path: root/compiler/stranal/DmdAnal.hs
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authorSimon Peyton Jones <>2015-04-06 14:10:52 +0100
committerSimon Peyton Jones <>2015-04-07 15:10:17 +0100
commit9f0f99fd41ff82cc223d3b682703e508efb564d2 (patch)
tree5936659004f5f09823a57c2c7e9042f47c24aa6b /compiler/stranal/DmdAnal.hs
parentb972de0365f94e1be9d78537152eee969dc5f4cb (diff)
Fix a long-standing bug in the demand analyser
This patch fixes Trac #10148, an outright and egregious bug in the demand analyser. It is explained in Note [Demand on case-alternative binders] in Demand.hs. I did some other minor refactoring. To my astonishment I got some big compiler perf changes * perf/compiler/T5837: bytes allocated -76% * perf/compiler/T5030: bytes allocated -10% * perf/compiler/T3294: max bytes used -25% Happy days
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/stranal/DmdAnal.hs')
1 files changed, 110 insertions, 84 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/stranal/DmdAnal.hs b/compiler/stranal/DmdAnal.hs
index 27fa35fba0..d87d868408 100644
--- a/compiler/stranal/DmdAnal.hs
+++ b/compiler/stranal/DmdAnal.hs
@@ -208,19 +208,16 @@ dmdAnal' env dmd (Lam var body)
(postProcessUnsat defer_and_use lam_ty, Lam var' body')
-dmdAnal' env dmd (Case scrut case_bndr ty [alt@(DataAlt dc, _, _)])
+dmdAnal' env dmd (Case scrut case_bndr ty [(DataAlt dc, bndrs, rhs)])
-- Only one alternative with a product constructor
| let tycon = dataConTyCon dc
, isProductTyCon tycon
, Just rec_tc' <- checkRecTc (ae_rec_tc env) tycon
= let
- env_w_tc = env { ae_rec_tc = rec_tc' }
- env_alt = extendAnalEnv NotTopLevel env_w_tc case_bndr case_bndr_sig
- (alt_ty, alt') = dmdAnalAlt env_alt dmd alt
- (alt_ty1, case_bndr') = annotateBndr env alt_ty case_bndr
- (_, bndrs', _) = alt'
- case_bndr_sig = cprProdSig (dataConRepArity dc)
- -- Inside the alternative, the case binder has the CPR property.
+ env_w_tc = env { ae_rec_tc = rec_tc' }
+ env_alt = extendAnalEnv NotTopLevel env_w_tc case_bndr case_bndr_sig
+ case_bndr_sig = cprProdSig (dataConRepArity dc)
+ -- cprProdSig: inside the alternative, the case binder has the CPR property.
-- Meaning that a case on it will successfully cancel.
-- Example:
-- f True x = case x of y { I# x' -> if x' ==# 3 then y else I# 8 }
@@ -231,44 +228,33 @@ dmdAnal' env dmd (Case scrut case_bndr ty [alt@(DataAlt dc, _, _)])
-- fw True x = case x of y { I# x' -> if x' ==# 3 then x' else 8 }
-- fw False x = 3
- -- Figure out whether the demand on the case binder is used, and use
- -- that to set the scrut_dmd. This is utterly essential.
- -- Consider f x = case x of y { (a,b) -> k y a }
- -- If we just take scrut_demand = U(L,A), then we won't pass x to the
- -- worker, so the worker will rebuild
- -- x = (a, absent-error)
- -- and that'll crash.
