path: root/compiler/utils/BufWrite.hs
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authorSylvain Henry <>2020-04-20 16:54:38 +0200
committerMarge Bot <>2020-04-26 13:55:14 -0400
commitaf332442123878c1b61d236dce46418efcbe8750 (patch)
treeec4b332843cdd4fedb4aa60b11b7b8dba82a0764 /compiler/utils/BufWrite.hs
parentb0fbfc7582fb81314dc28a056536737fb5eeaa6e (diff)
Modules: Utils and Data (#13009)
Update Haddock submodule Metric Increase: haddock.compiler
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/utils/BufWrite.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 145 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/utils/BufWrite.hs b/compiler/utils/BufWrite.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a28f470f4..0000000000
--- a/compiler/utils/BufWrite.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
--- Fast write-buffered Handles
--- (c) The University of Glasgow 2005-2006
--- This is a simple abstraction over Handles that offers very fast write
--- buffering, but without the thread safety that Handles provide. It's used
--- to save time in Pretty.printDoc.
-module BufWrite (
- BufHandle(..),
- newBufHandle,
- bPutChar,
- bPutStr,
- bPutFS,
- bPutFZS,
- bPutPtrString,
- bPutReplicate,
- bFlush,
- ) where
-import GhcPrelude
-import FastString
-import FastMutInt
-import Control.Monad ( when )
-import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BS
-import Data.Char ( ord )
-import Foreign
-import Foreign.C.String
-import System.IO
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-data BufHandle = BufHandle {-#UNPACK#-}!(Ptr Word8)
- {-#UNPACK#-}!FastMutInt
- Handle
-newBufHandle :: Handle -> IO BufHandle
-newBufHandle hdl = do
- ptr <- mallocBytes buf_size
- r <- newFastMutInt
- writeFastMutInt r 0
- return (BufHandle ptr r hdl)
-buf_size :: Int
-buf_size = 8192
-bPutChar :: BufHandle -> Char -> IO ()
-bPutChar b@(BufHandle buf r hdl) !c = do
- i <- readFastMutInt r
- if (i >= buf_size)
- then do hPutBuf hdl buf buf_size
- writeFastMutInt r 0
- bPutChar b c
- else do pokeElemOff buf i (fromIntegral (ord c) :: Word8)
- writeFastMutInt r (i+1)
-bPutStr :: BufHandle -> String -> IO ()
-bPutStr (BufHandle buf r hdl) !str = do
- i <- readFastMutInt r
- loop str i
- where loop "" !i = do writeFastMutInt r i; return ()
- loop (c:cs) !i
- | i >= buf_size = do
- hPutBuf hdl buf buf_size
- loop (c:cs) 0
- | otherwise = do
- pokeElemOff buf i (fromIntegral (ord c))
- loop cs (i+1)
-bPutFS :: BufHandle -> FastString -> IO ()
-bPutFS b fs = bPutBS b $ bytesFS fs
-bPutFZS :: BufHandle -> FastZString -> IO ()
-bPutFZS b fs = bPutBS b $ fastZStringToByteString fs
-bPutBS :: BufHandle -> ByteString -> IO ()
-bPutBS b bs = BS.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs $ bPutCStringLen b
-bPutCStringLen :: BufHandle -> CStringLen -> IO ()
-bPutCStringLen b@(BufHandle buf r hdl) cstr@(ptr, len) = do
- i <- readFastMutInt r
- if (i + len) >= buf_size
- then do hPutBuf hdl buf i
- writeFastMutInt r 0
- if (len >= buf_size)
- then hPutBuf hdl ptr len
- else bPutCStringLen b cstr
- else do
- copyBytes (buf `plusPtr` i) ptr len
- writeFastMutInt r (i + len)
-bPutPtrString :: BufHandle -> PtrString -> IO ()
-bPutPtrString b@(BufHandle buf r hdl) l@(PtrString a len) = l `seq` do
- i <- readFastMutInt r
- if (i+len) >= buf_size
- then do hPutBuf hdl buf i
- writeFastMutInt r 0
- if (len >= buf_size)
- then hPutBuf hdl a len
- else bPutPtrString b l
- else do
- copyBytes (buf `plusPtr` i) a len
- writeFastMutInt r (i+len)
--- | Replicate an 8-bit character
-bPutReplicate :: BufHandle -> Int -> Char -> IO ()
-bPutReplicate (BufHandle buf r hdl) len c = do
- i <- readFastMutInt r
- let oc = fromIntegral (ord c)
- if (i+len) < buf_size
- then do
- fillBytes (buf `plusPtr` i) oc len
- writeFastMutInt r (i+len)
- else do
- -- flush the current buffer
- when (i /= 0) $ hPutBuf hdl buf i
- if (len < buf_size)
- then do
- fillBytes buf oc len
- writeFastMutInt r len
- else do
- -- fill a full buffer
- fillBytes buf oc buf_size
- -- flush it as many times as necessary
- let go n | n >= buf_size = do
- hPutBuf hdl buf buf_size
- go (n-buf_size)
- | otherwise = writeFastMutInt r n
- go len
-bFlush :: BufHandle -> IO ()
-bFlush (BufHandle buf r hdl) = do
- i <- readFastMutInt r
- when (i > 0) $ hPutBuf hdl buf i
- free buf
- return ()