path: root/compiler/typecheck/TcDerivInfer.hs
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authorRyan Scott <>2019-10-11 11:20:11 -0400
committerMarge Bot <>2019-10-15 01:35:34 -0400
commita2d3594ca173905502d3de2f4e25ef9e36d41906 (patch)
tree20dbcc8531e2a498298148930feb3f7cd4864f46 /compiler/typecheck/TcDerivInfer.hs
parent0ca044fd01df706bff69032cca525e78e2e3f100 (diff)
Refactor some cruft in TcDerivInfer.inferConstraints
The latest installment in my quest to clean up the code in `TcDeriv*`. This time, my sights are set on `TcDerivInfer.inferConstraints`, which infers the context for derived instances. This function is a wee bit awkward at the moment: * It's not terribly obvious from a quick glance, but `inferConstraints` is only ever invoked when using the `stock` or `anyclass` deriving strategies, as the code for inferring the context for `newtype`- or `via`-derived instances is located separately in `mk_coerce_based_eqn`. But there's no good reason for things to be this way, so I moved this code from `mk_coerce_based_eqn` to `inferConstraints` so that everything related to inferring instance contexts is located in one place. * In this process, I discovered that the Haddocks for the auxiliary function `inferConstraintsDataConArgs` are completely wrong. It claims that it handles both `stock` and `newtype` deriving, but this is completely wrong, as discussed above—it only handles `stock`. To rectify this, I renamed this function to `inferConstraintsStock` to reflect its actual purpose and created a new `inferConstraintsCoerceBased` function to specifically handle `newtype` (and `via`) deriving. Doing this revealed some opportunities for further simplification: * Removing the context-inference–related code from `mk_coerce_based_eqn` made me realize that the overall structure of the function is basically identical to `mk_originative_eqn`. In fact, I was easily able to combine the two functions into a single `mk_eqn_from_mechanism` function. As part of this merger, I now invoke `atf_coerce_based_error_checks` from `doDerivInstErrorChecks1`. * I discovered that GHC defined this function: ```hs typeToTypeKind = liftedTypeKind `mkVisFunTy` liftedTypeKind ``` No fewer than four times in different modules. I consolidated all of these definitions in a single location in `TysWiredIn`.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/typecheck/TcDerivInfer.hs')
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcDerivInfer.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcDerivInfer.hs
index d834b09bbe..4bb1c76063 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcDerivInfer.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcDerivInfer.hs
@@ -22,9 +22,11 @@ import DataCon
import ErrUtils
import Inst
import Outputable
+import Pair
import PrelNames
import TcDerivUtils
import TcEnv
+import TcGenDeriv
import TcGenFunctor
import TcGenGenerics
import TcMType
@@ -35,6 +37,7 @@ import Type
import TcSimplify
import TcValidity (validDerivPred)
import TcUnify (buildImplicationFor, checkConstraints)
+import TysWiredIn (typeToTypeKind)
import Unify (tcUnifyTy)
import Util
import Var
@@ -66,15 +69,35 @@ inferConstraints :: DerivSpecMechanism
-- generated method definitions should succeed. This set will be simplified
-- before being used in the instance declaration
inferConstraints mechanism
- = do { DerivEnv { denv_tc = tc
+ = do { DerivEnv { denv_tvs = tvs
+ , denv_tc = tc
, denv_tc_args = tc_args
, denv_cls = main_cls
, denv_cls_tys = cls_tys } <- ask
; wildcard <- isStandaloneWildcardDeriv
- ; let is_anyclass = isDerivSpecAnyClass mechanism
- infer_constraints
- | is_anyclass = inferConstraintsDAC inst_tys
- | otherwise = inferConstraintsDataConArgs inst_ty inst_tys
+ ; let infer_constraints :: DerivM ([ThetaOrigin], [TyVar], [TcType])
+ infer_constraints =
+ case mechanism of
+ DerivSpecStock{}
+ -> inferConstraintsStock
+ DerivSpecAnyClass
+ -> infer_constraints_simple $ inferConstraintsAnyclass
+ DerivSpecNewtype rep_ty
+ -> infer_constraints_simple $ inferConstraintsCoerceBased rep_ty
+ DerivSpecVia via_ty
+ -> infer_constraints_simple $ inferConstraintsCoerceBased via_ty
+ -- Most deriving strategies do not need to do anything special to
+ -- the type variables and arguments to the class in the derived
+ -- instance, so they can pass through unchanged. The exception to
+ -- this rule is stock deriving. See
+ -- Note [Inferring the instance context].
