path: root/compiler/stranal
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authorTwan van Laarhoven <>2008-01-17 17:50:07 +0000
committerTwan van Laarhoven <>2008-01-17 17:50:07 +0000
commitd634ffcd96c0a5e895e10cade5e32282e8de0735 (patch)
tree202d7464186b631ffc3bc29c2ae0d802a1596bfb /compiler/stranal
parent452cba444c2f7cba3a9007f449fea3119c9074a9 (diff)
Monadify stranal/WorkWrap: use do, return, applicative, standard monad functions
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/stranal')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/stranal/WorkWrap.lhs b/compiler/stranal/WorkWrap.lhs
index 4f95edd1df..3af7e2d7c5 100644
--- a/compiler/stranal/WorkWrap.lhs
+++ b/compiler/stranal/WorkWrap.lhs
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import IdInfo ( WorkerInfo(..), arityInfo,
import NewDemand ( Demand(..), StrictSig(..), DmdType(..), DmdResult(..),
Demands(..), mkTopDmdType, isBotRes, returnsCPR, topSig, isAbsent
-import UniqSupply ( UniqSupply, initUs_, returnUs, thenUs, mapUs, getUniqueUs, UniqSM )
+import UniqSupply
import Unique ( hasKey )
import BasicTypes ( RecFlag(..), isNonRec, isNeverActive )
import VarEnv ( isEmptyVarEnv )
@@ -93,9 +93,9 @@ wwTopBinds dflags us binds
workersAndWrappers :: UniqSupply -> [CoreBind] -> [CoreBind]
workersAndWrappers us top_binds
- = initUs_ us $
- mapUs wwBind top_binds `thenUs` \ top_binds' ->
- returnUs (concat top_binds')
+ = initUs_ us $ do
+ top_binds' <- mapM wwBind top_binds
+ return (concat top_binds')
@@ -113,19 +113,18 @@ wwBind :: CoreBind
-- the caller will convert to Expr/Binding,
-- as appropriate.
-wwBind (NonRec binder rhs)
- = wwExpr rhs `thenUs` \ new_rhs ->
- tryWW NonRecursive binder new_rhs `thenUs` \ new_pairs ->
- returnUs [NonRec b e | (b,e) <- new_pairs]
+wwBind (NonRec binder rhs) = do
+ new_rhs <- wwExpr rhs
+ new_pairs <- tryWW NonRecursive binder new_rhs
+ return [NonRec b e | (b,e) <- new_pairs]
-- Generated bindings must be non-recursive
-- because the original binding was.
wwBind (Rec pairs)
- = mapUs do_one pairs `thenUs` \ new_pairs ->
- returnUs [Rec (concat new_pairs)]
+ = return . Rec <$> concatMapM do_one pairs
- do_one (binder, rhs) = wwExpr rhs `thenUs` \ new_rhs ->
- tryWW Recursive binder new_rhs
+ do_one (binder, rhs) = do new_rhs <- wwExpr rhs
+ tryWW Recursive binder new_rhs
@wwExpr@ basically just walks the tree, looking for appropriate
@@ -136,47 +135,41 @@ matching by looking for strict arguments of the correct type.
wwExpr :: CoreExpr -> UniqSM CoreExpr
-wwExpr e@(Type _) = returnUs e
-wwExpr e@(Lit _) = returnUs e
-wwExpr e@(Note InlineMe expr) = returnUs e
+wwExpr e@(Type _) = return e
+wwExpr e@(Lit _) = return e
+wwExpr e@(Note InlineMe expr) = return e
-- Don't w/w inside InlineMe's
wwExpr e@(Var v)
- | v `hasKey` lazyIdKey = returnUs lazyIdUnfolding
- | otherwise = returnUs e
+ | v `hasKey` lazyIdKey = return lazyIdUnfolding
+ | otherwise = return e
-- HACK alert: Inline 'lazy' after strictness analysis
-- (but not inside InlineMe's)
wwExpr (Lam binder expr)
- = wwExpr expr `thenUs` \ new_expr ->
- returnUs (Lam binder new_expr)
+ = Lam binder <$> wwExpr expr
wwExpr (App f a)
- = wwExpr f `thenUs` \ new_f ->
- wwExpr a `thenUs` \ new_a ->
- returnUs (App new_f new_a)
+ = App <$> wwExpr f <*> wwExpr a
wwExpr (Note note expr)
- = wwExpr expr `thenUs` \ new_expr ->
- returnUs (Note note new_expr)
+ = Note note <$> wwExpr expr
-wwExpr (Cast expr co)
- = wwExpr expr `thenUs` \ new_expr ->
- returnUs (Cast new_expr co)
+wwExpr (Cast expr co) = do
+ new_expr <- wwExpr expr
+ return (Cast new_expr co)
wwExpr (Let bind expr)
- = wwBind bind `thenUs` \ intermediate_bind ->
- wwExpr expr `thenUs` \ new_expr ->
- returnUs (mkLets intermediate_bind new_expr)
-wwExpr (Case expr binder ty alts)
- = wwExpr expr `thenUs` \ new_expr ->
- mapUs ww_alt alts `thenUs` \ new_alts ->
- returnUs (Case new_expr binder ty new_alts)
+ = mkLets <$> wwBind bind <*> wwExpr expr
+wwExpr (Case expr binder ty alts) = do
+ new_expr <- wwExpr expr
+ new_alts <- mapM ww_alt alts
+ return (Case new_expr binder ty new_alts)
- ww_alt (con, binders, rhs)
- = wwExpr rhs `thenUs` \ new_rhs ->
- returnUs (con, binders, new_rhs)
+ ww_alt (con, binders, rhs) = do
+ new_rhs <- wwExpr rhs
+ return (con, binders, new_rhs)
@@ -236,7 +229,7 @@ tryWW is_rec fn_id rhs
-- No point in worker/wrappering if the thing is never inlined!
