path: root/compiler/stranal
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authorNicolas Frisby <>2013-07-17 10:39:25 -0500
committerNicolas Frisby <>2013-09-08 01:34:28 -0500
commitc73d372bfebb5acee45e196d4e8694b656c7fd82 (patch)
treefe1b5664a29944a5344204627cc7b3ace3d68b8b /compiler/stranal
parent275725892cc14fea32091b80d17b14c8cbf50e84 (diff)
resurrected -fdicts-strict, off by default
also added -fdmd-tx-dict-sel, on by default
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/stranal')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/stranal/DmdAnal.lhs b/compiler/stranal/DmdAnal.lhs
index 0aff8ffd93..98c4083ddf 100644
--- a/compiler/stranal/DmdAnal.lhs
+++ b/compiler/stranal/DmdAnal.lhs
@@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ dmdAnal env dmd (App fun arg) -- Non-type arguments
-- , text "overall res dmd_ty =" <+> ppr (res_ty `bothDmdType` arg_ty) ])
(res_ty `bothDmdType` arg_ty, App fun' arg')
+-- this is an anonymous lambda, since @dmdAnalRhs@ uses @collectBinders@
dmdAnal env dmd (Lam var body)
| isTyVar var
= let
@@ -195,7 +196,7 @@ dmdAnal env dmd (Lam var body)
env' = extendSigsWithLam env var
(body_ty, body') = dmdAnal env' body_dmd body
- (lam_ty, var') = annotateLamIdBndr env body_ty one_shot var
+ (lam_ty, var') = annotateLamIdBndr env notArgOfDfun body_ty one_shot var
(deferAndUse defer_me one_shot lam_ty, Lam var' body')
@@ -480,6 +481,10 @@ dmdTransform env var dmd
= dmdTransformDataConSig
(idArity var) (idStrictness var) dmd
+ | gopt Opt_DmdTxDictSel (ae_dflags env),
+ Just _ <- isClassOpId_maybe var -- Dictionary component selector
+ = dmdTransformDictSelSig (idStrictness var) dmd
| isGlobalId var -- Imported function
= let res = dmdTransformSig (idStrictness var) dmd in
-- pprTrace "dmdTransform" (vcat [ppr var, ppr (idStrictness var), ppr dmd, ppr res])
@@ -589,7 +594,7 @@ dmdAnalRhs top_lvl rec_flag env id rhs
(bndrs, body) = collectBinders rhs
env_body = foldl extendSigsWithLam env bndrs
(body_dmd_ty, body') = dmdAnal env_body body_dmd body
- (rhs_dmd_ty, bndrs') = annotateLamBndrs env body_dmd_ty bndrs
+ (rhs_dmd_ty, bndrs') = annotateLamBndrs env (isDFunId id) body_dmd_ty bndrs
id' = set_idStrictness env id sig_ty
sig_ty = mkStrictSig (mkDmdType sig_fv rhs_dmds rhs_res')
-- See Note [NOINLINE and strictness]
@@ -733,6 +738,13 @@ the safe result we also have absent demand set to Abs, which makes it
possible to safely ignore non-mentioned variables (their joint demand
is <L,A>).
+Note [do not strictify the argument dictionaries of a dfun]
+The typechecker can tie recursive knots involving dfuns, so we do the
+conservative thing and refrain from strictifying a dfun's argument
annotateBndr :: AnalEnv -> DmdType -> Var -> (DmdType, Var)
-- The returned env has the var deleted
@@ -741,33 +753,41 @@ annotateBndr :: AnalEnv -> DmdType -> Var -> (DmdType, Var)
-- No effect on the argument demands
annotateBndr env dmd_ty@(DmdType fv ds res) var
| isTyVar var = (dmd_ty, var)
- | otherwise = (DmdType fv' ds res, set_idDemandInfo env var dmd)
+ | otherwise = (DmdType fv' ds res, set_idDemandInfo env var dmd')
(fv', dmd) = peelFV fv var res
+ dmd' | gopt Opt_DictsStrict (ae_dflags env)
+ -- We never want to strictify a recursive let. At the moment
+ -- annotateBndr is only call for non-recursive lets; if that
+ -- changes, we need a RecFlag parameter and another guard here.
+ = strictifyDictDmd (idType var) dmd
+ | otherwise = dmd
annotateBndrs :: AnalEnv -> DmdType -> [Var] -> (DmdType, [Var])
annotateBndrs env = mapAccumR (annotateBndr env)
-annotateLamBndrs :: AnalEnv -> DmdType -> [Var] -> (DmdType, [Var])
-annotateLamBndrs env ty bndrs = mapAccumR annotate ty bndrs
+annotateLamBndrs :: AnalEnv -> DFunFlag -> DmdType -> [Var] -> (DmdType, [Var])
+annotateLamBndrs env args_of_dfun ty bndrs = mapAccumR annotate ty bndrs
annotate dmd_ty bndr
- | isId bndr = annotateLamIdBndr env dmd_ty Many bndr
+ | isId bndr = annotateLamIdBndr env args_of_dfun dmd_ty Many bndr
| otherwise = (dmd_ty, bndr)
annotateLamIdBndr :: AnalEnv
+ -> DFunFlag -- is this lambda at the top of the RHS of a dfun?
-> DmdType -- Demand type of body
-> Count -- One-shot-ness of the lambda
-> Id -- Lambda binder
-> (DmdType, -- Demand type of lambda
Id) -- and binder annotated with demand
-annotateLamIdBndr env _dmd_ty@(DmdType fv ds res) one_shot id
+annotateLamIdBndr env arg_of_dfun _dmd_ty@(DmdType fv ds res) one_shot id
-- For lambdas we add the demand to the argument demands
-- Only called for Ids
= ASSERT( isId id )
-- pprTrace "annLamBndr" (vcat [ppr id, ppr _dmd_ty]) $
- (final_ty, setOneShotness one_shot (set_idDemandInfo env id dmd))
+ (final_ty, setOneShotness one_shot (set_idDemandInfo env id dmd'))
-- Watch out! See note [Lambda-bound unfoldings]
final_ty = case maybeUnfoldingTemplate (idUnfolding id) of
@@ -780,6 +800,12 @@ annotateLamIdBndr env _dmd_ty@(DmdType fv ds res) one_shot id
(fv', dmd) = peelFV fv id res
+ dmd' | gopt Opt_DictsStrict (ae_dflags env),
+ -- see Note [do not strictify the argument dictionaries of a dfun]
+ not arg_of_dfun
+ = strictifyDictDmd (idType id) dmd
+ | otherwise = dmd
deleteFVs :: DmdType -> [Var] -> DmdType
deleteFVs (DmdType fvs dmds res) bndrs
= DmdType (delVarEnvList fvs bndrs) dmds res
@@ -985,13 +1011,18 @@ forget that fact, otherwise we might make 'x' absent when it isn't.
+type DFunFlag = Bool -- indicates if the lambda being considered is in the
+ -- sequence of lambdas at the top of the RHS of a dfun
+notArgOfDfun :: DFunFlag
+notArgOfDfun = False
data AnalEnv
= AE { ae_dflags :: DynFlags
, ae_sigs :: SigEnv
, ae_virgin :: Bool -- True on first iteration only
-- See Note [Initialising strictness]
, ae_rec_tc :: RecTcChecker
- }
+ }
-- We use the se_env to tell us whether to
-- record info about a variable in the DmdEnv