path: root/compiler/typecheck/TcTypeNats.hs
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authorIavor S. Diatchki <>2013-09-12 23:19:21 -0700
committerIavor S. Diatchki <>2013-09-12 23:19:21 -0700
commit1f77a5341cbd6649a6bc2af868002728cd79b9d7 (patch)
tree66daf8120722af710af7d99530d142993d9ddb44 /compiler/typecheck/TcTypeNats.hs
parentad15c2b4bd37082ce989268b3d2f86a2cd34386a (diff)
Add support for evaluation of type-level natural numbers.
This patch implements some simple evaluation of type-level expressions featuring natural numbers. We can evaluate *concrete* expressions that use the built-in type families (+), (*), (^), and (<=?), declared in GHC.TypeLits. We can also do some type inference involving these functions. For example, if we encounter a constraint such as `(2 + x) ~ 5` we can infer that `x` must be 3. Note, however, this is used only to resolve unification variables (i.e., as a form of a constraint improvement) and not to generate new facts. This is similar to how functional dependencies work in GHC. The patch adds a new form of coercion, `AxiomRuleCo`, which makes use of a new form of axiom called `CoAxiomRule`. This is the form of evidence generate when we solve a constraint, such as `(1 + 2) ~ 3`. The patch also adds support for built-in type-families, by adding a new form of TyCon rhs: `BuiltInSynFamTyCon`. such built-in type-family constructors contain a record with functions that are used by the constraint solver to simplify and improve constraints involving the built-in function (see `TcInteract`). The record in defined in `FamInst`. The type constructors and rules for evaluating the type-level functions are in a new module called `TcTypeNats`.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/typecheck/TcTypeNats.hs')
1 files changed, 467 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcTypeNats.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcTypeNats.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3d3ebb9952
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcTypeNats.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+module TcTypeNats
+ ( typeNatTyCons
+ , typeNatCoAxiomRules
+ , TcBuiltInSynFamily(..)
+ ) where
+import Type
+import Pair
+import TcType ( TcType )
+import TyCon ( TyCon, SynTyConRhs(..), mkSynTyCon, TyConParent(..) )
+import Coercion ( Role(..) )
+import TcRnTypes ( Xi )
+import TcEvidence ( mkTcAxiomRuleCo, TcCoercion )
+import CoAxiom ( CoAxiomRule(..) )
+import Name ( Name, BuiltInSyntax(..) )
+import TysWiredIn ( typeNatKind, mkWiredInTyConName
+ , promotedBoolTyCon
+ , promotedFalseDataCon, promotedTrueDataCon
+ )
+import TysPrim ( tyVarList, mkArrowKinds )
+import PrelNames ( gHC_TYPELITS
+ , typeNatAddTyFamNameKey
+ , typeNatMulTyFamNameKey
+ , typeNatExpTyFamNameKey
+ , typeNatLeqTyFamNameKey
+ )
+import FamInst ( TcBuiltInSynFamily(..) )
+import FastString ( FastString, fsLit )
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Maybe ( isJust )
+Built-in type constructors for functions on type-lelve nats
+typeNatTyCons :: [TyCon]
+typeNatTyCons =
+ [ typeNatAddTyCon
+ , typeNatMulTyCon
+ , typeNatExpTyCon
+ , typeNatLeqTyCon
+ ]
+typeNatAddTyCon :: TyCon
+typeNatAddTyCon = mkTypeNatFunTyCon2 name
+ TcBuiltInSynFamily
+ { sfMatchFam = matchFamAdd
+ , sfInteractTop = interactTopAdd
+ , sfInteractInert = interactInertAdd
+ }
+ where
+ name = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPELITS (fsLit "+")
+ typeNatAddTyFamNameKey typeNatAddTyCon
+typeNatMulTyCon :: TyCon
+typeNatMulTyCon = mkTypeNatFunTyCon2 name
+ TcBuiltInSynFamily
+ { sfMatchFam = matchFamMul
+ , sfInteractTop = interactTopMul
+ , sfInteractInert = interactInertMul
+ }
+ where
+ name = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPELITS (fsLit "*")
+ typeNatMulTyFamNameKey typeNatMulTyCon
+typeNatExpTyCon :: TyCon
+typeNatExpTyCon = mkTypeNatFunTyCon2 name
+ TcBuiltInSynFamily
+ { sfMatchFam = matchFamExp
+ , sfInteractTop = interactTopExp
+ , sfInteractInert = interactInertExp
+ }
+ where
+ name = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPELITS (fsLit "^")
+ typeNatExpTyFamNameKey typeNatExpTyCon
+typeNatLeqTyCon :: TyCon
+typeNatLeqTyCon =
+ mkSynTyCon name
+ (mkArrowKinds [ typeNatKind, typeNatKind ] boolKind)
+ (take 2 $ tyVarList typeNatKind)
+ [Nominal,Nominal]
+ (BuiltInSynFamTyCon ops)
+ NoParentTyCon
+ where
+ name = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPELITS (fsLit "<=?")