-- Because the no-inline prag will prevent the wrapper ever
-- being inlined at a call site.
- = returnUs [ (new_fn_id, rhs) ]
+ = return [ (new_fn_id, rhs) ]
| is_thunk && worthSplittingThunk maybe_fn_dmd res_info
= ASSERT2( isNonRec is_rec, ppr new_fn_id ) -- The thunk must be non-recursive
@@ -246,7 +239,7 @@ tryWW is_rec fn_id rhs
= splitFun new_fn_id fn_info wrap_dmds res_info inline_prag rhs
| otherwise
- = returnUs [ (new_fn_id, rhs) ]
+ = return [ (new_fn_id, rhs) ]
fn_info = idInfo fn_id
@@ -273,10 +266,10 @@ tryWW is_rec fn_id rhs
splitFun fn_id fn_info wrap_dmds res_info inline_prag rhs
- = WARN( not (wrap_dmds `lengthIs` arity), ppr fn_id <+> (ppr arity $$ ppr wrap_dmds $$ ppr res_info) )
+ = WARN( not (wrap_dmds `lengthIs` arity), ppr fn_id <+> (ppr arity $$ ppr wrap_dmds $$ ppr res_info) ) do
-- The arity should match the signature
- mkWwBodies fun_ty wrap_dmds res_info one_shots `thenUs` \ (work_demands, wrap_fn, work_fn) ->
- getUniqueUs `thenUs` \ work_uniq ->
+ (work_demands, wrap_fn, work_fn) <- mkWwBodies fun_ty wrap_dmds res_info one_shots
+ work_uniq <- getUniqueM
work_rhs = work_fn rhs
work_id = mkWorkerId work_uniq fn_id (exprType work_rhs)
@@ -297,8 +290,7 @@ splitFun fn_id fn_info wrap_dmds res_info inline_prag rhs
wrap_rhs = wrap_fn work_id
wrap_id = fn_id `setIdWorkerInfo` HasWorker work_id arity
- in
- returnUs ([(work_id, work_rhs), (wrap_id, wrap_rhs)])
+ return ([(work_id, work_rhs), (wrap_id, wrap_rhs)])
-- Worker first, because wrapper mentions it
-- mkWwBodies has already built a wrap_rhs with an INLINE pragma wrapped around it
@@ -366,9 +358,9 @@ then the splitting will go deeper too.
-- I# y -> let x = I# y in x }
-- See comments above. Is it not beautifully short?
-splitThunk fn_id rhs
- = mkWWstr [fn_id] `thenUs` \ (_, wrap_fn, work_fn) ->
- returnUs [ (fn_id, Let (NonRec fn_id rhs) (wrap_fn (work_fn (Var fn_id)))) ]
+splitThunk fn_id rhs = do
+ (_, wrap_fn, work_fn) <- mkWWstr [fn_id]
+ return [ (fn_id, Let (NonRec fn_id rhs) (wrap_fn (work_fn (Var fn_id)))) ]
@@ -431,9 +423,9 @@ mkWrapper :: Type -- Wrapper type
-> StrictSig -- Wrapper strictness info
-> UniqSM (Id -> CoreExpr) -- Wrapper body, missing worker Id
-mkWrapper fun_ty (StrictSig (DmdType _ demands res_info))
- = mkWwBodies fun_ty demands res_info noOneShotInfo `thenUs` \ (_, wrap_fn, _) ->
- returnUs wrap_fn
+mkWrapper fun_ty (StrictSig (DmdType _ demands res_info)) = do
+ (_, wrap_fn, _) <- mkWwBodies fun_ty demands res_info noOneShotInfo
+ return wrap_fn
noOneShotInfo = repeat False