path: root/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.hs
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authorBen Gamari <>2015-08-26 18:24:34 +0200
committerBen Gamari <>2015-10-29 16:14:51 +0100
commitbef2f03e4d56d88a7e9752a7afd6a0a35616da6c (patch)
tree9ae33978cf43d8268a6c5afa42e7a6c8a7e227a1 /compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.hs
parent40e6214c06bc197dbdfcf9f7345dad1ad271922b (diff)
Generate Typeable info at definition sites
This patch implements the idea floated in Trac #9858, namely that we should generate type-representation information at the data type declaration site, rather than when solving a Typeable constraint. However, this turned out quite a bit harder than I expected. I still think it's the right thing to do, and it's done now, but it was quite a struggle. See particularly * Note [Grand plan for Typeable] in TcTypeable (which is a new module) * Note [The overall promotion story] in DataCon (clarifies existing stuff) The most painful bit was that to generate Typeable instances (ie TyConRepName bindings) for every TyCon is tricky for types in ghc-prim etc: * We need to have enough data types around to *define* a TyCon * Many of these types are wired-in Also, to minimise the code generated for each data type, I wanted to generate pure data, not CAFs with unpackCString# stuff floating about. Performance ~~~~~~~~~~~ Three perf/compiler tests start to allocate quite a bit more. This isn't surprising, because they all allocate zillions of data types, with practically no other code, esp. T1969 * T3294: GHC allocates 110% more (filed #11030 to track this) * T1969: GHC allocates 30% more * T4801: GHC allocates 14% more * T5321FD: GHC allocates 13% more * T783: GHC allocates 12% more * T9675: GHC allocates 12% more * T5642: GHC allocates 10% more * T9961: GHC allocates 6% more * T9203: Program allocates 54% less I'm treating this as acceptable. The payoff comes in Typeable-heavy code. Remaining to do ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * I think that "TyCon" and "Module" are over-generic names to use for the runtime type representations used in GHC.Typeable. Better might be "TrTyCon" and "TrModule". But I have not yet done this * Add more info the the "TyCon" e.g. source location where it was defined * Use the new "Module" type to help with Trac Trac #10068 * It would be possible to generate TyConRepName (ie Typeable instances) selectively rather than all the time. We'd need to persist the information in interface files. Lacking a motivating reason I have not done this, but it would not be difficult. Refactoring ~~~~~~~~~~~ As is so often the case, I ended up refactoring more than I intended. In particular * In TyCon, a type *family* (whether type or data) is repesented by a FamilyTyCon * a algebraic data type (including data/newtype instances) is represented by AlgTyCon This wasn't true before; a data family was represented as an AlgTyCon. There are some corresponding changes in IfaceSyn. * Also get rid of the (unhelpfully named) tyConParent. * In TyCon define 'Promoted', isomorphic to Maybe, used when things are optionally promoted; and use it elsewhere in GHC. * Cleanup handling of knownKeyNames * Each TyCon, including promoted TyCons, contains its TyConRepName, if it has one. This is, in effect, the name of its Typeable instance. Requires update of the haddock submodule. Differential Revision:
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.hs')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 107 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.hs
index 0da0cb1382..bba808063c 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.hs
@@ -14,28 +14,33 @@ files for imported data types.
module TcTyDecls(
calcRecFlags, RecTyInfo(..),
calcSynCycles, calcClassCycles,
+ -- * Roles
RoleAnnots, extractRoleAnnots, emptyRoleAnnots, lookupRoleAnnots,
- mkDefaultMethodIds, mkRecSelBinds, mkOneRecordSelector
+ -- * Implicits
+ tcAddImplicits
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import TcRnMonad
import TcEnv
+import TcTypeable( mkTypeableBinds )
+import TcBinds( tcValBinds, addTypecheckedBinds )
+import TypeRep( Type(..) )
import TcType
import TysWiredIn( unitTy )
import MkCore( rEC_SEL_ERROR_ID )
-import TypeRep
import HsSyn
import Class
import Type
+import HscTypes
import TyCon
-import ConLike
import DataCon
import Name
import NameEnv
import RdrName ( mkVarUnqual )
-import Var ( tyVarKind )
import Id
import IdInfo
import VarEnv
@@ -379,7 +384,7 @@ calcRecFlags boot_details is_boot mrole_env tyclss
-- Recursion of newtypes/data types can happen via
-- the class TyCon, so tyclss includes the class tycons
- is_promotable = all (isPromotableTyCon rec_tycon_names) all_tycons
+ is_promotable = all (computeTyConPromotability rec_tycon_names) all_tycons
roles = inferRoles is_boot mrole_env all_tycons
@@ -473,70 +478,6 @@ findLoopBreakers deps
* *
- Promotion calculation
-* *
-See Note [Checking whether a group is promotable]
-We only want to promote a TyCon if all its data constructors
-are promotable; it'd be very odd to promote some but not others.
