,9 @@ spec_one env fn arg_bndrs body (call_pat@(qvars, pats), rule_number)
rule = mkRule this_mod True {- Auto -} True {- Local -}
rule_name inline_act fn_name qvars pats rule_rhs
-- See Note [Transfer activation]
- ; return (spec_usg, OS call_pat rule spec_id spec_rhs) }
+ ; return (spec_usg, OS { os_pat = call_pat, os_rule = rule
+ , os_id = spec_id
+ , os_rhs = spec_rhs }) }
-- See Note [Strictness information in worker binders]
@@ -1720,7 +1763,7 @@ calcSpecStrictness fn qvars pats
Note [spec_usg includes rhs_usg]
In calls to 'specialise', the returned ScUsage must include the rhs_usg in
-the passed-in RuleInfo, unless there are no calls at all to the function.
+the passed-in SpecInfo, unless there are no calls at all to the function.
The caller can, indeed must, assume this. He should not combine in rhs_usg
himself, or he'll get rhs_usg twice -- and that can lead to an exponential
@@ -1844,27 +1887,23 @@ type CallPat = ([Var], [CoreExpr]) -- Quantified variables and arguments
-- See Note [SpecConstr call patterns]
callsToNewPats :: ScEnv -> Id
- -> RuleInfo
+ -> SpecInfo
-> [ArgOcc] -> [Call]
-> UniqSM (Bool, [CallPat])
-- Result has no duplicate patterns,
-- nor ones mentioned in done_pats
-- Bool indicates that there was at least one boring pattern
-callsToNewPats env fn spec_info@(SI done_specs _ _) bndr_occs calls
+callsToNewPats env fn spec_info@(SI { si_specs = done_specs }) bndr_occs calls
= do { mb_pats <- mapM (callToPats env bndr_occs) calls
; let have_boring_call = any isNothing mb_pats
- good_pats :: [(CallPat, ValueEnv)]
+ good_pats :: [CallPat]
good_pats = catMaybes mb_pats
- -- Remove patterns that use too many recursive constructors
- no_recursive = map fst (filterOut (is_too_recursive env) good_pats)
-- Remove patterns we have already done
- new_pats = filterOut is_done no_recursive
- done_pats = [p | OS p _ _ _ <- done_specs]
- is_done p = any (samePat p) done_pats
+ new_pats = filterOut is_done good_pats
+ is_done p = any (samePat p . os_pat) done_specs
-- Remove duplicates
non_dups = nubBy samePat new_pats
@@ -1880,22 +1919,24 @@ callsToNewPats env fn spec_info@(SI done_specs _ _) bndr_occs calls
trimmed_pats = trim_pats env fn spec_info small_pats
-- ; pprTrace "callsToPats" (vcat [ text "calls:" <+> ppr calls
--- , text "good_pats:" <+> ppr good_pats
--- , text "no_recursive:" <+> ppr no_recursive ]) $
+-- , text "good_pats:" <+> ppr good_pats ]) $
+-- return ()
; return (have_boring_call, trimmed_pats) }
-trim_pats :: ScEnv -> Id -> RuleInfo -> [CallPat] -> [CallPat]
+trim_pats :: ScEnv -> Id -> SpecInfo -> [CallPat] -> [CallPat]
-- See Note [Choosing patterns]
-trim_pats env fn (SI _ done_spec_count _) pats
+trim_pats env fn (SI { si_n_specs = done_spec_count }) pats
| sc_force env
|| isNothing mb_scc
|| n_remaining >= n_pats
- = pats
+ = pats -- No need to trim
| otherwise
- = emit_trace $
+ = emit_trace $ -- Need to trim, so keep the best ones
take n_remaining sorted_pats
n_pats = length pats
spec_count' = n_pats + done_spec_count
@@ -1937,27 +1978,7 @@ trim_pats env fn (SI _ done_spec_count _) pats
, text "Discarding:" <+> ppr (drop n_remaining sorted_pats) ]
-is_too_recursive :: ScEnv -> (CallPat, ValueEnv) -> Bool
- -- Count the number of recursive constructors in a call pattern,
- -- filter out if there are more than the maximum.
- -- This is only necessary if ForceSpecConstr is in effect:
- -- otherwise specConstrCount will cause specialisation to terminate.
- -- See Note [Limit recursive specialisation]
--- TODO: make me more accurate
-is_too_recursive env ((_,exprs), val_env)
- = sc_force env && maximum (map go exprs) > sc_recursive env
- where
- go e
- | Just (ConVal (DataAlt _) args) <- isValue val_env e
- = 1 + sum (map go args)
- | App f a <- e
- = go f + go a
- | otherwise
- = 0
-callToPats :: ScEnv -> [ArgOcc] -> Call -> UniqSM (Maybe (CallPat, ValueEnv))
+callToPats :: ScEnv -> [ArgOcc] -> Call -> UniqSM (Maybe CallPat)
-- The [Var] is the variables to quantify over in the rule
-- Type variables come first, since they may scope
-- over the following term variables
@@ -1993,7 +2014,7 @@ callToPats env bndr_occs (Call _ args con_env)
; -- pprTrace "callToPats" (ppr args $$ ppr bndr_occs) $
if interesting
- then return (Just ((qvars', pats), con_env))
+ then return (Just (qvars', pats))
else return Nothing }
-- argToPat takes an actual argument, and returns an abstracted