path: root/compiler/typecheck/TcValidity.hs
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authorRyan Scott <>2019-01-08 07:37:18 -0500
committerRyan Scott <>2019-01-08 07:37:18 -0500
commit6b70cf611e5ddc475edaa54b893d20990699ddb8 (patch)
treeb8cacfce9a907079df9475a943caa9e7c8ce0085 /compiler/typecheck/TcValidity.hs
parent6b5ec08a4a64525bae87a8c2202688ffc6f86aa8 (diff)
Be pickier about unsaturated synonyms in :kind
Summary: We currently permit any and all uses of unsaturated type synonyms and type families in GHCi's `:kind` command, which allows strange interactions like this one: ``` > :set -XTypeFamilies -XPolyKinds > type family Id (a :: k) > type instance Id a = a > type Foo x = Maybe > :kind! Id Foo ``` This is probably a stretch too far, so this patch moves to disallow unsaturated synonyms that aren't at the top level (we still want to allow `:kind Id`, for instance). We do this by augmenting `GhciCtxt` with an additional `Bool` field to indicate if we are at the outermost level of the type being passed to `:kind` or not. See `Note [Unsaturated type synonyms in GHCi]` in `TcValidity` for the full story. Test Plan: make test TEST=T16013 Reviewers: goldfire, bgamari Reviewed By: goldfire Subscribers: simonpj, goldfire, rwbarton, carter GHC Trac Issues: #16013 Differential Revision:
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/typecheck/TcValidity.hs')
1 files changed, 54 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcValidity.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcValidity.hs
index 867e202218..64f5bc779c 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcValidity.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcValidity.hs
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ checkAmbiguity ctxt ty
wantAmbiguityCheck :: UserTypeCtxt -> Bool
wantAmbiguityCheck ctxt
= case ctxt of -- See Note [When we don't check for ambiguity]
- GhciCtxt -> False
+ GhciCtxt {} -> False
TySynCtxt {} -> False
TypeAppCtxt -> False
_ -> True
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ checkValidType ctxt ty
ForSigCtxt _ -> rank1
SpecInstCtxt -> rank1
ThBrackCtxt -> rank1
- GhciCtxt -> ArbitraryRank
+ GhciCtxt {} -> ArbitraryRank
TyVarBndrKindCtxt _ -> rank0
DataKindCtxt _ -> rank1
@@ -547,16 +547,63 @@ check_syn_tc_app env ctxt rank ty tc tys
in addErrCtxt err_ctxt $ check_type env ctxt rank ty'
Nothing -> pprPanic "check_tau_type" (ppr ty) }
- | GhciCtxt <- ctxt -- Accept under-saturated type synonyms in
- -- GHCi :kind commands; see Trac #7586
+ | GhciCtxt True <- ctxt -- Accept outermost under-saturated type synonym or
+ -- type family constructors in GHCi :kind commands.
+ -- See Note [Unsaturated type synonyms in GHCi]
= mapM_ check_arg tys
| otherwise
= failWithTc (tyConArityErr tc tys)
tc_arity = tyConArity tc
- check_arg | isTypeFamilyTyCon tc = check_arg_type env ctxt rank
- | otherwise = check_type env ctxt synArgMonoType
+ check_arg
+ | isTypeFamilyTyCon tc = check_arg_type env arg_ctxt rank
+ | otherwise = check_type env arg_ctxt synArgMonoType
+ arg_ctxt
+ | GhciCtxt _ <- ctxt = GhciCtxt False
+ -- When checking an argument, set the field of GhciCtxt to False to
+ -- indicate that we are no longer in an outermost position (and thus
+ -- unsaturated synonyms are no longer allowed).
+ -- See Note [Unsaturated type synonyms in GHCi]
+ | otherwise = ctxt
+Note [Unsaturated type synonyms in GHCi]
+Generally speaking, GHC disallows unsaturated uses of type synonyms or type
+families. For instance, if one defines `type Const a b = a`, then GHC will not
+permit using `Const` unless it is applied to (at least) two arguments. There is
+an exception to this rule, however: GHCi's :kind command. For instance, it
+is quite common to look up the kind of a type constructor like so:
+ λ> :kind Const
+ Const :: j -> k -> j
+ λ> :kind Const Int
+ Const Int :: k -> Type
+Strictly speaking, the two uses of `Const` above are unsaturated, but this
+is an extremely benign (and useful) example of unsaturation, so we allow it
+here as a special case.
+That being said, we do not allow unsaturation carte blanche in GHCi. Otherwise,
+this GHCi interaction would be possible:
+ λ> newtype Fix f = MkFix (f (Fix f))
+ λ> type Id a = a
+ λ> :kind Fix Id
+ Fix Id :: Type
+This is rather dodgy, so we move to disallow this. We only permit unsaturated
+synonyms in GHCi if they are *top-level*—that is, if the synonym is the
+outermost type being applied. This allows `Const` and `Const Int` in the
+first example, but not `Fix Id` in the second example, as `Id` is not the
+outermost type being applied (`Fix` is).
+We track this outermost property in the GhciCtxt constructor of UserTypeCtxt.
+A field of True in GhciCtxt indicates that we're in an outermost position. Any
+time we invoke `check_arg` to check the validity of an argument, we switch the
+field to False.
check_ubx_tuple :: TidyEnv -> UserTypeCtxt -> KindOrType
@@ -1007,7 +1054,7 @@ okIPCtxt GenSigCtxt = True
okIPCtxt (ConArgCtxt {}) = True
okIPCtxt (ForSigCtxt {}) = True -- ??
okIPCtxt ThBrackCtxt = True
-okIPCtxt GhciCtxt = True
+okIPCtxt (GhciCtxt {}) = True
okIPCtxt SigmaCtxt = True
okIPCtxt (DataTyCtxt {}) = True
okIPCtxt (PatSynCtxt {}) = True