- -- So at one stage I had:
- -- dead_case_bndr = isAbsDmd (idDemandInfo case_bndr')
- -- keepity | dead_case_bndr = Drop
- -- | otherwise = Keep
- --
- -- But then consider
- -- case x of y { (a,b) -> h y + a }
- -- where h : U(LL) -> T
- -- The above code would compute a Keep for x, since y is not Abs, which is silly
- -- The insight is, of course, that a demand on y is a demand on the
- -- scrutinee, so we need to `both` it with the scrut demand
- scrut_dmd1 = mkProdDmd [idDemandInfo b | b <- bndrs', isId b]
- scrut_dmd2 = strictenDmd (idDemandInfo case_bndr')
- scrut_dmd = scrut_dmd1 `bothCleanDmd` scrut_dmd2
+ (rhs_ty, rhs') = dmdAnal env_alt dmd rhs
+ (alt_ty1, dmds) = findBndrsDmds env rhs_ty bndrs
+ (alt_ty2, case_bndr_dmd) = findBndrDmd env False alt_ty1 case_bndr
+ id_dmds = addCaseBndrDmd case_bndr_dmd dmds
+ alt_ty3 | io_hack_reqd dc bndrs = deferAfterIO alt_ty2
+ | otherwise = alt_ty2
+ -- Compute demand on the scrutinee
+ -- See Note [Demand on scrutinee of a product case]
+ scrut_dmd = mkProdDmd (addDataConStrictness dc id_dmds)
(scrut_ty, scrut') = dmdAnal env scrut_dmd scrut
- res_ty = alt_ty1 `bothDmdType` toBothDmdArg scrut_ty
+ res_ty = alt_ty3 `bothDmdType` toBothDmdArg scrut_ty
+ case_bndr' = setIdDemandInfo case_bndr case_bndr_dmd
+ bndrs' = setBndrsDemandInfo bndrs id_dmds
-- pprTrace "dmdAnal:Case1" (vcat [ text "scrut" <+> ppr scrut
-- , text "dmd" <+> ppr dmd
-- , text "case_bndr_dmd" <+> ppr (idDemandInfo case_bndr')
-- , text "scrut_dmd" <+> ppr scrut_dmd
-- , text "scrut_ty" <+> ppr scrut_ty
--- , text "alt_ty" <+> ppr alt_ty1
+-- , text "alt_ty" <+> ppr alt_ty2
-- , text "res_ty" <+> ppr res_ty ]) $
- (res_ty, Case scrut' case_bndr' ty [alt'])
+ (res_ty, Case scrut' case_bndr' ty [(DataAlt dc, bndrs', rhs')])
dmdAnal' env dmd (Case scrut case_bndr ty alts)
= let -- Case expression with multiple alternatives
- (alt_tys, alts') = mapAndUnzip (dmdAnalAlt env dmd) alts
+ (alt_tys, alts') = mapAndUnzip (dmdAnalAlt env dmd case_bndr) alts
(scrut_ty, scrut') = dmdAnal env cleanEvalDmd scrut
(alt_ty, case_bndr') = annotateBndr env (foldr lubDmdType botDmdType alt_tys) case_bndr
res_ty = alt_ty `bothDmdType` toBothDmdArg scrut_ty
@@ -315,6 +301,32 @@ dmdAnal' env dmd (Let (Rec pairs) body)
body_ty2 `seq`
(body_ty2, Let (Rec pairs') body')
+io_hack_reqd :: DataCon -> [Var] -> Bool
+-- Note [IO hack in the demand analyser]
+-- There's a hack here for I/O operations. Consider
+-- case foo x s of { (# s, r #) -> y }
+-- Is this strict in 'y'. Normally yes, but what if 'foo' is an I/O
+-- operation that simply terminates the program (not in an erroneous way)?
+-- In that case we should not evaluate y before the call to 'foo'.
