path: root/compiler/typecheck/TcGenFunctor.hs
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authorDavid Feuer <>2017-02-07 00:16:55 -0500
committerDavid Feuer <>2017-02-07 00:16:56 -0500
commit2219c8cd612ec7920a3bd1661b3c663575737267 (patch)
tree43c944b3fd09c9719a27f871abba1a6ece01e16b /compiler/typecheck/TcGenFunctor.hs
parenta28a55211d6fb8d3182b0a9e47656ff9ca8a3766 (diff)
Derive <$
Using the default definition of `<$` for derived `Functor` instance is very bad for recursive data types. Derive the definition instead. Fixes #13218 Reviewers: austin, bgamari, RyanGlScott Reviewed By: RyanGlScott Subscribers: RyanGlScott, thomie Differential Revision:
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/typecheck/TcGenFunctor.hs')
1 files changed, 147 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcGenFunctor.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcGenFunctor.hs
index f5ecbedfec..b34a0b6cf4 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcGenFunctor.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcGenFunctor.hs
@@ -125,18 +125,20 @@ It is better to produce too many lambdas than to eta expand, see ticket #7436.
gen_Functor_binds :: SrcSpan -> TyCon -> (LHsBinds RdrName, BagDerivStuff)
gen_Functor_binds loc tycon
- = (unitBag fmap_bind, emptyBag)
+ = (listToBag [fmap_bind, replace_bind], emptyBag)
data_cons = tyConDataCons tycon
- fun_name = L loc fmap_RDR
- fmap_bind = mkRdrFunBind fun_name eqns
- fun_match_ctxt = FunRhs fun_name Prefix
+ fmap_name = L loc fmap_RDR
+ fmap_bind = mkRdrFunBind fmap_name fmap_eqns
+ fmap_match_ctxt = FunRhs fmap_name Prefix
- fmap_eqn con = evalState (match_for_con fun_match_ctxt [f_Pat] con =<< parts) bs_RDRs
+ fmap_eqn con = flip evalState bs_RDRs $
+ match_for_con fmap_match_ctxt [f_Pat] con =<< parts
parts = sequence $ foldDataConArgs ft_fmap con
- eqns | null data_cons = [mkSimpleMatch fun_match_ctxt
+ fmap_eqns
+ | null data_cons = [mkSimpleMatch fmap_match_ctxt
[nlWildPat, nlWildPat]
(error_Expr "Void fmap")]
| otherwise = map fmap_eqn data_cons
@@ -162,6 +164,50 @@ gen_Functor_binds loc tycon
, ft_bad_app = panic "in other argument"
, ft_co_var = panic "contravariant" }
+ -- See Note [deriving <$]
+ replace_name = L loc replace_RDR
+ replace_bind = mkRdrFunBind replace_name replace_eqns
+ replace_match_ctxt = FunRhs replace_name Prefix
+ replace_eqn con = flip evalState bs_RDRs $
+ match_for_con replace_match_ctxt [z_Pat] con =<< parts
+ where
+ parts = traverse (fmap replace) $ foldDataConArgs ft_replace con
+ replace_eqns
+ | null data_cons = [mkSimpleMatch replace_match_ctxt
+ [nlWildPat, nlWildPat]
+ (error_Expr "Void <$")]
+ | otherwise = map replace_eqn data_cons
+ ft_replace :: FFoldType (State [RdrName] Replacer)
+ ft_replace = FT { ft_triv = fmap Nested $ mkSimpleLam $ \x -> return x
+ -- (p <$) = \x -> x
+ , ft_var = fmap Immediate $ mkSimpleLam $ \_ -> return z_Expr
+ -- (p <$) = const p
+ , ft_fun = \g h -> do
+ gg <- replace <$> g
+ hh <- replace <$> h
+ fmap Nested $ mkSimpleLam2 $ \x b -> return $
+ nlHsApp hh (nlHsApp x (nlHsApp gg b))
+ -- (<$) p = \x b -> h (x (g b))
+ , ft_tup = \t gs -> do
+ gg <- traverse (fmap replace) gs
+ fmap Nested . mkSimpleLam $
+ mkSimpleTupleCase (match_for_con CaseAlt) t gg
+ -- (p <$) = \x -> case x of (a1,a2,..) -> (g1 a1,g2 a2,..)