+ typeNatLeqTyFamNameKey typeNatLeqTyCon
+ ops = TcBuiltInSynFamily
+ { sfMatchFam = matchFamLeq
+ , sfInteractTop = interactTopLeq
+ , sfInteractInert = interactInertLeq
+ }
+-- Make a binary built-in constructor of kind: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
+mkTypeNatFunTyCon2 :: Name -> TcBuiltInSynFamily -> TyCon
+mkTypeNatFunTyCon2 op tcb =
+ mkSynTyCon op
+ (mkArrowKinds [ typeNatKind, typeNatKind ] typeNatKind)
+ (take 2 $ tyVarList typeNatKind)
+ [Nominal,Nominal]
+ (BuiltInSynFamTyCon tcb)
+ NoParentTyCon
+Built-in rules axioms
+-- If you add additional rules, please remember to add them to
+-- `typeNatCoAxiomRules` also.
+ , axMulDef
+ , axExpDef
+ , axLeqDef
+ , axAdd0L
+ , axAdd0R
+ , axMul0L
+ , axMul0R
+ , axMul1L
+ , axMul1R
+ , axExp1L
+ , axExp0R
+ , axExp1R
+ , axLeqRefl
+ , axLeq0L
+ :: CoAxiomRule
+axAddDef = mkBinAxiom "AddDef" typeNatAddTyCon $
+ \x y -> num (x + y)
+axMulDef = mkBinAxiom "MulDef" typeNatMulTyCon $
+ \x y -> num (x * y)
+axExpDef = mkBinAxiom "ExpDef" typeNatExpTyCon $
+ \x y -> num (x ^ y)
+axLeqDef = mkBinAxiom "LeqDef" typeNatLeqTyCon $
+ \x y -> bool (x <= y)
+axAdd0L = mkAxiom1 "Add0L" $ \t -> (num 0 .+. t) === t
+axAdd0R = mkAxiom1 "Add0R" $ \t -> (t .+. num 0) === t
+axMul0L = mkAxiom1 "Mul0L" $ \t -> (num 0 .*. t) === num 0
+axMul0R = mkAxiom1 "Mul0R" $ \t -> (t .*. num 0) === num 0
+axMul1L = mkAxiom1 "Mul1L" $ \t -> (num 1 .*. t) === t
+axMul1R = mkAxiom1 "Mul1R" $ \t -> (t .*. num 1) === t
+axExp1L = mkAxiom1 "Exp1L" $ \t -> (num 1 .^. t) === num 1
+axExp0R = mkAxiom1 "Exp0R" $ \t -> (t .^. num 0) === num 1
+axExp1R = mkAxiom1 "Exp1R" $ \t -> (t .^. num 1) === t
+axLeqRefl = mkAxiom1 "LeqRefl" $ \t -> (t <== t) === bool True
+axLeq0L = mkAxiom1 "Leq0L" $ \t -> (num 0 <== t) === bool True
+typeNatCoAxiomRules :: Map.Map FastString CoAxiomRule
+typeNatCoAxiomRules = Map.fromList $ map (\x -> (coaxrName x, x))
+ [ axAddDef
+ , axMulDef
+ , axExpDef
+ , axLeqDef
+ , axAdd0L
+ , axAdd0R
+ , axMul0L
+ , axMul0R
+ , axMul1L
+ , axMul1R
+ , axExp1L
+ , axExp0R
+ , axExp1R
+ , axLeqRefl
+ , axLeq0L
+ ]
+Various utilities for making axioms and types
+(.+.) :: Type -> Type -> Type
+s .+. t = mkTyConApp typeNatAddTyCon [s,t]
+(.*.) :: Type -> Type -> Type
+s .*. t = mkTyConApp typeNatMulTyCon [s,t]
+(.^.) :: Type -> Type -> Type
+s .^. t = mkTyConApp typeNatExpTyCon [s,t]
+(<==) :: Type -> Type -> Type
+s <== t = mkTyConApp typeNatLeqTyCon [s,t]
+(===) :: Type -> Type -> Pair Type
+x === y = Pair x y
+num :: Integer -> Type
+num = mkNumLitTy
+boolKind :: Kind