+ infer_constraints_simple
+ :: DerivM [ThetaOrigin]
+ -> DerivM ([ThetaOrigin], [TyVar], [TcType])
+ infer_constraints_simple infer_thetas = do
+ thetas <- infer_thetas
+ pure (thetas, tvs, inst_tys)
inst_ty = mkTyConApp tc tc_args
inst_tys = cls_tys ++ [inst_ty]
@@ -98,20 +121,44 @@ inferConstraints mechanism
; return ( sc_constraints ++ inferred_constraints
, tvs', inst_tys' ) }
--- | Like 'inferConstraints', but used only in the case of deriving strategies
--- where the constraints are inferred by inspecting the fields of each data
--- constructor (i.e., stock- and newtype-deriving).
-inferConstraintsDataConArgs :: TcType -> [TcType]
- -> DerivM ([ThetaOrigin], [TyVar], [TcType])
-inferConstraintsDataConArgs inst_ty inst_tys
+-- | Like 'inferConstraints', but used only in the case of the @stock@ deriving
+-- strategy. The constraints are inferred by inspecting the fields of each data
+-- constructor. In this example:
+-- > data Foo = MkFoo Int Char deriving Show
+-- We would infer the following constraints ('ThetaOrigin's):
+-- > (Show Int, Show Char)
+-- Note that this function also returns the type variables ('TyVar's) and
+-- class arguments ('TcType's) for the resulting instance. This is because
+-- when deriving 'Functor'-like classes, we must sometimes perform kind
+-- substitutions to ensure the resulting instance is well kinded, which may
+-- affect the type variables and class arguments. In this example:
+-- > newtype Compose (f :: k -> Type) (g :: Type -> k) (a :: Type) =
+-- > Compose (f (g a)) deriving stock Functor
+-- We must unify @k@ with @Type@ in order for the resulting 'Functor' instance
+-- to be well kinded, so we return @[]@/@[Type, f, g]@ for the
+-- 'TyVar's/'TcType's, /not/ @[k]@/@[k, f, g]@.
+-- See Note [Inferring the instance context].
+inferConstraintsStock :: DerivM ([ThetaOrigin], [TyVar], [TcType])
= do DerivEnv { denv_tvs = tvs
+ , denv_tc = tc
+ , denv_tc_args = tc_args
, denv_rep_tc = rep_tc
, denv_rep_tc_args = rep_tc_args
, denv_cls = main_cls
, denv_cls_tys = cls_tys } <- ask
wildcard <- isStandaloneWildcardDeriv
- let tc_binders = tyConBinders rep_tc
+ let inst_ty = mkTyConApp tc tc_args
+ inst_tys = cls_tys ++ [inst_ty]
+ tc_binders = tyConBinders rep_tc
choose_level bndr
| isNamedTyConBinder bndr = KindLevel
| otherwise = TypeLevel
@@ -272,7 +319,7 @@ inferConstraintsDataConArgs inst_ty inst_tys
$$ ppr rep_tc_tvs $$ ppr all_rep_tc_args )
do { let (arg_constraints, tvs', inst_tys')
= con_arg_constraints get_std_constrained_tys
- ; lift $ traceTc "inferConstraintsDataConArgs" $ vcat
+ ; lift $ traceTc "inferConstraintsStock" $ vcat
[ ppr main_cls <+> ppr inst_tys'
, ppr arg_constraints
@@ -280,9 +327,6 @@ inferConstraintsDataConArgs inst_ty inst_tys
++ arg_constraints
, tvs', inst_tys') }
-typeToTypeKind :: Kind
-typeToTypeKind = liftedTypeKind `mkVisFunTy` liftedTypeKind
-- | Like 'inferConstraints', but used only in the case of @DeriveAnyClass@,
-- which gathers its constraints based on the type signatures of the class's
-- methods instead of the types of the data constructor's field.
@@ -290,13 +334,18 @@ typeToTypeKind = liftedTypeKind `mkVisFunTy` liftedTypeKind
-- See Note [Gathering and simplifying constraints for DeriveAnyClass]
-- for an explanation of how these constraints are used to determine the
-- derived instance context.