+-- Hackish solution: spot the IO-like situation and add a virtual branch,
+-- as if we had
+-- case foo x s of
+-- (# s, r #) -> y
+-- other -> return ()
+-- So the 'y' isn't necessarily going to be evaluated
+-- A more complete example (Trac #148, #1592) where this shows up is:
+-- do { let len = <expensive> ;
+-- ; when (...) (exitWith ExitSuccess)
+-- ; print len }
+io_hack_reqd con bndrs
+ | (bndr:_) <- bndrs
+ = con == unboxedPairDataCon &&
+ idType bndr `eqType` realWorldStatePrimTy
+ | otherwise
+ = False
annLamWithShotness :: Demand -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
annLamWithShotness d e
| Just u <- cleanUseDmd_maybe d
@@ -334,40 +346,32 @@ setOneShotness :: Count -> Id -> Id
setOneShotness One bndr = setOneShotLambda bndr
setOneShotness Many bndr = bndr
-dmdAnalAlt :: AnalEnv -> CleanDemand -> Alt Var -> (DmdType, Alt Var)
-dmdAnalAlt env dmd (con,bndrs,rhs)
- = let
- (rhs_ty, rhs') = dmdAnal env dmd rhs
- rhs_ty' = addDataConPatDmds con bndrs rhs_ty
- (alt_ty, bndrs') = annotateBndrs env rhs_ty' bndrs
- final_alt_ty | io_hack_reqd = deferAfterIO alt_ty
- | otherwise = alt_ty
+dmdAnalAlt :: AnalEnv -> CleanDemand -> Id -> Alt Var -> (DmdType, Alt Var)
+dmdAnalAlt env dmd case_bndr (con,bndrs,rhs)
+ | null bndrs -- Literals, DEFAULT, and nullary constructors
+ , (rhs_ty, rhs') <- dmdAnal env dmd rhs
+ = (rhs_ty, (con, [], rhs'))
+ | otherwise -- Non-nullary data constructors
+ , (rhs_ty, rhs') <- dmdAnal env dmd rhs
+ , (alt_ty, dmds) <- findBndrsDmds env rhs_ty bndrs
+ , let case_bndr_dmd = findIdDemand alt_ty case_bndr
+ id_dmds = addCaseBndrDmd case_bndr_dmd dmds
+ = (alt_ty, (con, setBndrsDemandInfo bndrs id_dmds, rhs'))
+{- Note [Demand on the scrutinee of a product case]
+When figuring out the demand on the scrutinee of a product case,
+we use the demands of the case alternative, i.e. id_dmds.
+But note that these include the demand on the case binder;
+see Note [Demand on case-alternative binders] in Demand.hs.
+This is crucial. Example:
+ f x = case x of y { (a,b) -> k y a }
+If we just take scrut_demand = U(L,A), then we won't pass x to the
+worker, so the worker will rebuild
+ x = (a, absent-error)
+and that'll crash.
- -- Note [IO hack in the demand analyser]
- --
- -- There's a hack here for I/O operations. Consider
- -- case foo x s of { (# s, r #) -> y }
- -- Is this strict in 'y'. Normally yes, but what if 'foo' is an I/O
- -- operation that simply terminates the program (not in an erroneous way)?
- -- In that case we should not evaluate y before the call to 'foo'.
- -- Hackish solution: spot the IO-like situation and add a virtual branch,
- -- as if we had
- -- case foo x s of
- -- (# s, r #) -> y
- -- other -> return ()
- -- So the 'y' isn't necessarily going to be evaluated
- --
- -- A more complete example (Trac #148, #1592) where this shows up is:
- -- do { let len = <expensive> ;
- -- ; when (...) (exitWith ExitSuccess)
- -- ; print len }
- io_hack_reqd = con == DataAlt unboxedPairDataCon &&
- idType (head bndrs) `eqType` realWorldStatePrimTy
- in
- (final_alt_ty, (con, bndrs', rhs'))
Note [Aggregated demand for cardinality]
We use different strategies for strictness and usage/cardinality to
@@ -426,18 +430,6 @@ In other words, for locally-bound lambdas we can infer
-addDataConPatDmds :: AltCon -> [Var] -> DmdType -> DmdType
--- See Note [Add demands for strict constructors]
-addDataConPatDmds DEFAULT _ dmd_ty = dmd_ty
-addDataConPatDmds (LitAlt _) _ dmd_ty = dmd_ty
-addDataConPatDmds (DataAlt con) bndrs dmd_ty
- = foldr add dmd_ty str_bndrs
- where
- add bndr dmd_ty = addVarDmd dmd_ty bndr seqDmd
- str_bndrs = [ b | (b,s) <- zipEqual "addDataConPatBndrs"
- (filter isId bndrs)
- (dataConRepStrictness con)
- , isMarkedStrict s ]
Note [Add demands for strict constructors]
@@ -457,8 +449,8 @@ We want the worker for 'foo' too look like this:
$wfoo :: Int# -> Int# -> Int#
with the first argument unboxed, so that it is not eval'd each time
-around the loop (which would otherwise happen, since 'foo' is not
-strict in 'a'. It is sound for the wrapper to pass an unboxed arg
+around the 'go' loop (which would otherwise happen, since 'foo' is not
+strict in 'a'). It is sound for the wrapper to pass an unboxed arg
because X is strict, so its argument must be evaluated. And if we
*don't* pass an unboxed argument, we can't even repair it by adding a
`seq` thus:
@@ -472,6 +464,13 @@ if X is monomorphic, and has an UNPACK pragma, then this optimisation
is even more important. We don't want the wrapper to rebox an unboxed
argument, and pass an Int to $wfoo!