+ , ft_ty_app = \_ gm -> do
+ g <- gm
+ case g of
+ Nested g' -> pure . Nested $
+ nlHsApp fmap_Expr $ g'
+ Immediate _ -> pure . Nested $
+ nlHsApp replace_Expr z_Expr
+ -- (p <$) = fmap (p <$)
+ , ft_forall = \_ g -> g
+ , ft_bad_app = panic "in other argument"
+ , ft_co_var = panic "contravariant" }
-- Con a1 a2 ... -> Con (f1 a1) (f2 a2) ...
match_for_con :: HsMatchContext RdrName
-> [LPat RdrName] -> DataCon -> [LHsExpr RdrName]
@@ -169,6 +215,99 @@ gen_Functor_binds loc tycon
match_for_con ctxt = mkSimpleConMatch ctxt $
\con_name xs -> return $ nlHsApps con_name xs -- Con x1 x2 ..
+-- See Note [deriving <$]
+data Replacer = Immediate {replace :: LHsExpr RdrName}
+ | Nested {replace :: LHsExpr RdrName}
+{- Note [deriving <$]
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+We derive the definition of <$. Allowing this to take the default definition
+can lead to memory leaks: mapping over a structure with a constant function can
+fill the result structure with trivial thunks that retain the values from the
+original structure. The simplifier seems to handle this all right for simple
+types, but not for recursive ones. Consider
+data Tree a = Bin !(Tree a) a !(Tree a) | Tip deriving Functor
+-- fmap _ Tip = Tip
+-- fmap f (Bin l v r) = Bin (fmap f l) (f v) (fmap f r)
+Using the default definition of <$, we get (<$) x = fmap (\_ -> x) and that
+simplifies no further. Why is that? `fmap` is defined recursively, so GHC
+cannot inline it. The static argument transformation would turn the definition
+into a non-recursive one
+-- fmap f = go where
+-- go Tip = Tip
+-- go (Bin l v r) = Bin (go l) (f v) (go r)
+which GHC could inline, producing an efficient definion of `<$`. But there are
+several problems. First, GHC does not perform the static argument transformation
+by default, even with -O2. Second, even when it does perform the static argument
+transformation, it does so only when there are at least two static arguments,
+which is not the case for fmap. Finally, when the type in question is
+non-regular, such as
+data Nesty a = Z a | S (Nesty a) (Nest (a, a))
+the function argument is no longer (entirely) static, so the static argument
+transformation will do nothiing for us.
+Applying the default definition of `<$` will produce a tree full of thunks that
+look like ((\_ -> x) x0), which represents unnecessary thunk allocation and
+also retention of the previous value, potentially leaking memory. Instead, we
+derive <$ separately. Two aspects are different from fmap: the case of the
+sought type variable (ft_var) and the case of a type application (ft_ty_app).
+The interesting one is ft_ty_app. We have to distinguish two cases: the
+"immediate" case where the type argument *is* the sought type variable, and
+the "nested" case where the type argument *contains* the sought type variable.
+The immediate case:
+Suppose we have
+data Imm a = Imm (F ... a)
+Then we want to define
+x <$ Imm q = Imm (x <$ q)
+The nested case:
+Suppose we have
+data Nes a = Nes (F ... (G a))
+Then we want to define
+x <$ Nes q = Nes (fmap (x <$) q)
+We use the Replacer type to tag whether the expression derived for applying
+<$ to the last type variable was the ft_var case (immediate) or one of the
+others (letting ft_forall pass through as usual).
+We could, but do not, give tuples special treatment to improve efficiency
+in some cases. Suppose we have
+data Nest a = Z a | S (Nest (a,a))
+The optimal definition would be
+x <$ Z _ = Z x
+x <$ S t = S ((x, x) <$ t)
+which produces a result with maximal internal sharing. The reason we do not
+attempt to treat this case specially is that we have no way to give
+user-provided tuple-like types similar treatment. If the user changed the
+definition to
+data Pair a = Pair a a
+data Nest a = Z a | S (Nest (Pair a))
+they would experience a surprising degradation in performance. -}
Utility functions related to Functor deriving.
@@ -629,11 +768,12 @@ gen_Traversable_binds loc tycon
-f_Expr, z_Expr, fmap_Expr, mempty_Expr, foldMap_Expr,
+f_Expr, z_Expr, fmap_Expr, replace_Expr, mempty_Expr, foldMap_Expr,
traverse_Expr :: LHsExpr RdrName
f_Expr = nlHsVar f_RDR
z_Expr = nlHsVar z_RDR
fmap_Expr = nlHsVar fmap_RDR
+replace_Expr = nlHsVar replace_RDR
mempty_Expr = nlHsVar mempty_RDR
foldMap_Expr = nlHsVar foldMap_RDR
traverse_Expr = nlHsVar traverse_RDR