-inferConstraintsDAC :: [TcType] -> DerivM ([ThetaOrigin], [TyVar], [TcType])
-inferConstraintsDAC inst_tys
- = do { DerivEnv { denv_tvs = tvs
- , denv_cls = cls } <- ask
+inferConstraintsAnyclass :: DerivM [ThetaOrigin]
+ = do { DerivEnv { denv_tc = tc
+ , denv_tc_args = tc_args
+ , denv_cls = cls
+ , denv_cls_tys = cls_tys } <- ask
; wildcard <- isStandaloneWildcardDeriv
- ; let gen_dms = [ (sel_id, dm_ty)
+ ; let inst_ty = mkTyConApp tc tc_args
+ inst_tys = cls_tys ++ [inst_ty]
+ gen_dms = [ (sel_id, dm_ty)
| (sel_id, Just (_, GenericDM dm_ty)) <- classOpItems cls ]
cls_tvs = classTyVars cls
@@ -320,7 +369,61 @@ inferConstraintsDAC inst_tys
meth_tvs dm_tvs meth_theta (tau_eq:dm_theta)) }
; theta_origins <- lift $ mapM do_one_meth gen_dms
- ; return (theta_origins, tvs, inst_tys) }
+ ; return theta_origins }
+-- Like 'inferConstraints', but used only for @GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving@ and
+-- @DerivingVia@. Since both strategies generate code involving 'coerce', the
+-- inferred constraints set up the scaffolding needed to typecheck those uses
+-- of 'coerce'. In this example:
+-- > newtype Age = MkAge Int deriving newtype Num
+-- We would infer the following constraints ('ThetaOrigin's):
+-- > (Num Int, Coercible Age Int)
+inferConstraintsCoerceBased :: Type -> DerivM [ThetaOrigin]
+inferConstraintsCoerceBased rep_ty = do
+ DerivEnv { denv_tvs = tvs
+ , denv_tc = tycon
+ , denv_tc_args = tc_args
+ , denv_cls = cls
+ , denv_cls_tys = cls_tys } <- ask
+ sa_wildcard <- isStandaloneWildcardDeriv
+ let -- The following functions are polymorphic over the representation
+ -- type, since we might either give it the underlying type of a
+ -- newtype (for GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving) or a @via@ type
+ -- (for DerivingVia).
+ rep_tys ty = cls_tys ++ [ty]
+ rep_pred ty = mkClassPred cls (rep_tys ty)
+ rep_pred_o ty = mkPredOrigin deriv_origin TypeLevel (rep_pred ty)
+ -- rep_pred is the representation dictionary, from where
+ -- we are going to get all the methods for the final
+ -- dictionary
+ inst_ty = mkTyConApp tycon tc_args
+ inst_tys = cls_tys ++ [inst_ty]
+ deriv_origin = mkDerivOrigin sa_wildcard
+ -- Next we collect constraints for the class methods
+ -- If there are no methods, we don't need any constraints
+ -- Otherwise we need (C rep_ty), for the representation methods,
+ -- and constraints to coerce each individual method
+ meth_preds :: Type -> [PredOrigin]
+ meth_preds ty
+ | null meths = [] -- No methods => no constraints
+ -- (#12814)
+ | otherwise = rep_pred_o ty : coercible_constraints ty
+ meths = classMethods cls
+ coercible_constraints ty
+ = [ mkPredOrigin (DerivOriginCoerce meth t1 t2 sa_wildcard)
+ TypeLevel (mkReprPrimEqPred t1 t2)
+ | meth <- meths
+ , let (Pair t1 t2) = mkCoerceClassMethEqn cls tvs
+ inst_tys ty meth ]
+ all_thetas :: Type -> [ThetaOrigin]
+ all_thetas ty = [mkThetaOriginFromPreds $ meth_preds ty]
+ pure (all_thetas rep_ty)
{- Note [Inferring the instance context]
@@ -346,7 +449,7 @@ for DerivContext:
the instance context (theta) is user-supplied
For the InferContext case, we must figure out the
-instance context (inferConstraintsDataConArgs). Suppose we are inferring
+instance context (inferConstraintsStock). Suppose we are inferring
the instance context for
C t1 .. tn (T s1 .. sm)
There are two cases
@@ -456,7 +559,7 @@ Let's call the context reqd for the T instance of class C at types
Eq (T a b) = (Ping a, Pong b, ...)
Now we can get a (recursive) equation from the data decl. This part
-is done by inferConstraintsDataConArgs.
+is done by inferConstraintsStock.
Eq (T a b) = Eq (Foo a) u Eq (Bar b) -- From C1
u Eq (T b a) u Eq Int -- From C2