path: root/compiler/specialise
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authorTwan van Laarhoven <>2008-01-17 20:38:42 +0000
committerTwan van Laarhoven <>2008-01-17 20:38:42 +0000
commit35c5bf8991bd3954bc9dd3fe584da03791223a57 (patch)
tree391d2d946b4ed8cfd3f889ed7e280a18da87b7d7 /compiler/specialise
parent222ec218baaad2fd553fa4381c3f7823c7274ea3 (diff)
Monadify specialise/SpecConstr: use do, return and standard monad functions
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/specialise')
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/specialise/SpecConstr.lhs b/compiler/specialise/SpecConstr.lhs
index f80b3205b8..d9903ee3e4 100644
--- a/compiler/specialise/SpecConstr.lhs
+++ b/compiler/specialise/SpecConstr.lhs
@@ -442,10 +442,10 @@ specConstrProgram dflags us binds
return binds'
- go _ [] = returnUs []
- go env (bind:binds) = scBind env bind `thenUs` \ (env', _, bind') ->
- go env' binds `thenUs` \ binds' ->
- returnUs (bind' : binds')
+ go _ [] = return []
+ go env (bind:binds) = do (env', _, bind') <- scBind env bind
+ binds' <- go env' binds
+ return (bind' : binds')
@@ -719,19 +719,19 @@ scExpr env e = scExpr' env e
scExpr' env (Var v) = case scSubstId env v of
- Var v' -> returnUs (varUsage env v' UnkOcc, Var v')
+ Var v' -> return (varUsage env v' UnkOcc, Var v')
e' -> scExpr (zapScSubst env) e'
-scExpr' env (Type t) = returnUs (nullUsage, Type (scSubstTy env t))
-scExpr' _ e@(Lit {}) = returnUs (nullUsage, e)
-scExpr' env (Note n e) = do { (usg,e') <- scExpr env e
- ; return (usg, Note n e') }
-scExpr' env (Cast e co) = do { (usg, e') <- scExpr env e
- ; return (usg, Cast e' (scSubstTy env co)) }
+scExpr' env (Type t) = return (nullUsage, Type (scSubstTy env t))
+scExpr' _ e@(Lit {}) = return (nullUsage, e)
+scExpr' env (Note n e) = do (usg,e') <- scExpr env e
+ return (usg, Note n e')
+scExpr' env (Cast e co) = do (usg, e') <- scExpr env e
+ return (usg, Cast e' (scSubstTy env co))
scExpr' env e@(App _ _) = scApp env (collectArgs e)
-scExpr' env (Lam b e) = do { let (env', b') = extendBndr env b
- ; (usg, e') <- scExpr env' e
- ; return (usg, Lam b' e') }
+scExpr' env (Lam b e) = do let (env', b') = extendBndr env b
+ (usg, e') <- scExpr env' e
+ return (usg, Lam b' e')
scExpr' env (Case scrut b ty alts)
= do { (scrut_usg, scrut') <- scExpr env scrut
@@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ scExpr' env (Case scrut b ty alts)
-- Record RecArg for the components
; (alt_usgs, alt_occs, alts')
- <- mapAndUnzip3Us (sc_alt alt_env scrut' b') alts
+ <- mapAndUnzip3M (sc_alt alt_env scrut' b') alts
; let (alt_usg, b_occ) = lookupOcc (combineUsages alt_usgs) b'
scrut_occ = foldr combineOcc b_occ alt_occs
@@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ scApp :: ScEnv -> (InExpr, [InExpr]) -> UniqSM (ScUsage, CoreExpr)
scApp env (Var fn, args) -- Function is a variable
= ASSERT( not (null args) )
- do { args_w_usgs <- mapUs (scExpr env) args
+ do { args_w_usgs <- mapM (scExpr env) args
; let (arg_usgs, args') = unzip args_w_usgs
arg_usg = combineUsages arg_usgs
; case scSubstId env fn of
@@ -852,7 +852,7 @@ scApp env (Var fn, args) -- Function is a variable
-- (let f = ...f... in f) arg1 arg2
scApp env (other_fn, args)
= do { (fn_usg, fn') <- scExpr env other_fn
- ; (arg_usgs, args') <- mapAndUnzipUs (scExpr env) args
+ ; (arg_usgs, args') <- mapAndUnzipM (scExpr env) args
; return (combineUsages arg_usgs `combineUsage` fn_usg, mkApps fn' args') }
@@ -862,13 +862,13 @@ scBind env (Rec prs)
, not (all (couldBeSmallEnoughToInline threshold) rhss)
-- No specialisation
= do { let (rhs_env,bndrs') = extendRecBndrs env bndrs
- ; (rhs_usgs, rhss') <- mapAndUnzipUs (scExpr rhs_env) rhss
+ ; (rhs_usgs, rhss') <- mapAndUnzipM (scExpr rhs_env) rhss
; return (rhs_env, combineUsages rhs_usgs, Rec (bndrs' `zip` rhss')) }
| otherwise -- Do specialisation
= do { let (rhs_env1,bndrs') = extendRecBndrs env bndrs
rhs_env2 = extendHowBound rhs_env1 bndrs' RecFun
- ; (rhs_usgs, rhs_infos) <- mapAndUnzipUs (scRecRhs rhs_env2) (bndrs' `zip` rhss)
+ ; (rhs_usgs, rhs_infos) <- mapAndUnzipM (scRecRhs rhs_env2) (bndrs' `zip` rhss)
; let rhs_usg = combineUsages rhs_usgs
; (spec_usg, specs) <- spec_loop rhs_env2 (scu_calls rhs_usg)
@@ -887,7 +887,7 @@ scBind env (Rec prs)
-> [([CallPat], RhsInfo)] -- One per binder
-> UniqSM (ScUsage, [[SpecInfo]]) -- One list per binder
spec_loop env all_calls rhs_stuff
- = do { (spec_usg_s, new_pats_s, specs) <- mapAndUnzip3Us (specialise env all_calls) rhs_stuff
+ = do { (spec_usg_s, new_pats_s, specs) <- mapAndUnzip3M (specialise env all_calls) rhs_stuff
; let spec_usg = combineUsages spec_usg_s
; if all null new_pats_s then
return (spec_usg, specs) else do
@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ specialise env bind_calls (done_pats, (fn, arg_bndrs, body, arg_occs))
-- text "good pats" <+> ppr pats]) $
-- return ()
- ; (spec_usgs, specs) <- mapAndUnzipUs (spec_one env fn arg_bndrs body)
+ ; (spec_usgs, specs) <- mapAndUnzipM (spec_one env fn arg_bndrs body)
(pats `zip` [length done_pats..])
; return (combineUsages spec_usgs, pats, specs) }
@@ -1220,7 +1220,7 @@ argsToPats :: InScopeSet -> ValueEnv
-> [(CoreArg, ArgOcc)]
-> UniqSM [(Bool, CoreArg)]
argsToPats in_scope val_env args
- = mapUs do_one args
+ = mapM do_one args
do_one (arg,occ) = argToPat in_scope val_env arg occ