+boolKind = mkTyConApp promotedBoolTyCon []
+bool :: Bool -> Type
+bool b = if b then mkTyConApp promotedTrueDataCon []
+ else mkTyConApp promotedFalseDataCon []
+isBoolLitTy :: Type -> Maybe Bool
+isBoolLitTy tc =
+ do (tc,[]) <- splitTyConApp_maybe tc
+ case () of
+ _ | tc == promotedFalseDataCon -> return False
+ | tc == promotedTrueDataCon -> return True
+ | otherwise -> Nothing
+known :: (Integer -> Bool) -> TcType -> Bool
+known p x = case isNumLitTy x of
+ Just a -> p a
+ Nothing -> False
+-- For the definitional axioms
+mkBinAxiom :: String -> TyCon ->
+ (Integer -> Integer -> Type) -> CoAxiomRule
+mkBinAxiom str tc f =
+ CoAxiomRule
+ { coaxrName = fsLit str
+ , coaxrTypeArity = 2
+ , coaxrAsmpRoles = []
+ , coaxrRole = Nominal
+ , coaxrProves = \ts cs ->
+ case (ts,cs) of
+ ([s,t],[]) -> do x <- isNumLitTy s
+ y <- isNumLitTy t
+ return (mkTyConApp tc [s,t] === f x y)
+ _ -> Nothing
+ }
+mkAxiom1 :: String -> (Type -> Pair Type) -> CoAxiomRule
+mkAxiom1 str f =
+ CoAxiomRule
+ { coaxrName = fsLit str
+ , coaxrTypeArity = 1
+ , coaxrAsmpRoles = []
+ , coaxrRole = Nominal
+ , coaxrProves = \ts cs ->
+ case (ts,cs) of
+ ([s],[]) -> return (f s)
+ _ -> Nothing
+ }
+matchFamAdd :: [Type] -> Maybe (TcCoercion, TcType)
+matchFamAdd [s,t]
+ | Just 0 <- mbX = Just (mkTcAxiomRuleCo axAdd0L [t] [], t)
+ | Just 0 <- mbY = Just (mkTcAxiomRuleCo axAdd0R [s] [], s)
+ | Just x <- mbX, Just y <- mbY =
+ Just (mkTcAxiomRuleCo axAddDef [s,t] [], num (x + y))
+ where mbX = isNumLitTy s
+ mbY = isNumLitTy t
+matchFamAdd _ = Nothing
+matchFamMul :: [Xi] -> Maybe (TcCoercion, Xi)
+matchFamMul [s,t]
+ | Just 0 <- mbX = Just (mkTcAxiomRuleCo axMul0L [t] [], num 0)
+ | Just 0 <- mbY = Just (mkTcAxiomRuleCo axMul0R [s] [], num 0)
+ | Just 1 <- mbX = Just (mkTcAxiomRuleCo axMul1L [t] [], t)
+ | Just 1 <- mbY = Just (mkTcAxiomRuleCo axMul1R [s] [], s)
+ | Just x <- mbX, Just y <- mbY =
+ Just (mkTcAxiomRuleCo axMulDef [s,t] [], num (x * y))
+ where mbX = isNumLitTy s
+ mbY = isNumLitTy t
+matchFamMul _ = Nothing
+matchFamExp :: [Xi] -> Maybe (TcCoercion, Xi)
+matchFamExp [s,t]
+ | Just 0 <- mbY = Just (mkTcAxiomRuleCo axExp0R [s] [], num 1)
+ | Just 1 <- mbX = Just (mkTcAxiomRuleCo axExp1L [t] [], num 1)
+ | Just 1 <- mbY = Just (mkTcAxiomRuleCo axExp1R [s] [], s)
+ | Just x <- mbX, Just y <- mbY =
+ Just (mkTcAxiomRuleCo axExpDef [s,t] [], num (x ^ y))
+ where mbX = isNumLitTy s
+ mbY = isNumLitTy t
+matchFamExp _ = Nothing
+matchFamLeq :: [Xi] -> Maybe (TcCoercion, Xi)
+matchFamLeq [s,t]
+ | Just 0 <- mbX = Just (mkTcAxiomRuleCo axLeq0L [t] [], bool True)