-But the data constructors may mention this or other TyCons.
-So we treat the recursive uses as all OK (ie promotable) and
-do one pass to check that each TyCon is promotable.
-Currently type synonyms are not promotable, though that
-could change.
-isPromotableTyCon :: NameSet -> TyCon -> Bool
-isPromotableTyCon rec_tycons tc
- = isAlgTyCon tc -- Only algebraic; not even synonyms
- -- (we could reconsider the latter)
- && ok_kind (tyConKind tc)
- && case algTyConRhs tc of
- DataTyCon { data_cons = cs } -> all ok_con cs
- NewTyCon { data_con = c } -> ok_con c
- AbstractTyCon {} -> False
- DataFamilyTyCon {} -> False
- TupleTyCon { tup_sort = sort } -> case sort of
- BoxedTuple -> True
- UnboxedTuple -> False
- ConstraintTuple -> False
- where
- ok_kind kind = all isLiftedTypeKind args && isLiftedTypeKind res
- where -- Checks for * -> ... -> * -> *
- (args, res) = splitKindFunTys kind
- -- See Note [Promoted data constructors] in TyCon
- ok_con con = all (isLiftedTypeKind . tyVarKind) ex_tvs
- && null eq_spec -- No constraints
- && null theta
- && all (isPromotableType rec_tycons) orig_arg_tys
- where
- (_, ex_tvs, eq_spec, theta, orig_arg_tys, _) = dataConFullSig con
-isPromotableType :: NameSet -> Type -> Bool
--- Must line up with DataCon.promoteType
--- But the function lives here because we must treat the
--- *recursive* tycons as promotable
-isPromotableType rec_tcs con_arg_ty
- = go con_arg_ty
- where
- go (TyConApp tc tys) = tys `lengthIs` tyConArity tc
- && (tyConName tc `elemNameSet` rec_tcs
- || isJust (promotableTyCon_maybe tc))
- && all go tys
- go (FunTy arg res) = go arg && go res
- go (TyVarTy {}) = True
- go _ = False
-* *
Role annotations
* *
@@ -859,6 +800,27 @@ updateRoleEnv name n role
RIS { role_env = role_env', update = True }
else state )
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ Building implicits
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+tcAddImplicits :: [TyThing] -> TcM TcGblEnv
+tcAddImplicits tyclss
+ = discardWarnings $
+ tcExtendGlobalEnvImplicit implicit_things $
+ tcExtendGlobalValEnv def_meth_ids $
+ do { (rec_sel_ids, rec_sel_binds) <- mkRecSelBinds tycons
+ ; (typeable_ids, typeable_binds) <- mkTypeableBinds tycons
+ ; gbl_env <- tcExtendGlobalValEnv (rec_sel_ids ++ typeable_ids) getGblEnv
+ ; return (gbl_env `addTypecheckedBinds` (rec_sel_binds ++ typeable_binds)) }
+ where
+ implicit_things = concatMap implicitTyThings tyclss
+ tycons = [tc | ATyCon tc <- tyclss]
+ def_meth_ids = mkDefaultMethodIds tyclss
* *
@@ -893,53 +855,49 @@ must bring the default method Ids into scope first (so they can be seen
when typechecking the [d| .. |] quote, and typecheck them later.