+We add these extra strict demands to the demand on the *scrutinee* of
+the case expression; hence the use of addDataConStrictness when
+forming scrut_dmd. The case alternatives aren't strict in their
+sub-components, but simply evaluating the scrutinee to HNF does force
+those sub-components.
* *
Demand transformer
@@ -746,6 +745,13 @@ conservative thing and refrain from strictifying a dfun's argument
+setBndrsDemandInfo :: [Var] -> [Demand] -> [Var]
+setBndrsDemandInfo (b:bs) (d:ds)
+ | isTyVar b = b : setBndrsDemandInfo bs (d:ds)
+ | otherwise = setIdDemandInfo b d : setBndrsDemandInfo bs ds
+setBndrsDemandInfo [] ds = ASSERT( null ds ) []
+setBndrsDemandInfo bs _ = pprPanic "setBndrsDemandInfo" (ppr bs)
annotateBndr :: AnalEnv -> DmdType -> Var -> (DmdType, Var)
-- The returned env has the var deleted
-- The returned var is annotated with demand info
@@ -757,9 +763,6 @@ annotateBndr env dmd_ty var
(dmd_ty', dmd) = findBndrDmd env False dmd_ty var
-annotateBndrs :: AnalEnv -> DmdType -> [Var] -> (DmdType, [Var])
-annotateBndrs env = mapAccumR (annotateBndr env)
annotateLamBndrs :: AnalEnv -> DFunFlag -> DmdType -> [Var] -> (DmdType, [Var])
annotateLamBndrs env args_of_dfun ty bndrs = mapAccumR annotate ty bndrs
@@ -1085,6 +1088,29 @@ extendSigsWithLam env id
| otherwise
= env
+addDataConStrictness :: DataCon -> [Demand] -> [Demand]
+-- See Note [Add demands for strict constructors]
+addDataConStrictness con ds
+ = ASSERT2( equalLength strs ds, ppr con $$ ppr strs $$ ppr ds )
+ zipWith add ds strs
+ where
+ strs = dataConRepStrictness con
+ add dmd str | isMarkedStrict str = dmd `bothDmd` seqDmd
+ | otherwise = dmd
+ -- Yes, even if 'dmd' is Absent!
+findBndrsDmds :: AnalEnv -> DmdType -> [Var] -> (DmdType, [Demand])
+-- Return the demands on the Ids in the [Var]
+findBndrsDmds env dmd_ty bndrs
+ = go dmd_ty bndrs
+ where
+ go dmd_ty [] = (dmd_ty, [])
+ go dmd_ty (b:bs)
+ | isId b = let (dmd_ty1, dmds) = go dmd_ty bs
+ (dmd_ty2, dmd) = findBndrDmd env False dmd_ty1 b
+ in (dmd_ty2, dmd : dmds)
+ | otherwise = go dmd_ty bs
findBndrDmd :: AnalEnv -> Bool -> DmdType -> Id -> (DmdType, Demand)
-- See Note [Trimming a demand to a type] in Demand.hs
findBndrDmd env arg_of_dfun dmd_ty id