+ | Just x <- mbX, Just y <- mbY =
+ Just (mkTcAxiomRuleCo axLeqDef [s,t] [], bool (x <= y))
+ | eqType s t = Just (mkTcAxiomRuleCo axLeqRefl [s] [], bool True)
+ where mbX = isNumLitTy s
+ mbY = isNumLitTy t
+matchFamLeq _ = Nothing
+Interact with axioms
+interactTopAdd :: [Xi] -> Xi -> [Pair Type]
+interactTopAdd [s,t] r
+ | Just 0 <- mbZ = [ s === num 0, t === num 0 ]
+ | Just x <- mbX, Just z <- mbZ, Just y <- minus z x = [t === num y]
+ | Just y <- mbY, Just z <- mbZ, Just x <- minus z y = [s === num x]
+ where
+ mbX = isNumLitTy s
+ mbY = isNumLitTy t
+ mbZ = isNumLitTy r
+interactTopAdd _ _ = []
+interactTopMul :: [Xi] -> Xi -> [Pair Type]
+interactTopMul [s,t] r
+ | Just 1 <- mbZ = [ s === num 1, t === num 1 ]
+ | Just x <- mbX, Just z <- mbZ, Just y <- divide z x = [t === num y]
+ | Just y <- mbY, Just z <- mbZ, Just x <- divide z y = [s === num x]
+ where
+ mbX = isNumLitTy s
+ mbY = isNumLitTy t
+ mbZ = isNumLitTy r
+interactTopMul _ _ = []
+interactTopExp :: [Xi] -> Xi -> [Pair Type]
+interactTopExp [s,t] r
+ | Just 0 <- mbZ = [ s === num 0 ]
+ | Just x <- mbX, Just z <- mbZ, Just y <- logExact z x = [t === num y]
+ | Just y <- mbY, Just z <- mbZ, Just x <- rootExact z y = [s === num x]
+ where
+ mbX = isNumLitTy s
+ mbY = isNumLitTy t
+ mbZ = isNumLitTy r
+interactTopExp _ _ = []
+interactTopLeq :: [Xi] -> Xi -> [Pair Type]
+interactTopLeq [s,t] r
+ | Just 0 <- mbY, Just True <- mbZ = [ s === num 0 ]
+ where
+ mbY = isNumLitTy t
+ mbZ = isBoolLitTy r
+interactTopLeq _ _ = []
+Interacton with inerts
+interactInertAdd :: [Xi] -> Xi -> [Xi] -> Xi -> [Pair Type]
+interactInertAdd [x1,y1] z1 [x2,y2] z2
+ | sameZ && eqType x1 x2 = [ y1 === y2 ]
+ | sameZ && eqType y1 y2 = [ x1 === x2 ]
+ where sameZ = eqType z1 z2
+interactInertAdd _ _ _ _ = []
+interactInertMul :: [Xi] -> Xi -> [Xi] -> Xi -> [Pair Type]
+interactInertMul [x1,y1] z1 [x2,y2] z2
+ | sameZ && known (/= 0) x1 && eqType x1 x2 = [ y1 === y2 ]
+ | sameZ && known (/= 0) y1 && eqType y1 y2 = [ x1 === x2 ]
+ where sameZ = eqType z1 z2
+interactInertMul _ _ _ _ = []
+interactInertExp :: [Xi] -> Xi -> [Xi] -> Xi -> [Pair Type]
+interactInertExp [x1,y1] z1 [x2,y2] z2
+ | sameZ && known (> 1) x1 && eqType x1 x2 = [ y1 === y2 ]
+ | sameZ && known (> 0) y1 && eqType y1 y2 = [ x1 === x2 ]
+ where sameZ = eqType z1 z2
+interactInertExp _ _ _ _ = []
+interactInertLeq :: [Xi] -> Xi -> [Xi] -> Xi -> [Pair Type]
+interactInertLeq [x1,y1] z1 [x2,y2] z2
+ | bothTrue && eqType x1 y2 && eqType y1 x2 = [ x1 === y1 ]
+ | bothTrue && eqType y1 x2 = [ (x1 <== y2) === bool True ]