-mkRecSelBinds :: [TyThing] -> HsValBinds Name
--- NB We produce *un-typechecked* bindings, rather like 'deriving'
--- This makes life easier, because the later type checking will add
--- all necessary type abstractions and applications
+mkRecSelBinds :: [TyCon] -> TcM ([Id], [LHsBinds Id])
mkRecSelBinds tycons
- = ValBindsOut [(NonRecursive, b) | b <- binds] sigs
- where
- (sigs, binds) = unzip rec_sels
- rec_sels = map mkRecSelBind [ (tc,fld)
- | ATyCon tc <- tycons
- , fld <- tyConFieldLabels tc ]
-mkRecSelBind :: (TyCon, FieldLabel) -> (LSig Name, LHsBinds Name)
+ = do { -- We generate *un-typechecked* bindings in mkRecSelBind, and
+ -- then typecheck them, rather like 'deriving'. This makes life
+ -- easier, because the later type checking will add all necessary
+ -- type abstractions and applications
+ let sel_binds :: [(RecFlag, LHsBinds Name)]
+ sel_sigs :: [LSig Name]
+ (sel_sigs, sel_binds)
+ = mapAndUnzip mkRecSelBind [ (tc,fld)
+ | tc <- tycons
+ , fld <- tyConFieldLabels tc ]
+ sel_ids = [sel_id | L _ (IdSig sel_id) <- sel_sigs]
+ ; (sel_binds, _) <- tcValBinds TopLevel sel_binds sel_sigs (return ())
+ ; return (sel_ids, map snd sel_binds) }
+mkRecSelBind :: (TyCon, FieldLabel) -> (LSig Name, (RecFlag, LHsBinds Name))
mkRecSelBind (tycon, fl)
- = mkOneRecordSelector all_cons (RecSelData tycon) fl
- where
- all_cons = map RealDataCon (tyConDataCons tycon)
-mkOneRecordSelector :: [ConLike] -> RecSelParent -> FieldLabel
- -> (LSig Name, LHsBinds Name)
-mkOneRecordSelector all_cons idDetails fl =
- (L loc (IdSig sel_id), unitBag (L loc sel_bind))
+ = (L loc (IdSig sel_id), (NonRecursive, unitBag (L loc sel_bind)))
loc = getSrcSpan sel_name
+ sel_id = mkExportedLocalId rec_details sel_name sel_ty
lbl = flLabel fl
sel_name = flSelector fl
- sel_id = mkExportedLocalId rec_details sel_name sel_ty
- rec_details = RecSelId { sel_tycon = idDetails, sel_naughty = is_naughty }
+ rec_details = RecSelId { sel_tycon = tycon, sel_naughty = is_naughty }
-- Find a representative constructor, con1
- cons_w_field = conLikesWithFields all_cons [lbl]
+ all_cons = tyConDataCons tycon
+ cons_w_field = tyConDataConsWithFields tycon [lbl]
con1 = ASSERT( not (null cons_w_field) ) head cons_w_field
-- Selector type; Note [Polymorphic selectors]
- field_ty = conLikeFieldType con1 lbl
+ field_ty = dataConFieldType con1 lbl
+ data_ty = dataConOrigResTy con1
data_tvs = tyVarsOfType data_ty
is_naughty = not (tyVarsOfType field_ty `subVarSet` data_tvs)
(field_tvs, field_theta, field_tau) = tcSplitSigmaTy field_ty
sel_ty | is_naughty = unitTy -- See Note [Naughty record selectors]
| otherwise = mkForAllTys (varSetElemsKvsFirst $
data_tvs `extendVarSetList` field_tvs) $
- mkPhiTy (conLikeStupidTheta con1) $ -- Urgh!
+ mkPhiTy (dataConStupidTheta con1) $ -- Urgh!
mkPhiTy field_theta $ -- Urgh!
- -- req_theta is empty for normal DataCon
- mkPhiTy req_theta $
mkFunTy data_ty field_tau
-- Make the binding: sel (C2 { fld = x }) = x
@@ -976,14 +934,8 @@ mkOneRecordSelector all_cons idDetails fl =
-- data instance T Int a where
-- A :: { fld :: Int } -> T Int Bool
-- B :: { fld :: Int } -> T Int Char
- dealt_with :: ConLike -> Bool
- dealt_with (PatSynCon _) = False -- We can't predict overlap
- dealt_with con@(RealDataCon dc) =
- con `elem` cons_w_field || dataConCannotMatch inst_tys dc
- (univ_tvs, _, eq_spec, _, req_theta, _, data_ty) = conLikeFullSig con1
- inst_tys = substTyVars (mkTopTvSubst eq_spec) univ_tvs
+ dealt_with con = con `elem` cons_w_field || dataConCannotMatch inst_tys con
+ inst_tys = substTyVars (mkTopTvSubst (dataConEqSpec con1)) (dataConUnivTyVars con1)
unit_rhs = mkLHsTupleExpr []
msg_lit = HsStringPrim "" (fastStringToByteString lbl)