+ | bothTrue && eqType y2 x1 = [ (x2 <== y1) === bool True ]
+ where bothTrue = isJust $ do True <- isBoolLitTy z1
+ True <- isBoolLitTy z2
+ return ()
+interactInertLeq _ _ _ _ = []
+{- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+These inverse functions are used for simplifying propositions using
+concrete natural numbers.
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
+-- | Subtract two natural numbers.
+minus :: Integer -> Integer -> Maybe Integer
+minus x y = if x >= y then Just (x - y) else Nothing
+-- | Compute the exact logarithm of a natural number.
+-- The logarithm base is the second argument.
+logExact :: Integer -> Integer -> Maybe Integer
+logExact x y = do (z,True) <- genLog x y
+ return z
+-- | Divide two natural numbers.
+divide :: Integer -> Integer -> Maybe Integer
+divide _ 0 = Nothing
+divide x y = case divMod x y of
+ (a,0) -> Just a
+ _ -> Nothing
+-- | Compute the exact root of a natural number.
+-- The second argument specifies which root we are computing.
+rootExact :: Integer -> Integer -> Maybe Integer
+rootExact x y = do (z,True) <- genRoot x y
+ return z
+{- | Compute the the n-th root of a natural number, rounded down to
+the closest natural number. The boolean indicates if the result
+is exact (i.e., True means no rounding was done, False means rounded down).
+The second argument specifies which root we are computing. -}
+genRoot :: Integer -> Integer -> Maybe (Integer, Bool)
+genRoot _ 0 = Nothing
+genRoot x0 1 = Just (x0, True)
+genRoot x0 root = Just (search 0 (x0+1))
+ where
+ search from to = let x = from + div (to - from) 2
+ a = x ^ root
+ in case compare a x0 of
+ EQ -> (x, True)
+ LT | x /= from -> search x to
+ | otherwise -> (from, False)
+ GT | x /= to -> search from x
+ | otherwise -> (from, False)
+{- | Compute the logarithm of a number in the given base, rounded down to the
+closest integer. The boolean indicates if we the result is exact
+(i.e., True means no rounding happened, False means we rounded down).
+The logarithm base is the second argument. -}
+genLog :: Integer -> Integer -> Maybe (Integer, Bool)
+genLog x 0 = if x == 1 then Just (0, True) else Nothing
+genLog _ 1 = Nothing
+genLog 0 _ = Nothing
+genLog x base = Just (exactLoop 0 x)
+ where
+ exactLoop s i
+ | i == 1 = (s,True)
+ | i < base = (s,False)
+ | otherwise =
+ let s1 = s + 1
+ in s1 `seq` case divMod i base of
+ (j,r)
+ | r == 0 -> exactLoop s1 j
+ | otherwise -> (underLoop s1 j, False)
+ underLoop s i
+ | i < base = s
+ | otherwise = let s1 = s + 1 in s1 `seq` underLoop s1 (div i base)